By dirtyworksowen

71.3K 3.6K 1.1K

After losing his mom in a mysterious way, Elia moves to another city to live with his grandparents. His life... More

Beautiful Boys Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
RIP Owen❤️

Chapter 50

593 38 13
By dirtyworksowen

So, I knew I had to make an update before you killed me, so, here it is! Not edited


"Thanks, um- I'll come a bit later..." I tell my dad and Leo as I walk to Elia's front door. I'm about to knock, but I just open it. It's not like his grandparents are around. It's only him and Xander. I should say I'm surprised by the way the house looks, it looks so clean and spotless. I walk up the stairs slowly as I am exhausted. Once on the top step, I hear some noisy sounds coming from somewhere.

I embrace myself for anything as I walk to lean against Elia's door. Thant's when I hear a sniff accompanied by a sob. I open the door immediately to see Elia on the far corner of the room with knees pulled up to his chest, my heart breaks.

"El- babe..." I walk over him and kneel. He looks up to look up at me. His face plastered with surprise faces me surprised to see me. His hands immediately fly to wipe tears from his eyes but I hold them back. And he breaks in my arms.

This isn't the first time I've seen Elia cry, and this wont be the last, I know- but this is the hardest I've seen him cry. I pull him into a hug and force to place his head on my chest. He doesn't resist but settle in between my legs. I position myself to lean on the walls bringing him with me.

Elia cries swells tears in my eyes. I don't what happened, but it must have been huge. Or maybe... he misses his parents it's hard to lose your parents I believe, but I will never know to what extent since I haven't lost mine.

He cries for over ten minutes, violently sobbing and sniffing. I hold him and rock him back and forth until his sobs turns into muffing sniffs.

After maybe another 10 minutes, he pulls back from my hands. "I'm sorry Nate." Just by calling me Nate makes me know something is up. I look at him, and honestly, I can see those blue eyes apologize. But what for? I don't get the chance to ask him what for before he starts talking.

"I- remember the hickeys? And- um... me telling you about- someone I was... just.., making out with?" he asks. I nod looking deep into his eyes. "It was- it was Xander."

The words get me off guard. It was Xander? As in? as in the person Elia was-

"What?" I panic immediately standing up. Xander is- bi?

"I know I messed up... but I can make it right... I promise!" he cries. "Nothing was going on between us then... there wasn't even a you and me Nate, please don't leave me!" he must have panicked when I start to walk to the door Actually, I'm just pacing.

"Elia! I'm not leaving you." I tell him massaging my temples. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared." He confesses. "I was scared."

"And Xander... does he-"

"He is gay, I know it's not my position to tell you this... but he was gay, from when I first saw him, from before that. That's why he broke up with Sage..."

"And that was it!?" my concern had nothing to do with Xander being gay. Coming to look at it now, it makes sense, he is gay... the way he was the calmest when our clique has sex with every girl in our way, the way he never really wanted to bully the gays- the way he talks... walks... oh My god! How did I miss this... but Xander is Xander, right now... it Elia and I. "That was it... it was just before we dated... and nothing after, right?"

Elia opens his mouth to say something, but closes it right after. His face tightens as another wave of tears start to attack him. This cant be happening- he- cheated on my with my best friend! With my best friend!


"Let me explain... please... let me explain it's not my- it is- but..."

"But you cheated on me with my best friend! Do you know what that means to me! you!" I point at him. "I don't- I don't trust you anymore- you have the guts to- with my- Elia!" I yell walking to him. He sobs looking on the floor. His tears do nothing than anger me, I am the one who should be in pain not him!


"What Elia! It was a mistake like the first time!?" I ironically laugh eying him. "Was it... or was it not!?"

"He kissed me!" he explodes. "He- he just kissed him... I slapped him... and he did so again... and- I'm sorry... I was placated by his charm and ... I didn't... I wasn't myself! I-"

"Was somebody?" I scoff.

"He did it! he kissed me!"

"Stop putting the blame on him! Please!" I take another step and shove him. He finally looks at me. "Did you kiss him back?"

He doesn't reply for long, the he nods, focusing on the floor again. I scoff. Oh... he kissed him back... Okay?

"So why are you crying... it seems as if you enjoyed... what else did you do? Huh? Sucked him off on the same bed you sucked me off... moaned his name the same way you did to mine... fucked? Did you fuck! Was it fun!? Or- did- did you- even... even- had shame when- when you kissed him back? Did it feel so good- did did- you're a slut Elia! How co-"

"I didn't su-"

"But why?" I ask. I don't even realize every word I say is accompanied by a sob, I don't even realize I am crying until tears tickle down my neck. "Why- am- am I not enough for you?"

"Please... no- I'm so sorry... he kissed me... i- I shouldn't have kissed him back- I- was...I- just... I'm sorry... I send him away- I told him never to involve himself in my life! I told him to-"

"But will that change the fact that he- you kissed him." Elia says nothing. He keeps his face on the floor. "Huh?"

"If you leave me I'll be nothing- please..."

"You're caring about what you'll be after I leave you?" I scoff. "You're- unbelievable."

"I- please! I didn't mean to... he just forced me to kiss him... I didn't like it Nate, it wasn't like when you kiss me... it was- nothing... I swear! I will do anything to make you forgive me." He drops on his knees and holds my knees each with each hand." I just- can't let this break us... not after everything we've been through... I- please Nate... please."

My heart aches seeing him open up to me, being all vulnerable. Subconsciously, I nod, but take a step back, his hands leaving my knees and dropping to he floor.

"Alright." I nod. "Okay..." I say as I walk to the door.

"Please don't leave me!" he cries running to me and taking my hand. "I'm sorry please!" he cries loud squeezing my hand tight enough to make it hurt.

"I'm not leaving you El, I'm- I wanna go home... I just want to go home." His hand leaves mine and touch the area he was squeezing. I walk out through the opened door and make my way downstairs. I pull my phone out of my pocket and go straight to contacts. I start to call, not sure who else to... I never call anybody else theses day, only Elia and Xander, the two people who has broken my heart.

"Ple-please come get me... I'm at Elia's please."

"Nate, you're alright?"

"Just come... please, I'll tell you everything." What is the point of keeping secrets anymore...

"Send me the address, I'll be there very soon."


"I can't believe that!"

"That's why I beat him up. I am straight Nate, you know there is nothing wrong with being gay, or bi or whatever... but there is something really wrong with imposing- that... to somebody." Garry says. "... I don't know.. all I'm saying is... Xander is good at convincing and placating with charm and his cute little features... he made me have sex with him... it's easy for him to make someone kiss him back- especially someone as weak as Elia."

I find nothing to say, just keep my mouth opened as he looks at me. "He came... apologizing... and ended up trying to do it all over again... then I lost it and send him away. The next day at school, he just came up to me in the old music room, he wanted to- you know... that's when I beat him up. I feel bad for it, though I don't regret it. Xander is Xander... if he managed to let coach stay I the team by telling him about how is parents abuse him, which they don't... that should have showed you the real side of our-your friend. He just needs to know the boundaries... that's all..."

"But he is mean and ruthless, selfish an-"

"He is still Xander, I know I am an asshole and jerk... but I'm still me. We both know your little boyfriend is selfish to be sure and just- just 'him'... but he's still Elia. You are mean at times, an asshole most of the times and- unappreciative every time... but you're you Nathaniel- don't focus on the negativity, try the positivity." I never knew Garry had a lot to say. He seemed to be yes, a jerk and asshole as he said, but he always was sure of one thing- he never interfered in people's life.

"I'm sorry to break this to you, but Elia is not to blame- just be sure what you'll do. You love him, I've never seen anyone make you like this... like when was the last time you pinned someone and beat the shit out of them?"

I laugh looking down at the water bottle in my hands. "Long time ago."

"Yes... long time ago... and that's-" he sighs. "Make the right decision Nate... if you make the wrong, don't worry... I'll kick your ass till you know which to pick." He gives me a smugy look.

"Okay..." I laugh.


I think there is some sort of demon that revolves around Elia and I whenever a holiday is about to approach. We were not talking before Christmas... and now, it's towards New Year... and yep... we're not talking... I mean... we talks a few hours ago, but that wasn't really talking... more of fighting.

I was frightened when Elia says he couldn't live without me, but the honest truth is, I don't know if I can either. That's the reason why I am standing by his door now about to knock.

I was so pissed that I didn't even listen to what he was to say. I have decided Xander is the devil here, I know Elia could have done better than what he did, but as he said, we can't leave each other after everything we have gone through... we can do better than that.

I knock on the door and ring the door bell all together. I take a step back shivering as I the cold weather hit me. The door open slightly and Elia's face pops out. He looks at me unsure of what to do. He steps out in his blue one piece pajama, his favorites from what I've learnt.

"Hie." I smile at him.

"Hey... um- Nate." I'm sure he cried even after I left. His eyes are blood shot, nose red, and he even has bags under his eyes.

"I got a new car on Christmas... I'm looking for someone to take on a ride."

He bites his bottom lip and smiles. His face lightens. "Um... I was about to sleep... but I can do that later... I'm free you know."

"So lets go." I motion to the car. He smiles and closes the door. "I'm sorry Nathaniel." he steps closer and wraps his hands around me.

"I know babe... I forgive you..." I pull off and plant a kiss on his lips, but he deepens the kiss holding me by the waist.

"Let's go." I push him off.

"Let me get my shoes."

"Oh trust me... you wont need them. Piggy ride?" he instantly jumps onto my back shrieking as I squeeze his butt. 

So, here is the thing.@jesskehnt asked " Will Nathaniel ever find out that Elia used to have a fling with Xander?" Honestly i didn't want him to know... but i thought it will bring a close relationship to the two that is Elia and Nate. That is why I had to put the whole kissing drama and breakup threat. I know this was  a shitty chapter, but the next last chapters will make up for it. So, you guys can ask me questions or tell me what you would like me to include in this story before it ends.

I'm pretty sure i will be updating again, since today i have nothing else to do... Guys i love you so much. Remember to vote and comment. 

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