By dirtyworksowen

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After losing his mom in a mysterious way, Elia moves to another city to live with his grandparents. His life... More

Beautiful Boys Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
RIP Owen❤️

Chapter 23

921 50 29
By dirtyworksowen

Sorry for the late chapter... and... i will be updating again tomorrow i promise. Vote and comment please... thank you.


"What the fuck are you doing with this fag here?" I swallow looking straight into Garry's eyes which are staring into mine with much hate. Nathaniel freezes next to me. He opens his mouth to say something but shut is close again.

Garry walks to me, I start to back up with every step he takes. I know Nathaniel is not going to defend me or anything. Yes, he took me here knowing we can run into someone from school but he took the risk, that is more than enough, he just wants to make me feel like I belong. But for him to do that, he has to ruin his social life.

"Nathaniel, you fucking the fag?" the other guy I'm not familiar with laughs. They all join in. I look over at Nathaniel whose eyes are fixed on the floor. I swear I have never thought there will be a time I will see Nathaniel like this. Even myself, I have always known the worst things will happen to me but I never really thought something like this.

When I am about to walk back outside knowing there is no way Nathaniel will ever defend me, not in a million years Garry takes the last big step forward that his chest is literally in my face Nathaniel speaks up. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know... beat the gay out of him?" I close my eyes preparing myself for a blow or something. But to my surprise nothing happens. I open my eyes to see Garry no longer in front of me and everyone looking at me.

I take steps back wanting to leave already but Nathaniel grabs my hand. "I took him here." My heart starts to beat as fast as never before, I start to feel dizzy, please no... no, please not a panic attack. I swear if I have a panic attack I will definitely embarrass myself. What is Nathaniel doing? I look at him the real Nathaniel back, standing firm looking at Garry.

"Oh, that fag-"

"Don't you dare call him that!" he hisses. "Only I can call him that!"

Is he... he is... standing up for me? Nathaniel does not leave my arm, but hold it tighter to the point where it hurts, I don't do anything though, just stand here looking as short as I am. "This fag here, is my friend! And if you are willing to do something to him ever again, do it now while I am here!" Even after he says this i don't forget what he said first... "Only I can call him that" it sounds as if he is... he is making me his property, and i love it.

My eyes land on Sage, her face doesn't show any hate anymore, but rather amusement. It is when I look at everyone else I see that no one really still has that shade of hate in their eyes, they all look amused. Even Garry, his face is more of confusion. Xander clears his throat and leaves Sage's hand and step to our side, "He is my friend too... I don't hate him..." I feel tears gather in my eyes, never have I ever thought that someone will ever stand up for me, my whole life, but not only did my only two friends stood up for me today, but rather put their fame and friendship on test.

The guy I think is Jake clears his throat too. "Are we telling each other secrets now because Garry I may or may not be the one who called your mom last night... and yeah... I don't hate the boy, but I do at school, I don't wanna be named as the gay's friend." My heart stings at his words, but at the same time make me happy, he doesn't hate me. The rest look at me as if I'm naked. Garry steps back and points at the three of us. "If he is going to sit with us during lunch he should never touch me, my things, or talk about his sexual life..." he then points at my face. "... and don't you dare think I like you."

Garry pats Nathaniel's shoulder and walks out. The rest follow behind after they pass small smiles and nods my direction. I don't move but instead try as hard as I can to swallow my tears. Nathaniel's hand loosens on mine before he gasps. "Oh God! Elia I am so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your hand" I look at my hand to see a bruise. I then blink and tears make their way out of my eyes to my cheeks. I wipe them away before he sees them.

"It's okay"

"You're sure?"

"I'm alright..." More than alright.

The awkwardness of the situation hits me when Nathaniel says nothing. It is then I look around to see a poster printed with bold letters. 'ICE SKATING'
I feel my face warm up and a leap of excitement makes its way to my stomach, I love ice skating, in fact, I am very good at it, let's say my dad used to take me to skate a lot and that whenever we went to Italy in winter, we would go ice staking.

"Oh my God!" I exclaim clapping my hands I delight, I love it already, I love this place. "Seem as if someone likes this place more than I do" Nathaniel chuckles.
"You have no idea."

"Slow down Elia I swear you're gonna fall!" I ignore the boy behind me as I speed up to the other side of the rank. "Elia!" I turn making a sudden stop, I fold my hand and loo at Nathaniel who is making his way way slower. He stops. "You're really good... but..." he stops to take a breath. "... if you keep up with that speed you might fall and get hurt."

I ignore him once more and start off very speedy that I myself even thought I will fall. However, Karma is on my side today, I start to shift my weight to the left side as I feel pain on the other side, that doesn't make me slow down anyways, instead it makes me speed up more. I make several rounds as Nathaniel made his way to the benches outside the rank. I start to try a few skills I used to know years ago. I get so into it that I miss how people have stopped to look at me, that is when I lose confidence, I make my way to the gate and make an immediate stop.

"Done showing off?"

"I hadn't eve started" I sit next to Nathaniel and hang my head in between my legs as I feel dizzy, it takesa couple seconds before it subsides.
We sit in complete silence, I end up admiring a couple in the rank helping each other.
"Come on, lets go back in there"

Nathaniel isn't that bad, if anything he is good, but not as me though. I take note of a few things as he skates, the reasons why he isn't that good. He returns to the rail .
"You need to bend your knees way lower than that, that will make you faster" I tell him. "... and I think your dominant foot is right not left, that's why you find it difficult to turn and... stop using the flat part of your blades, that makes you look like a loser" I tease him. He frowns, actually tries to frown but fails when he smiles.

"I'll take notes sir" he winks. I leave the rail and looking down at my shoes, then I look up at Nathaniel, that is when I lose it all, he smiles down at me with his hazel eyes shine in what I assume to be happiness. I get lost in his eyes that I forget where I am, I slowly start to sink in the floor with my legs spreading apart. I feel a pair of hands on my waist. The sudden touch makes my knee weaker but Nathaniel helps me up until I balance myself, but his hands don't leave my waist. I look up at him to see his face super red, not to even think of how my face looks like now.
Nathaniel's eyes dilate. I get mesmerized by the way he looks that I don't realize how, 1. We are s close, 2. How I'm licking lips until now and 3. How he is looking at my lips. The urge to push myself on him increases, I feel like hugging him, kissing him, touching him... feeling him so close to me. I admire his fixed expression on my lips. Just as I am about to fuck it off, pull closer and take him in my arms he suddenly collides with me causing me to hit the rails with my back and almost fall over it. I get so confused that I look at his body on the floor with an amused face. It is when I see a girl apologizing that I get to know the reason he fell.

"Will you help me up?"

I curse myself the whole way back home. I am a dick! I am a real dick! I cant believe I was about to ruin the little we have with Nathaniel. If it wasn't for that kid who distracted me, I swear we would be talking about something else right now.
The ride is silent, but not awkward, we don't say anything just listen to the news on the radio. It is now seven, I know Nathaniel and I could have done something else, but at the same time, I need to o home and think things through. I don't even realize that we are here now, Nathaniel stops his car. I heave a sigh stretching my legs, "Thank you... I... I had fun today."

Nathaniel clicks his tongue and finally look at me. "No, thank you... I had fun."
We chuckle a bit. "I'll see you Monday at school?"
"Yeah... Monday."

I make my way to my locker to take all I want to use today. Just as I close it I jump seeing someone shorter than me standing there.... Trust me you have no idea how that feel. Julia stand there with her yes narrowed as she looks at me from top to bottom.
"Elia..." she nods once more looking at me from top to bottom. "I just realize we do Math together, wanna sit with me?" I run out of words looking at her, Julia! Want? To? Sit? With? Me?
"I totally understand if you don't want to..." "No, I will... um... let's go?" it sounds like a question but both of us say nothing about it. We walk to the Math class not saying a word. Which remind me, I did not see Nathaniel in English class, is it possible he missed school because he is afraid of what happened on Saturday, but his friends seemed chilled about it. They all seemed to be... not as bad as I thought they will be.

We get into class and sit besides each other. I don't know if it's me or what, but people are looking at me. I immediately search for my doodling book, which I find and start to doodle random stuff. "So, you and Nate are good friends huh?" I look at her, for some reasons the name 'Nate' is so not familiar to me. I like Nathaniel, it is so... original. "Friends" I correct her phase. She nods and looks down at her phone.

"Can you do me a favor?" It depends, if she wants me to stay away from Nathaniel, I will not! "Sure"

"Can you hook me up with... um, Nate..." I choke on my own spit, I look back at her with ,my eyes wide open until I realize how dramatic and questioning it is, I adjust my eyes coughing and I hit my chest with a fist and the other hand covering my mouth. "S... Sorry" I cough again. "I... what?"

"I know it's huge right, I like Nate, and last week we have been hanging out a lot and texting in the night..." she blushes. "He gave me this jacket last week and asked me to keep it." For some reasons I want to strike her, hit her, hurt her, but I know I will ever do those things. Nathaniel is mine! I want him to me mine, not some stupid... Ugh! slow down Elia! I look at the jacket she is wearing, that would really look good on me! I smile trying to hide how I feel. I am not dummie enough to see that I am jealous, however I grin, "Wow... th... that is amazing!"

"Wait, what is that on your teeth?" This is going to be worst Math lesson of my life!

Help me spot errors. I will be dedicating chapters to the most supportive people. I love you all and you have no idea how i feel when i see someone people reading, voting and commenting my story. Please show some love. 

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