By dirtyworksowen

71.3K 3.6K 1.1K

After losing his mom in a mysterious way, Elia moves to another city to live with his grandparents. His life... More

Beautiful Boys Club
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60.
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
RIP Owen❤️

Chapter 7

1.3K 72 12
By dirtyworksowen


Out of everything my mind has swallowed before, nothing has made me this hectic before. I take all the jeans I've worn for the past week and raid their pockets. I have never thought that one day I will need to go the- my bully's house, ever have I, never!

 I drop the last pair I've raided and move to my books. I flip all the papers searching for the tiny paper with Xander's number, of course, I need it, I need to ask him where Nathaniel Sandas lives. I curse dropping the books on the floor. Yeah, Jackets. To my disappointment, all my jackets have no papers in them, except the one with the receipt of the grocery I've done couple of days ago.

I quit and drop myself on my bed releasing a loud and heavy sigh when my eyes drifts to the bathroom door. I narrow my eyes sitting up straight to see a crumbled paper laying on the floor patiently. As lightning I run to the spot and bend to take the paper. Yes, fair enough Xander's number was on the top with his name on the bottom. I smile to myself walking to the table to get my phone when I pass by the mirror. I stop, my eyes growing wide, my nose is purple. As if a coincidence, I feel a stink on it and my nose immediately pinching it.

Wait, my g-ma must have seen this, I hope not. I wouldn't want her to start asking me what is going on, as I always say, the last thing I want to do is to cause problems.. I take my phone and dial Xander's number. I know right now texting would be the best thing to do, but also, I wanna talk to him.

He answers his phone on the third ring. "Hello, this is?" he asks sounding annoyed already. I bite onto my lip deciding either I should hang up already. He has been nice to me, but also it is irritating to have someone calling this late. I gulp and speak up.

"It's Elia, sorry for calling this late I want to ask if you ha..."

"Elia, hie how are you?" he says sounding excited. I slap my forehead realizing that I didn't even ask how he is. Jerk! I didn't even say hello.

"I am good thanks, and you?" I ask. There is a pause and a continuous grunting, I assume he is thinking.

"Great, because someone called me at last"

Hearing his over the top excited voice I feel guilty for having to call him just because I want to have Nathaniel's house address. And another thing, although I know 'speaking to me' isn't really the reason why he is that happy, the fact that he actually sounds as if he has been expecting my call makes my tummy turn.

"Um Xander, I am kind of stranded right now, may I have Nathaniel's house address, we have to do a project yet he asked me to..."

"Come to his house but he didn't give you the address, right, I will text it to you" I notice his sudden change of mood but I let it slip.

"Is that all?" he asks a bit disappointed.

"Yeah" I say. As soon as I say that he hangs the call.

It takes me time the process that Nathaniel lives only a road away from my house. I gulp and step out of my car and walk to the door. I ring the bell twice, cursing myself for having to look like I am in hurry to enter already. I wait by the door for a minute and ring the bell again. The door opened and a middle aged woman pops her head out.

"Hello, how can I help you?" she asks.

"Can I um, see Nathaniel, like... we have a... a... a project to work on" as soon as I mention the word project she scrunches her face in distaste and she looks at me from to bottom.

"You're the new kid at Nate's school?" she asks I nod with confusion. She watches me from top to bottom and then she clears her throat.

"Okay, let me call Nate out, he is still in bed"

Is there anything that I said? Why did she look at me with such... a face. And again, is it not too rude to leave a visitor outside? Is Nate and I going to type sitting outside because judging from his mom's actions that is what it means. I stand there for about ten minutes that I actually debate on going back home, but me being me I stand patiently on the door until it opens to expose a shirtless Nate with annoyance displayed on his features. His hair is a mess and sleep lines on his left cheek, his eyes have bags underneath them and not to leave out how red they are.

"It's too early, I still need to sleep" he says about to close the door, I quickly step inside and his eyes open so wide with disbelieve, at least that is what I think.

"You can't just demand me to come here today at 10, and tell me to go back home!"

"I did ask you to come here, but really, my mom is here okay? I thought she will be out" I scoff and look at him.

"So you expect me to-?"

He sighs, "Okay" he steps aside. I walk in and tuck my hands into my front pockets. I look around his house, definitely smaller but neater and simple. It is not until I see the lady I'm sure of to be Nate's mom that I realize Nate is already stepping ahead of me. I walk over to stop in front of the two.

I mean Nate obviously said to his mom 'Mom, there is some cock sucker, fag, fairy lady coming to help me out with History'

But also I am not imagining him cursing to his mom, or him admitting to anyone that he needs help. Or maybe- I can't come up with anything or any reason. But what she says next makes it clear that my name isn't new in this house.

"Better wear a t-shirt or something" It is he way she says it that makes me know she knows. All of a sudden I want to walk away and go somewhere else. Of course, she will ask us to study with the doors open I frown and look to the ground.

"Sure" he says and runs upstairs skipping some stairs. I immediately look back at the lady, shit! I have to introduce myself don't I?

"I'm Elia, Elia Clinton" I stretch my hand out. She smiles and waves instead visibly uncomfortable.


She probably thinks if I touch her she will run around kissing some girls. My heart stings to that.

It takes no time for Nate to come running down the stairs fixing his sweater.

"Okay, upst-"

"Why don't you guys study on the kitchen table, where I can see you. You know..." she smiles at my direction. "...wanna make sure you guys will not be fooling around on your phones or..."

"I get you mom!" Nate groans in both embarrassment and annoyance. "This way."

We settle in the kitchen. I am not even in the mood to do anything right now. I feel so rejected, worse by his mom. Isn't it that kids are the one who are supposed to be so judgmental? How can she just conclude that I am going to rape her son or something like that? I don't even want to be in this kind of life, look, I have a lot to worry about right now. I miss my mother so much, it has only been a month and now I have to deal with my asshole of a bully and his judgmental mom? What the fuck do people think they can-

By the time I finish explaining some History to Nate, his mom had already left, and I will not lie I am relieved that there is no-one going to walk in regularly checking out if I am not fucking their kid.

"When did you know?" Nathaniel leans onto the table and let his pencil find his mouth. He places it in between his teeth which I assume to be some habit of his.

"Know what?" I ask not being a fool I know what he means, but I am surprised that he want to know, why would he want to know?

"Gay?" he asks for the first time using the actual word not some he is way familiar with.

"Does it matter?" I shift uncomfortably. He shrugs for the first time actually showing me how he doesn't know everything.

"Just asking bro, no need to be too tense about it freak." I snicker at his words. Not ironic at all. He knows I am the same freak I always has been.

I look at him tilting my head a bit.
"Did I say anything funny?" he asks. I nod. "Yeah?"

"You called me a freak"


I laugh this time a bit louder.
"I don't see how that is funny?"

"Well you know you are not a bad person after all, a minute ago you forgot you hate me and now you remember my title, you even called me bro."

His eyes open wide before he rolls them. After all it seems as if he isn't as bad as he claims to be.
"Shut up, now leave" he scrunches his face in distaste. I narrow my eyes at him.

"The typing?"

"I already did that" he folds his arms.

"Oh" that is all I can say now. I push the chair backwards giving him another glance before I gather all my books.

"So, I'll see you?" I ask mentally slapping myself for how sappy it sounds

"Yeah whatever."


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