Larry Sick fics + H/C

By SweetLikeLarryS

485K 6.7K 2.1K

This book is all Larry sick fics and H/C. I may include the other boys sometimes as well. More

A present that bites (Louis)
Attack in the mall (both)
Tailbone trouble (Harry)
Heart attack (Harry)
Proposal gone wrong (Harry)(accident)
Drugged (Harry)
Antidote (Louis)
Nasty cold (Harry)
Sea sick (Harry)
Fainted (Louis)
Sick on travel (Louis)
Accident in de kitchen (Harry)
Delusional (Louis)
Bad accident (Harry)
Epilepsy (Harry)
Bad dream (Louis)
Kidney stone (Harry)
Broken leg (Louis)
Tortured (Harry)
Claustrophobia (Louis)
Vitamin treatment (Harry)
Senseless violence (Louis)
Appendicitis (Harry)
Overworked (Louis)
A tumble down the stairs (Harry)
Food poisoning (Louis)
Revenge (Harry)
Prank gone wrong (Louis)
Pneumonia (Harry)
Anemia (Louis)
Sick after a fight (Harry)
Sick on Christmas day (Louis)
Broken foot (Harry)
Bad birthday (Louis)
Hit-and-run (Harry)
Pool accident (Louis)
Drunk (Harry)
Louis is sick, Harry doesn't believe him
Sunstroke (Harry) part 2
Stage accident (Louis)
Sunstroke (Harry) part 1
Homejacked (both)
Bronchitis (Harry)
Experimental medicine (Louis)
Vertigo (Louis)
Stomach bug (Harry)
Stage fright (Harry) (part 1)
Stage fright (Harry) (Part 2)
Bullets (Louis)
Sports hurt (Harry)
Updates are on their way :)
Meningitis (Harry)
Rusty nail (Harry)
Laryngitis (Louis)
Severe stomach pains (Harry)
Germs in Thailand (Harry)
Camping gone wrong (Louis)
Seizures (Harry)
An idiot on rollerskates (Louis)
Harry faints after Louis being mad
Stomach trouble (Louis)
Colds and kisses (both)
Ear infection (Louis)
Fainting during a concert (Harry)
Harry sick (Louis doesn't believe him and gets mad)
Head injury (Louis)
Terrible back pain (Harry)
Knee pain (Louis)
Hurt on stage (Harry)
Sick day (Louis)
Sick Day (Part 2, Harry is sick now)
Addicted (Louis) part 1
Addicted (Louis, part 2)
Passed out (Harry)
Motorcycle accident (Harry)
Update ;)
Anorexic, part 1 (Louis)
Anorexic (Louis) Part 2
Update is coming :)
Broken nose (Harry)
The person behind the story
Insanity (both)
Feverish dreams (Louis)
Scaphoid fracture (Harry)
new chapters coming soon
Updaaaaaaate 😂
Food poisoning (both)
Sprained ankle (Harry)
Sinus infection (Louis)
some news..
I'm back!
I'm so sorry

Sick Louis (no-one believes him)

11.5K 137 124
By SweetLikeLarryS

This was a request from lyana2222. I hope you like it. X

Louis woke up and his stomach was feeling all weird, he was having cramps and they were quite heavy. He looked at all the bunks in the bus and saw that the other boys were still sleeping, so he gets out of bed and goes to the toilet. He sits down and he has diarrhoea so bad. He rests his head in his hands and lets out a soft moan. Ugh... why him and why now? They had such a busy day today. Luckily they didn't have a concert, but they had tons of interviews. He just hoped he could make it through the day. He got up from the toilet and flushed. He went  back to his bunk and tried to sleep, but it wasn't easy, because his bowels were making all kinds of strange noises and the cramps seemed to get worse. Finally, after an hour or two, he managed to fall asleep again.

He was the last one to wake up. Louis walked to the table and sat down. He made his head rest in his hands.

"What's up Louis?" Liam asked.

"Ugh... my stomach hurts... don't know if I can do the interviews today." Louis replied.

"Bullshit Louis. Really? Did you really think we were going to believe this? Get yourself together!" Niall said, not believing a word of what Louis said.

"B...but..." Louis said, but Harry didn't let him finish.

"Come on, Lou, look, none of us feel like doing interviews today, but we aren't faking to be sick, are we. Just eat your breakfast and get ready. We don't have time for this." Harry said, cold as ice.

Louis sighed. His stomach really was hurting. He wasn't faking anything. But he knew the boys weren't going to believe him, so he decided not to argue. But he was not going to eat breakfast. That would only make things worse.

"Fine. But I'm not eating breakfast. I'm not hungry at all." Louis said and he stood up from the table, stumbling a little bit.

Liam saw Louis stumble, but of course thought he was just putting up a show.

"Louis, goddamnit! Act normal and hurry! You're going to make us late." Liam said and made an angry face at Louis.

Louis turned around and walked over to his bunk. Tears started streaming down his face. Why didn't they believe him? His stomach was really really sore.

He sighed, but got dressed anyway. There was no point of mentioning it again. No matter what, they didn't believe him. He hated this.

Louis was dressed and came back to where the other boys were. Managment drove them to the first interview of that day.

The boys were doing the interview. Somewhere midway, Louis' stomach started to hurt again and he knew he had to go to the toilet now or he would crap his pants. He stood up, in the middle of the interview and ran away, to the toilets. He was just on time.

"Where did Louis go to?" the interviewer asked.

"I don't know what his problem is." Liam answered annoyed.

"Oh, he likes to fake being sick from time to time." Niall answered.

"Yeah, something like that." Harry said.

"Oh..." was all the interviewer answered.

When Louis was finally done, after fifteen minutes, he washed his hands and returned to the interview.

"Sorry, had to use the toilet, my stomach..." he mouthed to all the boys.

Niall, Liam and Harry were all looking angry at him.

When the interview was finally done, they had a little break before driving to the next interview.

"Louis, don't you dare to do that again! You know how annoying that was? You don't run away from an interview! That's so unprofessional!" Liam shouted.

"Yeah, we didn't know what to tell the interviewer. She asked where you went and we didn't know what to say." Niall added.

"Yes Louis, that wasn't very nice of you." Harry said.

"But... guys... I have diarrhoea, I can't help it, my stomach was hurting so I had to go..." Louis said sadly.

"LOUIS, PLEASE, JUST STOP IT!" Harry shouted.

Louis let his head hang down and walked away, to the car.

They did a couple more interviews that day. Louis ran off a couple more times during these interviews, which made the boys only more angry. When they were back in their tourbus after a long day, they didn't say a word to Louis. They were so mad.

Louis went to bed really early, without eating anything.

Louis was in his bunk, tossing and turning. The cramps got even worse. And he started to feel really nauseous as well. He sighed. He looked around and saw the other  boys had gone to bed as well. He slowly got up and went to the toilet. He took a bucket with him. When he was on the toilet, he had diarrhoea again and he had to throw up too. The cramps became unbearable. Damn...
And normally Harry was always there for him to comfort him when he was sick, but this time he didn't believe him, so he was on his own, which made it even worse.

After a little while he went back to bed, but an hour later he woke up again, and the process repeated itself. Again diarrhoea and throwing up. And after that, it happened five more times that night.

The next morning, Louis was feeling even worse. The pain was really really bad. He was sweating and his body was aching. The boys were awake already when Louis walked in. They seemed to be in a better mood.

"Morning Louis." Liam said.

"Morning Lou." Niall said as well.

"Yes, Lou, good morning. Sorry about yesterday, but you have to understand that you can't act that way. But come on, today is a new day, let's just forget about it." Harry said.

Louis nodded, but he started feeling dizzy and the cramps were there again.

"H... Haz.... s...stomach... h... hurts... I'm...d...dizzy..." Louis said and he started to fall. Harry jumped up and could catch Louis right on time. Louis looked at Harry with fear in his eyes and then passed out.

"Shit! Louis! Lou, hey, say something! Please!" Harry said, totally in panic.

"Crap! Guys... I guess he really was telling the truth yesterday." Liam said, directly feeling guilty for being so rude to Louis yesterday.

"I guess so..." Niall answered, feeling ashamed.

Louis was on the floor, not moving or reacting. Harry was stroking his hair and felt his forehead.

"Guys, get a thermometer, he is burning up! Shit guys, he really is sick!" Harry said.

Liam ran as fast as he could to grab the ear thermometer.

Harry took it from Liam and put it in Louis' ear.

"Oh crap guys, his fever is a 103.2 (39,5 °C)." Harry said.

"Oh no... and we were so rude to him." Niall said.

"Let's not worry about that now. Louis has to wake up or we need to call the ambulance." Liam said.

Harry gently slapped Louis' face and Louis finally woke up.

"Ughh... what happened?" Louis asked confused and a bit desorientated.

"Shhh... easy love, you're going to be all right. You just passed out, but we are here to take care of you. Don't worry." Harry said.

Louis nodded and closed his eyes as another painful cramp came up.

"N... need the toilet..." Louis said softly.

Harry and Liam picked Louis up and put him on the toilet. Louis had another round of diarrhoea and puking.

When he was finally done, the guys made Louis lay down on the couch in the tourbus.

"I'm going to talk to management and tell them what's going on. But there is no way that Louis is able to do interviews today." Niall said.

The boys nodded.

Harry covered Louis with the duvet of his bunk. He placed a bucket next to the couch as well and gave Louis a pill against the diarrhoea. A little while later Louis fell asleep.

Then Niall came back into the bus.

"What did management say?" Liam asked.

"It's okay. They are going to cancel everything for today. And they are going to send a doctor to examine Louis. How is he doing?" Niall asked.

"Not too good. He is really sick... I feel so guilty for acting to him like that yesterday... he really was telling the truth." Liam said.

"Yeah... poor Louis..." Harry replied.

A little while later there was a knock on the door.

Niall went to open the door and let the doctor in. Louis had woken up again and directly grabbed the bucket, to throw up. When he was done again, Harry made him drink some water.

The doctor examined Louis, and it turned out that he had a really bad stomach bug. She prescribed him some antibiotics and a week of rest. So the rest of the week, all their activities were cancelled.

"Hey, Lou... look.. we all feel really sorry that we acted that way yesterday..." Niall said softly.

The other boys nodded.

" 's okay.." Louis said softly.

Harry started stroking Louis' hair.

"I'm so sorry boo... just take a good rest yeah?"

Louis nodded, but then sat up with a start.

"What is it love?" Harry asked.

"T...toilet..." Louis said.

Liam picked up Louis and put him on the toilet again, since Louis was feeling way to weak to walk. Liam closed the door, but could hear what was happening. He also heard Louis cry. When he heard the flushing of the toilet, he opened the door and picked Louis up again and brought him back to the couch. Harry was waiting with some tissues to dry Louis' tears.

"Shh... don't cry love." Harry said.

"Yes Lou, try to stay calm." Niall said.

Liam stroked Louis' hair.

Louis started moaning as another round of painful cramps came.

"Aw... poor sweetheart." Harry said.

"R...rub... my belly...please." Louis said to Harry.

Harry started to rub Louis' belly. It seemed to help, because after a little while Louis was sound asleep.

"Guys, you gonna be okay if Niall and I go out for lunch? You can call us if you need us." Liam said.

"Yeah, it's all right, I'll stay with Lou." Harry said.

Then Niall and Liam left.

A few hours later, Louis woke up. Niall and Liam had called a few times to ask how he was doing and to tell that they would be in town for a little while, to watch a few shops.

"Hey, you're awake sweety... how do you feel?" Harry asked.

"My stomach still hurts... but it's a little better." Louis said.

"All right, here is some water. You need to drink good sweety." Harry said.

Louis nodded and drank the water and actually managed to keep it down. Management had also brought Louis' meds that they had picked up at the pharmacy.

When Louis was done drinking he layed down again and fell asleep.

A few hours later Niall and Liam were back from their shopping trip, and they had bought a huge teddy bear for Louis, to make it up to him from the day before.

Louis was really happy with it.

The rest of the week passed, with the boys taking turns to take care of Louis. After a week of painful cramps and a lot of trips to the toilet, he was better again. The next time, the boys would believe Louis when he said something was wrong.

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