Larry Sick fics + H/C

By SweetLikeLarryS

485K 6.7K 2.1K

This book is all Larry sick fics and H/C. I may include the other boys sometimes as well. More

A present that bites (Louis)
Attack in the mall (both)
Tailbone trouble (Harry)
Heart attack (Harry)
Proposal gone wrong (Harry)(accident)
Sick Louis (no-one believes him)
Drugged (Harry)
Antidote (Louis)
Nasty cold (Harry)
Sea sick (Harry)
Fainted (Louis)
Sick on travel (Louis)
Accident in de kitchen (Harry)
Delusional (Louis)
Bad accident (Harry)
Epilepsy (Harry)
Bad dream (Louis)
Kidney stone (Harry)
Broken leg (Louis)
Tortured (Harry)
Claustrophobia (Louis)
Vitamin treatment (Harry)
Senseless violence (Louis)
Appendicitis (Harry)
Overworked (Louis)
A tumble down the stairs (Harry)
Food poisoning (Louis)
Revenge (Harry)
Prank gone wrong (Louis)
Pneumonia (Harry)
Anemia (Louis)
Sick after a fight (Harry)
Sick on Christmas day (Louis)
Broken foot (Harry)
Bad birthday (Louis)
Hit-and-run (Harry)
Drunk (Harry)
Louis is sick, Harry doesn't believe him
Sunstroke (Harry) part 2
Stage accident (Louis)
Sunstroke (Harry) part 1
Homejacked (both)
Bronchitis (Harry)
Experimental medicine (Louis)
Vertigo (Louis)
Stomach bug (Harry)
Stage fright (Harry) (part 1)
Stage fright (Harry) (Part 2)
Bullets (Louis)
Sports hurt (Harry)
Updates are on their way :)
Meningitis (Harry)
Rusty nail (Harry)
Laryngitis (Louis)
Severe stomach pains (Harry)
Germs in Thailand (Harry)
Camping gone wrong (Louis)
Seizures (Harry)
An idiot on rollerskates (Louis)
Harry faints after Louis being mad
Stomach trouble (Louis)
Colds and kisses (both)
Ear infection (Louis)
Fainting during a concert (Harry)
Harry sick (Louis doesn't believe him and gets mad)
Head injury (Louis)
Terrible back pain (Harry)
Knee pain (Louis)
Hurt on stage (Harry)
Sick day (Louis)
Sick Day (Part 2, Harry is sick now)
Addicted (Louis) part 1
Addicted (Louis, part 2)
Passed out (Harry)
Motorcycle accident (Harry)
Update ;)
Anorexic, part 1 (Louis)
Anorexic (Louis) Part 2
Update is coming :)
Broken nose (Harry)
The person behind the story
Insanity (both)
Feverish dreams (Louis)
Scaphoid fracture (Harry)
new chapters coming soon
Updaaaaaaate 😂
Food poisoning (both)
Sprained ankle (Harry)
Sinus infection (Louis)
some news..
I'm back!
I'm so sorry

Pool accident (Louis)

3.7K 68 9
By SweetLikeLarryS

Louis and Harry were relaxing at the swimming pool. They were fooling around a little bit. Teasing each other and pushing each other into the pool.
Harry got an idea.

"Lou... I've got an idea. What if I tie you up, spin you around and then you have to walk towards the pool. If you fall in, you lose. I'll stay near to make sure you don't hit anything."

“This is dangerous.” Louis said, smiling because he actually thouight the idea was funny as well. He would get back on Harry for that later, because he had something funny in mind for him as well. He wanted to dress him up as some Mexican guitar player with a really big somebrero and an ukelele. Harry tied Louis up. Louis was walking towards the pool. He didn't fall. "I made it!" he screamed happily. He jumped up and down from happiness. But ten it went wrong. He slipped, fell into the pool and he hit his head against the edge, making him feel dizzy. He went under water completely, but since his arms were tied up, he couldn't move them and he didn't manage to get out of the water by himself. A lot of water got into his mouth and he started to panic. He wanted to get out but it didn't work. It took a little while before Harry noticed Louid had trouble getting out of the water. But when he realized, he jumped into the water and grabbed Louis. He pulled him out as fast as possible. Louis wasn't moving and his eyes were closed. Fuck! What the hell was he thinking? Harry sat down and pulled Louis on his lap. He put his fingers on Louis' neck to check if he could feel his pulse. Pfew, at least his heart was beating. He started stroking his hair and slapping his face softly, hoping it would make his boyfriend come round.

“Boo bear, do you hear me? Lou...!”

He didn't get any reaction of Louis. He just kept on laying there. Fuck! How stupid could he be? How in the world did he ever think this was a funny idea? He slapped Louis again, this time a little harder. Louis' eyes fluttered open and he started coughing violently, due to the amount of water he had swallowed.

Harry was rubbing his back and stroking his hair. He could see the fear in his boyfriend's eyes. This was all his fault. He nearly killed his boyfriend, all because of a stupid game. What did he do? He was snapped out of his thoughts by another round of violent coughs from Louis. The sound of it was heart wrecking.

“Oh my god Lou, I'm so sorry, fuck, I didn't mean to, I just thought...”

Tears were running down Harry's face. It took a while before Louis managed to catch his breath.


“Boo bear, I'm so so so sorry, I... “

“Haz... 's okay... I know. Can you please untie me now?”

Harry totally forgot Louis was still tied up. He untied him and made Louis lay down on his lap again.

“Thanks...” Louis said.

“Lou... I... “

Tears kept on running down Harry's face.

“Shhh... Hazza, I know you didn't mean to... it's okay... don't cry please.”

“It's not okay. I nearly killed you. Are you okay now?”

“My head hurts... I hit my head on the edge of the pool when I fell in.”

“Oh Lou, shit... I'm so sorry, I... I never meant to hurt you.”

“Mmmh, I know that. Can we get out of here now? I'm so cold...”

“Yes of course, let's go inside. Can you walk?” Harry asked Louis who was still laying on his lap.

“I don't know... my head really hurts... brrr... I'm really cold...”

“I know, we're going inside now. Let's try to stand up really slowly, yeah?”

Harry helped Louis to stand up, but noticed quite fast that he was feeling dizzy.

“Harry... everything is spinning around... I...”

“Oh shit... don't pass out please, keep your eyes open!”

“I'm not going to pass out. Everything is just spinning.”

“Okay, I don't think it's a good idea to walk so I'm going to pick you up okay?”

“Mmmh, okay.”

Harry picked Louis up, kind of bridal style and carried him inside. He put him down on the couch  and wrapped a towel around him. Louis' teeth were chattering. Harry sat down next to him and put his arms around him and started rubbing him to try to make him feel warmer.

“I'm going to look for your clothes okay? What do you want to wear?”

“M... my onesie.”

Harry took Louis' onesie out of the closet and helped him dress.

“Does this feel better love?”

“Yeah... a bit warmer at least.”

“How is your head feeling?”

“It hurts...”

“This is all my fault... you could have... I...”

“Haz, it was an accident, I know you never meant to hurt me. Remember when I made you fall... your shoulder was hurting for days.”

“That was just my shoulder, but you could have died over there. All because of me. All because of a freaking stupid idea. I'm so sorry, what was I thinking? I'm the worst boyfriend ever. I should've been more responsible.”

“Please, Haz. Don't be so hard on yourself. We were fooling around, things like this can happen.”
“I just shouldn't have done this... I'm going to get dressed myself now and I'll come to sit with you.”


Harry started dressing himself. When he came back he saw Louis just sitting there, resting his head in his hands.

“Hey, boo, your head hurts pretty bad, isn't it?”

“Yeah, it feels like it's going to explode or something, I hit it pretty hard.”

“Let's go to bed, than you can rest.”

Harry helped Louis to get up, but Louis started swaying on his feet and fell to his knees. And then he started puking. Harry kneeled down beside him and held his hair as Louis puked some more. After a few minutes the fit passed. Harry cleaned up the mess and washed his hands and returned to Louis.


“Shh... it's okay, I'm here, we go to the doctors now, okay? I think you have a concussion.”

“Haz, I'm scared... I feel so weird.”

Louis was breathing heavily.

Harry hugged his boyfriend tight and calmed him down.

“Shhh... it's going to be okay. I'm here. Don't be scared. Let's go.”

“I... I don't dare to stand up Haz... everything is spinning around.”

“No worries, I got you. I'll carry you. Just put your arms around my neck.”

“Okay. Hazza?”


“I'm sorry... I'm sorry for the mess you had to clean up.”

“I'm the one who has to be sorry... I'm the cause of this all.”

“ 's not true. Can we go now?”

“Yes, of course.”

Louis put his arms around Harry's neck and Harry picked him up and carried him to the car. He gently put Louis on the backseat. Then they drove off to the doctors. The doctor examined him and asked him a few questions. Harry was right, his boyfriend was having a concussion. When they were done at the doctors, they drove home. Harry carried his boyfriend inside, since he was still dizzy. He made him lay down on the couch and made it as cosy and comfortable as possible. The doctor had told them that Louis had to sleep a lot.

“Are you hungry Lou?”

“I am a little hungry, but I don't know how I will react to food. I don't want to puke again.”

“I understand, do you want some painkillers or something?”

“No, I just want to sleep.”

“Just sleep then, it's good for you.”

“Haz? Can you come and sit with me? Just until I fall asleep?”

“Sure love.”

Vegard went to sit next to his boyfriend.

“You know, when I woke up on your lap... I was so scared... you know, when I was in the water, I thought I was drowning, I really thought I was dying. I never want to do that.”

“I won't make you do that again. I feel really bad about what happened... I nearly killed you. What kind of person am I?” Harry asked, feeling tears coming up again.

“You really don't have to be so hard on yourself. You got me out of the water on time. This concussion will pass too.”

“I know it will pass, but I'll never forgive myself.”

Harry felt tears streaming down his face. He was sobbing.

“Hey, Haz, don't cry. Come here, lay down with me for a second.”

Harry laid down next to Louis. Louis made Harry's head rest on his chest and started to stroke his curls.When Harry had calmed down and stopped crying, he sat up again and started to stroke Louis' hair. Because he was actually the one who needed to be comforted. He was the one who nearly drowned. After a few minutes Louis fell asleep. Harry carefully stood up from the sofa and covered his boyfriend. Then he went to the kitchen. He was quite hungry, so he started to look through the fridge to see if he could find something. He found some bread, cheese and ham, so he made himself a ham and cheese sandwich and ate it.

After eating, Harry took a look at his sleeping boyfriend on the couch and sighed. He just couldn't let it go, Louis didn't make a big deal out of it, but for Harry it was a huge thing. What if this had ended wrong? Then he would have lost his boyfriend, the one person he loved the most. Why was he such a terrible person? He had to know better. He had to take care of his boyfriend. Harry started crying again. Something deep inside of him was broken. He stood up from the table and walked over to the couch. He adjusted Louis' blanket and pillow. Louis didn't notice, he was still asleep. Harry laid down next to his boyfriend, still crying. Louis woke up and turned on his side, facing Harry. He saw Harry's face, completely red and wet of all those tears that had fallen down. He put an arm around his Hazza and hugged him tight and started stroking his arm.

“Hey, Haz, are you okay?” he asked. It really hurt him to see his lovely boyfriend being so sad. He never saw him like this before. Harry was always the one who was strong.

“Not really... I feel so guilty.” Harry managed to bring out between the sobs.

Louis hugged Harry a bit more thightly now. He moved his hand to Harry's  hair and started stroking it, trying to calm him down. It seemed to work, because after a couple of minutes Harry fell asleep.

Louis didn't want to wake Harry, but he felt the urge to puke again. Stupid concussion he thought by himself. He tried to climb out of the couch as careful as possible. When he got up, the dizzyness overtook him and he fell to the ground. Harry woke up to a loud noise. When he looked around he saw Louis laying on the floor.

“Oh fuck! Lou, hey, do you hear me?”

Harry got a groan as response.


Harry kneeled down next to his Lou.

“Lou, what happened? Are you okay? Say something!”

“Have... to.. puke..”

“Oh crap, oh crap!”

Harry ran to grab a bucket and placed it in front of Lou, right in time. When he was done emptying his stomach, he helped him up and put him back onto the couch.
“Don't get up by yourself, just say something if you need anything.”

“Mmmh... didn't want to wake you.”

“Just wake me up next time, I don't want to find you on the floor again. You scared the shit out of me.”


“It's okay. Try to go back to sleep now Louis.”

“Mmmh... yeah.”

“Did you hurt yourself while falling down?”

“No, I'm okay.”

“All right. Just sleep. And tell me if you need me.”

“I will. Don't you have to sleep too? You can lay here next to me.”

“Yeah. I can use a nap too. But if there is anything, doesn't matter what, just wake me.”

“I will.”

Louis and Harry both layed down on the couch. They were almost asleep, but then something popped up in Louis' mind.

“Hey, Hazza?”

“Yes, boo bear? Something's wrong?”

“No, I was just thinking about something.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“I was thinking about that one song... that we used to sing to each other if one of us felt bad.”

“For sure I remember.” Harry said.

“What about singing it?”

Harry turned on his side, facing Louis. They were looking each other in the eyes and started singing.

You can sit beside me when the world comes down, if it doesn't matter then just turn around. We don't need our bags and we can just leave town, you can sit beside me when the world comes down.

Both of them fell asleep, hugging each other tightly. As the days passed, Louis was getting better. Harry was taking care of his boyfriend, making sure he had everything he needed. And Louis made sure to be by his boyfriend's side as well. And whenever one of them felt bad, they just sang the song. And that made everything better. Always.


Note: The song I'm reffering to is Mona Lisa (when the world comes down) by the All American Rejects. Posted it originally on AO3 in a different version.

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