Larry Sick fics + H/C

By SweetLikeLarryS

486K 6.7K 2.1K

This book is all Larry sick fics and H/C. I may include the other boys sometimes as well. More

A present that bites (Louis)
Attack in the mall (both)
Tailbone trouble (Harry)
Heart attack (Harry)
Proposal gone wrong (Harry)(accident)
Sick Louis (no-one believes him)
Drugged (Harry)
Antidote (Louis)
Nasty cold (Harry)
Sea sick (Harry)
Fainted (Louis)
Sick on travel (Louis)
Accident in de kitchen (Harry)
Delusional (Louis)
Bad accident (Harry)
Epilepsy (Harry)
Bad dream (Louis)
Kidney stone (Harry)
Broken leg (Louis)
Tortured (Harry)
Claustrophobia (Louis)
Vitamin treatment (Harry)
Senseless violence (Louis)
Appendicitis (Harry)
Overworked (Louis)
A tumble down the stairs (Harry)
Food poisoning (Louis)
Revenge (Harry)
Prank gone wrong (Louis)
Pneumonia (Harry)
Anemia (Louis)
Sick after a fight (Harry)
Sick on Christmas day (Louis)
Broken foot (Harry)
Bad birthday (Louis)
Hit-and-run (Harry)
Pool accident (Louis)
Drunk (Harry)
Louis is sick, Harry doesn't believe him
Sunstroke (Harry) part 2
Stage accident (Louis)
Sunstroke (Harry) part 1
Homejacked (both)
Bronchitis (Harry)
Vertigo (Louis)
Stomach bug (Harry)
Stage fright (Harry) (part 1)
Stage fright (Harry) (Part 2)
Bullets (Louis)
Sports hurt (Harry)
Updates are on their way :)
Meningitis (Harry)
Rusty nail (Harry)
Laryngitis (Louis)
Severe stomach pains (Harry)
Germs in Thailand (Harry)
Camping gone wrong (Louis)
Seizures (Harry)
An idiot on rollerskates (Louis)
Harry faints after Louis being mad
Stomach trouble (Louis)
Colds and kisses (both)
Ear infection (Louis)
Fainting during a concert (Harry)
Harry sick (Louis doesn't believe him and gets mad)
Head injury (Louis)
Terrible back pain (Harry)
Knee pain (Louis)
Hurt on stage (Harry)
Sick day (Louis)
Sick Day (Part 2, Harry is sick now)
Addicted (Louis) part 1
Addicted (Louis, part 2)
Passed out (Harry)
Motorcycle accident (Harry)
Update ;)
Anorexic, part 1 (Louis)
Anorexic (Louis) Part 2
Update is coming :)
Broken nose (Harry)
The person behind the story
Insanity (both)
Feverish dreams (Louis)
Scaphoid fracture (Harry)
new chapters coming soon
Updaaaaaaate 😂
Food poisoning (both)
Sprained ankle (Harry)
Sinus infection (Louis)
some news..
I'm back!
I'm so sorry

Experimental medicine (Louis)

3.7K 77 4
By SweetLikeLarryS

Louis' POV

Harry and I were sitting on the couch. I was snuggled up against him and he was stroking my hair. My head was hurting a little bit. The later it got, the worse the pain in my head. Maybe I could drink something, maybe it would help. I could at least give it a try. I stood up, but my legs didn't want to work with me. I was all shaky. My vision got blurry and I fell to the floor.

Harry's POV

I saw Louis getting up. He was swaying. Before I could react, he fell. His eyes were rolling back in his head. I kneeled down beside him and slapped his face, gently. I got no reaction, but I could feel the heat radiatiating off him. He was running a fever. Where did that come from? He had been fine the whole day, we even went to the park together and made a nice walk. This wasn't good, I knew it. I slapped his face one more time and he opened his eyes. His eyes were full of fear and I could tell he was in pain.

No one's POV

"Louis, hey, love, look at me, what's wrong love? You scared me."
"My head hurts... a lot. Can you switch off the light please? It bothers me."
"Sure love. But first I'm going to put you on the couch, okay? Do you want to sit up, or do you want to lay down?"
"I want to lay down. Mmmhh... Harry? My neck is so stiff, it feels so weird. And I... I'm nauseous too."
"Okay love. I'll get you a bucket, just in case."

Harry's POV

I was worried. This really came out of nowhere, he was just fine an hour ago. I scooped him up into my arms and put him on the couch. I took a bucket and put it next to him. I just had to know if he had a fever. I was quite sure of it, but I needed to know what his temperature was exactly. I went to our bathroom to look for a thermometer. Damn, where did I put that thing again? After a couple of minutes I managed to find it. I went back to Louis and I could tell by the smell that was hanging in the room, that he threw up. When I looked at him, I just knew this wasn't good. I put the thermometer in his mouth and he looked confused at me. It beeped and I was shocked. He had a fever of a 104 degrees. Alarm bells were ringing in my head.

No one's POV

"Boo bear, you're burning up. Your fever is really high, I'm calling an ambulance okay, love?"

"Hmmm... huh? Did you say... something?"
"Yes, I just said that I'm going to call an ambulance."
"No, Haz... don't wanna... dance... m'just tired..." Louis said

Harry's POV

Louis seemed to be completely confused. He heard me talking, but he didn't hear the right words.

Louis POV

I could hear someone was talking to me, but I didn't recognize the voice immediately. After a while I realised that it was Haz who was talking to me. I didn't really understand what he was saying. I even didn't know where I was, everything was blurry. My muscles were starting to hurt as well and my hands and feet were so cold. I had to tell Haz, but I couldn't bring out any words anymore. It was like as if I had forgotten how to speak. I couldn't form any words anymore. There was a huge amount of fog in my head. I got even more confused. Did Haz ask me something about dance? Are we in a dancing? I see some blue and red lights flashing. It gets harder to keep my eyes open.

No one's POV

The ambulance had arrived and they put Louis on a stretcher. They put an IV into his arm and they check his parameters. It wasn't good.

"Mr. Styles? We have to rush to the ER. If we're not fast it might get dangerous." the ambulance brother said.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked, in a complete state of panic.
"We don't know that yet, a doctor has to examine him, but according to the symptoms he has, we're thinking about meningitis."
"What?!" I said, panicking even more.
"Meningitis, that's when..." the ambulance brother was interrupted by Harry.
"I f*cking know what that is! What do you think I am? Stupid?" Harry shouted, but he regretted that immediately. But they understood.

They had arrived at the ER. There they examined Louis and they did some tests. It was meningitis and they started antibiotics right away. Louis was put in a hospital bed and they brought him to the intensive care. He was on several machines, to check his vitals.

Harry took a chair and sat next to Louis' bed. He took his hand and caressed it. Harry still didn't get how it could've gone so fast. Louis was just fine in the morning. He was pulled out of thoughts, when he heard Louis whisper his name.

"Haz... m I?" Louis managed to bring out, still finding it hard to speak.
"Hey, Lou... you're in the hospital. You have meningitis.... how do you feel love."
"Hospitialital?" Louis said
"Hospital." Harry corrected him.
"Haz.. sick." Louis said and became even more pale than he already was. Harry quickly called for a doctor. Louis threw up all over his bed. He was really sick. Nurses came to change his cheets and his gawn. The doctors ran a few tests and the antibiotics weren't working.

"Mr. Styles. We have to talk. The antibiotics are not working. We need to change the medicine. We can't give him any other antibiotics, but there is some new kind of medicine, especially for meningitis. The thing is, it is still experimental. Do you agree that we are using that medicine?" The doctor said.
"Yes, I agree, he needs to get better."
"Okay, we are changing the medicine right away."

The doctor had changed Louis' IV.

Louis had fallen back asleep. After a couple of hours, he woke up. And he seemed to be doing better.

"Haz...? Why am I in the hospital?" he asked.
"Hey, Lou... you have meningitis. That's why you're here. How do you feel now?" Harry asked as he held Louis' hand.
"Mmmh... better, but, still a bit woozy. Why is my skin itching so bad?"
"That's probably because of the IV. Maybe your skin is a bit irritated."
"But, I'm itching all over. over. over. overrrrrrrrrrrrrr......" something weird was happening to Louis. He couldn't help it, but he kept repeating the word over. Then he was quiet again.

"Lou?" Harry asked, confused about what just happened.
"S... sorry. I feel weird. I think I h..h...h...have to go to the bathroom." he stuttered.
"Need help love?" Harry asked.
"No...m all good. "

Louis got out of bed and tried to stand up slowly. He was completely unsteady. He was swaying on his feet. Harry quickly ran over to him before he could fall down.

"Louis? Are you dizzy?"
"Huh?" Louis said, getting trouble again with understanding what Harry meant.
"Dizzy?" Harry repeated himself.
"I'm... flying. Where am I?"

This wasn't good at all. Harry supported Louis to go to the toilet. They were walking together in the direction of the toilet. Louis stopped at the first flowerpot in the room and lifted his gawn. Harry gave him a confused look.

"What are you doing Louis?"
"Have to pee."
"I know, but on the toilet please. That's a flowerpot."
"Oh. Oops. Too late." Louis said.
"Oh well... come on, let's get you back to bed."
"But 'm not tired." Louis said, looking a bit angry at Harry.
"You might not be tired, but you're very sic Louis."
"No! I'm fine. Haz! Dance with me!"
"Lou! Go back to bed, you're sick, you need rest."
"All right, all right."

Harry helped Louis to go back to bed. It was only a few meters, but Louis was still swaying on his feet. In fact, he was acting all strange. This was weird. When Louis was back in bed and sleeping, Harry went to look for a doctor to explain what just happened. Again, the doctors came to do some tests. It appeared that the medicine was working, but that it had a lot of side effects on Louis. That's why he was acting so strange. The doctor was still in the room, talking to Harry. What both of them didn't notice, is that Louis was awake again and out of bed. He was walking to the room, but still not steady on his feet. All of a sudden, the doctor and Harry heard a loud noise, followed by an "OW, GODDAMN IT!". They knew that voice. When they turned around, Louis was on the floor.

"Oh my, Louis, did you fall?"Harry asked, taken by surprise.
"No... I just like to sleep on the floor. Of course I just fell."
"Are you hurt?"
"No, I'm not hurting. But why is there this big mist in my head, why is everything spinning around?"
"That's a side effect of the medicine, I'm afraid. You're going to have to stay in bed. Otherwise you are going to fall again. And if you need to go to the bathroom, you have to call a nurse."
"But, doctor! I don't have her phone number!" Louis shouted.
"Not with the phone, with the button next to your bed." the doctor answered.

Louis was completely out of it, he was acting all strange. This medicine was doing strange things to Louis. He couldn't think straight anymore.
It was a whole job to get Louis back to bed, but the doctors finally managed to get him to sleep. They had given him something so he could sleep better.

After a couple of days Louis was on the mend, but he still had to stay in the hospital because he was still having a fever. Not as high as before, but still. Sometimes you could have a normal conversation with him, at other times he was completly out of the world and he didn't even know where he was, or who he was. That scared Harry a little.

About one and a half week later, Louis was acting normal again. He didn't have to be on an IV anymore and in a few days he could go home. But he had to take it easy. And Harry would take care of him.

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