The Perfect Ruin (OBJxSevyn)

By Knightsdark

373K 13K 2.4K

Odell a football player had never imagined himself settling down again at least not this early in his life. ... More

1. Intro
2. Fanny packs & Studios
3. Crzy
4. My Love for you
5. Night Club
6. Ex's & Hoes
7. Before I Do
8. Prolly
9. Revolt
10. Game Day
11. Restaurant tales
12. California
13. Missing you
14. It's Official
15. Momma Dukes
16. Who's that?
17. We are A okay
18. Trapsoul
19. Its A Deal
21. Whipped
22. Old Roots
23. White
24. Christmas Eve
25. Christmas
26. New Years Eve
27. New years
28. Pool Party
29. Jan 2nd
30. Jan 2nd P.II
31. Toxic
32. Pre Bowl
33. Pro Bowl
34. Leeds
35. Valentines Days
36. Birthday Night
37. The truth hurts
38. Tit For Tat
39. Sightings
40. Surprise
41. Bronx
42. Rehearsal Pains
43. Present Situation
44. Changes
45. Back in motion
46. Pops
47. Snakes In the Building
48. Coachella Pt 1
49. Coachella PT. 2
50. Try Harder
51. Nike Deal
52. Breakfast Club
53. Home Sweet Home
54. Aunt Gina
55. Communication
56. Consideration
57. Sorrys
58. Fever
59. You Again...
60. Regrets
61. Preseason
62. Checklist
63. St. Lucia
64. Season Finale
65. Surgery
66. Sacrifice
67. Who?
68. Blessing
69. Birthday Mess
70. Too Good
71. Nobu
72. Resurface
73. God is a Woman
74. Build A Bear
75. No Games
76. Prepping
77. Holiday Party
78. Quickie
79. Merry Christmas
80. Reveal
81. Maldives
82. Shot clock
83. The Shower
84. Feb 13th
85. Ghosts
86. Trade
87. Ms. Side piece
88. Its time
89. New Beginings
90. Just Being Honest
91. No Guidance
92. The Live
93. Im Done
94. Landed
95. Moving On
96. Shattered
97. Fam Jam
98. Ungodly Hour
99. Uncomfortable
100. Timing
Authors Note
101. Focus
102. Lust
103. New Dates
104. Valentines

20. Past vs Future

4.4K 147 42
By Knightsdark


Focused. My mindset was beyond in the game since I came home I've been in the training facility everyday on top of that I've been hitting the gym. Since last game wasn't as great for me coach thought it was a good idea to meet up with trainers to make sure my hip was fine and that my thumb was healed. I had strained my hip earlier in October and since then coach has been keeping an eye on it so that I didn't injure it any further. With that being said I didn't let myself rest, I couldn't especially since we were so close to making it to the play offs.

Since it was a day before we played the Cowboys again the team had a mandatory practice then later on we would be flying out to Dallas. "I got a good feeling bout this one" Casillas yelled we were all huddled up in the locker room sweaty after practice "I see all you guys putting in the effort, giving your all to this tea and I have no doubt in my mind we will make it to the playoffs" Eli added. The two captains did a little speech to the players in hopes to keep their head in the game. So far in the season we had been the only team to repeatedly defeat the cowboys this time nothing different was expected. I will say though the team was doing pretty great for their first season without their Tony Romo. Dak had taken the position and fulfilled it beyond everyone's expectations, I couldn't be mad they were untouchable when it came to the other teams.

"I've seen so many of you guys grow into a better player and I just wanna say I'm proud and honored to call you guys my brothers, my teammates" Casillas added

"Everybody in Giants on three" we obeyed gathering closer with on hand in the middle of the circle. On the count of three everyone around shouted out our teams name before breaking apart. I retrieved back to my locker getting ready to take a shower so that I could go home and relax for a bit.

"I'll see y'all on the west coast!" Manning yelled  waving at everyone before he walked out the locker room with coach on his tail. After a well needed shower I was ready to go it seemed like the countless days of workouts were now catching up to my body.

"You wanna grab something to eat?" Sterling came over asking. We would be traveling together I offered him a ride on my jet since there was going to be room "yeah man just meet me at my place later" I told him gathering my things "you already know Ben bout to be there too" added reminding him that Ben would be tagging along like usual.

When I got home I had no time to relax the minute I touched my bed there was pounding at my front door. Groaning as I got up I took my time getting to the door. Before I saw who it was I heard the voice, Ben was here. Sighing a opened the door then turned around to head back up the stairs he knew where everything was he didn't me to greet him and tell him to come in.

"So you just gon not say hello" he said his voice loud as ever "that's how you gon treat your best friend that ain't even right" he continued his voices followed me through out the house.

"Man shut up I'm tired go find Chris and go do something " I said no longer heading for the room instead I went into the living room laying on the couch. Chris had flown up a couple days ago after I had gotten back from my dads, I had barely seen him though since he was out doing his own thing. "I feel like you don't want me here" he says taking a seat on the couch across from me "that's cuz I don't" I answered turning the tv on to see ESPN on the screen.

"Yaya would want me here" he whined "speaking of where my bestie at why she ain't around I texted her and she said she would be here" he continued to speak usually I would ignore his continuous questions but as soon as I heard her name I felt the need to answer. "You texted her?" I didn't know the two even exchanged numbers.

"Yeah to tell her congrats on going number one and for being the new cover girl" he shrugged not thinking anything of it

"Well she still in Cali she said she should be flying out to Dallas tomorrow for the game" I mumbled. I'll admit I did wish she was here right now, she would have at least told Ben to leave me alone so I could take a nap. On the other hand I was happy for her she was getting ready to release her album that she worked so hard on so I couldn't really be mad at her hustle. Of course we stayed in contact with each other but it wasn't that same, I couldn't physically touch her so shit wasn't really pleasing me as much. To say the least I couldn't wait to have her back in my arms at least for a little while longer until we had to travel again.

"Aah shit you miss old slime" when he said that I didn't answer instead I focused my attention back to the tv as skip and Shannon debating on why Ezekiel Elliot was a beast.

After some time I felt my eyelids began to get heavy before I knew it I was in deep sleep but I didn't know for how long, to me it felt like minutes but when I woke up and checked two hours had actually gone by. I could hear voices and suspected that shepherd was finally here and that Chris had came back from wherever he had gone, my suspicion was right when I found them playing pool in the game area.

"Sup man" I greeted them with our hand shake "so they can get one but when you saw me you were salty" Ben argued he held his hand out waiting to be re-greeted by me which didn't happen.

"I'm starving let me go get dressed then we can head out" I told them heading up to my room to find something to wear in the process I made sure to reply to Naya's text about the first day of the shoot had gon and how excited she was about meeting up tomorrow. I knew she had two days of shooting but she said she would make it to the game. I reassured her that it was cool if she couldn't I would understand since it was work I mean it wasn't like I wouldn't have any support at the game. My dad and brothers would be there plus my friends and the thousands of fans in the stadium. Even with all of that she insisted that she would be able to make it so that got my hopes up now all I could wait for is to see her.

After throwing on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt I was ready to go, the place we had picked was called Delmonico's it was a steakhouse that had amazing reviews according to Ben.

"O drive the Royce my snaps be having me look fine as hell with the twinkle stars at the top" Ben says referring to the lights at the inside roof of the car. "As long as you don't sit in the passenger side then we good"

Opening the door to my garage I examined my options debating which one to take for the night with my duffle bag on my shoulder I walked over to the Rolls Royce opening the trunk with the key that hung on the wall.

"I got the aux" he called dibs throwing his bag in the trunk as well and getting into the back seat with shepherd, Chris took the front.

Before hoping in the car I made sure all the doors to my house was locked and that the alarm was on. "This food better be nice" I complained Starting the car, I had never heard of this place but apparently the food was out of the world.

On the way there we had the music blasting occasionally recording for snap. "She want the whole crew Shawty brave, when the money talks what is there to say" I sang along while focusing on the road I realized the restaurant wasn't that far from me seeing as though it was downtown and was near Soho.

"Pop two cups of purple just to start up I heard your bitch she got that water splash drip, drop woo splash" When I noticed that flash from a camera was on me I began to dance almost forgetting that I was on the road.

When we got to the restaurant there was valet parking which made it easy for me because I was beyond hungry and didn't want to waste time finding a parking spot. Throwing my key over to a worker I followed the guys walking into the restaurant where thankfully we had made a reservation so there was no need to wait.

"Hi my name is Amanda I will be serving you gentlemen today can I start you off with our 1865 Chateau Lafite" she said offering their best wine and seating us into a nicely designed booth. "How much is it?" I asked knowing these places were over ridiculous with their prices.

"The bottle itself is $24,500 but a glass is only $4,650" she answered looking to see if we would agree. If you ask me that shit was over price, why would I pay $4000 for just a glass of bitter ass wine.

"That wine got somethin special in it?" Ben interrupted before I could say no thanks "the bottle is about 150 years old and is one of the many few that is offered around the world" she didn't take Ben seriously instead she did her job and answered the question. Are folks this rich that they're willing to spend that kind of money on just a glass of wine.

"Can I just have a sparkling water" I asked catching her attention "that's how they be ripping people off bet you that wine is as stale as ever" Ben continued not caring that our waitress was still standing in front of us.

"I'll have the 1876 Centennial Exposition" Chris ordered their whiskey Ben reluctantly did the same ordering a cocktail while Sterling ordered water. We knew we shouldn't be drinking the day before a game so water is what we would stick to.

"Alright I'll be back in a few moments to get your orders" she said retreating to the back "tell me how this restaurant asking for $4000 for just a glass of wine" Ben vented to his Snap

"Man shut up" I said making sure it was heard in the snap "you always ruining my shit" laughed I shook my head taking my phone out to see if Naya had texted back but to my surprise she didn't but a familiar number did

From: 225-760-3764
I know I'm the last person you wanna talk to but I promise I'll leave you alone after this I just wanna know something before I can fully move on, I need to know did you ever love me?

I immediately recognized the number as Abbie's it made me wonder how she even got my number I changed it after we broke up. It also made me wonder why she felt the need to even text me we hadn't talked since that dinner so why now all of a sudden? Was it because I was finally becoming happy? Not paying the text any mind I locked my phone putting it back down on the table.

Soon the waiter came back with our drinks and took our order telling us the wait would be about 20 or so minutes. "Pinky up" Ben started another snap "you need light?" I asked throwing the small table light his way.
"Damn you don spilt it bruh you that childish bout to start a damn house fire" he said motioning to the lamp which laid on the table

"You was looking a lil dark in your snap all I did was try to help" I shrugged sipping my drink "what y'all doing for New Years" Chris interrupted changing the topic so Ben and I didn't argue.

"I'm in Miami prob gon head out to the New Years concert" of course that's what Ben was doing he lived in Miami so I expected nothing different. "We got a game New Year's Day so not much we can really do till after the game" shepherd reminded.

"I'll prob go out celebrate with Naya or something" I said leaning back into the chair when I said that all eyes went to me smirking "aight ya'll done" I mumbled shaking my head

"How is she I thought she would be here with you" Chris asked looking around as if she would randomly appear "she's in Cali shooting for the cover of some magazine" I said not remembering what magazine it was.

"That's dope I'm glad things are picking up for her wasn't her song number one" He added I nodded "yeah her song with Chris is everywhere think it's been number one for the past two weeks" even though the song had come out last month it was just now getting the recognition it deserved in my opinion it was better now than never. I remember when she called me yelling that the song was number one she even played the song over about three times while on the phone. I loved seeing that happiness on her face so who was I to tell her to stop and ruin that mood? Instead I listened and even sung some parts of it with her until she got tired.

"She coming tomorrow right?" Shep asked I nodded, thankfully the waitress came just in time with our food suddenly the hunger I was feeling earlier came back in full effect.

"Let's hope this taste as good as it smell" I mumbled immediately digging in, everyone did the same except Chris we was too invested in his phone to even eat "Chris you good" I asked only for him to look up with an uncertain nod.

I didn't look into it, if it was anything serious he would let me know about it. Reaching for my phone I noticed I had Multiple texts from the unsaved number and still none from the one person I wanted.

From: 225-760-3764
Am I not worth at least that? I gave up three years of my life for you just for you to treat me like garbage. You get a new girl like it was nothing even posted a message about her on social media yet you could never do that with me

She was jealous, Naya was getting more attention than she had gotten and it was bothering her.

"Ayo you gotta check this out" Chris suddenly spoke up showing me his phone which showed twitter on the screen, taking it out his hand I read over what he was showing me. There it was Abbie had taken it upon herself to post how she was feeling at the moment not once forgetting to tag me.

@Abbiexo: they never forget what you didn't give up for them but somehow how always forget how much you invested in them @Obj

@Abbiexo: I'm far from a salty ex I just feel as though I shouldn't be disrespected don't act like you werent just telling me I was the best thing in your life 2 years ago @Obj

@Abbiexo: @NayaAnderson I don't know you but I feel as though I should just say your man is a liar and a dog @OBj

@Abbiexo: and I'm not doing this for attention I just think people should know the hurt Odell put me through, he was my world

My blood was boiling not only was she trying to tarnish my name she had brought Naya into it and knowing her she was going to reply and it most likely wasn't going to be nice.

"The fuck is wrong with this girl" I say handing Chris back his phone and unlocking mine the first thing I did was text Naya asking her to not respond knowing her she was probably mad. She was already not fond of Abbie and this was just going to make it worst the last thing I needed was for the media to have her in this mix up.

I didn't even realize that Chris had filled the others in on what was happening I was too invested in what to do. I was never one to pay much attention to drama but I felt the need to address this one she had inserted herself into my relationship on top of that she was trying to tarnish me.

My heart immediately picked up when I saw Naya texted back saying too late. My fingers quickly moved over to twitter typing her name into the search box

@NayaAnderson: @Abbiexo sis you don't know me? Coulda sworn you approached me a couple weeks ago making up mad lies to get me to end my relationship.

@NayaAnderson: You're a stalker you need to move on and get a life it's not healthy focusing on someone who don't want you.

@NayaAnderson: @Abbiexo sis, girl, hunny stop playing the victim to these people when you know you were the one that ruined that relationship 🤐👀

@NayaAnderson: @Abbiexo another thing then I'm done responding. Stop trying to contact MY MAN he blocked you the first time for a reason boo

"Yo this whole thing is crazy I ain't know your ex was this obsessed" Ben said catching up by now he was reading everything on his twitter.

"You have no idea man ever since she seen me with Naya the other week she been wildin" I shook my head trying to think rationally on what to say. I hated that Naya got involved but I couldn't wrong her for saying anything her first instinct is to defend and that's what she did.

"Naya said sis, girl, hunny that's how you know she ain't playing" Ben found a joke in all of this I couldn't lie Naya handled the situation better than expected but I would have appreciated if she hadn't responded at all.

After dinner I made sure to block the number Abbie had texted me from I wanted nothing to do with that girl. She had many years to go and try to 'speak her mind' so why choose now all of a sudden.

On the way to the jet the mood had seemed to lighten up thanks to Ben who was cracking jokes left and right. As soon as we got there I exited the car handing the keys to a worker who would park it until I was ready to come back and get it. I followed the guys heading up the steps to the plane as a flight attendant offered up champagne I was too in my thoughts to even take one.

I sat in the front seats while the others sat in the back the first thing I did was I call Naya hoping she would answer. "What's up my little chicken nugget" she greeted cheerful and completely unbothered by the drama. "What you up to" I asked trying to see her surroundings "I'm waiting on room service I'm in the hotel chilling with Lani and Nattie" she showed Kehlani and Natalia on the couch watching a show.

"Hmmm you seem calm" I say seeing what she would say "why shouldn't I be? Oh yeah that" she laughed "honestly she don't phase me I just had to check her really quick for even bringing me into her mess" she shrugged biting down on her nails. " I dead wanted to tell her to stop focusing on you and go raise her child but God put a hand on my shoulder and told me not to do it to her" she joked looking up to the ceiling as if she could see God.

"A damn mess" I shook my head I was relieved she didn't take it personal and could joke about it "but I will say though that this is strike two if she mentions my name one more time I'm going to violate her whole life" she said showing her inner New Yorker.

"Got it" I debated on if I should mention the fact that Abbie had texted my phone but thought against it, it wasn't that big of a deal and on top of it I had blocked her anyway.

"I can't wait to see you" I said smiling as I looked at her, I didn't mind being a hopeless romantic and showing my soft side if I learned anything it was that women loved that.

"You see about that" she bit her lip nervous to continue what she was going to say I watched as she got up going to a room that was quieter "you not coming?" I asked disappointment written all over my face.

"Cover girl wants me to do a promo video for them and I don't think I can say no cause I signed the contract" she explained frowning, I ran a hand through my hair not wanting to show that I was upset. I had gotten my hopes up of seeing her only to be disappointed.

"It's cool I know it's business I can't stop you from getting your money" I shrugged I mean what else was I supposed to do? I would just have to wait until I would be able to see her again "I know you're upset" she sighed reading my emotions.

"I mean yeah I wanted to see you but I also understand it's work you can't turn that down we'll just have to wait a little bit longer to see each other" she looked away from the camera not wanting me to see that she was upset about this as well.

"Aight I'll text you when I land" I say seeing the pilot send me a signal "okay I hope you have a safe flight and don't forget to text me!" She said sternly I nodded telling her I wouldn't. When the call ended a sigh left my lips I was angry at Abbie and upset at Naya's situation but nonetheless I knew it wasn't the end of the world.

Getting up from my seat I went to the back where everyone one was picking up an untouched bottles of water and chiming into their conversation acting like everything was good.

Abbie is an emotional little one, maybe she just wants closure 🤷🏽‍♀️

Ya'll Sevyn Streeters album is out (she plays Naya) it's called Girl disrupted 😝 go cop it!!

Peace sign feat Dave East is my fave so far.

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