From Dream to Love (Demi Lova...

By HeyLookItsNaomie

700K 12.1K 2.4K

Olivia Dickens has an impossible dream, be a worldwide singer. She has not enough confidence to ever think th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5 (Bonus)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
What If You're The One I Love...
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Sequel is up! -> Chasing Her

Chapter 44

9.3K 158 105
By HeyLookItsNaomie

Y'all aint ready to know who it is!! :P Haha!! But anyway thanks for reading peeps!! And I loved all your amazing comments!! :D This chapter is for rawrdemi!! Thank for your comment!! ;)

Thanks for every follow! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 44

P.O.V Olivia

-”I’m gonna be sick”, I huffed feeling the acid taste of vomit reaching my tongue. I bent down a bit trying to slow my breathing, “I’m gonna be sick”, I repeated squeezing Demi’s had really tight. I looked at her sending her a desperate look before I jumped to my feet, reaching the toilet just in time. The vomit came up my mouth as I gripped the toilet bowl. I could feel Demi rubbing my back gently and it slowly made me relax. 

-”Give me your hand”, she demanded before she helped me up. I walked to the sink to rinse my mouth and splashed water in my face at the same time. My bottom lip was quivering as my watery eyes started at Demi through the mirror. “Baby, what is happening?”, she asked hugging me from behind. No word could could come out of my mouth. Breathing was hard enough so speaking was currently an impossibility. I turned around and held Demi in my arms letting the sobs shake my body. “Oh my god Olivia, you’re worrying me!”, Demi pleaded making me cry even harder. I felt like the walls of the bathroom were closing in on us. Soon I was hyperventilating, gripping Demi with all my strength. 

-”Baby, breath”, she begged, “You’re gonna faint!”, she said forcing me to sit down. “Match my breathing”, she pleaded breathing in and out slowly. I tried to slow my breathing, but it wasn’t working. “Olivia, baby! You’re scaring the shit out of me!”. I could see the worry printed in her features and I tried to concentrate on her and calm down for her sake.

-”I’m sorry”, I hiccuped still sobbing.

-”Olivia who’s that guy, why are you so freaked out?”, she asked rubbing my back.

-”I’m gonna be sick”, I said again throwing myself on the toilet. Demi held my hair as my stomach emptied itself. Once I had rinsed my mouth again Demi made me sit on her lap. 

-”Ok, Olivia, look at me. It’s you and me, that’s it. Forget everything, it’s just us”, she cupped my face in her hands, pressing her forehead against mine her warm breath brushing over my lips. “It’s you and me baby. Look at me baby”, she asked. I looked up and my eyes met hers. I could see all the love and the worry that she felt and it reassured me. I wasn’t alone, Demi loved me. I took a big breath and forced myself to stop crying. “That’s better”, she smiled and kissed my cheek gently.

-”You missed”, I huffed calmly.

-”No I didn’t, I love you, but your breath smells like vomit so I’m not kissing you”, she smirked pulling away and wiping the tears from my cheeks.

-”Please”, I pleaded making puppy dog eyes. She rolled her eyes before leaning in slowly. I pressed my lips against her gently, enjoying the reassuring feeling that she brought me. She pulled away scrunching her nose before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. 

-”Seriously, you need a breath mint or something”, she frowned making me giggle.

-”I love you so freaking much!”, I smiled scooting closer to her on the floor. She had her arm wrapped around my waist as my head rested on her shoulder. I closed my eyes, Demi’s arms was the only place where I really felt home and there’s nothing I wanted more than home right now.

-”We’ll have to go out sooner or later Olivia”, Demi said quietly. I squeezed her hand tightly feeling a shiver run down my spine. “Talk to me.”, she pleaded.

-”That’s Liam”, I huffed on the verge of tears.

-”What?”, she exclaimed looking horrified, “But, but, but you told me that he, he died!”, she stuttered.

-”He died! I was there when they buried him. I saw him lying in his coffin. He died, he’s dead”, I said shaking my head in disbelief as the sickening feeling made it’s way back to my stomach. 

-”That’s so fucked up Olivia!”, Demi exclaimed squeezing my hand reassuringly.

-”I’m glad you’re here with me”, I said chewing on my bottom lip nervously.

-”Me too”, she said pecking my cheek again, “do you want me to go talk to your dad alone?”, she asked. 

-”That’s really sweet of you baby, but no, we’ll do this together”, I said feeling the nerves kick in. Demi opened the door holding my hand and slowly dragged me back to the living room where the boys were talking quietly. Every thought that was going though my head drove me crazy. I took a seat next to Demi refusing to look at Liam. How could I feel so much hatred towards the one who used to be my everything.

-”What is he doing here”, I asked bluntly running my hand through my hair.

-”Can I start from the beginning?”, my dad asked.

-”I don’t care about your fucked up story! I wanna know why he’s not buried in the ground!”, I exclaimed harshly.

-”Baby, baby! Calm down, trust me, you want to know”, Demi said calmly forcing me to look into her eyes. “I’m right here with you and I’m not going anywhere. It’s us against the world remember?”, Demi said quietly and I nodded slowly holding my tears in. ”Go on Louis”, Demi said.

-”This is not Liam”, he said giving me a gentle look.

-”What the fuck Louis! I think I can remember my fucking brother!”, I replied frustratedly. He wasn’t going fast enough. He had to spill out the story quickly or else I would probably go insane. I wanted to rip my hair out and scream at the top of my lungs. 

-”Olivia, calm down, this is your brother!”, he replied, “But just stay quiet and listen to me. And don’t interrupt, you’ll ask question after.”, he said. “This here, is Dylan”.

-”What!”, I asked confusedly forcing myself to not run out the door.

-”In the past, I did a lot of things that I’m not proud of, but it made me the man I am today and I will forever be grateful for that. Before Liam’s birth, I cheated on your mother”, my dad sighed visibly uncomfortable, “Long story short, Elizabeth, that’s her name, got pregnant with Liam and Dylan. I felt so bad for your mother, it actually made me physically sick. I told her everything because the guilt was eating me alive and she told me that she would only forgive me if I brought the kid home to us. I didn’t understand at first, but I know your mother wanted Liam because we had tried to have a baby and it wasn’t working out. I talked to Elizabeth and she accepted to give me the baby. She was young and still in University, so it was an easy yes for her. When Liam was born, we took him home with us and I never saw Elizabeth again. Of course I didn’t know anything about Dylan’s existence. I guess that Elizabeth thought it would be too hard to raise twins on her own and decided to give up Liam but keep Dylan a secret. Elizabeth died, when Dylan was four while she was giving birth to her second child who also passed away along with her. Dylan was put in foster care because he had no one left.This year Dylan had started to look for his father and that’s how he found me. We’re his family Olivia. Dylan is Liam’s twin”, my dad smiled sadly.

-”It’s really nice to finally meet you Olivia, I’ve heard so much about you”, Dylan said politely. The sound of his voice made cringe, it was Liam’s voice. I threw him a death glare eyeing him with a disgusted look on my face.

-”You listen to me kid”, I said even though he was older than me, “I don’t give a fuck about who you are or your story. We might share the same DNA but I only have one brother and it’s Liam. He died, you’ll never replace him. I don’t give a fuck about you. You’re not my brother. You are no one to me!”, I said harshly keeping eye contact with him. “Demi we’re leaving”, I said tangling my fingers with hers.

-”Olivia!”, My father exclaimed, “I know that you’re really shocked but it’s not Dylan’s fault, you can’t blame him for what happened”, he said. I shot him a quick look over my shoulder, shrugging.

-”I don’t give a damn fuck!”, I replied before walking out the door and slamming it shut. Demi followed me silently as we hopped in her white mercedes. The ride happened in silence and I was glad that she let me alone with my thoughts. How dare this Dylan guy come into our life like he belonged. No one had the right to have Liam’s face, Dylan had no right to exist.

-”Are you ok?”, Demi asked as we walked into her apartment.

-”No.”, I replied.

-”Do you wanna talk? about it”, she said stepping closer to me.

-”No.”, I replied in the same emotionless tone.

-”Lets just go to bed yeah?”, she proposed stroking my arm. I gently I pushed her hand away avoiding eye contact.

-”Go to bed without me, there’s no way I could sleep anyway”, I sighed crashing on the couch. Demi walked in the room and straddled me.

-”Don’t let me sleep alone, I need your arms wrapped around me to fall asleep”, she frowned undoing the zipper of my jacket. She placed her hands on my stomach, leaning down. “I miss you”, she smirked making me roll my eyes as she played with the hem of my pants. There was only my Demi to ask for sex after what had just happened.

-”Demi”, I sighed raising an eyebrow as she unbuttoned my pants.

-”What?”, she asked cutely bending down, she pressed her hand on my cheek while she kissed my neck.

-”Demi”, I groaned shifting under her weight. She sucked on my sweet spot as her hands slid under my shirt. I shivered as her cold fingers trailed up my stomach. “D”, I huffed holding in a moan. “Babe, please”, I whined trying to resist at the waves of desire that ran through my body.

-”Just stop fighting Olivia, you know you want me, plus I wanna make you feel better”, she huffed against my skin.

-”Demi”, I whined as she tried to take off my pants, “Can I just take a shower?”.

-”Ok”, she sighed getting off of me, “I can’t believe you’re turning me down” she huffed as we walked towards her bedroom.

-”I’m not, you’re coming with me”, I smiled gently, reaching for her hand.


Demi’s head was resting on my chest and my arms were wrapped around her. Her steady breathing was reassuring me. I was glad she could sleep and I wished that I could too but Dylan kept coming back in my mind. He was walking in our lives at the worst timing possible. Demi would be leaving in two days for Neon Lights Tour, my CD was done, my first single would come out next week and it would be time to run around the country for promotion. Plus Demi and I were out to the world and we weren’t ready to deal with it. Paparazzi had never been that invading and intense before. when they  were catching Demi and I together, they were going even more crazy screaming questions at us. In less than a week, the world would know that I’m gay. In less than a week, I would know if Demi and I’s relationship would make it and I was scared shitless. Liam could make it all better, but he wasn’t here anymore. Dylan was though, stealing my brother’s identity and coming in my family like it was his. He was making me hate his face, and it sickened me that he made me feel that way about Liam’s face. Liam, not Dylan. I wanted Liam. I selfishly wished that Dylan had died instead Liam. I wish that he would’ve never reached out to MY dad. A wave of anxiousness took over my body as the thought of living in Louis’s house with Dylan dawned on me. Where would he sleep? Would he take Jake’s room? No he couldn’t! I wouldn’t let him. I was moving out of that house, there was no way that I would live under the same roof as that impostor. Demi let out a cute sigh ripping me out of my thoughts. I looked down at her, running my fingers through her pink locks. Her eyes fluttered open as she slowly propped herself up.

-”Oh baby, you’re crying”, she huffed wiping my cheek. I hadn’t even realized.

-”I am?”, I asked a bit surprised. She nodded scooting closer to me.

-”Don’t cry baby”, she pleaded, “it breaks my heart to see you like this!” She kissed my lips softly, her hands pressed on my cheek. “I’m so worried about you, I don’t think I can leave you like this.”

-”Demi”, I smiled, “Your going on tour and I’m coming for the first show we’re not saying goodbye just yet. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be just fine”, I said reassuringly.

-”I just wanna be there for you”, she sighed.

-”You’re always there for me and anyway I’ll be so busy I won’t even have time to think about him”, I frowned unable to say his name aloud.

-”Promise me you’ll be ok”, she pleaded.

-”As long as I have you, I’ll always be ok”, I smirked.

-”Then I guess I’m stuck with you huh”, she joked.

-”Hell yeah you are”, I giggled stroking her arm, “I love you D”

-”I love you too”, she smiled resting her head back on my chest, “Try to sleep baby, we have to finish packing tomorrow”. I kissed her forehead before closing my eyes. I knew I wasn’t going to fall asleep, but I did it for her. Liam’s face crept back in my mind, I wanted it to be him, but at that point how could I know who that boy was.

P.O.V Demi

I closed my suitcase with a sigh, finally done. Crossing my arms over my chest, I smiled happily. I was so excited for Neon Lights Tour it was crazy! I had missed seeing and meeting my fans so much and I was glad that this year would only be all about music.

-”I got something for you”, Olivia smirked walking in the room with both hand behind her back.

-”Please tell me it’s not flowers babe!”, I frowned, I could never bring them with me and they’d die in my suitcase anyway.

-”No it’s not”, she giggled, walking closer to me.

-”What is it then?”, I asked with a curious smile on my face.

-”Ok, I’ll start with the not so romantic thing”, she said.

-”Oh so there’s more than one thing!”, I exclaimed excitedly.

-”Yes”, she laughed, “Ok, I wanted you to be the first one to see it and to hold it in your hands so here”, she smiled handing me a CD.

-”Oh my gosh! It’s your CD Olivia!”, I squealed happily, “This is such a great picture of you!”, I smiled dreamingly my eyes glued on the photo.

-”You can stop drooling over the picture now”, she said slipping her finger under my chin so I’d look at her in the eyes. She gently took the CD out of my hands throwing gently on the bed, wrapping one her arm around my waist.

-”I can’t help it, you are so beautiful”, I smirked making her blush. 

-”Stop that babe”, she said looking down, “So, don’t be scared by what I’m about to say”, she said calmly. Gosh now I was nervous.

-”You’re scaring me by saying that, you’re not breaking up with me are you?”, I asked nervously.

-”NO! No,no why would you even think that!”, she said looking completely horrified. Thank god I said to myself.

-”I don’t know, it’s just the first thing that popped in my mind”, I replied shrugging my shoulders.

 -”Well I’m not, it’s quite the contrary actually”, she smiled reassuringly, “You’re leaving for Neon Lights Tour and I’m gonna be promoting everywhere around the country. This distance relationship thing will be hard, lets not lie to ourselves, but I love you so much that I’m sure that there’s nothing that could ever tear us apart. I feel like growing old with you would be the best gift life could ever give me. You stole my heart as soon as I looked at you and I wanted you to take my heart with you”, she said handing me a little red heart cushion with ‘I love you’ written on it in white. I held it against my heart, smiling dreamingly. “That way, wherever you are on this earth you’ll know that I’m right next to you”, she smiled leaning in and softly placing her lips on mine. Gosh, being in love felt so good.


I FOOLED ALL YOUR SEXY FACES!! MOUHAHAHAHA!!! it's not Liam!! Hahahaha!!

HEYO to all your sexy faces!! So this is it, chapter 44!! :P I'LL NEVER STOP FREAKING OUT ABOUT THE NUMBERS OF READS!!! 19.9K!!  OMFG!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!!!! :P Thanks for all the positive comments and the votes it really means a lot to me!! please comment, vote and follow me because I love you and we all know I'm fucking awesome maybe not as much as you guys but still!! :P  <3 (Next update tomorrow! ;D)


-Naomie <3 

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