Unstable Love Affair

By Christine810

20.6K 650 332

20 year old Jessamine was a young runaway in Ohio. While on the WWE WORLD tour, Dean Ambrose found her and ch... More

Out with the old
The Truth....Kinda
Finding Out
The Talk
Not an update
Pretty Little Lamb
Home again
1,000 reads!!!
It was so...
Oh my god...
New Friend...
Old Faces
Save me
3,000 reads!!!!
Spoil Me (^_^)
Remember Me?
Not an update but STILL IMPORTANT!!!
New Story!!!!
Together again
Not Again
None left behind
Forget me
About the other book
5K!!! WOOP WOOP!!! (Important)
About Q&A
Last chance for Questions
So much for stealth
Don't leave
Please...not again.
6k!!!!!!! (Updates)
Don't Go
7k READS?!?!?!
Happy Birthday to muah!
Mystery Solved
Found Out
This Can't be Happening
Start Talking
Lockscreen Challenge
Tough Love
Facts Straight
Q&A #2 (And your choice)
9k reads!!!
Gotta Go
Give up
I Promise
Make it Better
Fixing Things
Coming Back
New Book!
Some Explanation...
The Makings of the Devil
Family Matters
Meeting Family
Welcome Home
Lion's Den
This is War
He's Gone
Let's Get Outta Here
Get This Thing Going
Author's Note
Playtime is Over
The End
Parent Problems
Epilogue (Actual End)
NEW BOOK (Not Sequel)


39 2 1
By Christine810

Summer: Are...Are you sure?

Luke: Oh wow. Well, I don't think someone can survive a bullet to the head Summer.

*Maria is distraught. She was currently sitting on the sidewalk a few blocks away from the Pride building with her head in her hands. Luke just told them about what happened to Tony. She started sobbing and hugging herself. Alberto walked up to her and nudged her with his foot*

Alberto: Hey. Stop all that crying. If you loved him, you wouldn't have been with another man when he was a prison.

*Maria shoots him an evil look*

Maria: It's not that! Do you realize how much I gave up to be with that man?! My home, my family, my entire past!

Summer: *crosses arms* You still slept around on him.

*Maria also shoots Summer an evil look. She stood to her feet and looked at everyone around her. They were all giving her the same face. No remorse. No sympathy. No feeling sorry for her at all. Instead, their faces read...annoyance. They looked like she had been crying twelve years and they were sick of her. She straightens herself up and turns to Alberto*

Maria: *wipes eyes* I was lonely. And he was gone. I need something.

Renee: You know, there are stores for that.

*Maria looks at Renee before shooting her arm out and slapping her, making her stumble and fall on her face*

Renee: Fuck! *holds cheek* I'm just saying!

Bray: *grabs Maria by the hair* You will NOT disrespect one of my o...

Pap! Pap! BAM!!!

*Maria slaps Bray twice and punches him. He steps back and holds a hand up, stopping the beating the Wyatt family was about to inflict on Maria. He wipes his lips and tasted the blood on his lips. Bray chuckles and looks at Maria and slaps her back. She completely loses it and starts throwing punches. Bray steps back as Luke and Braun grab her and hold her against a wall. She continues kicking and cussing at him as he slowly steps towards and puts his hands on his hips*

Bray: *looks her up and down* ...You behave just like your daughter. Hell, she kinda looks like you. But for some reason, you can't stand her. Why?

Maria: None of your fucking business, that's why.

*Bray chuckles at her saucy attitude as Alberto steps to him*

Alberto: She said back at the complex that she was sick of her stealing her jewelry, money, and men.

Bray: ...*looks at Maria* Didn't she run away at 16?

Maria: *blows hair out face* Yeah. She did.

Bray: So you think she purposely stole your boyfriends away?

Maria: I don't think it. I know it.

Bray: A dumbass. This is gonna be fun. Well, still, there has to be more to it than that.

Maria: *balls up fists* Like I said, it's none of your business.

Bray: It is if you want to stay with us.

Maria: And WHY do I want to stay with you?

Bray: Why, for revenge, of course. Unless, you want to go back to your shit house of a home in Ohio. But I'm sure you don't want that, right?

*Maria looks at Bray's face in anger and grits her teeth but she does nothing because what he just said was right. She sighs and kicks Luke, making him let her go, and slaps Braun with her free hand. Braun looks at her in surprise as she continues her assault on him before tossing her to Bray again*

Bray: *grabs her wrists and shakes her* You WILL behave!



*Bray punches Maria with all his might. Maria drops to the ground and holds her face, crying. Bray towers over her, watching her writhe in pain and spits on her*

Bray: Worthless bitch.

*Maria continues to cry and groan on the ground as The Wyatts circle her. Maria barely gets on her knees before a foot connects with her back and knocks her back on the ground. She lets out a growl and launches herself at Luke. He easily invaded the attack and shoved her into the building. Maria screams as a sickening crack is heard and clings to her arm. Bray chuckles as Maria cradles her broken arm. He grabs by her hair and looks dead into her eyes*

Bray: Now...Tell me...Why do you hate her?



Xavier: *holds towel to bleeding man's head* He's gone man! Summer, Alberto, and some crazy bitch broke them out.

Becky: *stitches guy up* Yeah. And he took some of your men with him.

Matai: *looks at Becky* He killed them?!

Alicia: Nope. *coos spider* They went with him. He bribed them.

Reggie: *runs fingers through dreads* Ja gotta be fuckin' kiddin' meh.

Paige: No. They're not. He really took them.

*Matai ran his fingers through his hair. He couldn't believe what was going on. He scanned the area and saw some of his men scattered on the ground and some of them walking around with blood on their faces. He was still looking when a big burly man came from the basement and staggered towards him. Reggie had taken Lil' Reggie from Alicia and was slowly rubbing his back well he noticed the man coming closer*

Reggie: *steps back* Simba!

Matai: *looks at Reggie* Huh? *looks around* Wh...

*The man grabs hold of Matai and drops to his knees*

Man: D...Da...

Matai: *shakes arms* Hey! Get off of me man!

Man: Da...Da...Darius.

*Matai stops struggling and looks him dead in the face*

Matai: Wh...What?

Man: They...They shot... Darius.

*The man lets Matai go and slumps over, unconscious. Matai blood turned into ice shards as he looked around and saw no sign of Darius. He panicked and started towards the basement. People tried to stop him but he shoved past them and ran downstairs​. He scanned the area before he spotted a crumbled body on the ground. Once he saw the curly dark brown hair with blonde ends, his heart sunk. He turned Darius on his back, earning a grunt and groan from the injured man. Matai laid Darius on his lap and examines the wound. He had a bullet hole in his chest and blood stained his shirt and the ground around him. Matai looked at Darius in fear, knowing that that was all he could do*

Darius: Ma...Mat...*coughing*

Matai: *shakes head* Shut up Juaquin. You're fine. We just...*applies pressure to wound* Just need to get you outta here.

*Juaquin grabs Matai's shaking hand and moves it. He then balls his fist up and lightly punches his jaw. Matai cocks his eyebrow and Juaquin laughs and coughs up blood*

Juaquin: *chuckling* G... Got... Gotcha back.

*Juaquin goes limp*

Matai: *shaking* Ju.... Juaquin? *shakes him* Juaquin. *violently shakes him* JUAQUIN!!! *picks him up* Nononono not like this. NOT like this!

*Matai carries Juaquin upstairs and sprints through the lobby*

Reggie: Wh...S...Simba wher' da h... JUAQUIN!!!

*Reggie drops the medical supplies that Alicia gave him and rushed to Matai*

Reggie: WHA' DA HELL HAPPN'D?!?!!!?

Matai: He got shot. Straight in and out. Through his chest.

*Reggie rushed to his car and unlocks it. Matai gets in the back and pulls Juaquin in with him. Reggie rushes to driver side and pushes the button to start the car when Jessamine and Damien dove in, Jessamine in the passenger seat and Damien in the back when Matai and Juaquin*

Matai: *looks at Jessamine and widens eyes* WHY DO YOU HAVE REGGIE'S GUN?!?!?!

Jessamine: *takes off strap* Later. *looks at Reggie* GO!!!

*Reggie revs up the engine and speeds down the street. Damien places two fingers on Juaquin's jugular and sighs*

Damien: There's still a pulse. Thank God. But it's fading quickly.

Matai: *holds Juaquin tightly* How long does he have?

Damien: *shakes head* Not long if we don't go any faster.

Reggie: On it!

*Reggie floors it. The car is going 200 down the road and Jessamine keeps gazing out the window and finally she grips the gun and punches Reggie's arm*

Reggie: OW!!!

Jessamine: Slow down.

Matai: Jessamine we ca...

Jessamine: Either he slows down or none of you are living.

*Damien and Reggie took that as her threatening them and prepared to attack but Matai held up his hands and looked at Jessamine*

Matai: Little girl. I don't know what you're talking about but...

Jessamine: SH!!!

*Jessamine ​pointed the gun at a car that was peeked around the corner, appearing to be off. But as soon as the driver saw her, they stepped on gas and sped towards them. But unfortunately for them, Jessamine aim was perfect and she shot the driver, causing the car to swerve and hit a wall full speed*

Jessamine: GO GO GO!!!

*Reggie floors it again and this time, a five cars speed behind them*

Damien: *looks back* HOLY SHIT!!!

Matai: *looks at Jessamine* How did you....

Jessamine: Bray is smart. I'm sure he shot Darius to get you out of the building. They were gonna ambush you Reggie do you have a p...

Reggie: Glove compartment.

*Jessamine opens the glove compartment and takes out a pistol*

Jessamine: These windows are bulletproof, right?

Reggie: Duh.

*Jessamine rolls down the window and hangs out the window*

Matai: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!?!

*Bullets start flying at Reggie's car as Jessamine loads the gun. As soon as she finishes, she shoots at the first car. The bullet pierces the windshield and the car suddenly swerves into another car*

Damien: *looking back* Jesus girl...

Matai: *rubs Juaquin's​ shoulder* Reggie, how close are we to the hospital?

Reggie: We a block awa'!

Matai: *nods* Okay. Okay Damien h...

Jessamine: FUCK!!!

*Jessamine fell back in the car, clutching her arm. Matai looks at her and sees blood ooze between her fingers*


Jessamine: I'm fine! I... I'm fine.  C

Reggie: Is ya really​...

Jessamine: Reggie!


*Feathers and blood covered the windshield. Reggie slammed on brakes. Matai and Damien flew forward and Juaquin let out a pain cry. Jessamine smacked her head on the dashboard and the airbags opened*

Reggie: .....

Matai: *looks up*... WHAT THE FUCK JESSE!!!

Reggie: ....I KILLT A DUCK!!!

Juaquin: *groaning* You kill humans​ too​ asshole.

Jessamine: .........Ow.


*When Reggie slammed on brakes, the men behind him did the same. But since they weren't using four wheel drive like Reggie, they all smash into the building in front of them. They just watch as people slam into each other and drive off to the hospital*

Reggie: .....Well...

Jessamine: ...That worked out perfectly.

*They laugh as Damien and Matai look at them and then at each other. They both had a look of worry. Juaquin coughed, sat up and looked at Jessamine*

Juaquin: Hey. *looks at Matai* They're getting a little too close man.

Matai: *nods* I know...And I'm worried.


Bray: .....He....Hehehehe...Well now. That is a pretty good reason to hate her, isn't it?

*They laugh as Maria holds her arm and squirms in place*

Maria: Okay. You know now. Now what?

Bray: Well...Now *cracks knuckles* I have something against that bastard.


Guys I have acrylic nails and can't type very fast....So....bear with me

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