Slicing through the sky- how...

By TheCrimsonWrath

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The character's name is Ari Horrendous Haddock, and he's 16 years old. throughout he grows older, reaching 22... More

Enter the dragon
This is berk..
How to start a dragon academy
Viking for hire
Animal house
The terrible twos
Dragons we trust
Alvin and the outcasts
How pick your dragon
Portrait of hiccup as a buff man
Dragon flower
The Heather report part 1
The heather report part 2
When lightning strikes
What flies beneath and what rules the land
Defiant one
Breakneck bog
Gem of a different colour
The ship from a mysterious land
We are family part 1
We are family part 2
Live and let fly
The iron gronckle
The night and the fury
Tunnel vision
Race to fireworm island
Fright of passage
Worst in show
Appetite for destruction
Zippleback down
View of a skrill part 1
View of a skrill part 2
The flight stuff
Tale of two dragons
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Time to Skrill
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Maces and talons part 2
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Crash course
Turn and burn
Buffalord soldier
A Grim retreat
To heather or not to heather
Stryke out
Tone death
Between a rock and a hard place
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Not lout
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The longest day
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Homecoming part 2

Cast out part 2

175 7 0
By TheCrimsonWrath

Hiccup: Previously on Dragons...

Snotlout: Whoa! Screaming Death!

Stoick: Alvin the Treacherous, you will be remanded to our jail until a proper sentence can be handed down.

Hiccup: Dagur put Dragon Root in the arena, so the dragons will attack each other.

Hiccup: What do you want?

Dagur: The Night Fury.

Stoick: Gaah!


Stoick! [grunts]

Hiccup: Dad!

Dagur: Nobody make a move.

Ari: Tch!

Dagur: We'll be leaving now.

Hiccup: Don't worry, Dad. We're gonna get you back.

Ari: No matter what it takes.

On beserker island stoick is being kept in the arena

Dagur: Hmm. I trust you're finding your accommodations adequate? Gosh, those ropes look awfully tight.

ropes tighten

Dagur: Don't go getting too cozy, Stoick. Look at it this way. By sundown tomorrow, you'll either be back on Berk or at the bottom of the ocean. It's really up to Hiccup. and Ari of course Oof, wow, can't feel too good about that. Savage, deliver this ultimatum to Berk.

At Berk

Hiccup, Ari an Astrid walk into the great hall

people are shouting

Ruffnut: We want answers!, Tell us the truth!

Tuffnut: Yeah!

Ruffnut: Come on, enough of this!

Hiccup: What is going on?

Tuffnut: I have no idea why, but everyone's shouting, and I am totally into that!

Ruffnut: We're so angry!

Tuffnut: Everybody shake your fists! Now look to the sky!

all shouting and raising their fists

Ari: Really not helping, Tuff.

Gobber: Everyone settle down. Hiccup will answer all your questions.

Snotlout: Why him?

Gobber: He's the acting chief. That's why. They're all yours.

Hiccup: Right.

Viking: What are we gonna do?

Viking: Where's Stoick?

Tuffnut: When can we start yelling again?

They start yelling again

Hiccup: Good questions. Mostly.

Hiccup: Um, as you all know, Berk is no stranger to hard times.

Hiccup: But the best thing is to...

Vikings: Take arms!, Man the catapults!

Snotlout: Why don't you step aside and watch a real chief in action, Hookfang?

Snotlout snaps and Hookfang lights on fire getting the Vikings to shut 

Snotlout: That's better. Now, here's how it's gonna go.

He turns around and beryone can see that his butt is on fire

Tuffnut: 'chuckles' You are on fire, Snotlout.

Snotlout: Thank you, citizen. 'sniffs', Aah!

He runs past ari and Ari grabs him by the collar and shoves him into a water bucket

Snotlout: Ahh.

all grumbling

Hiccup: Okay, good. So where were we?

Astrid: You were about to tell them that they have nothing to worry about,

Ari: and you have everything under control.

They both smirk at each other

Hiccup rolls his eyes but walks forward

Hiccup: All right, people, you have nothing to worry about, and everything is under control.

all shouting

Astrid: That went much better in my head.

Ari: I don't know it kind of went this way in my head

Tuffnut: Yell as loud as you can!, Ha ha, yeah!

With fishlegs

Fishlegs: Hmm. No sign of Berserker boats.

Fishlegs: We should head back and let Hiccup know.


A sea stack falls

Fishlegs screams and runs

and then with a mighty roar

The screaming death emerges

Fishlegs: Uh-oh. That is not good.

Back on Berk

Hiccup picks up his dads axe

Ari is seen on the stairs not thinking about what to say

Gobber: You know, Hiccup, there's nothing easy about chiefing. You should've seen Stoick when he first took over. He was like a newborn yak trying to find his feet.

Hiccup: I find that hard to believe.

Gobber: It's true. In fact, there were some in this town that didn't think he had it in him. Alvin, for one. He wouldn't shut up about it. Hiccup, being chief doesn't mean everyone's going to agree with you. Sometimes you have to deal with the Alvins and Snotlouts of the world.

Hiccup: I feel like that's all I do.

Gobber: They were best friends, you know.

Hiccup: Who?

Gobber: Alvin and Stoick. They were inseparable since birth.

Ari: Seriously that's hard to believe

Hiccup: So what happened? What changed?

Gobber: Everything.

Fishlegs: Hiccup! Ari!

Fishkegs crashes into the house

Fishlegs: Screaming! Coming!

Hiccup: Oh. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Take a breath there, Fishlegs.

Fishlegs: I was on patrol with Meatlug. The Screaming Death... we saw it. It's eating its way... to Berk.

Hiccup: How much time do we have?

Fishlegs: Not much. It was just off Dragon Island when we saw it.

Ari: well that's just great!

Astrid lands with a message

Astrid: This came for you. It's from Dagur.

Hiccup: And the hits just keep on coming.

Astrid: Well, what does it say?

Hiccup: We have until tonight to deliver Toothless, or my father will...

Ari: It's a trap. You know that.

Astrid: If we fly anywhere near Outcast Island...

Hiccup: Okay, listen, you guys get Snotlout and the twins. You tell them to be ready for the Screaming Death.

Astrid: What about your father?

Hiccup: I'll handle that.

Ari: No for ocne you aren't going lone wolf we'll handle that I'm coming with you!

Hiccup nods

At the prison with Alvin

Alvin: So how'd that town meeting go? Sounds like you had 'em right in the palm of your hand.

Hiccup: Never mind that, Alvin.

He lets Alvin go

Alvin: Well, this is awkward. Do I stay? Do I go?

Ari: Both.

Hiccup: You are gonna show us a way into Outcast Island.

Ari: We're going there together, Alvin.

Hiccup: We're going to bring our father home.

Alvin: Ah.

A while later Ari is seen flying on Sora while Alvin and hiccup are riding on toothless

Alvin grips hiccups shoulder a bit too tightly

Hiccup: You mind loosening up that death grip a little bit?

Alvin: 'chuckles' Sorry. They all tend to be death grips.

Toothless slams his wings into alvin's head and laughs

Alvin: Ooh!

Hiccup: Toothless, no.

Ari chuckles

Hiccup pats toothless

Alvin is still groaning 

Hiccup: So word on the street is you and my father used to be best friends.

Alvin: Yeah. That was a long time ago.

Ari: So what happened?

Alvin: Your father and I were young Vikings charged with defending Berk against dragon attacks. Stoick was the chief's son, so he was in command. I was just a soldier. Sound familiar?

Hiccup: It does. Sounds like me and Snotlout.

Ari: ugh yeah it sure does

Alvin: Yeah, well, anyway, there was a Monstrous Nightmare attack one night, and your father and I disagreed on how to defend the village. Well, I disobeyed orders, and there were a few injuries. Things were never the same after that. When Stoick became chief, it was only a matter of time before he banished me.

Ari feeling depressed now: Well, on that cheery note, we've arrived.

Alvin: Let's get on with it.

They fly faster

Hiccup: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. We can't just fly over the island, Alvin. They're going to be expecting us.

Alvin: I'm well aware of that.

Alvin: We're not flying over the island, we're flying under it. Hold your breath.

Hiccup: What are you doing?

Alvin: Dive, dragon, dive!

Hiccup: No, Toothless.

Alvin: What? I thought you were gonna trust me. Moment of truth, boy.

Hiccup: Do it, bud. Just do it.

The night fury dives under water

Ari: Well we may as well die together SORA DIVE

Sora dives and follows the night fury and he's getting out he hears avlin and hiccup talking

Alvin: That tunnel will take us directly to the heart of the island.

Hiccup: Wait. How do you know Dagur hasn't found this tunnel?

Alvin: Because I got a man on the inside who assures me that it's clean.

They find out it's mildew feeding dragons

Hiccup: Mildew? This traitor is your man on the inside?

Alvin: Well, he's always been faithful to me.

Ari: Oh, well, there's that warm, fuzzy feeling I was looking for.

A whispering death screeches

Hiccup: Mildew, I have to say I never thought I'd see the day you'd be playing nanny to a nursery of dragons.

Mildew: An interesting turn of events, to say the least.

The whispering death grabs his staff

Mildew: Oh! Give me...Ow! Why?

Hiccup: So this is where all those Whispering Death eggs you planted came from.

Alvin: His idea. And not a very good one, at that.

Hiccup: So this Whispering Death laid all the eggs.

Mildew: Every one.

Ari: Which would include a large, red egg?

Mildew: Odd, that one. I was wondering about it. How did it turn out?

Ari: Eh, big. Very big

Mildew clicks tongue: Hmm.

Hiccup gets a terrible terror

Alvin: What are you doing?

Hiccup: Sending a message home.

Ari: you see that red egg turned out to be a Screaming Death.

Hiccup: It's been destroying whole islands looking for something, and now it's headed to Berk, but... I think I might know what it's really looking for.


Alvin:All right. Here's our plan...

Ari: Uh, no offense, there, Alvin, but your plans... your plans are terrible. I'd say we leave this up to hiccup

Hiccup: Here's what we need to do.

both outcasts grunt

They are outside Ari and hiccup and their dragons get ready

Hiccup: Okay, bud. It's showtime.

Ari: hey Sora you ready to kick some butt

They take out multiple berserkers and outcast which we ones they are

They get into the arena

And bowlers are fired at them from multiple directions inckduing Ari slcijfs through a few

But a cage appears above toothless

Hiccup: Toothless, look out!

Toothless is trapped

Ari: Sora get out of here! now!

Sora blasts through the top of the arena

Savage: Welcome back to Outcast island, Hiccup on and Ari too perfect

Dagur walks over to the cage

Dagur: You're finally mine.All mine.mFirst thing we're gonna do is change that name, It makes no sense. Look at all those teeth. You'll learn to respect me, dragon. Or I'll wear you as a hat.

Hiccup: Leave him alone, Dagur!

Dagur: Put them with their father. We'll dispose of them later.

Ari: Ywah not gonna happen 'whistles

Sora crashes down and takes out the beserkers

Ari: You're move dagur

Dagur: ok 'clicks his fingers'

A lot of beserkers appear around them

Dagur: I'll give you this one chance I just want the one legged shrimp you take your dragon and leave we'll have our battle when the time is right

Hiccup: he's right Ari Go!

Ari: fine but I'll be back dagur You can count on that

Ari flies up and goes right back to Berk

Speaking of Berk

Snotlout has a terrible terror attached to his arm

Snotlout: Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow! Painful message. Painful message! Aah!

Tuffnut pulls the dragon off of hime and Astrid grabs the message

The terror is chewing on something

Tuffnut: Oh, whoa. Is that your skin in his mouth?

Ruffnut: That must hurt. 'chuckles'

The dragon then attacks tuffnut

Tuffnut: Wah! Ow! Argh! Yeah, definitely hurts.

Fishlegs to Astrid: What does it say?

Astrid: hiccup has an idea to stop the Screaming Death. But we're gonna need to lure it to Outcast island.

Tuffnut pulls the dragon off his face: Okay, what could we use to lure it? Ah!

Ruffnut: It likes eating islands.

Tuffnut: Hmm. Ah! That's it.We need to find a really tiny island and a really big rope. Who do we talk to about that?

Astrid punches tuffnut

Tuffnut: Ow!

Then Ari lands dramatically

Ari: I've got a plan We use the dragon root

Tuffnut: Yeah, and you thought my tiny island idea was dumb. Dragon root. I mean, a rope can be infinitely big.

Ari: actually I didn't hear that

Tuffnut: Great idea, Ari. Gobber locked the dragon root up, so we could get rid of it.

Snotlout: Just one problem. All our dragons go nuts when they go anywhere near it.

Ari: Actaully that is a factor in my plan we've got a dragon that is immune

Fishlegs: Yeah right!, as a Boulder class dragon, Meatlug is...

Ari smirks at him  and the others join in

Fishlegs: And I've said too much.

Later fishlegs is seen luring the screaming death

Fishlegs: Here, Screaming Death!:​, Here​​! Here, Screaming Death!, I've got some delicious dragon root for you!

A big shadow appears above fishlegs

Fishlegs: Oh, dear.

Back on beserker island

Dagur is enjoying himself

Stoick: Are the other dragon riders here, son?

Hiccup: Well, not exactly.

Stoick: Oh, the Berk fleet.

Hiccup: No.

Stoick: Do you have any plan at all?

Hiccup: I do, actually. well Ari does he went off to get the other riders 

Stoick: Oh, good. Good. Would you like to fill me in on this plan of his

Hiccup: Uh, no, I'd just like to watch it unfold, if it's all the same to you.

Dagur: I have big plans for you, Mr. Night Fury. You'll be the new symbol of the Berserkers. Every corner of the archipelago will know and fear you.

Toothless growls

Dagur: Of course, we'll need to change all the sails and shields, and I'll need a new belt buckle. What's that gonna cost?

Dagur: Well, we'll worry about that after we've burned Berk to the ground and kill off Ari and his rathalos

Toothless snorts

Dagur: Hey, how about "Deathkiller?", You like that name? Deathkiller? No? Oh, well. We'll keep brainstorming. I mean, there's gotta be "death" in it, right...

Then whispering deaths appear out of nowhere and starts destroying ebrthing

Dagur Wha... what's going on? What is this?




Mildew appears and frees toothless

Stoick: Alvin, Mildew, and Whispering Deaths. This was your plan?!

Hiccup: Did not see that coming, did you?

Alvin frees stoick and hiccup

And they all start kicking ass

Alvin: Just like the good, old days.

Hiccup runs too toothless

Hiccup: Come on, Toothless!

Then a crack is created in the ground and it falls away

Taking a ton of beserkers with it including toothless

Hiccup Toothless!

A creaking is heard and the metal that makes up the arena is falling in on its self trapping all of the men and dragons in the new chasm and hiccup is hanging from a the new bars too stop from well falling too his death

Stoick and alvin are fighting together and then alvin falls but stoick catches him and throws him right back up and he lands on a beserker the same thing happens with mildew

Dagur appears next toothless and approaches him

Dagur: Okay, Night Fury. Come to daddy.

Toothless tries to blast but can't

Hiccup: Six-shot limit. Oh, great.

More rumbling

Then more beserkers appear next to dagur

Dagur: Get me my Night Fury!

The beserkers all scream and charge

The dragon fights off a few of them and then one jumps on his back

Hiccup struggles to hold on

Hiccup: Toothless!

Toothless roars to him and he tosses the beserker off his back

Dagur: Come on, already!

Toothless jumps so he's right below hiccup

They nod to each other

Hiccup let's himself drop

Toothless catches him and they fall together

But hiccup gets his leg in and they fly together and land safely

Hiccup: exhales: oh, great.

They fight off more beserkers

Then the twins appear and fend off more of them
The place is being destroyed

Whispering deaths are flying around and the ground is cure king away whole berkians, outcasts and beserkers all fight

Ruffnut: Whoa, this is chaos on a level I've never seen before!

Tuffnut: I know. I want to live here.

Ruffnut: Forever!

Hiccup: Boy, are we ever glad to see you guys.

Astrid flies in: Don't thank us yet. Things are about to get a lot crazier.

Ari flies in on Sora and takes out three beserkers with a wing clap

Ari: Hey bro told you I'd be back

Hiccup: heh ha

The trio fly off together

Then stoick, Alvin and surprisingly mildew are seen fighting off a horde of beserkers

Then we cut to fishlegs flying in being very closely followed by the screaming  death

Fishlegs: Thor. Oh, Thor. Oh, Thor!, Oh, Thor!

The screaming death then closes its mouth around the dragon rider

Fishlegs: Hiccup, help!

Meatlug farts

And fishlegs bursts out

Stoick: Why in the name of Odin did you bring that here?

Hiccup: This may be the only chance we have to get rid of it. I saw the Screaming Death's mother. It's been destroying those islands searching for her.

Stoick's eyes widen

Stoick: That thing has a mother?

Ari: Yeah!

The mother and child see each other

Hicucp: They've seen each other. All we have to do now is get them together and get clear of this place.

Astrid: Then what?

Hiccup: I'm hoping it does exactly what I think it should.

Ari: And what would that be?

Hiccup: Something good?

More rumbling

The screaming death roars

Ari: Now, Fishlegs, now!

Fishlegs: Thank Odin, thank Odin, thank Odin!, Root away!

He drops the root into the ocean

The mother and child roar at each other

Dagur: Ah, I see. It wants its mommy.

The beserkers tie up the mother and hold it back

Hiccup::Dagur, no! You don't know what you're doing. You let that Whispering Death go before you destroy us all!

Dagur: Why would I do that? Hello, I'm Deranged!

Tuffnut: Well, can't argue with logic like that. Right?

Even more destruction happens svaage makes a strategic withdrawal

Savage: Well, that's my cue.

Back with the riders

Dagur: Back off, Hiccup!

Dagur: You know if I destroy her, that thing will take us all out!

Hiccup: He's right. Everyone, back off.

They do

Dagur: Wise choice. Now, I might be interested in a trade. Oh, come on, really? You couldn't see this coming?


Ari tackles Dagur and pins him down



The two warriors then begin to clash with their blades over and over again

Ari sees a nightmare fly over and smirks pushing dagur back



Snotlout: Never retreat! Never surrender!

Hiccup: Snotlout!

Ari: DO IT!

Snotlout blasts and it sends the beserkers flying

Ari is distracted and dagur pins him down

That's when the mother screeches and dagur looks and

Kick and crunch

Dagur has been kicked in the family jewels

They both egg back up and charge again

Hiccup to the mother Uh, you're welcome.

The mother and child habe a heart warming reunion

And the screaming death shouts in hiccups face

Hicucp: uh you're welcome again

Snotlout lands in front of hiccup

Snotlout: Okay, I know I wasn't following orders, Hiccup, but I... well, um...

Hiccup: Snotlout, you did the right thing.

Snotlout: Yeah, I did, but... wait, what?

Snotlout: Are you messing with me? I was reckless!

Hiccup: Sometimes reckless can be courageous.

Hiccup: Your suspension is... well, suspended.

They shake hands

We then cut bakc to Ari and dagur fighting they are now up on the highest ledge with the others

Ari is dodging swings while

Ari: (three two one)

Ari sweeps dagur's leg and punches him right in the gut

Dagur: OOOH!

And when he bends down

He's sent flying with an uppercut

Ari has him at sword point

Ari: Hey Alvin he's all yours

Alvin: Hahaha thanks

They strike their weapons together as hiccup ge so to join his brother

Alvin turns angry: Hello, Dagur. Remember me?

Dagur: Oh, no.

He grabs dagur by the collar

Dagur: No! Hiccup! 'laughs', Ari, Brothers?


Alvin: Who'd have thought it would've come to this, eh, Stoick?

Stoick: There's more than enough blame to go around, Alvin. But that's in the past... what you did today for me, for my son.

The Berkian and the outcast shake hands


Ari is leaning against a rock listening to his father and hiccup talk

Stoick: You know, son, you're gonna be a great chief someday. One of the best, I'd wager. Of course you'll have Ari by your side

Ari: Hell yeah he will

Hiccup: 'chuckles' Yeah. If the last few days are any indication of what it's like to be chief, I'd just as soon leave that to you.

Snotlout then appears

Snotlout: Retreat! Retreat!, Hookfang! Ow! Ow, ow, ow, ow, it burns!, It burns, it burns, it burns!

Astrid: Hiccup? We need you.

Gobber: Stoick, Silent Sven just broke his silence!, And you are not going to like what he has to say.

Stoick: Go on, it looks like we both have our own chiefing to do.

Hiccup: Come on, bud.

Snotlout: 'sizzles' Ahh.

Ari: you ready for another adventure Sora oh what am I kidding of course you are LETS GO!

Hiccup: This is Berk.

Ari: We've got ice, we've got snow... and we've got more ice.

Hiccup: But we've also got dragons.

They see Astrid and stormfly

pottery crashes

Hiccup: We train them...

He sees Ari and Sora sparing

Both grinning like maniacs

They train us...

Fishlegs  is updating the book of dragons

learn from them..

'the twins grunting' protect them.

Barf and belch stop the twins from fighting

Hiccup: And they protect us.

Hiccup: Sometimes from ourselves.

Toothless goes into a nose dive

Hiccup: One thing's for sure.

Hiccup: We wouldn't trade this for anything.

Hiccup and Ari: Would you?

And that's a wrap


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