Slicing through the sky- how...

By TheCrimsonWrath

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The character's name is Ari Horrendous Haddock, and he's 16 years old. throughout he grows older, reaching 22... More

Enter the dragon
This is berk..
How to start a dragon academy
Viking for hire
Animal house
The terrible twos
Dragons we trust
Alvin and the outcasts
How pick your dragon
Portrait of hiccup as a buff man
Dragon flower
The Heather report part 1
The heather report part 2
When lightning strikes
Defiant one
Breakneck bog
Gem of a different colour
The ship from a mysterious land
We are family part 1
We are family part 2
Live and let fly
The iron gronckle
The night and the fury
Tunnel vision
Race to fireworm island
Fright of passage
Worst in show
Appetite for destruction
Zippleback down
View of a skrill part 1
View of a skrill part 2
The flight stuff
Tale of two dragons
When smoke gets in your eyes
Bing bang and boom
Cast out part 1
Cast out part 2
Eye of the beholder part 1
Eye of the beholder part 2
Imperfect harmony
When darkness falls
Gone Gustav Gone
Rein of the fireworms
Crushing it
Quake, rattle and roll
Have Dragon will travel part 1
Have Dragns will travel part 2
The next big sting
Team Astrid
The night of the hunters part 1
Night of the hunters part 2
Bad moon rising
Snotlout gets the axe
The zippleback experience
Snow way out
Edge of disaster part 1
Edge of disaster part 2
Shock and awe
Time to Skrill
Maces and talons part 1
Maces and talons part 2
The traitor survives
Crash course
Turn and burn
Buffalord soldier
A Grim retreat
To heather or not to heather
Stryke out
Tone death
Between a rock and a hard place
Family on the edge
last auction heores
Defenders of the wing part 1
Defenders of the wing part 2
Gruff around the edges
Midnight serum
Not lout
Saving shattermaster
Dire straits
The longest day
Gold rush
Into the frying pan
Shell shocked part 1
Shell shocked part 2
Living on the edge
Something rotten on beserker island
Snotlout's angels
Matter of perspective
Dawn of destruction
Wings of war part 1
Wings of war part 2
No dragon left behind
Searching for oswald and chicken
Sins of tbe past
In plain sight
No Bark, All bite
Chain of command
The loyal order of ingerman
A Gruff separation
Mi armour wing
Triple Cross
Family matters
Darkest night
Guardins of Vanaheim
King of Dragons part 1
King of Dragons part 2
Years later and more to discover
A new enemy
Happiness and tragedy
This is Berk
Back to berk
Grimmel and Lyall
The hidden world
Night and Light
Love amongst dragons
The world of dragons
The furious capture, the calvary is here
There where dragons when i was a boy
Homecoming part 2

What flies beneath and what rules the land

206 10 1
By TheCrimsonWrath

[A yak disappears in a cloud of dirt, followed by several sheep. Ominous cracks appear suddenly appear in the ground.]

Another yak the gets picked up by a couple of huge claws

Hiccup: Everybody has a past. Even dragons.

Ari: And sometimes, the past can come back to haunt them.

[Toothless growls at the ground while Hiccup sleeps.]

Hiccup: Ugh, Toothless, go back to sleep.

With Ari

Sora's one eye opens and he growls

Ari: What is it Sora

Hiccup: And when it does, you're gonna need to be there for them.

Toothless sniffs and then growls angrily at the hole.

Hiccup: Whoa, hey! Come on, it's just a hole, bud.

Bucket: It's not just a hole! It's like an underground village!

Mulch: Bucket! There you are. I've been lookin' for you all night!

Bucket: Sorry, Mulch. But I think I finally found it: My happy place!

Bucket is thrown out of the hole in a cloud of dust.

Stoick: Are you alright, Bucket?

Bucket: Not so happy anymore.

Stoick: What happened?

Bucket: Something pushed me out! Something's down there. Something big!

Toothless growls and jumps down the hole.

Astrid: What is that sound?

Gobber: Eh, whatever it is, it's giving me the willies.

Whispering Death shoots out of the hole and hovers over the Vikings.

Snotlout: Whoooooaaaaa, look at the size of that thing!

Fishlegs: Do I have to?!

Astrid: Dragons! Everyone!

Ari: Yeah roger that

The gang all jump on their dragons

The whisper death looks around

Snotlout: Uh, I don't like the way it's eyeballing me.

Fishlegs: Uh, don't worry, it's not just you.

Snotlout: Thanks, big relief!

The Whispering Death dives back into the ground.

Astrid: What... was... that?

Tuffnut: Whatever it was, I want one!

Fishlegs: If I had to take a guess, I'd say that was a Whispering Death.

Tuffnut: Whoa, great name. So much better than Zippleback.

Bucket: Where'd it go? Why's it here? What's it gonna do to us?! WHY AREN'T YOU SLAPPING ME TO SNAP ME OUT OF THIS?!

Mulch: Because I'm scared, too, Bucket.

The Whispering Death bursts from the ground making a fresh hole.

Gobber: Ah, it looks angry. Why don't you do that think where you touch its nose and feed it grass?

Hiccup: Okaaaay! Uh, Fishlegs, what do we know about the Whispering Death?

Fishlegs: Boulder Class; Razor sharp teeth, incredibly strong, hunts from underground.

Tuffnut: Now I really want one!

Snotlout: So, how do we deal with this thing?

Stoick: Stand back, everyone!

Stoick arrives riding Thornado who bellows at the intruder.

Stoick: Thornado's got something to say to this beast!

[Thornado roars at the dragon, but it quickly roars back, unaffected.]

Gobber: I don't think it's got its listening ears on.

Astrid: Alright, let's run this thing out of here!

Toothless emerges from the hole and growls to the resident dragons.

Snotlout: What is Toothless doing?!

Astrid: I think he wants us to back off.

Fishlegs: No problem here.

Hiccup: Toothless!

Toothless and the Whispering Death fight. Toothless is unable to get airborne.

Hiccup: Toothless can't fly without me! He's a sitting duck!

Stoick: Gobber, man the catapults, and when that thing is clear of Toothless, Fire!

Hiccup: Dad, wait! Just let me help you, bud.

Hiccup tries to mount Toothless, but Toothless won't let him

Hiccup: What? Toothless, wha-what's wrong?

Astrid: What was that all about?

Hiccup: I have no idea.

Whispering Death injures Toothless with a razor-sharp spine that drives itself into his leg.

Stoick: Gobber!

Gobber launches a boulder at the Whispering Death and it retreats down the hole, carving a new path underground.

Hiccup: Oh, no, you're hurt!

Toothless allows Hiccup to remove the spike from his leg, then runs away.

Hiccup: Toothless, wait!

Astrid: Where's he going?

Snotlout: Probably running away to lick his wounds. 'laughs'

Hiccup: It's not funny! He could've been killed. He can't fly, remember?

Snotlout: And whose fault is that?

Ari: Are you kidding me did you really just go there!

Ari looks ready to draw his sword on the Viking

Snotlout: Hey, I call it like I see it.

Fishlegs: Um, does anyone want to talk about what in the name of Thor just happened?

Tuffnut: Uh, dragon fight? Just another day on Berk.

Fishlegs: Uh, not really. It seemed like there was way more to it than that.

Hiccup: He's right. The Whispering Death singled Toothless out.

Astrid: And Toothless wanted that dragon all to himself.

Hiccup: Yeah, he certainly did. But why?

Tuffnut: Uh, are we going to be tested on this, because I'm completely confused.

Ruffnut Thorston: Well, don't look at me.

Ari: Believe I wish I could tell you

Then a bug roar echoes through the village and something crashes down in front of them


Fishlegs: this really isn't good not good at all

Astrid: what is it

Ari: it's a rathian the queen of the land and a Rathaloses natural enemy

Sora then goes right for it then they beg in a huge clash in the sky


Astrid: come on we've got to help

Both fighting dragons glare right at the riders and their dragons back off

Fishlegs: this is just a day for grudges isn't it!

Tuffnut: but it has to be said watching this tow things clash is

Ruffnut: beautiful

The two beasts then glow red and Green respectively and they crash into each other at full force

Sora and Ari fly down to the ground exhausted and the rathian now injured backs off

Tuffnut: uh what just happened

Ari: What just happened Tuffnut was a challenge


Ari and Sora are in there bedroom

Ari: So tell me what's going on with you and that rathian

Sora shows off a mark on its wing from a rathian's talon

Ari: You guys have a history don't you

Sora nods

Ari: Well then you can go and beat him down just make sure I'm there to watch ok

Sora seems to nod once again and they both go to sleep

The next day at the academy Ari found out that toothless left

Snotlout: Maybe Toothless just went for a morning flight? Oh, that's right... he CAN'T!
Astrid: Really? You're going there again? Now?!
Ari: You know I have half a mind too-
Hiccup: Toothless must be looking for the Whispering Death. We find it, we find Toothless.
Fishlegs: What do we do if we find the Whispering Death first?
Hiccup: Well, we train him.
Tuffnut: You know he's got "death" in his name, right?
Hiccup: Fishlegs, is there anything about the Whispering Death in the Book of Dragons that can help us?
Fishlegs: It can shoot razor sharp spines from any part of its body.
Astrid: And how's that gonna help us?
Fishlegs: Well, it would help if we stayed away from those.
Tuffnut: Or we can get near them and use Ruffnut as a human shield!

Ruffnut savagely kicks Tuffnut in the kneecap.

Tuffnut: OW! MY KNEE CAP! That's new... I like it.

Hiccup: This Dragon must have a weakness...

Fishlegs: Actually, no. Yeah, it says right here: "no known weaknesses".
Ari: well that's just perfect
Tuffnut: Ha, I really love this thing.
Hiccup: Okay, great, uh, can we go now, please? We don't know how much time we have.
Astrid: Don't worry, Hiccup. We'll find him.

Ari: actually me and Sora have a date with destiny Sora needs to battle that rathian right now or it'll come after the village again

Hiccup: Ok go and win

Ari nods and him and Sora take off

They fly through the sky until they see familiar green scales

They land

Ari: Hey queeny it's been a minute

The rathian growls at Ari and Sora growls right bakc

Ari: it's ok I'm just here to watch

He gets on a branch

Ari: Now you two can fight as much as you want

The two dragons square off

The two dragons fly in the air striking each other with their teeth or talons

Eventually they both land and release huge blasts of fire at each other and it clashes in mid air

And eventually causes a big shockwave covering the now battlefield in ash

That's when they clash again on the ground and start wrestling over and over

The bite at each others necks and the other growls in pain before Sora finally has enough and kicks the rathian off and takes into the sky

The rathian soon follows

They clash in mid air much like they did earlier creating a huge ball of fire in the air

They both fall to the ground but get right back up

Sora then calls Ari over

Ari, Right let's do this, end this together

Ari hops on and Sora takes off

Higher than he ever has before being engulfed in a flaming red aura

The rathian charges after them

But Sora quickly turns around and dive bombs his opponent

The queen of the land unleashes a fire ball aimed right at the rathalos but it just bursts right through it and strikes the rathian HARD

The dragons and the human crash tot he ground and

Sora is standing victorious over the rathian and roars in its face

The king of the sky then roars to the sky

And gets off of the rathian

The said dragon gets up shakily and bows to Sora

Ari then walks over to it and puts his hand out

The rathian places its head on Ari's palm

Ari: Hey why don't you stick around I know my friend here could sue some proper company

The rathian nods and Ari and Sora lead her to their training area a beautiful clearing with a nice lake

Ari: Well you can stay here just make sure to hunt off of berk we don't want you kill our livestock

The rathian nods

Ari: Alright Terra I'll be seeing you soon

Ari and Sora take off and the land next to the riders
Hicucp: so how'd it go
Ari: well Sora fought a mighty battle and come out victorious and afterwards I bonded with it and even gave it the name terra meaning earth seems appropriate for the queen of the land
Hiccup: Well, I guess this futhur proves all dragon grudges aren't to the death.
Ari: I guess toothless didn't kill that whispering death then
Hiccup: nope
Fishlegs: I guess I'll have to change that in the book.
Hiccup: Hey, bud. What do you say we go home?
Ari: Yeah what about you Sora
They agree
Hiccup: When our past rears its ugly head, it usually doesn't have six rows of razor-sharp teeth and a bad attitude.

Ari: Or has think green scales and a fiery temper

Toothless drops boulders to cover the Whispering Death's hole openings and Sora makes sure they are in securely

Hiccup: If it does, you're going to need a great friend who has your back.

Both: And I know, I will always have Toothless'/Sora's back. And he will always have mine

And that's a wrap not what I originally planned for this chapter but I think it went well

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