Like Real People Do - Jill Ro...

By 12376l

364K 13.8K 1.1K

Younger sister of Alexia Putellas, Hunter, has always been devoted to football. She follows in her sister's f... More

I Need Your Help!
Instead They Adored Her
It Will Always Be You
Nice Suit
More Challenging For Some Than Others
That Was The Chance
Someone's A Little Biased
You're My Savior
You Were Staring
And I Passed
It's Nothing
You're All Grown Up
String Of Gold
We Need To Go
It Happened Again
I'm Sorry
I've Got No One?
I'm Not Listening To This
You Were Right
Promise Me One Thing
Except One Person Remained Silent
Home Is Always Going To Be Home
It Wasn't Even A Question
The Ocean Had Stilled
That's When It Happened
That's Not Fair
We'll Make Sure She Sees It
I Thought The Light Had Died
Those Wounds Wouldn't Heal
You Were Right
I Was Staring At A Stranger
Well She Loves You
That Was A Private Conversation
She Made My Soul Happy
That's My Girl
How Quickly Life Can Flip
You'll Be Okay
I Don't Want To Be Alone
More Than You Already Know
I Had Two Options
That Sounds Like A Bigger Regret
Relief In Giving Into The Destruction
And There She Goes
Find Some Common Ground
Space From What?
Everything Wasn't A Label
My Place In The World
Very Public Secret
Can You Stay?
Two Opposites
Now It Was My Turn To Be Strong
Whatever Will Be Will Be
I Trust You
Always To Be Remembered
Just This Once
She's The One
Real Or Not Real?
Trying To Hold On
Get Her Out Of Here
What's Wrong?
Someone's In A Mood
We've All Earnt It
Don't Be Seen
You're Safe With Me
I Just Want To Help Her
I Remember The First Time I Saw Him
But Then I Heard The Sirens
It Meant Something
One Single Look
I Have To Go
Clear My Mind
The Highs And Lows
Nothing Mattered
You're A Character
She Was Gone
The Truth Of Reality
It Will Be For Nana
The Highest My Career Ever Soared
It Will Go On Forever
Future Of Something In Nothing
Anything Meant Everything
I Was The Problem
I Didn't Miss Me
Without Words
You Won't Loose Me
To Be Nothing
I Wasn't Enough
I Prayed
Because I Know You
Neither Of Us Were Enough
Her Or I
Stay, Don't Go
To Save us
I'd Be An Awful Ghost
Eyes Of Red
We're Going Home
A Girl Like The Wind
Everything Flashed Before My Eyes
She'd Been Strong
Everything But Hatred
This Is For The Best
Very Different Lives
Free From That Box

The Lie They'd Want To Believe

1.9K 94 0
By 12376l

Hunter's POV

Today I woke up with a plan. Today I woke up with a purpose.

I thought knowing that would have made hauling myself off the sofa easier, I thought it would have made my trip to the kitchen less painful and the hole in my chest disappear. But it didn't. All I felt was the exhaustion and pressure weighing over my head, the pressure to keep the secret. To keep all of the secrets.

A very different person had to walk into London Colney than who I was right now, it had to be the old Hunter. The Hunter before everything happened, the Hunter everyone would want to be around; the lie they'd want to believe.

But I needed to find a way to make the lie believable because not everyone was so easily convinced. Jill already knew something was wrong, I couldn't let her find out what.

I walked into the bathroom, sighing as I took a long look at myself in the mirror. The face staring back at me was a stranger, the soul in my eyes had disappeared and the expression on my face conveyed nothing but this numbing depression. But I didn't have the time to dwell on that, I didn't feel that sense of urgency that usually came along with training, but I tried to create one. I tried to remember how busy the house always used to be; Leah rushing around me with the smell of Nana's cooking giving me the incentive to hurry.

But it didn't work because I couldn't live in that fantasy anymore. I knew she wasn't coming home. I saw that I was alone.

I scraped my hair into a ponytail, pulling on my training kit. The clothes fit me looser than when I'd been given them at the end of last season. It was a sickly feeling, I hated how the fabric hung off my gaunter figure.

When I walked back into the kitchen, I reached into the top drawer and pulled out a bottle of vodka from the stash of unopened ones. The bottle lid fell to the floor, I didn't have to energy to pick it up, I drunk from the bottle and that burn was a familiar friend by now, a friend that was with me more often that not. To be honest, it was a friend I couldn't live without. 

I was more myself when I drunk, more like the old me who I missed so dearly. I was nothing if I was sober, my mind was filled by the nightmares of reality and my entire body ached for the life I'd once had and the people who'd once been in it.

People tell you to find a coping mechanism, it was the first piece of advice every single phycologist had ever said to me, but they made sure to tell you it needed to be healthy.
A coping mechanism. Healthy? There was nothing healthy in running away from your thoughts, nor was there anything healthy about feeling the way I did. I didn't care if it was bad for me, I didn't care if it was only a temporary fix, even just a second away from the pain was enough, even just a moment of silence was the biggest relief. 

Soon I climbed into the taxi, I was smart enough to know drunk driving wasn't a good plan. Especially when I hadn't touched my car in months, I don't think my hands had been on the wheel since my final drive home from the hospital, the morning of Nana's last game. 

Already I felt more myself, more alive and less heavy. The drinks brought the spark back to my soul, that slight flicker of a flame which I'd always been able to turn into a roaring fire. I promised myself that I'd smile and pretend that light reached my soul, I'd laugh and it would be as if it were true and I'd burst through those doors with the energy Hunter Putellas was known for. 

When we pulled up in the London Colney carpark, the first person who I caught sight of was Beth. The blonde was climbing out of Danielle's car, scratching the side of her face and clearly unaware of my eyes on her. Without that rush to my head, I'd have just stared, looking at the world like I was gazing through a window, but as the alcohol rushed through my veins and reached my head like fireworks exploding in the sky, I laughed.

And continued to laugh, calling for the blonde to notice me, "Bethy!" I waved my hand in the air.

Beth turned around, her face brightening, "Hunty!" 

"Morning Hunter!" Danielle nodded to me.

"Morning Dan," I greeted the Dutch who'd come to my rescue on the night we never mentioned. 

I walked towards Beth, slinging my kit bag over one shoulder, "How've you been?" The smile never reached my soul, it barely even reached my mind but all that mattered was that it reached my face. It was easy to smile, it was easy to pretend and be convincing, so convincing that I even fooled myself. 

"I've been good," she nodded, bringing me into a quick hug, "How's life as a world champion?"

It didn't feel real, I thought back to that historic day and could barely remember a moment of it. My memories were turning hazy, the past was like one long fever dream, but I couldn't tell her that. "It's amazing," I grinned, following the pair of them into the training center.

Some of the girls were already in the changing room like Kim and Frida, who thought being on time meant you were late. We all sat around in our kits, chatting about the upcoming season, I put in a word here and there, doing anything to engage myself so my mind wouldn't go running. 

I loved to run. I would run up the pitch. I would run away from my mind. I would run away from my problems. And I would run away from the people who were trying to help me with those problems.
But I'd promised not to run from one person, I felt like that promise might be falling apart but I didn't want it to. I really didn't want to run, my heart yearned to stay, my mind however was unsure. 

Soon Wally walked in, jumping behind me and piling me into the tightest hug, I squeezed her back until neither of us could breathe and were choking on our laughter. It was good to be back with Wally, and all of the other girls obviously, but Lia was special to me. She was one of the good ones. The really good ones that come once in a blue moon and you have to treasure.

Leah soon walked in, I ran towards her and threw myself into her already open arms, feeling weightless with my head in the clouds.
The blonde laughed, "someone's in a good mood this morning."

I chuckled, taking a step back and making sure not to stumble, "It's the first day back, of course I'm in a good mood."

Leah just rested a hand on my shoulder, her grin wide, "It's good to see you so excited about the season." 

I gulped, then tried to cover up the fact I'd just gulped by coughing, which I realized made me look even more suspicious. "I'm always excited for the new season."

"I know," Leah's voice was quieter, smile smaller, "I'm just happy that fact hasn't changed."

Hasn't changed since what? That's what I went to ask, but then realized it was really rather obvious. There was a hole in the team, maybe not in the squad, but certainly in our Arsenal family. I couldn't think about that right now, I'd crumble before even stepping a foot onto the pitch. 
The drinks only worked when I wasn't thinking, when I wasn't looking for a reason to cry myself to sleep and push myself over the edge.

This day was to be fun. It had to be. 

I found myself looking for Jill, training began in ten minutes and they'd still yet to arrive. Part of me was nervous to see her, but then I also knew she felt like home. 
I loved the girls. I loved Leah like a sister. I loved Wally like a best friend. But Jill was different. Jill had a place in my heart no one else ever could. She was special in every sense of the word.

So special that she could never know the truth. So special that I wouldn't let her get hurt by the harsh reality. So special that I couldn't let her sucked into the threats and consequences of them.

The door opened, I heard a loud cheer from Katie, rushing to give Viv and Lisa a hug. Jill walked in a few steps behind the couple, her hair tied in a low bun and her eyes searching the room with such a delicate softness.
When her eyes caught in mine, a small smile graced her face as she walked towards me and pulled me into a hug before I'd even gotten the chance to greet her. It wasn't a rushed embrace but it felt needed, it felt like it had been missed. 

"I only saw you yesterday," I quietly chuckled. Even though that fact was true, my arms still tightened around her waist, my head nuzzling further into her chest. Jill was my safe space, my home

"I know," She gently pulled away, studying my face, "I still missed you though."

I found it difficult to smile, I wanted to cry in that moment. She looked at me with such love, her words were always kind and soft like a summers day. Jill was so pure, I didn't believe there was a bad or broken bone in her body, it felt like sunshine had been injected into her veins and her mind was calm as the ocean on its most beautiful days. To me she was perfect.
Gently nodding, I held my breath, "I missed you too."

Joe then called us onto the pitch, I felt myself hang back, Jill stayed by my side. It felt like I was watching the world pass me by, noticing how the smiles on the teams' faces shone and the tiniest details like the highlights of their hair or glow to their tanned skin. But then I snapped myself back into reality, my reality, and that was to be okay. I had to pretend.

I had to play the role perfectly, because I glanced up at Jill one last time and imagined the heartbreak on her face if she knew the truth. I imagined Alexia crying down the phone to me and Leah's fear. I wouldn't do that to them. 

So I pulled that smile onto my face, I learnt to forget, I learnt to keep my mind so busy that it had no chance to remember. I learnt to pretend.

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