Like Real People Do - Jill Ro...

Oleh 12376l

359K 13.8K 1.1K

Younger sister of Alexia Putellas, Hunter, has always been devoted to football. She follows in her sister's f... Lebih Banyak

I Need Your Help!
Instead They Adored Her
It Will Always Be You
Nice Suit
More Challenging For Some Than Others
That Was The Chance
Someone's A Little Biased
You're My Savior
You Were Staring
And I Passed
It's Nothing
You're All Grown Up
String Of Gold
We Need To Go
It Happened Again
I'm Sorry
I've Got No One?
I'm Not Listening To This
You Were Right
Promise Me One Thing
Except One Person Remained Silent
Home Is Always Going To Be Home
It Wasn't Even A Question
The Ocean Had Stilled
That's When It Happened
That's Not Fair
We'll Make Sure She Sees It
I Thought The Light Had Died
Those Wounds Wouldn't Heal
You Were Right
I Was Staring At A Stranger
Well She Loves You
That Was A Private Conversation
She Made My Soul Happy
That's My Girl
How Quickly Life Can Flip
You'll Be Okay
I Don't Want To Be Alone
More Than You Already Know
I Had Two Options
That Sounds Like A Bigger Regret
Relief In Giving Into The Destruction
And There She Goes
Find Some Common Ground
Space From What?
Everything Wasn't A Label
My Place In The World
Very Public Secret
Can You Stay?
Two Opposites
Now It Was My Turn To Be Strong
Whatever Will Be Will Be
I Trust You
Always To Be Remembered
Just This Once
She's The One
Real Or Not Real?
Trying To Hold On
Get Her Out Of Here
What's Wrong?
Someone's In A Mood
We've All Earnt It
Don't Be Seen
You're Safe With Me
I Just Want To Help Her
I Remember The First Time I Saw Him
But Then I Heard The Sirens
It Meant Something
One Single Look
I Have To Go
Clear My Mind
The Highs And Lows
Nothing Mattered
You're A Character
She Was Gone
The Truth Of Reality
It Will Be For Nana
It Will Go On Forever
Future Of Something In Nothing
Anything Meant Everything
I Was The Problem
The Lie They'd Want To Believe
I Didn't Miss Me
Without Words
You Won't Loose Me
To Be Nothing
I Wasn't Enough
I Prayed
Because I Know You
Neither Of Us Were Enough
Her Or I
Stay, Don't Go
To Save us
I'd Be An Awful Ghost
Eyes Of Red
We're Going Home
A Girl Like The Wind
Everything Flashed Before My Eyes
She'd Been Strong
Everything But Hatred
This Is For The Best
Very Different Lives
Free From That Box

The Highest My Career Ever Soared

2.2K 96 19
Oleh 12376l

Hunter's POV

This was it. Today was the day my entire life had been leading up to, this could be the highest my career ever soared or the most painful loss to date. This had the ability to put our team on the map, champions of the world, or we could be forgotten; the team that almost made it but never did. 

England VS Spain. 
Two teams that wear the lion proudly on their chest, but only one would walk away today with those all important gold medals, with that all important trophy in their hands. This was the trophy that the greats dream of, everyone's dream, the dream which seems such a fantasy until you're stood where I am today. Though even now, it feels as if I'm still dreaming too big with my head in the clouds, but when I look to the girls around me, I realize it's all real. This was real.

And every last second out there I wouldn't be fighting just for myself or even for my team, but for my country, those who came before us and most importantly, for Nana

Alexia pulled me into a hug, like she'd already done a hundred times today, "We've got this," she breathed. 

I nodded, my sister had such a strong sense of belief in her teams, she always had, and over the years it had rubbed off on me. Her sense of belief drove me to work harder, nothing would make me happier than Alexia and I achieving our wildest dreams on the international stage together. 

We hadn't won a trophy together since we played at the Barca academy and I'd been moved up the age groups, this felt like it had been a long time coming. 

"For Nana!" Alexia cheered, patting me on the back, she hadn't been quiet for thirty seconds straight today.

"For Nana!" Mapi agreed, raising her water bottle like it was a pint.

A smile broke through onto Ona's face, "For Nana!" She too threw her arm in the air. 

I smiled at three of the most important people in my life; my older sister and two of my best friends. The four of us were closer than ever, bonded by so much more than blood or lifestyle similarities, but by this love we had for one another and complete loyalty we'd all built up. This was a group I think I'd carry through my entire life, I loved these girls more than anything.

Then I thought to Jill knowing she was already in the stands, my name printed on the back of her shirt which I knew she'd be wearing with such pride, probably more anxious than me. Okay, definitely more anxious than me. 

When Olga led us into the tunnel, I looked at the England team who were also making their way through, both of us early. 

I caught sight of Leah and paused, our eyes caught from across the small crowd and she made her way towards me, pulling me into a hug without hesitation. It was a special moment to share; the height of our careers. 

"Whatever happens today, I'm proud," she told me.

I let out a short chuckle, "I promise to pick you up off the pitch when we beat your asses."

Leah pulled away, rolling her eyes, "You can't just let us have one nice moment?"

I sighed, "Never, but same goes to you, I'm proud no matter what."

Leah leant towards me, "I know I shouldn't be saying this, but you go out there and play your heart out for her, will you?" She asked of me.
Leah loved Nana like her own flesh and blood, I knew she'd been thinking of her through this entire tournament, and I knew Nana would have been watching her, proud and beaming with joy for the young defender's success. 

I nodded, squeezing Leah's hand, "Of course I will, Alexia too."

Leah smiled, "Good, and if I win it's for her as well, know that."

Leah's words meant the world to me.

I pulled Leah into another quick hug seeing as everyone was getting properly into their lines, "Always for Nana."

"Always for Nana," Leah repeated. 

I found my place between Alexia and Ona, Mapi just behind the brunette.

Mentally I might have been at war with myself but for today, none of that mattered. Today was too important for me to spend thinking over my own misery because I held so many people's hearts close to my chest right now, all of them beating in one rhythm with one dream just over an hour from our fingertips.

This was for Nana.

This was for Maya.

This was for Jill.

This was for Alexia.

This was for Mapi.

This was for Ona.

This was for my country. 

This was for myself. 

So as I stepped foot onto that pitch, the noise of the crowd setting my spirit alight, I knew that I wouldn't waste today or I'd spend the rest of my life regretting it. This moment was special, so very special. 

We lined up, and I couldn't imagine a bigger honor than standing here on the world stage, at the final, with the arms of my big sister and best friend around me. My eyes found the friends and family section, Jill's smile was the biggest in the crowd, so proud to be wearing that shirt, my shirt. Her eyes were bright when she saw me staring back at her, waving excitedly at me before she hurried to pull her phone out and record, I had to hold back my giggles. 

Finally we shook hands with all of the England team, Leah also pulled me into a short hug when we passed one another, as did Beth. I saw two of the fresher faces on the team, the Foden sisters, who seemed bright and bubbly as they practically skipped into their positions, long and blonde ponytails bouncing down their backs.

I knew they were Barcelona's newest signings and I also knew my sister wasn't the happiest about it for some reason, though Alana's in particular. But I knew she'd warm up to them like she did to everyone; or I hoped at least.

And before I knew it the whistle had blown. The match was on.

A soon as the game started the exhilaration took over my mind, drowning out any thoughts of that big black hole, the adrenaline racing through my veins was like none other that I'd experienced before.

The pitch was my home, this is where I was supposed to be.

Both teams were strong, passes were skillful and formations were well thought out. I'd have been clueless who would come out on top if I didn't share the same undying sense of belief as my sister did. I never doubted us for a second. 

From the begining we were more in control of the ball, as we always were, the Lionesses had to scamper after us to try and intercept our passes but we played a very quick and highly skilled game, making their job more difficult.

Which was why I felt the world closing in around me when they were the first to score at twenty-three minutes. Ellen White caught us off guard with a speedy counterattack, running down the pitch and banging it into the top left corner; our keeper hadn't stood a chance.

I looked down the pitch, seeing both Ona and Mapi clenching their eyes shut and holding their fists tight, they hadn't been expecting it. None of us had.

Alexia was the one to round us up, clapping her hands and making sure we were fast in getting back to our positions. We needed to keep fighting, we couldn't let ourselves loose hope because then the game would run from us.

Aitana passed the ball up to be at around thirty minutes, she found the perfect space, right in-between Leah and Millie Bright. The ball landed at my feet, I dribbled it forwards, hoping this was going to be the one, praying even

I shot, it was headed for the top left hand corner, but the English keeper leapt and pushed it over the cross bar, my chest deflated, my head falling into my hands. I should have been able to score that, I could hear the entire section of Spanish fans ready to cheer and then all collectively sigh, disappointed that my effort had fallen short.

Though no one was more disappointed than I

Alexia jogged over to me, patting me on the back, "You'll get another shot," she assured me. 

I sighed, knowing I couldn't slow down because then I'd have the weight of everyone's disappointment on my shoulders. Like I'd said before, I was wearing many hearts on my sleeve today, I couldn't let those people down. 

Jenni set up for the corner, I watched the ball fly over our heads, leaping to make contact but being pushed down by another jumping player. Maybe I should've stayed down to call for penalty, I was considering it even until I saw Ona retrieve the ball from outside the box. 

I jumped up, my arms high in the air as I ran out and into space. Ona's eyes lit up as she saw the opportunity, just like mine had only seconds ago. I had to lunge to control the ball, immediately weaving through the English players that were now now scattered in and around the box, trying to shut this opportunity down. Many tried but I wouldn't let them, their efforts to tackle me were swept past as I glanced up and saw the perfect line, it was thin but I'd always been accurate.

I felt the ball leave my foot, the seconds all slowing down as I watched it rocket towards the goal, the goalkeeper diving but it crept over her fingertips and into the side of the netting. 

My team all turned back to me, throwing their arms in the air. I looked up to the sky, pointing to the fluffiest clouds, knowing that Maya and Nana were sitting on them together, having the best seat in the house to watch that goal.

Alexia threw herself on top of me, the pair of us falling to the ground, so consumed by this raw passion that I couldn't even feel the ground beneath me. Mapi and Ona joined us, their arms wrapped around us, their roars so loud. 

We walked back into the kit room at half time with the score having remained at equal. 2-2.

But if we wanted to walk away as champions, we needed to improve and grow smarter for England had us figured out in this opening forty-five minutes of play. We let them cut us off and shut us down too easily, we weren't playing like there was a world cup gold on the line. 

We walked back onto that pitch as a different team, still the same players but our mentalities were different, they were stronger. That was no thanks to Vilda, but Alexia instead, she'd given us all a speech and we all listened, she'd earnt out respect time and time again. Alexia's words were powerful, they were strong and they were exactly what we needed to beat the Lionesses. 

The whistle blew and the game started again, both team with a new sense of determination, somehow making the match even better. It felt like one single mistake could cost either team the game, the pressure was mounting and I thrived under its weight. 

In the sixty-second minute I had the ball at her feet, and shot. I'd looked around me and seen no one, so took a chance from outside the box and it had paid off. I scored.

The shouts just fell out of my mouth, I ran over to Alexia pulling her into a hug which everyone else piled in for. Everyone's faces were just a picture, elated and so determined; it was a moment I'd remember forever and hold tight to my heart. This goal was exactly what everyone needed to show ourselves that we could win this thing.

At the moment we were winning this thing! We'd gone from falling behind to climbing ahead. 

We weren't in the lead for long though as ten minutes later, England scored. Jordan had come from no where, we thought we had their attack under control but her determination had us unprepared.
I huffed, it was anything but good news, but my belief in us didn't fade for even a second. 

I felt like I was on fire, maybe it was the exhaustion begining to take a toll on me, but I rebranded it as the flames inside my soul which would push me to the extremes, push me to being the player I needed to be right now. 

Both teams battled until our legs felt as if they were about to break and our lungs were on the edge of collapsing, but still, neither of team scored. We'd created good chances, just never been able to finish them which was ridiculously frustrating. England hadn't had any shots, or even much possession but they were able to hang on to that all-important draw. The draw they were trying to stay on, the draw we were trying to up. 

The ninety minutes was up, every player, completely out of breath, walked back to their team, forming little huddles.

As I walked over to everyone, I could have collapsed then and there, exhausted didn't even begin to describe what I was feeling. I flopped onto the floor, head in my hands as I tried to catch back my breath. 

Ona tapped my shoulder, "You alright?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "Just a little tired."

Ona let out a slight chuckle, positioning her arms out wide above her head, "I'm a little tired too."

Alexia brought the pair of us drinks, also shoving an energy gel down my throat even when I tried to refuse that disgusting slime. 

Even though every muscle in my body ached and my lungs felt like they'd never return to normal, I wasn't done fighting. I was far from it in fact. This was our time, this was our battle to win because this was team who'd been through too much to loose now. 

Though it seemed I may have been a little dramatic about my state of exhaustion and after a couple of minutes, I felt a lot better, I could breath again and my body was back to brand new. I was ready for this next half an hour. 

Extra time was soon underway, everyone's bodies were overworked but we all moved past that, we had to. This was the final of the World Cup, a place we'd fought our entire lives to be, no one was giving up on this dream easily.

Shortly afterwards, Ellen White scored again. I wasn't sure how it had happened but it looked like a bad turnover in our midfield and she'd taken it from under our noses again. 3-2 to England but there was still time, there was still everything to play for. 

Afterwards the ball moved back and forth, back and forth. We had a constant hold of possession but found ourselves having to pass back as the English defense was stronger than a brick wall. 

Ten minutes had passed, we had a corner after my shot had been cleared, but the goalie hadn't managed to hang onto it, Jenni was taking it.

I stood in the box, slightly shoving the defender who tugged the back of my shirt, she pushed back.

Turning around, my temper was on the edge of blowing, she wasn't letting me go. I was about to shout at her, fully ready to create a whole scene and find us a penalty. But by the time my head was turned, suddenly I saw her dart, trying to push ahead of me to get to the goal.

Alexia had shot! Alexia had scored!

She didn't stay still for a single second, none of us did. We'd equalized again, we just needed that final push.

A pure feeling of ecstasy rushed through my body and I ran over to her, the rest of the team too. We all hugged her like a little penguin huddle. I never wanted that moment to end, it was truly from a movie.

When we broke apart, Alexia held me tight, her hands on my face as we could barely even control our bodies, "For Nana!" She yelled.

"For Nana," I agreed, knowing how wide the smile was on her face right now. 

But we still had twenty minutes left to play. The score line stood at 3-3. 

We remained in constant possession, everything felt strong and secure, like we'd created a little vault for the ball and no one else was ever going to be let in. Our strength was keeping ahold of the ball, we just had to play into that and we'd soon be getting given that world cup medal.

Around one hundred and thirteen minutes in, Alana Foden, the English attacker was running towards our goal, Ona ran towards her, but then slipped. My eyes shut, it was just an instinct to protect myself from what I was about to see, I couldn't bear to see the gold get snatched from us. 

I didn't know if we'd be able to get it back if they scored now. 

The stadium went silent for a moment, then I could hear an uproar from the English fans but it wasn't the noise of celebrations. 

My eyes burst open to see Alexia and Alana Foden on the ground. Alexia was the one to stand up and dust herself off, not looking back before she jogged over to us. Alana rolled around on the floor as her England teammates were quick to be by her side. 

I walked towards my sister, "What happened?" I asked under my breath, having not been watching the scene, "What did you do?"

Alexia sniffed, she didn't seem proud of her actions nor regretful, "I did what I had to do."

Alexia wasn't a violent person, nor would she usually go to such extremities to win but I knew exactly why she'd done it; she'd done it for Nana. She'd done it because the idea of loosing wrecked with her mind when we'd spent our entire match and tournament dedicating it to the woman we loved and the woman we lost. 

I ran towards the referee, seeing the English players debating with her and calling for a red card. 

I pushed inbetween them, fighting back for my sister, "Ref it's not a red!" I called, having not even seen the tackle, "It's not a red!"

Leah put a hand on my arm, "Hunter leave it," she harshly suggested. 

"No," I shook my head, I'd do anything for Alexia and even when no one else was fighting in her corner, it didn't matter because I always would be, "It's not a red card ref, don't let them fool you into thinking it is."

Someone took my hand, gently pulling me back; it was Ona. "Hunter, you're going to get yourself carded, take a breath," the brunette advised me. 

I went to push away but then I saw the referee raise a yellow card to Alexia and I could finally breath again. Though I chewed on the inside of my cheek when I saw Alana Foden being stretchered off the pitch, both her sister and Alex Greenwood following her to the edge. 

We all walked back into our positions, England bringing on a substitute to replace their recently injured striker.

But Alexia was right, she'd done what was needed, without that tackle we'd be loosing in the final few minutes. 

The game still had five minutes left, we had time and even if we failed to score a goal, there was penalties still waiting. 

I wasn't about to fail Nana, she deserved to see her girls win the World Cup, maybe it would show her an ounce of the appreciation she deserved when we dedicated the award to her.

The whistle blew and it was go time.

Both sides were desperate for a final goal, but I was going to ensure that we fought the hardest.

The ball was at Mapi's feet, she passed it over an English player's head to Ona, then it travelled back into the possession of Mapi. It seemed we were going in circles, scared to take a risk in case it backfired.

But no one ever won a war by playing it safe or sticking to the tactics which everyone used. No one ever rewrote history by staying within the lines. We had to be creative, we had to create this goal from nothing to get everything we'd ever dreamed of. 

I saw Aitana shoot the ball, it was going into space but it was miles away from me, all the way over the other side of the box. Running, I thought I was about to fall over my own feet, I half expected there to be flames covering my shoes from the amount my feet burned.

I reached the ball before it went off the pitch, it was at my feet. Though no one else was near me except Millie Bright, the English defender, this was down to me.

This was the last chance we were going to get, the minutes were ticking down on the clock. 

With my left foot, with more force than ever before, I shot. It looked as if it were going right into the keeper's outstretched arms, but curled over her finger tips, falling into the tiny space in-between her hands and the cross bar.

My mouth just flew open, I'd just scored the winning goal of the World Cup.

The emotions that overcame me made my body crash down onto the floor, felling the bodies of my teammates throw themselves on top of me, their cries of celebration were louder than I ever thought possible.
We all knew that was it, we'd just won the World Cup.

We were the world champions and I could barely put a thought together in that moment, but I knew Nana was proud of her girls, I knew she was over the moon and that meant everything to me. 


this was the world cup 2019 and obviously it's the same two teams as the 2023, but this went with the storyline so that's why it happened (when I planned this, the world cup had barely even begun so it looks like I just predicted it but I kind of hate myself for that). Love the Spanish team but Lionesses all the way!!

and also can you spot two of our new characters in this chapter? You haven't seen much of their personality yet but I think you can already see there might be a big rivalry between two of them... tell me what you're thinking!

also I didn't completely proof read this chapter because it was so long, so if there's any mistakes please tell me!

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