Attention Truelove

By mcandr1

8.2K 424 165

Picking up right after the events of Attention Runner Up Jade and Skylar struggle to make their relationship... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 48

131 8 0
By mcandr1

POV: Skylar

I smile as I watch Jade gush over some clothes with Mackenzie. Today we decided to hit up the outlets. She's been glowing the past few days. She can't keep a smile off her face, so cute.

"Ugh can we go already," Darleen complains.

She's holding all of Mackenzie's bags.

"No!" Jade and Kenzie say in unison.

I chuckle.

"Skylar, buy me this," Oli shows me a cute shirt.

"Fine," I roll my eyes.

"Look it's you," Mom points to the cutout of me in front of the Nike store.

"It's kind of creeping me out, to be honest," I stare at the cutout through the window.

"Right," Vida comes up next to me.

"It's like it's staring into our soul," Darleen whispers.

All three of us shudder.

"Cut it out," Mom laughs. "I think it's cute. I want to take a picture with it."

"Mom," I complain.

"We should play a prank on people, see if they notice if we switch out the cutout with the real thing," Vida says.

"I'm trying not to get banned from here, thank you," I playfully push her.

"Skylar can I get this too," Oli shows me some shorts.

"You are going to drain me dry," I glare at her.

"You better buy your sister some clothes," Mom pinches me.

"Ow, okay," I pout.

Darleen and Vida laugh at me.

"Get whatever you want Olivia, Skylar will pay. She has the money to now."


She gives me a look.

I sigh and stare out the window at myself.

"Welcome to the club," Darleen looks over to Kenzie.

I giggle.

"Speaking of which... since I now have an amazing best friend who also happens to have a decent chunk of change now..." Vida gives me the puppy dog look.

"I knew there was a reason you were buttering me up." I shake my head.

"Well I tried to butter up Princess over there, but she's mean." Vida pouts.

"And don't you forget it," Aphrodite says as she walks by to try on a dress.

We all laugh.

"She's a tough nut to crack, but give it a little time, she'll soften," Darleen says.

"Yeah, what Darleen said."

"I heard that!" Aphrodite calls.

We giggle.

"Real talk," Vida gathers closer to us. "Do you think I stand a chance with her?" Vida whispers.

"Vida!" I say.

"What!? Obviously you and Jade are back together, plus she's like super smoking hot," Vida whispers.

Darleen and I laugh.

"That road is a dangerous one," Darleen says.

"But very rewarding if you catch my drift," I wink.

"Damn, for real?" Vida bites her lip and looks over to where Aphrodite walked over.

"You aren't exactly her type," Darleen says.

"But doesn't hurt to try. She's very catty though, super territorial, and bossy, but has her cute soft tendencies. If she's interested, she'll let you know, otherwise, she will continue to give you the cold shoulder and ignore you." I say.

"So do I officially have your blessing to pursue?" Vida asks me.

"Yes, but be warned," I say.

"She bites," Darleen adds.

"Emm, how I like them." Vida purrs before walking after Aphrodite.

"She's doomed," Darleen sighs.

"Yep, but hey, got to let the girl try," I shrug.

We both giggle.

"Skylar, can I get this?" Mom shows me an outfit.

"Mom! Not you too," I pout.

Darleen pats my shoulder and goes to check on Kenzie.

"I'm getting it," Mom says.

I sigh.

"So," Jade pops up out of nowhere.

"Jesus!" I flinch.

"What were you three talking about?"

"Don't scare me," I swat at her.

She giggles.

"Are you almost done, we've been here half an hour already." I pout.

"I'm almost done."


"At this store," She clarifies.


"You should shop too, come on," She drags me over to the clothes.

"Jade," I pout. "You know I hate shopping."

"Skylar, as your girlfriend, best friend, and soul mate, I can say with a full and honest heart, your fashion taste is terrible. You look like you are going to the gym five days a week and the other two days you look homeless."

"Seriously," I frown at her.

"Come on," She grabs shirts at random for me to try on.

Well, at least I thought they were random because they were all my size. She must have been gathering them when she was talking to Kenzie. Jade's can be sneaky like that. You must always keep a close eye on them.

"Jade," I pout as she shoves me into the dressing room.

"Come on, you never shop with me. Where is your shopping spirit?"

"My what?"

"Ugh, come on, strip."

"Jade," I pout.


With a heavy sigh, I take my clothes off.

She puts an outfit in my hands. Something I would never wear. I blink at her, unamused.

"I'm not letting you out of here until you at least try them on."

I slowly put the clothes on, grumbling under my breath. She giggles.

"Look at you, you look so cute."

"I want to see!" Mom calls on the other side of the door.


"Come on, go show her." Jade opens the door.

"I'm not five," I complain.

"Wow! Much better," Mom says.

"You guys are hurting my feelings," I pout.

"Get the outfit, it looks good on you," Mom says.

"Fine!" I march back into the changing room.

After being forced to put on a fashion show for my mom, we finally check out and leave that store. Several more bags in hand.

"Okay, Nike next!" Jade says.

"Finally! The one store I actually want to go into." I say.

"Same, I wonder if they have swimsuits," Vida says.

"Let's take a picture with the cutout!" Mom says.

"Mom! Ugh why couldn't you have stayed behind with all the other parents." I pout.

"Come on," Jade giggles.

"This is embarrassing, people are staring," I whine as Mom makes me take a picture with her and the cutout of me.

"Just smile," She hisses.

So I smile and take a picture with me, myself, and my mom.

"Hey, I'm gonna go put the bags in the car, want me to take yours too?" Darleen says.

"Please," I hand them to her.

"K, Kenzie, and I will be back." She says as they walk back to the car.

"Oh Skylar, please please please give me free rein in here," Vida pleads, clasping her hands together and shaking them in front of me.

"Don't you have your own money?" Jade says unamused.

"Cut it out," I swat her again. "Fine, but nothing over 500 dollars," I say.

"Yes! Love you, you're the best!" she quickly runs off into the store.

Jade gives me a look.

"Will you cut it out," I giggle and pull her closer to me by her waist.

"I don't like you being nice to her," Jade says.

"Do you hear the sentence that just came out of your mouth?" I tease.

"Skylar," she says in a warning tone.

"She's over me, honest. We know where we stand, plus she just asked Darleen and I for permission to pursue Aphrodite. That's what we were talking about."

Jade makes a face.

"Be nice," I chastise.

"No way those two would ever get together."

"Stranger things have happened," I shrug.

"Aphrodite is way out of her league. When pigs fly."

"Stop it," I say seriously.

"Fine, fine," she relents.

"Come on, you need new running shoes anyway."

"I know, mine are holding together by a thread!" Jade says.

"That's your third pair," I say.

"You are the one that keeps making me do athletic things. I've made it very clear, I'm not a sporty person."

I giggle.

"Plus, how was I supposed to know you needed shoes specifically for hiking, climbing, and running? I've just been wearing the same pair," she shrugs.

I facepalm.

After two hours in the Nike store, taking a picture with the Nike employees and my cutout, again, and spending my entire budget for this vacation in one day, we finally leave.

"Okay, where to next?" Jade asks.

"No more, tired!" I complain.

"I second that," Darleen adds.

"Third it," Vida says.

"Fourth it," Aphrodite says.

"Not you too," Jade pouts. "You are supposed to be on our side."

"Our side?"

"The side of shopping," Kenzie says.

"Lots of shopping," Oli adds.

"I can do a few more stores," Mom says.

"Four against four," I say.

"Can we at least take a break? Get some lunch?" Darleen says.

"Yeah," I pout.

"Fine!" Jade groans.

So we pile back into the van to go find a place to eat. So we all get something to eat before Darleen and I are able to convince the group to drop us back off at the hotel. Vida and Aphrodite stay behind too. The others go back to shopping.

"You know, I can see why you like hanging out with rich people, I could get used to this," Vida says as she puts up her stuff.

I'm with her in her room.

"Will you stop," I giggle.

"We should go hang out at the pool."

"You just love the water don't you," I shake my head.

"You know I do, come on, I want to wear my new swimsuit."

"Okay fine, let me go change. I'll meet you downstairs."

I get up from the bed and walk down the hall to my room.

"Vida and I are going to the pool if you want to come," I call to Aphrodite's room.

She doesn't answer so I shrug and go to my room.

I quickly change and put on sunblock before grabbing my hat and glasses and heading to the elevator. Aphrodite is also there.

"So you did hear me," I indicate to her swimsuit.

"I was in the bathroom." She responds.


"Did you tell Darleen?"

"She took Sprinkle out for a walk, I texted her," I say.

The elevator opens and we step inside.

We stand in silence as the door closes.

"Are... Are we okay?" I ask her once we are alone.

"I don't know, you tell me."

"I feel like you are mad at me."

"Mad no, more like... done with this."


"All of this," She indicates to me.

"So you're mad I got back with Jade," I say to clarify.

"I'm happy that you are happy."

"You still aren't answering the question."

"And by doing so am I not answering the question?" she says as the doors open up.

"Can we just talk? Do you always have to be—"

"Be a what Skylar?" she turns around and faces me, clearly upset.

"I was going to say do you always have to be difficult," I say.

"Sure you were," She marches out of the elevator.

"Aphrodite, don't just walk away." I chase after her.

"Done!" she declares.

"So what, you don't want to be friends anymore?"

"Were we ever just friends?" She asks without looking at me.


"Aphrodite wait," I run to catch up to her.

"You know what, I am pissed Skylar," She whirls around to face me. "I'm pissed that every girl I've ever loved has never actually loved me back. I'm pissed that I keep getting invited to these things as a friend, as that pity invite, pissed that I can't stop myself from showing up. Pissed that no matter what I do, I always fall for the fucking wrong girl." She says with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," I say, my voice small.

"But It's my fault at the end of the day right, I'm the dumbass who didn't listen when I was warned. I'm the loser that blew past all the red flags and warning bells. The pathetic girl who fell in love with someone she knew was already in love with someone else. I'm the one that can't move on, the one who continues to show up like a little lost puppy looking for a treat." She shakes her head, turning away from me to wipe her tears.

I open my mouth to say something, but no words come out.

"I'm done." She says softer before walking off.

I feel like crap now.

Complete and utter crap.

When I turn around to go back to my room Vida is there, she saw the whole thing.

I wipe my tears and sniffle.

She's silent.

"Do you... Do you feel the same way?" I ask her.

"I don't know," She shrugs. "I know I don't feel great." She admits.

"Oh. So you were just being nice to me for my benefit?"

She doesn't say anything.

I take a shaky breath and nod before walking off, back to my room. That is where I stay, sitting at the window, looking out at the view, until Jade comes back.

"Hey, oh did you go swimming? Hold on let me change, I want to go chill in the hot tub," Jade sets her bags down.

"Go without me... I'm... tired." I say.

"Everything okay?" She walks over and sits next me.

"Yeah." I lie and force a smile.

She takes a deep breath and grabs my hands in hers, letting me know without saying anything she knows I'm lying. I clench my jaw and look back outside, pulling my hands away from her.

"Skylar," She says seriously.

"It's fine, nothing you need to worry about. I'm just gonna turn in for the night."

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong. We aren't doing this okay; we aren't going back to that." Jade says firmly.

I just shake my head and do everything in my power to hold back tears.

"Skylar, talk, use your words."

"I don't know what to say!" I shout.

"Say anything, something!"

"Aphrodite hates me! And Vida was only pretending to be nice to me, but she hates me too. They both hate me for getting back with you."

"What happened?"

"Aphrodite blew up on me! I asked her if we were okay because she's been acting distant and weird. I should have just kept my mouth shut. All I do is ruin everything! Then Vida saw the whole thing and..." I put my head in my hands and take in a shaky breath as the tears finally burst free.

Jade sighs and moves closer to me.

"I'm a monster," I sob.

"I'm sure it doesn't feel great right now, to be them. I know I didn't feel great when you got with Aphrodite and even when you got with Vida. I was angry and confused and hurting so badly. I don't have to imagine what they feel right now, because I know from experience. You just have to give them time, and space. Trying to force a friendship only puts salt in the wound. They love you, Skylar, they don't hate you, they love you so much that not being with you is painful."

"I just thought we could be friends," I sob.

"Not everyone is like me. Not everyone can set aside their feelings and be friends. Hell, I'm not even sure I could do that. You and I both know that even though I was your friend I always had hope we would get back together. They don't have that right now. They know they lost their chance to be with you. I'm sure it sucks big ass balls. Why do you think I've been cautious around them, cautious about you around them? Because I know if I was in their shoes, I wouldn't be able to hold myself back. I'd go rabid over you. Do everything in my power to win you back, a hail Mary. It must kill them to stand by on the sidelines as just a friend. I know it killed me."

I look up to meet Jade's eyes.

"Let them feel how they feel," She grabs my hands in her own. "That is the process of healing. They may not want to be your friend right now, but hey, they showed up didn't they? They came here even though I know they knew we would probably get back together. Anyone with eyes could see we were gonna get back together. But they still showed up, which shows they still care about you. Maybe one day, they will be able to be your friend again. But that day may not be today or even tomorrow. You just have to be patient and let people heal how they heal. I'm sure what Aphrodite said to you was hurtful, but sometimes we say hurtful things when we are hurting. Do you understand?"

I'll admit, I didn't expect Jade to be so mature about this. To take their side and stick up for them. To grasp the situation without overreacting. I'm actually shocked. I thought she was going to go marching downstairs to tell Aphrodite off. Or yell at me for talking to her in the first place. But everything she just said actually made sense, and was actually nice, and understanding.

"Yeah," I wipe my face and sniffle.

"Come here," she hugs me. "I know you want them to like you and be your friend, but it's okay if someone doesn't like you." She pulls back to lock eyes with me. "It's okay if not everyone agrees with you, or me, or anyone you love. You can't please everyone Skylar, you just can't. You'll kill yourself trying to do that, we aren't going down that road again. Do you hear me?" she wipes my tears for me.

I nod.

"Let Aphrodite be mad, let Vida. It's not your job to make sure everyone is happy. When they are ready, they will come to you."

"I just feel—"

"I know," she cuts me off. "I know Skylar. I know you loved them a whole lot, they were there for you when I wasn't. I know you care about them. But you have to give them space. You can't force it. That will only make everything worse."

"It's just so hard," I sob and cover my face.

"I know," she hugs me again. "I know it is. But we are going to work on this, okay? It's going on the list," she says.

Jade and I have a topics list we will address or work on for our channel and just for our own personal growth. While this long excursion with her has been about seeing the world, it's also been about reflecting and trying to see our problems in new ways, conquer them or understand them if they cannot be conquered. It's really helped me move forward.

"Okay," I sniffle and wipe my face again.

"Okay, well let me change. We are going to stay in and cuddle."

"No, you go to the hot tub, I'm sure your feet are killing you. I'll stay in the room, it's okay." I say.

"Oh I see how it is, you just want to get rid of me so you can eat all these delicious chocolate and candy apples I bought by yourself." She goes to the bed and pulls one of out the bag.

I giggle.

"But I won't fall for your tricks Skylar, I bought these apples fair and square," she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Jade," I giggle.

"We are going to cuddle, and you are going to like it. And if I think you are cute enough, you can have a piece, a piece! of my apple."

"Fine, you caught me," I say.

"I knew it, you can't pull a fast one on me. Nuh uh, no ma'am. I have a big brain," she points to her head.

"You are silly," I get up to shower.

"I know, but my master plan to get you to stop crying worked. Told you, big brain." She wiggles her eyebrows again.

I giggle before pulling her close and kissing her.

She deepens the kiss unexpectedly, wrapping her arms around me passionately. I close my eyes and melt into her.

Like the caramel melted on that apple. 

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