Like Real People Do - Jill Ro...

By 12376l

359K 13.8K 1.1K

Younger sister of Alexia Putellas, Hunter, has always been devoted to football. She follows in her sister's f... More

I Need Your Help!
Instead They Adored Her
It Will Always Be You
Nice Suit
More Challenging For Some Than Others
That Was The Chance
Someone's A Little Biased
You're My Savior
You Were Staring
And I Passed
It's Nothing
You're All Grown Up
String Of Gold
We Need To Go
It Happened Again
I'm Sorry
I've Got No One?
I'm Not Listening To This
You Were Right
Promise Me One Thing
Except One Person Remained Silent
Home Is Always Going To Be Home
It Wasn't Even A Question
The Ocean Had Stilled
That's When It Happened
That's Not Fair
We'll Make Sure She Sees It
I Thought The Light Had Died
Those Wounds Wouldn't Heal
You Were Right
I Was Staring At A Stranger
Well She Loves You
That Was A Private Conversation
She Made My Soul Happy
That's My Girl
How Quickly Life Can Flip
You'll Be Okay
I Don't Want To Be Alone
More Than You Already Know
I Had Two Options
That Sounds Like A Bigger Regret
Relief In Giving Into The Destruction
And There She Goes
Find Some Common Ground
Space From What?
Everything Wasn't A Label
My Place In The World
Very Public Secret
Can You Stay?
Two Opposites
Now It Was My Turn To Be Strong
Whatever Will Be Will Be
I Trust You
Just This Once
She's The One
Real Or Not Real?
Trying To Hold On
Get Her Out Of Here
What's Wrong?
Someone's In A Mood
We've All Earnt It
Don't Be Seen
You're Safe With Me
I Just Want To Help Her
I Remember The First Time I Saw Him
But Then I Heard The Sirens
It Meant Something
One Single Look
I Have To Go
Clear My Mind
The Highs And Lows
Nothing Mattered
You're A Character
She Was Gone
The Truth Of Reality
It Will Be For Nana
The Highest My Career Ever Soared
It Will Go On Forever
Future Of Something In Nothing
Anything Meant Everything
I Was The Problem
The Lie They'd Want To Believe
I Didn't Miss Me
Without Words
You Won't Loose Me
To Be Nothing
I Wasn't Enough
I Prayed
Because I Know You
Neither Of Us Were Enough
Her Or I
Stay, Don't Go
To Save us
I'd Be An Awful Ghost
Eyes Of Red
We're Going Home
A Girl Like The Wind
Everything Flashed Before My Eyes
She'd Been Strong
Everything But Hatred
This Is For The Best
Very Different Lives
Free From That Box

Always To Be Remembered

3.3K 146 10
By 12376l

Jill's POV

The whistle was blown and I felt everyone lean closer to the edge of their seat, even if Spurs weren't a lethal side, there was an unimaginable amount riding on this match; it was the last of the season and Nana's last match, so there were important lasts riding on this game. But it was also Hunter's first match back, the fans were all going wild for their favorite player and seeing her back on that pitch filled me with so much joy.

This was Hunter's place in the world.

Seeing her among the girls, mind set on winning the ball and pushing Tottenham's defense to the limits, made me realize just how she did fit in here, this was Hunter's home. 

It was the first time when I'd ever been pleased to be off the pitch, strangely thankful for my injury because I'd have hated to miss this moment sitting beside Hunter's two favorite people as this entire match was dedicated to a woman who'd helped us all.
I knew all the girls were playing for Nana today, she was at the forefront of their minds and the reason for the extra effort on the pitch which quickly paid off. 

Within the first ten minutes, I could see Wally look up and her eyes instantly found Viv at the corner of the box, the pass being perfect as always; Wally never failed. 

"Come on girls," Nana muttered besides me, her eyes never leaving the pitch.

Viv pivoted around a defender, sending the ball over their heads and into the feet of Hunter who didn't take a second before shooting, it was so smooth and natural as the ball rocketed into the net. 

Hunter jumped up, a massive smile on her face as Viv and Lia pulled her into this massive hug, the rest of the girls quickly crowding around and I knew it was the feeling that Hunter had missed for so long; that euphoric rush of power and passion. 

Nana jumped up, making me startle a little as I saw the most energy from the woman in weeks. "Yes Hunter!" She cheered at the top of her voice making both Alexia and I chuckle, "Show them Tossers whose boss!"

"Alright Nana," Alexia laughed, sitting Nana back down before she continued to insult the opposing team and tire herself out, before the night the team had planned for her.

I stayed standing, watching as the team's faces all gleamed so brightly and Hunter somehow outshone them all. In the recent weeks, through the hardships and pain I'd seen the light fade slightly from her smile and that freedom from her laugh but now I saw the girl I'd first met; yes, ridiculously complex and confusing but also so animated and full of life.

After seeing the team congratulate Hunter and walk back to their positions, it all made sense. I think the girls would always treat Hunter as the baby of the squad, because she was, and they all thought of her as a little sister or in Kim's case, the troublesome daughter but over the recent weeks, I'd seen the love and support they had for their little sister rather than the annoyance and criticisms. You couldn't change the team dynamics, you couldn't suddenly make Hunter the mum of the team one day because things didn't work like that; and honestly thank god because Hunter wasn't quite cut out for that role. Hunter was their little sister but it still never gave them a right to undermine her, now they'd realized that, everything fell right into the perfect place.

The whistle blew, snapping me from my thoughts as the game was underway again.

I think this was the best I'd ever seen the team play, every pass was made with such precision and our squad looked as if they were talking through their minds as it all just clicked. I knew they'd bring everything to this match but their everything was so much more than I could have imagined.

Within five minutes, Beth had scored, her celebration being a heart and then pointing up to Nana. Nana was cheering and clapping, having the time of her life and both Alexia and I had smiles on our faces but as I looked over to older Putellas sister, I could see the tears choking her slightly; it was a beautiful day but also tragic. 

The end seemed like an incredible goodbye but it was still a goodbye said all too soon. 

I leaned behind Nana, in her own little world as she beamed with pride towards the girls she'd watched forever, and patted Alexia's back, trying to show her some support. She weakly smiled at me, a gesture I returned. 

"Thankyou," she whispered. 

I shook my head, realizing the soul destroying time that was about to envelop the Putellas sisters.

Alexia looked back to the game, begining to cheer for her sister's team again with that smile on her face that was both genuine and fake; she was overjoyed to see her little sister strive to this incredible level but we all felt the end was upon us, it was a feeling that couldn't be ignored. 

The match begun again, I tried to keep my mind on the football and tell myself it was a happy day because that smile on Nana's face said it all, she was overjoyed to be here and so should we be. 

I couldn't even imagine how Hunter and Alexia were feeling because my heart felt heavy as sinking ship, dragging me under the surface but they must have been dying inside. We all knew to smile today, this should have been happy, Nana wanted this to be happy and it was, seeing her so passionate and full of energy was amazing, but somehow that made it all the more heartbreaking. 

Before the first half ended, Viv scored a goal and Hunter scored her second, both of them dedicated them to Nana. The team jogged into the tunnel though not before waving up to a very excited Nana.

"They're just great aren't they," Nana sighed sitting back into her chair. 

Alexia nodded in agreement, "They're a strong side."

I faintly smiled, proud of the girls I was lucky enough to call my squad, we may have gotten off to a rough start but in the tough times, they proved their love. 

"Bet you're missing being on the pitch," Nana said to me.

"Not today," I shrugged, "It's a nice view from here."

"And good company," Alexia teased; her and I definitely joked around with each other more and more as we became closer. 

I rolled my eyes, "Nana is great but I'm not sure about you."

Alexia narrowed her eyes, a grin still pasted onto her face, "I'll be telling Hunter you said that," She threated.

I immediately shut my mouth, "You wouldn't dare."

"Test me," She challenged. 

"Oh girls," Nana shook her head, chuckling, "You've got all day to spend together, be nice."

"We love each other really," Alexia assured her.

I widened my eyes slightly, "Love might be a little far?"

Alexia huffed, "You're probably the nicest person Hunter has ever dated so I guess I'm having to settled."

Something about that struck me as strange, it had never been a conversation Hunter and I had needed to have but I found myself slightly curious; who had Hunter dated in the past?

"Shush you," Nana quickly silenced Alexia, showing me further that something about that seemingly meaningless comment was deeper than she'd first meant it to be.

My suspicious instantly blurred into the future as the girls ran back onto the pitch, already leading 4 - 0 to Spurs; just the way it should be.

I watched as Katie volleyed the ball over to Leah, near the corner flag but with Leah's quick spin, she managed to keep the ball on the pitch. Even Hunter was marked, Spurs now having a heavy defense and numbers difficult to combat so Leah had one choice. 
Leah looked up at the goal for just a moment and rocketed the ball into the net with such power that the goalie had no chance. 

"That's my girl!" Nana celebrated the defender's goal; Leah was like a third granddaughter to her so it felt perfect that she'd scored in Nana's last match. Something about today was magical, everything was so insanely perfect that it felt the universe knew to make this all special; even the gods knew that Nana's sendoff needed to be unbelievably incredible. 

After we sat back down, little happened. Arsenal was still obviously the more skilled side but quickly shut down due to the pure numbers that Tottenham had brought into their defense, how could you break down a brick wall with your bare hands? It did seem rather impossible. 

That was until the 88th minute, when I almost felt this fire ignite in Hunter's soul, even so far from her I knew what she was thinking. She wanted a hattrick, she wanted to play a game Nana would remember through all the lives she'd yet to lead, so she was going to give her something to remember. 

Somehow Hunter cut through their defense, having battled against the defenders out on the wing and then quickly passed back to Lia, who'd been following closely behind her. Lia then passed the ball back to Hunter once she was in a little more space. If it was anyone else, I'd have thought it impossible as I quickly glanced to all of the Spurs defenders, but I'd seen this girl score goals from the halfway line, Hunter Putellas was like no other. 

"Think she's got it?" Alexia quietly asked, clearly nervous. 

"Course she has," Nana scoffed, "That girl is a Putellas."

We then watched Hunter fold around every single defender, it was like watching Picasso paint a portrait in real time; pure art that everyone else could only dream of. Then I watched as she shot, it was perfect, everything about this was so perfect.

Just as the net ricocheted from the impact of the ball, the final whistle blew and Meadow Park erupted into this celebration, of what felt like, life. This match meant so much more than any ninety minutes before, the team walked out knowing that. and they'd ended it having created the most perfect farewell and thankyou this club could bless Nana with. 

The teams shook hands and Spurs eventually trailed over to their fans as ours continued to rejoice. Nana was beaming, tears welling in her eyes of pride and joy; I didn't see an ounce of sadness, just peace, that's all I'd ever seen from Nana. Peace

Hunter waved us down to the pitch, so we stood up. 

"Shall I get your chair?" Alexia quickly asked.

Nana frowned, "No need for that amor," She brushed Alexia's worries off, seeming determined to walk down those stairs herself and step foot onto that pitch through her own effort.

We reached the pitch and Hunter ran over to us, I could see the tears waiting to flow but she never let it happen in front of Nana, she didn't want to worry her. Hunter embraced Nana in a tight hug, the rest of the girls soon surrounded them and Nana was the center of a massive group huddle, which I even pulled Alexia into. 

After that moment of quietness, though it still spoke in volumes of power, I saw Joe hand a microphone to Kim and Leah. 

Kim cleared her throat, looking towards the team with a mother-like smile and a saddened story behind her eyes, everything about today was a tragically beautiful contradiction, "It has been another amazing season and as Captain, I am proud of these girls and thankful for everyone whose supported us through these matches, you made it all the more worth it.."

I saw Hunter was standing alone, so I silently walked so I was besides her, she looked up at me with a small smile though it was quiet, it was sad. So I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me as she rested her head on my shoulder, everyone still in silence as we listened to Kim's words, though they might have well been a god's, because you could've heard a pin drop. 

"But there is a thankyou in particular the team and I wanted to say," She turned more directly to speak to Nana, "Everyone here knows Nana, whether you've kept up with her on our social medias or heard her cries of support from the stands. No one loves Arsenal quite like Nana," I smiled, everything Kim said was true but it hurt so badly, "I know we, as a team, shared with you that today was Nana's last match with us in person, but she'll always be here in spirit," Kim struggled to get the words out, shaking her head and biting the inside of her cheek as she passed the microphone over to Leah who seemed no more composed.
Every player was holding back the tears, it was a time when we were more connected than ever, it was powerful, truly all the hairs on my body stood to attention. 

Leah cleared her throat, "Everyone I spoke to always thought my household was a bit strange; Hunter, Nana and me. But it worked perfectly and I had the absolute honor to spend that time with the wonderful woman who made us all a home. Nana touched more hearts than she'd ever realize, I know she'll try and disagree with me later but it's true and everyone who's met her, knows it," Leah looked down, I knew she was finding this impossible. It was almost the first and final time that we'd all admitted Nana wasn't going to be here next season, it was heart wrenching. "I don't have the words to describe Nana, but those who had the luxury of knowing her, understand that Nana is like that home you can always return to - it doesn't matter how much time had passed or what had happened. Nana will always be there, with this smile and hug which makes you feel so safe."

I kissed the top of Hunter's head, knowing that however I felt, she felt more than a million times worse. I couldn't even imagine it, it was unfathomable.

Lia walked over to Leah, rubbing her back and gently pulling the microphone from her hand, "I came to England and didn't know anyone, I was a bit younger than I am now and I was a lot less confident. But I remember on my very first day, I was met with a smile that let me know I was safe; that smile belonged to Nana as she plated up her famous paella on my very first team night. The first of many. I think everyone sees the team as the players on the pitch, but we wouldn't be the team we are, without Nana. She's truly special and we love her... we really do."

Hunter pulled slightly from my grip, taking ahold of my hand instead as she pulled me over to Lia and reached for the microphone. For just a second, she looked up at me with a smile, searching for the strength a reassurance, I smiled back, nodding my head and knowing her heart would do her proud. 

"I don't remember a time when Nana wasn't there, though I suppose that's granted as she's my grandmother," this earnt a few sad chuckles from the team, "But there's never been a time when I've felt alone, that is thanks to Nana most of all because she's my best friend - I'm sorry Mapi and Leah to say it - but Nana is my best friend and life without her isn't something I'm willing to think about yet. 
This might seem like a sad day, but I want us to remember that it's happy. Today is a thankyou to our biggest supporter and the Grandmother that is everyone's Nana; you lot are lucky I wasn't selfish and kept her all to myself," Again a few more people laughed, "Next season won't be the same, seat 312 will seem empty but I promise you, and Nana has promised me, that it will be quite the opposite. We might not hear her, we might not see her but Nana is there. Nana will always be there," she nodded, "so thankyou Nana for the good times and an even bigger thankyou for getting us all through the bad. I know, on behalf, of every single person at Arsenal that you will be missed but that means nothing compared to the fact that you are loved. You are so very loved. You have been adored for all these years and you will continue to be adored."

The microphone was switched off, a silence falling upon the usually so lively ground, there wasn't a dry eye in the stadium; not from the staff, not from the fans and most definitely not from the squad.

It only took a second or two before everyone began clapping, the stadium somehow felt louder than ever because this gesture was more meaningful than ever before. 

This showed that football meant so much more than just a game, it was the community, the love, the passion and the loyalty which made it people's entire world.

This stadium was Arsenal. The badge of my chest was Arsenal. These fans were Arsenal. North London was Arsenal. And somehow at the center of this all was Nana; the true depiction of Arsenal. 

Always to be remembered with a smile, never to be forgotten in the darkness. 


author's note

I am so sorry guys that it has been so long and slow but I've blessed you with (I think) the longest chapter yet in this book. 
But someone very close to me died recently so life has been a bit rocky, it's why I've been gone and the books will probably be a little slower than usual but I love writing so bare with me and let these stories continue!

Thankyou for reading and hope you enjoy :)

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