Movies // Scarlett x Daughter...

By idkwhatimdoininlife

573K 18.6K 7.6K

Lexie Reid lands a role in the newest Marvel movie and very quickly becomes attached to one particular person... More

chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12.
chapter 13.
chapter 14.
chapter 15.
chapter 16.
chapter 17.
chapter 18.
chapter 19.
chapter 20.
chapter 21.
chapter 22.
chapter 23.
chapter 24.
chapter 25.
chapter 26.
chapter 27.
chapter 28.
chapter 29.
chapter 30.
chapter 31.
chapter 32.
chapter 33.
chapter 34.
chapter 35.
chapter 36.
chapter 37.
chapter 38.
chapter 39.
chapter 40.
chapter 41.
chapter 42.
chapter 43.
chapter 44.
chapter 46.
chapter 47.
chapter 48.
chapter 49.
chapter 50.
part two & face claims
chapter 51.
chapter 52.
chapter 53.
chapter 54.
chapter 55.
chapter 56.
chapter 57.
chapter 58.
chapter 59.
chapter 60.
chapter 61.
chapter 62.
chapter 63.
chapter 64.
chapter 65.
chapter 66.
chapter 67.
chapter 68.
chapter 69.
chapter 70.
chapter 71.
chapter 72.
chapter 73.
chapter 74.
chapter 75.
chapter 76.
chapter 77.
chapter 78.
chapter 79.
chapter 80.
part 3

chapter 45.

5.9K 212 98
By idkwhatimdoininlife

*this chapter does contain spoilers for The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo under Lexie's POV.

I had to pick Lexie up during lunch at school today because she has to be in hair and makeup by one o'clock. It's officially the last day of filming for the whole cast. Some have already finished, but majority of us have one final group scene to shoot this afternoon.

"It's freezing today," she says, stepping into her car and putting her bag down at her feet. "Do you want the heat up?" I question, getting into the drivers seat. Her leaving early meant I had to go in and sign her out.
"Yes please," she nods, crossing her arms over her body.

"How was your morning?" I ask, pulling out of the parking space. "Meh," she shrugs, "my history teacher told me off like four times for talking in class because he was in a grump. How was your morning?"
"You got told off four times?" I quirk an eyebrow. "Shhh," she giggles, "I asked how your morning was?"

"My morning was good. We took Cosmo to the playground for a little bit then went home and I had a nap. Next time, listen to your teacher when he tells you to stop talking," I tell her. "Fine," she frowns.

"Hey, I have a question," she admits. "Shoot."
"You have to promise to not pull a face or tease me or anything," she warns, narrowing her eyes at me. "I promise," I chuckle, pulling out onto the main road. "Okay. How long should you wait before asking someone to be your girlfriend? Like, how soon is too soon?" She questions, pulling at the sleeves of her hoodie.

I can't help the smile that curls onto my lips. "I said not to pull a face!" She groans. "I'm not pulling a face, I'm just smiling," I defend myself with a small laugh. "You were smirking, not smiling," she pouts. "Fine, I'm sorry," I hold back my smile, "but to answer your question, I honestly think it's different for every relationship. Some people can jump straight into one and others might take a few months before making things official."

"Okay," she mumbles with a slight nod. "Are you gonna ask Addy to be your girlfriend?" I question, quirking an eyebrow.

My daughter looks up at me with a small smile before looking back down at her lap. "Yeah, I don't know how yet, so I might wait a couple more weeks," she explains. "Is it okay if I have a girlfriend?"

"Honey, of course. I think Addy's a gorgeous girl and I can see that you both really like each other. If you were talking about getting into a relationship with someone I didn't think was good for you, then if would be a different story."

When we got to set, I went straight to hair and makeup and pulled out my book so that I had something to keep me occupied for the next hour.
I've got less than a hundred pages left and I really don't want it to end.

Not even ten minutes in, I had to stop because I couldn't exactly start crying whilst I was getting makeup done. So, I held back my tears and sniffed, trying not to think about what I'd just read.

"You alright?" Danny, my makeup artist questions, and at that I start crying. Mom, who has been sitting in the chair beside me turns her head at this. "Lexie, what happened?" She asks, concern lacing her tone as her makeup artist stops so that she can get up.

"She died," I cry. Although I try not to. I'm crying over a book in front of six other people. It's embarrassing.

"Who died?" She asks, coming around to stand in front of me and wiping my tears with the pads of her thumbs. "Celia," I tell her.
"Who's Celia?"
"From my book. She died."
"Oh sweetheart," Mom giggles, "come here." She stands me up and pulls me into her arms.

I'm embarrassed to say that I cry in her arms about Celia St. James for the next five minutes. The hair and makeup team had gone off to the other end of the trailer and were having conversation amongst themselves.
Luckily, only the base of my makeup was done, so I wasn't really messing it up too much.

"I'm sorry," I manage to giggle slightly, sitting back in my chair. "No, don't be. Last week, I finished reading this book called A Little Life and I spent three whole days recovering," Danny laughs, brushing it off as he starts on my makeup again.


"That's a wrap on all of us!" Joe and Anthony announce after each individual cast member had their name called out.

"You did it, Lex. Your first movie!" Mom comes up behind me, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and kissing the top of her head. "I don't want it to be over," I admit, turning around and looking up at her with teary eyes. "Aw, my sweet girl. Just think, you have at least three more movies lined up in the next few years," she reminds me, cupping my cheeks. "I know. It's still sad though."
"I know, and you can cry if you want to," she smiles gently.

I don't cry, but I hug her tightly, feeling safer than I have with anyone else before in her arms.

"Did you want to come to the wrap party, or do you want me to take you home?" She questions. "Do I have to go to school in the morning if I go?"
"No, I won't make you go to school," she giggles. "Yay!" I enthuse. "I still want to go, but just not in the morning."
"Okay, you weirdo," she says, pressing her lips against my forehead.

"Go get ready, we'll leave in about twenty-ish minutes. I just need to get this wig off."


After going back to my trailer, I put on the dress that Mom had brought for me since I'd forgotten this morning. I changed my Rylee boots for a pair of nude heels instead. I definitely miss wearing my Converse right about now.

When we arrived at the bar that has been hired out for the night, I got a bowl of potato wedges from one of the waiters due to my stomach growling all the way here.
Mom was already over at the bar having a drink with Chris and RDJ.

Xochitl - who I didn't really have more than two scenes with, therefore we didn't really get the opportunity to get to know each other - came over and sat down with me and we got talking. Eventually Lizzie joined us too.

"Right, I'm getting a refill. You want anything?" Lizzie offers. "I'll have a lemonade?" Xochitl asks to which she nods. "Can I have a gin and tonic, please?" I ask with a hopeful smile. I had one on my birthday and loved it.

"Do you have permission from your mother to be drinking, pipsqueak?" She narrows her eyes and purses her lips. "Sure?" I giggle. "I'll go ask her," she says with a teasing smile. "Fine, thank you."

A few minutes later my Mom comes over with a lemonade and a gin and tonic. "One drink, missy," she warns, passing me the glass. "Thank you," I smile as she passes Xochitl her drink.

As the party went on, Mom had stuck with having only the one drink since I was here and she had to drive home, but nearly everybody else was wasted and somehow, we ended up in the middle of the bar, all doing the can-can to Come On Eileen.

One Hour Later

"Do you know where Lexie went?" I question Chris. I'd seen her sitting on Lizzie's lap not even ten minutes ago and now I can't find either of them. "I think I saw her run into the bathroom?"

Why on earth she was running, I don't know, but either way I make my way over and sure enough, they're both in there.
Expect, my daughter has her head hung over the toilet.

"What happened?" I ask Lizzie as she pulls Lexie's hair back. "She drank too much."
I tilt my my head, sending her a glare.
"Don't look at me like that, I didn't give her anything," she defends herself, "it was all Jeremy and Robert."

"Okay," I sigh.

"Thank you Liz, I got her," I smile gently, taking her place on the bathroom floor, holding my daughters hair back as she continues to empty the contents of her stomach.

"It's alright, sweetheart," I try to comfort her, rubbing circles on her back. "I'm sorry, Mama," she cries looking at me, her eyes slightly red and mascara smudged underneath. "It happens, it's okay," I assure her, wiping her mouth with a bit of toilet paper. "Are you mad at me?"
"No, I'm not mad. How can I be when I was doing the exact same thing at your age, huh?" I smile softly.

"Should we head home?" I suggest, standing up from the tiled floor. She nods, holding her arms out so I help her off the bathroom floor as she nearly falls into my body. "You okay to walk?" I question a now very giggly Lexie. "Yep," she nods.

A few wobbly steps are taken before I decide that it's probably best to hold on tightly to one of her hands and wrap my free arm around her back.

"I was just about to bring you water," Lizzie walks into the bathroom as we begin to walk out. "Thank you," I say, "I think I'm gonna take her home now."
"Good idea. Do you want me to bring your things out to the car?" She offers. "Yes please, that would be great."

"Bye everyone!" Lexie shouts, causing a few heads to turn and laugh.


"Honey, I'm home!" Lexie laughs as we pull into our driveway.

The drive home was interesting to say the least. She rambled on about Taco Bell, the book she's currently reading, then started crying because of said book. At one point we had to pull over to the side of the road because she felt like she was about to be sick again, and it's safe to say that if I wasn't already exhausted, I am now.

"Can we get McDonald's? Or burritos?" She questions as we get out of the car. "There's food inside," I tell her. "But I don't want the food inside," she pouts, leaning into my body as I take our bags out of the boot. "It's nearly one o'clock in the morning, sweetheart. I'm not going to McDonald's."

"Yeah, yeah," I chuckle. "Now, when we get inside can you please be quiet. I don't want you waking up your brother and sister," I beg, taking her hand as we walk to the front door. "I promise to try," she nods her head, smiling like an idiot.

"You're so weird," I state, unlocking the door.

I dump our bags on the floor, "Let's get to bed, honey."
"But I'm not tired?" She whispers, a frown resting on her face. "Trust me, the moment your head hits your pillow you'll fall asleep."

Not to my surprise, I was right. I sat her on the bathroom counter and took off all her makeup, let her change into a pair of pyjamas and brushed through her hair before she fell asleep within a few minutes.

Hey dudes!
I'm reading the seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo again and somehow, every time I forgot how sad it is

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