Attention Truelove

By mcandr1

8.2K 424 165

Picking up right after the events of Attention Runner Up Jade and Skylar struggle to make their relationship... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 11

158 9 1
By mcandr1

POV: Skylar

"Today's the day," she whispers.

I stare out the huge window, curtains drawn, soft moonlight lighting up the room. My heart hasn't stopped beating quickly for the past 2 days. 

Today is the day.

"You nervous?" she brushes my hair behind my ear.

I finally meet her auburn eyes.

"A little," I admit.

"You'll do great."

"I'm only going up against the best of the best in the world," I smirk.

"Is that all?"

I sit up and sigh, she sits up too, rubbing my back.

I have an early start today. I have to be at the stadium by 6 in the morning. It's just past 5. Aphrodite stayed with me in my hotel in Paris these past couple of weeks. My mom and Oli are back in London, but they fly out today. It's only an hour flight.

"I'll go start the shower for you." She says.

"Please," I peck her on the lips.

She gets up and stretches. I follow suit, grabbing our clothes off the floor and tossing them to the side. I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom. Aphrodite flushes the toilet just as I walk in. I pull her nude body into my arms and sway with her for a moment, dancing to nonexistent music.

"You'll be fine, you're going to do great." She assures me as I bury my head into her shoulder.

"I checked my times; they aren't good enough for gold."

"Just try your best. I'll be happy even if you don't medal."

"Tell that to the rest of America," I grumble.

"You got this," she assures me.

I sigh and pull away before stepping into the shower. She steps in after me, rubbing my back as warm water washes over us. I take a deep breath to center myself before getting into the mindset. After a quick shower, I get changed and put on my shoes before I get a ride to the stadium.

After going through the many checkups and stretching and warming up I find myself out on the track. It's like I blinked, and I was there. The stadium is full, I loosen up and bounce in place at the start line. I'm in the team America uniform, a number on my chest.

The ladies next to me varying in age and size do various versions of loosening up and stretching, getting ready for the match.

My mom and sister get a sideline seat. I wave at them, and they smile at me and cheer me on. I look into the stands and see Aphrodite, but she's not alone. Darleen and Mackenzie are with her, but also,


She smiles big and wide at me, waving hi.

I can't help but smile back and wave at them.

"You got this!" I hear Jade cheer.

I giggle.

"Runner's line up." The announcers say.

I take my spot and get into position.

We wait, and the world around me goes silent as I zone in. I take three deep breaths, staring at the track in front of me. Then, the starting shot and we all take off. It's just me and the track. The people around me fade away, including all the other runners.

I just run, as hard and as fast as I can. Putting everything I got into it. All or nothing. One foot in front of the other, my shoes crunching on the ground with each step. With each breath, the finish line gets closer and closer.

The illusion is shattered though when I see someone pull up beside me and then pull ahead of me.

That's when I realize I was in first, was, because now I'm in second.

She's tall, graceful looking, and built like a machine. She can definitely beat me. She's from Jamaica.

My stomach fills with all this dread, knots of frustration, and disappointment as she pulls farther and farther ahead. I can feel my energy running low. I don't know if I have what it takes to catch up.

But I have to try.

I give it all of me. Every last drop, running so hard my muscles feel like they will rip right off of my bones. The crowd goes wild as I pull up next to her, with only a few feet left until the finish.

She glances at me, I keep on pushing ahead. We are both sweaty and out of breath.

"Come on Skylar!" I hear Jade's voice somewhere in the sea of voices.

It gives me a boost of energy.

Makes it possible for me to push ahead one last little bit just as we make it across the line.

It's a photo finish.

I put my hands on my hips and gasp for air.

We were really ahead of the others; they all pull in one by one. Most have given up by now.

The girl who finished with me comes up to me and offers her hand. I smile and we shake. We all stand around waiting for the results as the judges deliberate the photos and video evidence.

Even if I don't get gold, I still got silver. Which is pretty good too.

We walk off to the side and get water and rest up, I take my second drink when they announce it.

A tie.

Both of us, tied for first.

Which just means we both get gold.

I sigh in relief.

The girl who came up in second will get a bronze, no silver medal will be awarded due to the tie.

This is a rare event, a tie in the Olympics while not unheard of is rare. A tie for first is usually very rare. Media and all the fanfare bombard me as soon as I leave the track.

"Skylar, how does it feel to tie for first?"

"What was going through your head during the event?"

"Whew, let me catch my breath guys," I laugh as I try and steady my breathing. "I was so in the zone that I didn't even notice I fell behind. I started panicking and just really wanted to win. I heard the voices of my friends and family, and I knew I had to give it my all. Leave it all on the track, whatever the result at least I could say I gave it everything I had. I'm just as shocked as you guys are. I have no doubt the results will be challenged, as they should be during situations like this. But I'm just happy it's over. You know, the other runners put up a real challenge and I couldn't be more satisfied with the outcome. I can't wait for tomorrow's event and plan to rest up and do it all again tomorrow."

I have to wait another hour or so for them to review the evidence again just to be sure. I honestly feel like I didn't win, I was neck and neck with her, but I was sure she was still ahead by the end of it.

The results stand.

A tie.

We have to stand for the medal presentation ceremony. A gold medal is placed around my neck and I have my picture taken. It's heavier than I thought it would be.

Afterward, I go meet my mom and sister and we hug it out as the media once again takes our picture.

"Skylar!" Jade runs into my arms.

"Jade!" I giggle, "what are you doing here!?" I ask.

"Surprise, like I'd miss this. You should know me by now." She looks into my eyes.

"You're crazy, you should have told me you were coming, I could have gotten you a better seat."

"I was able to trade with a guy to sit next to Kenzie."

"I'm so happy that you're here," I hug her close to me.

"I'm so proud of you," she mumbles into me.

Aphrodite clearing her throat makes us finally pull apart.

Oli and my mom share a knowing look.

"You did it! I told you," Aphrodite jumps into my arms.

I sway her around before kissing her.

She smiles into the kiss.

"One more event to go," I say as we pull apart.

"I'm not worried," she says before kissing me again.

I giggle into the kiss.

"Besides, you better win, I don't date losers." She teases.

"Now I have to win." I playfully tease back.

"Can we keep it PG here, you two are going to make me lose my lunch," Kenzie says.

Darleen laughs.

"Speaking of lunch, I know you are starved," Aphrodite says to me.

"You know me so well," I sigh.

She grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. I smile at her.

"Well, where to? I've never been to Paris before." Mom speaks up.

I turn to her and catch a glimpse of Jade averting her eyes from me in pain. It makes my chest tighten and I have to look away from the sight lest my own facial expression give away the true pain I feel.

We go out to a nice restaurant to celebrate and eat. It goes pretty well, everyone talking and catching up, picking on my sister, hehe. Now that Oli is getting ready to go to college this upcoming semester, we can't help but give her some tips and try to scare her a little.

I'll be graduating this upcoming semester myself. I sort of rushed through school because I wanted to be with Jade as soon as possible. Now I just want to graduate so I can start my career in track.

Who knows, maybe I'll join Aphrodite in Cambridgeshire after I graduate. Since it's summer Aphrodite is staying in London right now, but during school, she actually stays about an hour away from London.

"You're Skylar right?" Some American tourist walks up to us as we eat.

"Yeah," I say cautiously.

"Can we get a picture with you?" he asks.

I look behind him to see his boyfriend waiting excitedly to the side. I smile and nod, I put back on my medal and pose with them. My mom takes the picture for us.

"You're my idol," his boyfriend says.

"He's in track too." The guy that asked for the picture supplied.

"Well, I'm glad I could make your day, you just made mine," I say.

"Can we get a picture with Jade too?" he hesitantly asks.

I roll my eyes but smile and look at Jade.

"Phew, thought I had been upstaged there for a minute." She gets up to take a picture with them.

"Eee! I love your show." He squeals.

She laughs.

"This day will be legendary; I'll never forget it." He says.

"That makes two of us," I say as I snap the picture.

He squeals one last time before they finally say their goodbyes and leave.

"Look at you, who has groupies now?" Jade shoulder bumps me.

"Shut up," I playfully laugh.

Aphrodite narrows her eyes at me, letting me know she's unhappy. I sit back down next to her and peck her on the cheek to reassure her of my feelings. It seems to work and she deflates a bit.

Things seemed to be going well for a while until we were about to leave, and Jade stumbled and spilled her whole glass of wine all over Aphrodite.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry," Jade says.

"You did that on purpose!"

"No, I didn't, it was an accident."

Aphrodite opened her mouth to protest but I pulled her away, leading her to the bathroom.

"She totally did it on purpose!" she says to me.

"Hey, it's okay. We are leaving anyway. Here," I take my shirt off and offer it to her.

She deflates and frowns at me before switching shirts with me, dabbing the wine from her skin. I wring out the shirt before I put it on, now I am the one with the wine stain. I smell good at least.

"Go easy on her, she's trying." I grab Aphrodite's hands in my own.

"Trying to ruin everything," she grumbles.

"I don't think she is. I of all people know Jade. I can tell she's trying to be genuine, she's on her best behavior. She hasn't even said one snarky comment to you. Jade can get pretty catty, trust me when I say you'd know if she was trying to ruin everything. Just relax." I comfort her.

"Fine," she sighs, much calmer now.

"Thank you, this is hard for all of us. But we have to work through this sooner or later. So thank you for being a team player, it means a lot." I pull her closer to me.

"This is me on my best behavior, don't push it. I'm only being nice to her because your mother is here."

"You want my mom to like you?" I smirk.

She blushes and averts her gaze.

"That's cute," I say before kissing her.

She melts into me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Come on, let's finish this night so I can rest up for tomorrow." I pull away.

"I want cuddles when we get back to the room." She pouts.

"Deal." I peck her on the cheek before we walk out to join everyone hand in hand.

"Okay, let's go," I say to everyone as they notice our shirt change.

"I'm sorry, really. It was an accident." Jade pleads.

"It's fine. It was an accident." Aphrodite snaps at her.

I squeeze her hand and she sighs.

"I didn't even like that shirt anyway," she shrugs, further downplaying the incident.

"I'm sorry," Jade says again.

"It's fine," I assure her.

"Anyway, let's go," I say.

We all head back to my hotel room and I help Mom and Oli get a room. They were overbooked but after both Darleen and Aphrodite flashed their names, a room magically opened up. Sometimes it pays to have friends in high places.

"Well, I need a shower now," Aphrodite says.

"Go, I'll be there shortly," I peck her on the lips.

She smiles at me before walking back to our room.

"Well, we should probably go check on Sprinkle," Kenzie says.

"That dog is driving me crazy," Darleen sighs.

"You know you love her," Kenzie teases.

"Yeah," Darleen smiles at her before she kisses her cheek and the two walk out.

I smile after the two. I'm glad they found each other. Although seeing Kenzie's new engagement ring did sting a little, I'm still happy for them. If anyone ever deserved to be happy, it's those two.

"Where are the cats?" Jade asks me.

"In London still, Aphrodite hired a pet sitter for me."

"Well, Skylar you should probably go get changed and rest." Mom pats my head.


"I can walk you to your room." Jade offers.

I eye her but decide I'll have to face her sooner or later, so I agree. This is the first time we've been alone together since we broke up.

I stick my hands in my pockets and keep my eyes on the ground as we walk down the hall and over to the elevator.

"You just going to keep ignoring me?" Jade asks.

"I'm not ignoring you," I say without looking at her.

"Feels like you are." She presses the elevator button.

I finally look up at her as the elevator doors open.

"I'm not. I just know that if I look into your eyes... I'll probably start crying." I force a chuckle.

"How do you think I feel?" she reaches into her shirt and pulls her necklace out, showing me our engagement rings on a chain. They sparkle with luster and warmth.

That stinging pain is back again, just like when Kenzie showed me her ring. Reminding me of what could have been. What almost was.

I can't help but reach out and touch them. To think this ring was my biggest problem once upon a time when I couldn't get up the nerve to ask Jade to marry me.

She reaches out to touch my face, but I step into the elevator to avoid it. She sighs and follows me. I press the button and the doors slowly close.

"Is it always going to be like this between us now?" she asks.

I shake my head no but don't look at her.

"Talk to me."

"What is there left to say?" I ask.

"So much... there is still so much left to say." She pleads.

"Maybe for you, but not for me."

"Skylar," she reaches for me again but this time I don't pull away. I have nowhere to go.

Her hand traces the curves of my face, I meet her jade-green eyes then. I feel my chest tighten and my heart speeds up. I wish she didn't have this effect on me, that my body, my brain, and my heart didn't all come together in unison to ache for her.

"I meant what I said. If this is the life you want. Then I support you. I just want you to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted for you. I'm not going to get in the way of your new relationship."

"Why are you like this?" I ask. "Why couldn't you care this much when we were together?" tears slide down my cheeks in silent protest.

"I'm sorry," her voice shakes.

I take a deep breath and pull away from her wiping my face of the evidence that shows that I still care deeply for this girl.

"I don't want it to always be this hard between us. I don't want the room to feel like it's closing in on me every time I see you. I just... I want my best friend back." She says.

"It won't always be this hard Jade. We just need some time, that's all. One day we will be able to be around each other and feel like it used to." I say as the elevator opens to my floor.

We walk to my room and my hand lingers by the doorknob. I can hear the shower on inside, I know Aphrodite is taking a shower.

"I'm going to be cheering you on tomorrow too. I made a team Skylar t-shirt," Jade says.

I smile and shake my head, "You would." I say.

"Damn right I would. I'll be cheering the loudest."

I turn to her and sigh.

She forces a smile for me, trying to hide her pain. But the silent tears that slide down her cheeks give her away.

I grab her hand in mine.

"Come here," I say as I open the door.

She follows without a hint of protest.

I go and sit down on the sofa in my room, pulling Jade into my arms. She instantly melts into me, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck.

"It's going to be okay; we are going to get through this," I assure her as I rub her back.

"Don't ever let go of me." she whimpers.

"I got you." I hold her tightly.

She's warm and her snuggling up to me has an instant effect on me. I feel lethargic and my energy level is low. I close my eyes and before I know it, I'm down for the count. Something about Jade always did make me feel so comfortable and at home. When she's around, I know I'm in safe hands and my body can let its full guard down.

I didn't even realize how tired I was until she was in my arms again.

Oh Jade... what am I going to do with you? 

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