Attention Truelove

By mcandr1

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Picking up right after the events of Attention Runner Up Jade and Skylar struggle to make their relationship... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 4

196 7 1
By mcandr1

POV: Jade

It's a dream I keep telling myself. Or better put... a nightmare. But even though I know it's not real, it still feels very real. There is this thick glass wall between us. Skylar on one side, me trapped on the other.

I can see Skylar, with some no faced girl. Just a girl, unrecognizable, generic in appearance. She's happy with her, laughing before pulling that girl into her arms. Just like she used to do with me. She kisses her.

I scream and bang on the glass wall but she can't hear me, can't see me. Can't see the glass room filling up with water with me still in it.

She grabs that girl's hand and interlocks their fingers. She has on a ring, but it's different from the one I gave her. It's better, prettier, and that other girl has a matching one. Together the two begin to walk away, far away from me.

"Skylar!" I beg for her attention.

She turns to me, for just a second. Her eyes meet mine. She looks sad and disappointed before she turns away and walks away from me. Leaving me trapped as the room fills up.

I bang and bang and bang on the glass, screaming for her help, but she doesn't turn around.

I jolt awake to the sound of actual pounding on my set RV.

I fell asleep in costume while I was waiting to be called on set.

I get up from the recliner and walk over to the door.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," I say to the set hand.

"You're needed on set to film your scene."

I nod and stretch before walking out.

"I didn't mess up my makeup, did I?" I ask.

He looks me up and down and smiles before saying, "Still look evil and menacing."

"Good, this look takes 3 hours," I complain.

We walk on set and I get my directions and find my place.

Costume and makeup come and do last-minute touch-ups on me before we are finally ready to film.

"You okay?" Callen, my co-star, and this show's main protagonist ask me as we wait for the director to talk to the cameraman.

"Yeah," I lie.

"You look out of it." He points out.

"Just woke up," I admit.

"Ah, power naps, an actor's best friend."

I force a chuckle.

"Quiet on set!" the director calls.

We move back to our positions and I take a deep breath before getting into character.

"3 2 1, Action!"

"Well, look who decided to join us," I say in a snarky tone, completely in character as my facial expression changes from distant and lost in thought to cocky and boastful.

We are currently filming the first few episodes of season 3. Last season my character was finally revealed as the antagonist. The show is a hit. People love it. I have to go to cons and on talk shows and radio shows and do lives on social media to promote the second season which premieres this week. That along with my filming schedule makes me a very busy person. I'm basically only ever at my apartment to sleep.

What started as being here for one season, just a few months before I go back to Cali and marry Skylar turned into a few more months, to a year, to more. Once I renewed for the second season of the show, that's when things started to fall apart for me and Skylar.

It was almost like she lost hope in me or something.

Then when I renewed for a third and even a fourth season, that's when everything blew up between us and she broke up with me. She's very jealous of my commitment to my work. To my fans and my image. Though she doesn't say it, I know it really bothers her. All this publicity and acting stuff. How sometimes I have to kiss people on set.

Even though the kisses mean nothing to me, I know it bothers her.

"Where is she!" He demands in character.

"Who, her?" I pull out a green orb which will be edited with special effects later to show me holding someone prisoner in my magic orb.

"Let her go." He demands.

"You don't make the demands here, I do!" I pretend to blast him and wires cause him to go flying back into a prop piece which falls to pieces.


I deflate and set hands to help Callen up. He giggles and readjusts his costume.


I go back to my starting spot.

Makeup comes and fixes him back up.

I place the orb in my pocket.

"Hey," the director comes up to me.

I look up and meet his eyes.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You look out of it. You need a break?" he asks.

"No, I'm fine. Sorry." I pat my cheeks to bring life back into my face. "Okay, ready."

"Okay, just remember you've just won the battle. You have all the cards in your hand. Be more," he gestures randomly in front of him, "More." He says.

"Okay." I nod, knowing what he means.

"Alright! Quiet on set!" he runs back behind the camera line.

I get into position.

"3 2 1 Action!"

It turns out to be a long day of filming with me having to refilm scenes multiple times because I can't get my expression to match my eyes. My face says arrogant, cocky, boss bitch. My eyes say a very different story. Lonely, confused, sad.

When I finally get to my apartment I sigh and log on to do my online class. I've been slowly but surely completing my online degree while also filming. Late at night is the only time I have to complete assignments.

I have to get up early the next morning to go be on a morning show.

Mika, my makeup artist meets me at the airport as we fly to LA. She does my makeup on the way to the studio. The show is pre-filmed, the episode won't be aired until Friday when the show premiers.

"You need to start getting more sleep. Your under eyes are very dark," She says as she does my makeup.

"I'll get right on that right after posting two more times a day and replacing my sad eyes." I roll my eyes.

She sighs.

My phone vibrates with a text from Callen letting me know he and Andrea are already at the studio. I let them know I'm in route. They always poke fun at me for being fashionably late.

I glance at my phone, still no response from the text I sent Skylar hours ago.

She promised me she'd meet me at the studio today. My publicity manager said it's very important we be seen together, especially when I'm in LA.

"You two still fighting?" Mika asks as she fixes my hair and our driver makes a turn.

She's the only one who knows about me and Skylar being on the rocks, other than my publicity manager.

"Am I that obvious," I complain as I text Skylar again.

"It will work out, she loves you. I see it." She assures me.

I sigh.

Skylar promised she'd sit in on the live audience. They even saved a seat for her at the Studio. It will be very embarrassing if she doesn't show up.

I decide to call her.

"Hello?" some other girl answers, half asleep.

Every hair on my arms stands on edge.

I stay silent for a moment

"Oh shit, wrong phone. Skylar, it's yours." She says.

Then I recognize the voice.


"Hello?" Skylar says groggily.

"You promised!" I snapped at her.

"Oh shit, sorry! I'm on my way!" I hear her get out of bed.

"Skylar, they film in less than an hour!" I say.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Sorry, hold on."

"Just because we got into a fight, I didn't think you'd flake on me."

"I said I'm coming, give me a damn break." She hangs up on me.

Mika is quiet for the rest of the ride, having heard my phone conversation and that awkward moment when Aphrodite answered the phone. Why was she in bed with Skylar? Why is she even here in LA to begin with!?

I hold in my tears of anger and frustration, so I don't ruin my makeup and make my eyes red before I go on camera.

When I get to the studio I quickly rush in.

"Jade, cutting it close." Andrea teases me.

I force a laugh.

"Where's your fiancée?" The show host asks.

"Oh, uh, she's running late. She's coming." I assure him.

"Oh, well we film in 15." He says.

"She's coming," I assure him.

He smiles at me.

"How are things with you and Skylar?" Callen asks.

"Good," I lie.

"You two make a cute couple," Andrea says.

"Like you and Fernando," I tease back.

She laughs, her cheeks flushing.

It's no secret that she and Fernando, our set manager have a thing for each other.

We take our seats on set, me closest to the host. Andrea on the other end, Callen in the middle.

With only two minutes to spare Skylar comes in and takes her seat in the audience. We lock eyes and I shake my head at her in disappointment, and sigh. She looks apologetically at me.

I watch her nervously fix her hair and notice she's not wearing her ring.

I clench my jaw and quickly go back to paying attention as the on-air lights come on and the room goes quiet.

"Welcome everyone! As you can see we are joined by some very special guests today. Stars of the hit television series Evil Eyes, Jade Tate, Callen Morris, and Andrea Ezar."

The audience cheers and claps. I smile and wave at everyone.

Fake smiles make money piles.

"Now, we all know your show is all anyone is talking about these days. And we have an exclusive preview to show everyone. So, everyone, take a look." He indicates to the camera.

A piece of episode one of season two plays out, it's the scene where my character and Andrea's character get close and almost kiss before they find out I'm the villain obviously. Before it's over, Callen's character comes in and catches us. The preview ends there.

"Oooh, saucy." The host says.

Everyone laughs.

"Okay, who wants to start." He looks at us.

All three of us laugh nervously.

"Jade, how about you."

"Oh come on, you know I'm spoiler central," I say.

He laughs.

"Which is why we go to you first. Before we get into your show, I have to ask. How different is it going from working on a children's show to working on a show like Evil Eyes?"

"It's very different. Things are very strict on set when working on a children's show. Things are always a lot more hectic and a lot more people on set at all times. Shout out to my Ghoul School fam." I say.

People cheer for me.

"So you're saying things are more lax on Evil Eyes."

"Something like that. For starters, I don't have people constantly breathing down my neck to get my permission and go ahead on every little change. Plus, I can cuss without people freaking out." I joke.

Everyone laughs.

"And she has the mouth of a sailor." Andera teases.

"I do not!" I force a laugh.

"She does," Callen pretends to whisper.

Everyone laughs as I playfully hit him.

"Okay, we see you Jade." The Host teases. "So back into Evil Eyes, what exactly is going on in that scene." He wiggles his eyebrows.

"You guys are just going to have to tune in for the premiere of season 2 later on today." I wink.

"Oh come on, give us something." He begs.

"Well, Regan, my character, is a very complex girl. I think last season you guys got to see that she has unique ways of getting what she wants. Regan will do anything to get her way, and I think she and I have that in common. Failure is not an option for her, especially when it comes to her ultimate goal. So just keep that in mind when watching season 2."

"But what is her ultimate goal, Regan as you said is complex the audience is having a hard time pinning her down. Is she on the side of our fellow enchanters or against them?"

"You'll have to wait and see," I sing.

"You're no fun, what about you Andrea? Last we saw Moriana she was finally starting to come into herself. What can you tell us about that scene?"

"You know you hit it on the head. Mo is finally starting to figure out her destiny and who she really is but just when she thinks she has it all figured out, the rug gets pulled out from under her. You're going to see Mo take a more central role this season as the punches keep coming. The girl can't catch a break."

The audience laughs with her.

"But as Mo figures herself out spiritually and steps into her magic, she also starts to figure herself out sexually. Regan and Mo have a unique relationship, they are kind of like frenemies. They are always competing with each other. While Regan has her goals Mo is just trying to survive day by day. You know you guys are actually pretty smart. I've had many fans come up to me and insist Mo isn't straight that there have been hints and whatnot, and I try to deny these things because that's what I'm told to do, we don't want to give too much away. But come on, you guys know. Cats out of the bag. Mo definitely has a lot more to figure out about herself and you guys are going to join her on her journey."

"Oh! You heard it here folks."

The crowd goes wild and Andrea laughs.

"Don't tell no one I told you!" she shouts at the audience.

The host laughs and we laugh with him.

"You're trying to get us in trouble, you know I get blamed for these things!" Callen joins in on the fun.

Everyone laughs.

"Cal, can I call you Cal?"

"Everyone else does."

"That makes me feel like we're best buds now."

"You call me Cal, I call you honey. We have a thing." He jokes.

Everyone laughs.

"I don't know if my wife will agree with that."

"It will be a secret."

"Yeah, a secret," The host nods, and everyone laughs.

I glance over at Skylar and see her on her phone, smiling at something. It takes all my concentration to remain here, in this interview, and not frown and wonder what she's doing.

"Cal, you've had the opportunity to appear on many shows. You were quite the child star growing up. My question to you is how is it working on Evil Eyes? Are you guys as close in real life as you seem on the show? What's it like working with someone like Jade who isn't as experienced in all this fanfare as you are?"

"You know we are like a family at Evil Eyes. And I mean this with my whole heart, I'm probably closer to these guys than I've been with anyone else on any of my previous projects. Not knocking my previous costars, but there is a real bond between all of us. And I think it transfers over to the screen. We all jell so well, and I think that's one of the reasons why this show is so popular. You can feel our energy and it's contagious."

"Absolutely. So you guys are really close in real life?"

"Oh yeah, we all hang out even when we aren't on set. Go to each other's birthday parties and go get drinks with each other. And though Jade may not be as experienced as me or Andrea, the girl fits right in. Like she's been doing this for years. She has real talent. And I mean that. There were even a few times she brought me to tears while filming some scenes in season 2. And people will tell you, I don't get brought to tears so easily."

"Stop, he's just trying to flatter me." I roll my eyes.

"No, I agree with him. You bring that extra oomph to the show Jade, and everyone can feel it." Andrea says.

"Awe, you guys are so adorable." The host says.

We all laugh.

"People give Jade a lot of flak for being a children's show star, and we all know how hard it is to break that mold. I mean people still call Miley Hannah Montana to this day." Cal says.

Everyone laughs.

"But Jade truly is more than that. I think people write her off and don't give her a fair chance. But this girl works her butt off, you guys have no idea. No one takes this show as seriously as she does. And part of it is because this is her first serious project, and we have all been there. But it's also just how passionate she is about her work and how she puts her whole heart into it. And that's a beautiful thing to see in person. Mark my words, this girl is going places." Cal announces.

"You guys are going to make me ruin my makeup and all of Mika's hard work if you don't stop." I sniffle.

Everyone laughs.

"Mika is my makeup artist and she works very hard to make me look this good. Love you Mika!" I shout out to her.

She laughs and waves from the audience.

"Well I hate to say it, but that is all the time we have for you three. One last thing. What can you guys tell us about season 2, in one word."

"Enlightening," Andrea says.

"Heart pounding," Cal says.

"You guys took all the good ones," I pout.

Everyone laughs.

"Okay, I got one. Unpredictable."

"Ooh, I can't wait. Alright, we have to hit a break. But thank you guys so much for coming on."

"Anytime," Cal winks at him.

Everyone laughs and I playfully hit him just as the on-air lights turn off. Even though we aren't actually on air, we have to act like we are.

I glance over to Skylar and watch her quickly shuffle out.

I frown at her.

She could at least sit through the whole tapping.

We walk off stage as the host gets ready to tape his next segment.

"Lunch?" Cal suggests.

"I'm down," Andrea says.

"Uh, you guys go ahead. I'm going to go find Skylar." I said.

"Invite her, it's been a while since we've seen her," Andrea says.

"I'll see if she'll bite, she's pretty busy these days."

"Tell me about it," Cal sighs as he sits backstage and looks up places to eat.

I force a smile before I walk out back and quickly go search for Skylar. 

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