Love : Heaven or Hell? BTS fa...

By Misskkholic

31K 1.3K 108

If you have a great fond of love triangle stories then it's for you. This story is not only about love but it... More

Marry me.
After we collided.
The photograph.
Southside with you.
The holiday.
The worst person in the world.
Before midnight.
Like crazy.
Life as we know it.
I carry you with me.
The big sick.
Step up.
Five feet apart.
Two of us.
My life in ruins.
This means war.
Under the moonlight.
Dear honey.
Five of us.
Amusement park.
Waiting for him.
Best friend?
Cooking food for him.
A little misunderstanding.
Feeding him by my hands.
His Jealousy.
Becoming tutor.
Picture theif.
Birthday party.
These drunken boys.
Camping in Daegu.
A dare to kiss.
First kiss.
Grand wedding.
A pendant!
A surprise party.
The prince and me.
Romeo and Juliet.
We are just friends.
Was that jealousy?
Noona and boyfriend?
Dance practice.
New Si Jun.
Scary past.
Becoming his friend.
My new friend.
I am criminal.
Jungkook 's and Si Jun's wedding?
A party with many surprises.
My teddy friend.
Love bite.
I like you.
Finally he proposed.
Heart break.
A big misunderstanding between us.
Is it love?
Beauty and the beast.
Love. heaven or hell?
Part 2.
New announcement!


381 25 3
By Misskkholic

"Mom, I have come." Si Jun said and Mrs. Min came towards her.

"Let's go. Wear warm clothes quickly." Mrs. Min said and Si Jun raised her eyebrows.

"Why?" Si Jun asked.

"As if you don't know. You will catch cold. You know na. Look your clothes are drenched." Mrs. Min said worriedly.

"I will not catch cold. I came with Taehyung in his umbrella." Si Jun said.

"But still you are a little bit drenched." Mrs. Min said.

"Oh mom don't worry. I am fine." Si Jun said and marched towards her room.

"Okay then don't trouble me when you will catch cold or fever." Mrs. Min said angrily.

"Okay." Si Jun said loudly from her room.

(On the other side)

Jungkook opened his room's door and came inside while he was totally drenched and his body was droopy. His gaze was on his feet. He marched towards a drawer and opened it. He took a photo from that drawer and moved that upward. He was continuesly looking at that photo without even blinking.

("Dumbass.... what are you doing here?"

"Your mom told me that you didn't take any umbrella and you just catch fever in two minutes after soaking in rain. That's why I came here. I carry you with me."

"Yeah.... let's go now.")

A flashback came in front of him what he saw on the road. His eyes became teary and a tear rolled down from his eyes.

He went near glaas window and sat down leaning his back to the glass. He caged his head between his knees, covering his face with his arms.

"Bunny......." 7 year old Si Jun said loudly. 7 year old Jungkook turned his face and saw her there in front of him. Jungkook smiled a little looking at her.

                   (7 year old Si Jun)

                   (7 year old Jungkook)

Let's go. Honey is waiting for us." Si Jun said while holding his hand.
"Honey, look he is here. We should play now." 7 year old Si Jun said to 7 year old Taehyung while smiling.

                    (7 year old Taehyung)

"Okay, we will play hide and seek. Okay." Taehyung said and Si Jun nodded.
"Bye....count till hundred." Si Jun said.
"It's about to become night. Where are they both? Where did they go? I am tired." Taehyung talked to himself while walking on the road.
"Si Jun........" Mr. Min said loudly in shock. They quickly went inside. Taehyung was also with them. He went inside and widened his eyes when he saw something scary.
"Si Jun......." Taehyung said nervously. She was fainted on floor. Her neck was bleeding and a dead man's body were laid down there.
"I cut that. I killed him. I did that......" Jungkook said while laughing. His hands were covered in blood.
"Si Jun....I will come to you again." Jungkook said while police was taking him.
"Never show your face to her otherwise I will kill you." Taehyung said loudly in anger.
"Si Jun.....Si Jun......" Jungkook was continuesly repeating her name.
"Si Jun......Si Jun...."

"SI..... JUN......." Jungkook said loudly and opened his eyes quickly. He was panting. A tear rolled down from his eyes. His gaze was fixed. He looked here and there and realised that he was in his room. He gasped and closed his eyes. He sighed in relief.

He opened his eyes and moved that photo upward which he was holding. He sadly smiled looking at that.

"I wish I could hug you like before. I miss you Si Jun." Jungkook said while hugging that photo.

(On the other side)

"Aaaaannnchuuuu........." Si Jun sneezed and Jae gyeong laughed.

"Noona..... someone may be missing you." Jae gyeong said. Si Jun squinted her nose. They both were sitting on sofa while Mrs. Min was in the kitchen.

"Who believes that? It's all nonsense." Si Jun said and sneezed again.

"Look again." Jae gyeong said.

"She is sneezing because she drenched a little bit in rain and when I told her to wear warm clothes. She ignored me." Mrs. Min said while taunting her. Jae gyeong laughed and Si Jun kicked him.

"I am fine. Nothing happened to me. I am superhero." Si Jun said while showing her muscle.

" are so funny. You are showing your muscle but I think I am blind because I am unable to see that." Jae gyeong said and laughed at her. Si Jun gritted her teeth and slapped his back.

"Stop you both." Mrs. Min said and came towards them while taking a cup.

"Si Jun drink this." Mrs. Min said while Si Jun engaged her eyebrows.

"What is this?" Si Jun asked.

"Herbal tea." Mrs. Min replied.

"What? Why?" Si Jun asked raising her eyebrows.

"So that you won't catch cold." Mrs. Min said.

"No I will not." Si Jun said and quickly walked away from her. Mrs. Min walked behind her.

"Si Jun.... don't be stubborn. Just drink this." Mrs. Min said while Si Jun started running to escape from her.

"You know I don't like it. I won't." Si Jun said and quickly ran away from her.

"Si Jun..SI JUN...." Mrs. Min said while Si Jun went outside of the house.

"I am not going to drink that." Si Jun said and moved her eyes at Taehyung's home. She smiled.

"I should go there to escape from mom." Si Jun said and quickly walked there.

"Mrs. Kim...." Si Jun said and knocked door. Mrs. Kim opened it. Si Jun went inside.

"What happened Si Jun?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"Nothing. I came here to meet my friend." Si Jun said while walking towards him.

"What? When did it happen?" Mrs. Kim asked shockingly. Taehyung widened his eyes in shock.

"We are friends now. Right Taehyung." Si Jun said and looked at Taehyung. Taehyung blinked twice in confusion and gestured her eyes. He nodded then.

"Y...yes...." Taehyung said and Si Jun smiled.

"We should go now. Okay." Si Jun said and they both went to his room. Taehyung closed his room's door.

"Did you find something?" Si Jun asked to Taehyung. Taehyung gasped and shook his head in no.

"Why?" Si Jun asked engaging her eyebrows.

"There is nothing which I can say belongs to my father. Neither his photo nor anything else." Taehyung said. Si Jun gasped.

"Have you checked her room?" Si Jun asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes" Taehyung replied.

"Her almirah?" Si Jun asked.

"Aniya......she always keep it locked." Taehyung replied.

"We can see him on internet but how will we meet him?" Si Jun said and pursued her lips.

"Just forget it." Taehyung said and sat down on his bed.

"How could you say that? You don't want to see them happy with each other." Si Jun said angrily.

"So what can we do? There is no hope. Taehyung said loudly.

"We have to do this. For your mom, for your dad. For you." Si Jun said and Taehyung moved his eyes upward. His eyes became teary.

"You really love my mom." Taehyung said and Si Jun nodded.

"Yes because we are same." Si Jun said and Taehyung hugged her tightly.

"Thanks." Taehyung said.

"Why?" Si Jun asked.

"Just thanks." Taehyung said and Si Jun pulled her away from him softly.

"It's not time for being emotional. We have to do something. Just think about it." Si Jun said and Taehyung nodded.

"Should we go to Kim enterprises?" Si Jun asked raising her eyebrows.

"Are you mad? How will we do that? Security guards will not let us go inside." Taehyung said and Si Jun made a pout.

"How will we do that? Yeah.....what should we do?" Si Jun said worriedly.

"We will think about it later. You should go and take rest firstly." Taehyung said and Si Jun nodded.

"Okay, good night." Si Jun said and walked outside.

"I really like it the way she thinks about everyone. I wish that she always stay happy like she want to see happy others." Taehyung thought and smiled shyingly.


Si Jun was walking to go to her class. She went near her locker and took out a book from it.

"Si Jun" Hae Soo said while coming towards her. Si Jun turned her face to see her.

"I was waiting for you. Why have you come late today?" Hae Soo asked.

"I am feeling unwell today." Si Jun said.

"What?" Hae Soo said shockingly and put a hand on her forehead.

"Si Jun. You have fever." Hae Soo said worriedly.

"Yeah I know." Si Jun replied.

"Then why have you come?" Hae Soo asked.

"I didn't want to miss any class." Si Jun replied.

"Are you mad? Nothing would be bad if you took a leave for a day. It's not illegal." Hae Soo said and Si Jun smiled tiredly.

"It's okay. It's just a fever. Let's go to class." Si Jun said and Hae Soo gasped.

"You are really mad." Hae Soo said and Si Jun smiled.

"I know." Si Jun said and they went to their classroom. Si Jun sat down on her seat. Her seat was in mid while Taehyung was sitting on her right side and Jimin was sitting on her left side. They were in third column. Jungkook was backbencher so obviously he was sitting on last bench.

Namjoon came inside and students bowed to him. He took attendance. He was writing on board.

Taehyung looked at her face and smiled shyingly. Si Jun turned her face towards him. Their gaze got matched with each other. Si Jun smiled at him. Jungkook was looking at both of them. He clenched his jaw and gritted his teeth.

"Have anyone any problem in this question?" Namjoon asked while turning towards them. Taehyung and Si Jun were still looking at each other. Jungkook gritted his teeth. He made a fist. He slammed his fist on table angrily and stood up. Si Jun got shocked and quickly looked at him.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked quickly.

"I have problem in this question." Jungkook said quickly.

"Si Jun. Tell him. How to solve that?" Namjoon said and Si Jun widened her eyes.

"Why sir?" Si Jun said worriedly.

"Why not? He is your classmate. You should help your classmate." Namjoon said and Si Jun gritted her teeth. She nodded.

She went towards him and sat beside him. She was not comfortable but she had to sit there. Jungkook smirked devilishly while looking at her. She didn't move her eyes upward to see him. Taehyung looked at Jungkook and clenched fist tightly.

"I know he is doing all that on purpose." Taehyung thought in his mind while giving him a death glare. Jungkook smirked at him.

"Yeah I am doing it on purpose." Jungkook thought. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and turned his face quickly. Jungkook smiled and turned his gaze on her who was uncomfortable, sitting beside him.

"Your notebook." Si Jun said nervously.

Jungkook gave him his notebook. Si Jun didn't move her eyes upward while Jungkook didn't move his eyes from her. He was continuesly looking at her without even blinking.

"It's done." Si Jun said and quickly stood up.

"Si....." Jungkook tried to say something but she had already walked away from him. He gulped and blinked.
"I am not feeling well. I wish I could have a prince who take care of me everyday." Si Jun thought while making a sad pout. She was walking on the road.

"That Jungkook. Why is he troubling me?" Si Jun thought and moved her eyes upward. She widened her eyes because Jungkook was already standing there on bus stand.

"Why is he here today?" Si Jun thought. She went there because she didn't had any option. She stood up beside him. It started raining then.

Some time had passed but it was totally silence there. They both didn't utter a single word. Neither Jungkook looked at her nor Si Jun looked at him.

"When will bus come? It's too awkward. I never kept silent that much longer in my whole life." Si Jun thought in her mind. Her eyesight suddenly got blurred. She blinked tiredly.

"What is happening?" Si Jun thought and Suddenly she got blackout. She fell down on the floor. Jungkook widened his eyes and quickly kneeled down.

"Si Jun.....Si Jun..... what happened?" Jungkook said worriedly and put a hand on her face.

"Her body is burning in fever." Jungkook talked to himself. He quickly took her in his arms and put her down on seat.

"Si your eyes." Jungkook said worriedly. Taehyung was walking towards them. He widened his eyes when he saw Jungkook was also there. He gritted his teeth and quickly ran towards them.

"You again hurted her. You criminal." Taehyung yelled at him angrily and pulled him away from her.

"Stay away from her." Taehyung said angrily. Jungkook gritted his teeth and held his collar angrily.

"Who are you to tell me that?" Jungkook asked angrily while punching him.

"It's none of your business. Just keep your distance from her. Don't make her life trouble again. She forgot me just because of you. Whatever you did made her a traumatic amnesia patient." Taehyung yelled at him while his eyes became teary.

"She forgot everything but I didn't. I will never." Taehyung said and angrily held Jungkook's collar.

"If you do anything with her this time then I will kill you." Taehyung yelled at him and pushed him. Jungkook moved his eyes downward while Taehyung took Si Jun in his arms in bridal style.

"Don't worry Si Jun. I am here to protect you from this criminal." Taehyung said and walked away from there.

Jungkook was standing there like a statue. He was unable to move. Everything what Taehyung said to him just a moment ago was playing in his mind.

"Yeah......he is right. I am criminal." Jungkook talked to himself.

"But this criminal becomes someone else whenever he look in her eyes. Her eyes. They are making me crazy. I am clueless about this feeling. I can't control this." Jungkook talked to himself while trying to control his tears.


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See you soon. Till then bye.

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