Fix Us (Book 2) A Supernatura...

allynmck1 द्वारा

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"You sure" "Callie, it's been three years since I last held you in my arms" Have you ever thought you would... अधिक

Fix Us
Act One
1- Break The Ice
2-Work To Do
3- Like A Shrine
4- Grand Old Time
5-Possesed By An Angel
6- Clarence
7-Her... as in Her, Her
8- Don't Judge Me
9-Buffalo Milk
10- Might Be A Dog
11- Doodle
12- A Look
13- Shack Up
14- Born Again
15- Cass Is Back In Town
16- Beer Run
17- Not Your Fault
18- I'm Poison
19- Allergic To Bees
20- Let's Dance
21-Am I In Heaven
23- Wackadoo
24- Weird Around Girls
26- Do The Honours
27- Say Hola
28- Batman
29- Stealing Candy
30-Demon Mitts
31-Case of The Crazies
32- Bro-ing Down
34- I'm Taylor Swift
35- She's On Your List
36- The Commander?
38- Timberlake, Spears, Aguilera
39- Batteries
40 -Bromancing
41- Proud Of Us
Act Two
1- Porn Guy
2- Prepare To Die
3- I hate Shots
4-Hang Out
5- Bitcoin
6- I Didn't Realize
7-No Singing in Supernatural
8-Rufus-Bobby Combo
9- Underdressed
10- Real Silver
11- Two Hookers
12- Fat Spa Donna
13- Stuff, You
14- Eat me, Hasselhoff
16- Slugger
17-Rocket and Groot
18- You're a Winchester
19- Smelled Flowers
20- Shake it Off
21- Crosookie
21- Kill the Internet
22- Freaky Stuff
23- Hurt Like Hell
24- Bought him Dinner
25- Deano
26- The Hot Nun
27- Ran Off To Vegas
28- BatGirl
29- Best Friends
30- Save Your Sack
31- Put You Down
32- Marry Me
33- Happy Birthday
39- Charlie
40 - I Kill Gods
41- Monster
42- Save Dean
43- Killed Death
Act Three
1-Magic Mike
2- Daphne
4- A Team
5- Night Moves
6- Home
7- Fetish
8- Mini Hot Dog
9- Binge-Watching
10-Sight For Sore Eyes
11-Killer Clown
12- Mork From Ork
13- Become One
14- A Peach
15- Poop Emoji
16- Trust Issues
17 -Elvis
18- Bumper Sticker
19- Hickey
20- Darkest Desire
21- Made The Leap
21- Yahtzee
22- Edward ScissorHands
23- Ice The Devil
24- Rudest People
25- Death Machine
25- Disco Ball
26- Zorro Mask
27-It's Karma
28- Chitters
29-Demon Disease
30 - You Left Us
33-Chick Flicks


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allynmck1 द्वारा

Season 11 x 22

Sam, Calliope and Dean head back to the bunker, after grabbing some supplies of food and drinks, since they ad a few extra guests now. The ride had been mostly silent as they were all still processing what Dean had told them about what Amara wanted to do with him. They enter the bunker to hear Chuck and Lucifer talking to one another. "Guys" Dean calls out as they close the door behind them.

"Hey, how's it going in here?" Sam then asks, as the three of them head down the metal stairs and go to set the bags down on the map table.
"Listen, I know I've been gone for a while. I missed a few million birthdays" Chuck says to Lucifer.

"Yeah, and then the second your apes send a distress flare, boom, Daddy's home" Lucifer says to him.
"No, that's not what happened" Chuck says to him.
"Hey, these 'apes' saved your ass, and your niece saved your ass too" Dean then says to Lucifer.

Lucifer looks at them, and snaps his fingers, they all look at one another expecting something to have happened to them, "He can't hurt you" Chuck then tells them.
"Oh, so you're controlling me, now?" Lucifer asks Chuck.
"No, it's just a safeguard" Chuck tells him, as Lucifer stares him down.

"Hey, guys. Uh, Chuck, Lucifer, Dean, Callie, you think we can try and focus here, you know? End of the world. Common enemy. All that." Sam then says.
Lucifer closes the book he had opened, and stands up, "Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Team Amara. Go, Amara" he says stepping in front of Chuck.

"You don't mean that" Chuck says to him.
"You're really not gonna say it?" Lucifer says to him.
"He's not gonna say what?" Sam whispers to Dean and Calliope.

"Screw you" Lucifer says to Chuck, "Screw all of you" he then says to the others before walking away.
Chuck then steps away, before stopping and looking back at them, "Kids, huh?" he says as he walks away.

Calliope, Sam and Dean stand outside the room, that Lucifer was in blaring rock music, Sam pounding on the closed door.  "Lucifer! You know at some point in time, you're gonna have to come out and then talk to God" he shouts over the music.
"This is like the worst episode of Full House ever" Dean then says, as the music gets quiet.

"If Dad has something to say to me, I'll hear it from him. Until then, I'll be in my room" Lucifer says to them.
"It's not your room" Dean and Calliope say to him.
"It's my room!" Sam shouts, as he pounds the door more.
"Whatever" Dean says as he walks away from the door, and Calliope and Sam follow.

"I could you know just use my powers to break in, but I can't promise that will work, cause he is stronger then me when it comes to power" Calliope says to the brothers.
"No, don't worry about it" Dean says taking her hand, and leading her toward the kitchen.

Sam, Calliope and Dean sit at the table, as Chuck was cooking pancakes, "Talk to him" Sam was saying to Chuck about Lucifer.
"Won't do any good" Chuck says.
"Why not?" Sam asks.
"Cause I can't give him what he wants" he says to him.

"And what is that?" Calliope asks.
"What everyone wants. My sister, my children, you humans. An apology. A big, wet, 'I'm sorry'" Chuck tells her.
"Well, so, give it to him! It's not like he's asking for a weapon. Or for Hell or for Heaven. He's asking for words" Dean says to him.
"I can't say I'm sorry if I'm not" Chuck says as he turns to face the three of them and sets plates of pancakes down in front of them.  "What he wants an apology for, I did it for humanity, for the world. Look, Lucifer wants what everybody wants, Amara gone. Okay? Let's just give him a little time to cook off" he says to them.
"Okay, well, I don't know if you've noticed, but a little time is not something that we have. The end is freaking nigh" Dean tells Chuck.

Sam and Dean come up with the idea to get Lucifer and Chuck to sit down and talk, "this is not a good idea" Calliope says to the brothers, as they watch Chuck and Lucifer sit down across from the other.
"One of you's going to have to go first" Sam then says to them, "You know what? Uh, Lucifer, you, agredd to have a sit-down if God would show, so..."

"And, Chuck, you did say you'd talk" Dean says looking at him. The men just stand there all looking at one another, not really impressed with this whole idea.
"Him first" Lucifer then says pointing to Chuck, "I'm the one who's owed an explanation"

Chuck just looks at him, closing his eyes and sighing, still not wanting to say anything.
"Okay, let's try 'I feel' statements" Dean then says and Calliope and Sam look at him, "Dr. Phil. It's....huh?" he says to the two of them, as he then indicates to Calliope and Sam to come sit down.
"Oh, yeah of course" Sam says as they sit down by the broken telescope.

"I am sorry that you feel that I betrayed you, that I acted without cause. And I'm sorry that you can't see you gave me no choice" Chuck says as he looks over at the others, and Dean shakes his head at him, "I'm good"
"You heard that, right?" Lucifer says to the three of them.
"We all know that you are God, um, but, maybe, could you be a little less lordly?" Sam asks him.

"But I am the Lord" Chuck says to him.
"Wow. There he goes" Lucifer then says.
"I did what I had to do. To create the world, I had to lock Amara away. And when the Mark corrupted you, and I saw that you posed a threat to humankind, I did the same with you" Chuck then says.

"No, you betrayed me. You gave me the Mark to lock her away, and when it changed me, when it did what the Mark inevitably does, you threw me away" Lucifer says to him.
"No, son. The Mark... You always cast a jaundiced glace at humans. The Mark didn't change you. It just made you more of what you already were." Chuck says.

"What I was, was your son. Your child" Lucifer says anger in his voice.
"Why should I put you first above all others?" Chuck asks him.
"You have any idea what it's like to argue with your father, when your father is God?" Lucifer then says looking at the three of them, "Everything is a tautology with you" he says looking back at Chuck, "Everything is 'Because I told you so'. Everything's 'it had to be done'"

"Pretty sure that's all fathers" Dean then says.
"Okay, fine. Big picture, as God, you did what you had to do. But little picture? You sucked at being a dad" Lucifer says to Chuck.
"Okay, maybe I didn't handle everything perfectly. But tell me. Could I have kept humankind safe with you on the board? I know about your little bid to replace me with the angels. Okay, 'New God' what would you have done about you?" Chuck says to him.

"That is not the point" Lucifer then says.
"I cannot believe I am about to really say this, but uh, Uncle Lucifer is right" Calliope then says, and Chuck looks at her, "he just wants an apology, and all you are concerned about is being right to give him one. Apologies are not always about being in the right. Sometimes they are just about apologizing" she goes on to say.
"Yeah, and the great thing about apologies is you don't have to mean them. You know? I lie and tell Sam I'm sorry all the time, and maybe once or twice to Callie I have" Dean then says, and Calliope looks at him, "I'm sorry" he says, "See? That's.."
"Okay, enough from the peanut gallery" Chuck says waving his hand, and suddenly the three of them are transported to the upstairs area of the bunker.

"Well, that went well" Calliope sighs, looking at the brothers, who just shrug their shoulders at her. Just then they hear footsteps, and they get up looking down to see Chuck and Lucifer walking in.

"Hey" Sam says to them.
"So, are we good?" Dean then asks, as Lucifer and Chuck both look at one another, "Okay, great"
"So, what now?" Sam asks.
"We trap Amara, put her back in the box" Chuck says.

"Wait, what?" Dean asks.
"Yeah, well, you were right, she needs to be destroyed. But I won't kill her" Chuck tells him.
"Why not?" Calliope asks.
"Amara's been caged for billions of years, but, she, you know, she was always there. She had to be there. You know, Yin and Yang. You know dark and light" he explains.
"English, Chuck" Dean says needing clarification.

He waves his hand and the three of them are teleported down, standing in front of Chuck and Lucifer.
"There's a harmony, a balance in the universe. Light needs dark, dark needs light. If you blow one of them up, then, I mean..." he explains.
"It wouldn't be a good thing" Lucifer says.

"It's be really not a good thing. Like 'end of reality' not good" Chuck says.
"Okay, so we gift wrap Amara. I mean, we've got the team back together, so.." Sam says.
"Not quite, we're still a few members short of the original line-up" Chuck says

"Yeah, first time, it took the combined strength of me and my brothers to weaken Amara before Daddy-o finished her off" Lucifer explains.
"Yeah, even then it was close. Now, with just the two of us, we'll lose" Chuck says.

"Well, you have me, so there's a bonus" Calliope then says, "I mean, I am supposed to be all powerful being the child of an arch angel"
"Even adding you into the mix, we still don't have a chance" Chuck says.

"Okay, so, what? We need more group therapy between you and the archangels if we want to have a shot?" Dean asks.
"Well, Michael's in no condition to fight. And it's outside my power to bring Gabriel and Raphael back" Chuck then says.

"But you restored Castiel and Calliope was able to come back from Heaven" Sam says.
"Calliope wasn't fully angelic when she died. And archangels are different, they're the stuff of primordial creation. Rebuilding them, that''s time we don't have" Chuck says.
"All right. So, what do you need to win?" Sam asks.

"What do you got?" Chuck asks them, "So, what do we bring to the table to make up for archangel power?" he then asks.
"We could try and find more Hands of God?" Sam suggests.
"Little redundant" Chuck tells him.
"Right" Sam says.
"What about Crowley?" Dean then asks, "Demon power, former King of Hell. He was a player in his day" he then adds.

Lucifer sits in the chair looking at all of them, "We have the angels" he then suggests.
"What about Rowena, I know she's a snake, but she is a powerful witch" Calliope suggest, "and she does have the Book of the Damned"
"Getting these groups to enlist and then work together? It's not gonna be easy" Sam says to Chuck. 
"Couldn't you just compel them?" Dean asks.
"I invented free will for a reason" Chuck tells him.
"So, we're tying our hands on principle?" Dean asks.

"No, you can't make an effective solider by force. They have to choose this fight" Chuck says to him.
"Yeah, but they are going to want to know that they are backing a winner" Calliope says.
"So..?" Lucifer then asks.
"So..." Sam then says.

They all sit at the map table, Dean pacing around, "We assemble our band of brothers. Hit Amara with everything we've got. Then, when she's weak.." Sam says.
"I finish her off" Chuck says.
"So, a page from the original playbook. This time with witches and demons subbing for archangels" Sam says.

"Exactly" Lucifer agrees.
"I still don't like it" Dean then says, "But why trap her when you can kill her? You know? I mean, you gotta admit, there's a lot less room for error if you shoot to kill"
"I explained why" Chuck tells him.
"Right, but why keep her in play? So she can escape and we can go through this all over again?" he then says.

Calliope looks at him, "Dean, babe, what is that all about?" she then asks.
"Nothing. Am I the only one thinking rational here?" he says to her.
"It's about her" Lucifer then says, and she looks at him, "Calliope, it's about his other girlfriend"
"Okay, shut up" Dean says to him.

"I mean, think about it. Dean Winchester meets the biggest evil in the universe, and he takes a pass. Come on" Lucifer says to him, "Now, he wants Daddy to do what he couldn't"
"Is he right?" Sam then asks.
"Oh, I'm not getting into it with him. Not gonna happen" Dean says to Sam.
"Hey, Dean, come on, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. We opened a vein for you two" Lucifer says.

"I tried to kill her. And it didn't work. Calliope watched it" Dean then says.
"Maybe it didn't work, because you didn't want it to work. Maybe you didn't want to kill her" Chuck then says.
"You want God to kill Amara because you don't want Amara to be killed?" Sam then asks his brother.
"Yeah, maybe there's a part of me that just can't hurt her. But if she's already dead..." Dean says.
"Then she's already dead. Right" Sam says.
"Well, that got weird" Lucifer comments.

"Dean, we always sweat this stuff, these choices. But for once, we have God on our side. I mean, for once, we can actually just do things his way" Sam says to him. Dean turns back around looking at Chuck, who open's his hands up and points them upwards.

Dean enters the asylum, making his way past the other demons, "Stealing my moves, Dean" he hears Crowley say, and he steps into the room. "Let me guess. You got Lucifer back in the fold. He snapped you here"
"No, it wasn't Lucifer" Dean tells him walking over to Crowley. Crowley goes to take a drink of his whiskey, "Uh-uh-uh" Dean says grabbing the glass and pouring the alcohol out of it. "It's time to sober up. You smell like a dumpster outside the Liquor Barn" Dean says placing the glass down on the table.
"What's this? Concern for me? I appreciate your attempts at bromantic rekindling, but I think we both agree that ship has sailed" Crowley says to Dean.

"It's not what this is about. We need your help" he tells him.
Crowley looks at Dean, "Game of Thornes? It's musical chairs. Still, I wanted it. To go out with the crown on my head"
"And that's what you offered them, a chance to stroke your ego? And you wonder why they said no?" Dean says to him after Crowley explained that his demons were giving up on him.

"Well, we've got something better.  A plan. Now you can sit on the sideline, and watch the world die, or you can fight.  You know, to be King again, maybe you need to remember how to be a solider" Dean tells him.
"What's the plan?" Crowley asks him, and Dean tells him, "It's suicide" Crowley says.
"Let's go" Dean tells him.

Lucifer enters heaven, immediately being surrounded by the angels, all of them with their blades out, "And here I thought I made real inroads with you guys" he says to them.
"You thought wrong, Serpent" one angel says to him.

"Serpent?" he asks.
"We loathe you, will always loathe you" the same angel tells him.
"Welp, I came here to ask a good faith favor of you folks, but as you are clearly less than kindly disposed, perhaps, you'll lend an ear to my very own Jiminy Cricket? Hmm?" Lucifer says to all them as he closes his eyes. 

His eyes open back up, "Hello brothers" Castiel then says to them all, "sisters"
"Castiel?" one questions.
"It's me" he tells her.
"Do you think we see any daylight between you and the Adversary?" the angel asks him.

After Castiel explains what needs to be done, they all look at him, "Let's here it from him" the same angel says pointing upwards.
"In good time" Castiel tells him, "Do I have your support?"
"I can't even look at you, Castiel. You befouled yourself with the Deceiver" the angel says to him.

"You know, every second that I've spent subordinating myself to Lucifer, it's been a torment. It's destroying me. It's burning through my vessel.  But I would do it all over again. Because, through me, he and God, they will defeat The Darkness. That's my role in this fight. It's God's fight. You can play a part in that fight, too. If you join me" Castiel says to them.
The angels look at Castiel, "That's.." "That's a very simple plan" the angels say.
"That's right" Castiel says to them.

Chuck sends Sam after Rowena, "A jaw of pig?" he hears Rowena asking the other witch that was with her.
"Check" Sam says holding the jay of pig in his hand.
Rowena and the other witch both look at him, "What are you doing here, giant?" Rowena asks him, "Give it" she says stepping toward him.
"Not till we've talked" he says holding it out of her reach.

"You walked right into a powerful coven!" Rowena says to him.
"It takes three for a coven" her friend tells her.
"Witches' den, without a weapon. I'll turn you into a moose, an actual moose" Rowena warns him.
"You can't" he tells her.
"Read his aura. He under some potent protection. Never seen that before. Hear the man out" the other witch tells her.
"Well?" Rowena asks.

"We need you" he tells her, "We're gonna play the God card"
Rowena laughs, "'God's back' You've tricked me before, Samuel. Why'd I believe a word you say?"
"It would explain that aura protection. Not no regular magic" the other witch says.
"Clea, dear, is this how it's going to be with us in Crete?" Rowena turns looking at her, then looks back at Sam. "Even if God's back, why would I care? Hello, Pagan here. I serve magic, not God." She takes the jaw of pig from Sam, "Sorry. Not interested"

"I am" Clea then says. "What, I can't serve both?" she says showing Rowena the gold cross she was wearing.
"No!" Rowena says to her.
"Ro, you brought me a plan to escape. This here's an opportunity to fight and win" Clea says to her.
"She's right" Sam tells Rowena,.
"Nobody's talking to you, Big and Tall" Rowena says to him.

"I can enlist others. Sister witches" Clea says sitting down, playing with her Tarot cads.
"You're mad. We don't stand a chance against Amara!" Rowena says to her.
"Rowena, honey, there is a chance" Clea says as she shows her that she had pulled The Sun card, meaning success, that they could possibly win.
"Simple, bordering on insane" Rowena tells Sam.
"Still in?" Sam asks her.

Knowing that Amara would possibly come looking for Chuck at the bunker, they all agree to meet in a discreet location.  Calliope stands with the brothers, they conversation about Dean's feelings toward Amara was still playing in her mind, as she steps away from them for a moment.

Calliope walks away and leans against a concrete post. "Hey, are you okay?" Sam comes over asking her.
"Uh, yeah, yeah I'm fine" she says crossing her arms, and trying to hold her tears back, "I mean, like how do I compete with The Darkness over Dean"

Sam wraps his arms around her, and pulls her close, "I know...I know, but hey, once we take care of her, you know whatever hold she has on him will be gone" he tells her.
"Still, I mean, this is Dean we're talking about Sam, how can I trust that some one else won't come along and try and win Dean's heart, or will he regret loving me in a few years. Or what if I die again?" Calliope asks him.

"Callie, I've never seen Dean in love until you came into our lives. He's only feeling this way about Amara because of her powers" Sam tells her.
"I get that Sam, but I mean, Dean's made promises that I know Dean to break" Calliope says looking down at the ring on her finger, touching it.
"Calliope, Dean won't break this promise" Sam says taking her hand in his.

"I hope so, I really do. I hope maybe one day you can find that special someone too" Calliope says as they hear the doors opening to the abandon factory and see Crowley walking in, not looking to happy at Lucifer.

Just then Dean comes over to Calliope and Sam, "Hey, Umm, can we talk?" Dean asks Calliope.
"Maybe after we kill your real girlfriend" she says walking away from him.

Dean looks at his brother, "she hates me right now doesn't she?" he asks him.
"She's just mad about the whole situation Dean" Sam tells her.
"Yeah, and you are there to pick up when I mess it up right?" Dean suddenly says to him.

"Dean, I am not getting into this we've got other important stuff right now" Sam says as he also walks away from Dean and joins Calliope's side. Dean stands there for a moment, sighing as he then goes and joins the others.

The doors open and Rowena comes walking into the factory as Crowley and Lucifer were chatting.
"I don't hold grudges" Crowley says to Lucifer, "Besides, that dog collar was a lovely touch. Really, made my eyes pop. Almost wore it here today"
"Oh, I'm glad you're such a good sport" Lucifer says to him, "Hey, Red" he then says seeing Rowena, "Looking gorgeous as ever. Hey, I think a little apology is in order"

"You think you're the first man to try and kill me?" she says back to Lucifer, who winks at her. Rowena then looks at her son, "Hello, Fergus"
"Mother" Crowley says to her.

Just then there is a bright light in the room, and Chuck appears, "Hello, my children"
Everyone steps forward looking at Chuck, "him?" Crowley asks.
"Rowena. Crowley. It's good to finally meet you in person" he says to them.
Rowena then walks closer to him, "Sorry, about well, everything I've ever done in my life, really. You can't have been a fan" she says to him.

"Oh, yeah, I've been quietly rooting against you both for some time now.  Although, I can't deny, you're one of my guilty pleasures" Chuck says to her.
Rowena lets out a light laugh, "Oh, God" she says.
"Oh God' Crowley mocks her.
"All right, no flirting, and no fighting" Dean then says.

"Yeah, and no deals. No talks about who's owed what if we survive this" Sam then says.
"We know that nobody likes each other and it doesn't really matter" Calliope then says.
"We only have the fight ahead" Sam says.

"Amara's looking for me, but I'm warded against her, for now. The second I drop the warding, she'll show. She'll be expecting a fight, and we'll give it to her. Shock and awe. Shock and awe! You have your troops in position?" he then asks them all. Rowena then raises her hand, "Yes, Rowena"

"Fabolous plan, God. But doesn't this strategy strike anyone as a wee bit un-strategic? Shouldn't we at last try to catch her off guard?" Rowena suggests.
"Is that sequence set in stone? 'Demon, angel, witch power'. It seems to me that the first response should come from the most disposable force" Crowley then says.
"All right, good argument, Doggie. Demons first, it is" Lucifer says.

"The weakest should go first. Naturally, that means the witches" Crowley argues.
"Enough" Sam says.
"After that, it's Lucifer's turn. Physical attack one-on-one" Chuck then says.
"What about Cass?" Dean asks.

"Oh, don't worry. Your pet's safety is my highest concern. Trust me, he's on board" Lucifer tells Dean.
"After Lucifer, Calliope can attack with her powers" Chuck says to them.  "After she is weakened, I will take the Mark back from Amara and use it to seal her away. You ready?" he then says looking at Sam.
"Yeah" Sam says to him.

"Wait, what?" Dean then asks clearly not in on what they are talking about.
"God and I talked about this. Someone needs to bear the Mark" Sam says and they all look at Sam.
"Well, that should be me. I've had it before, I'm damaged goods" Dean argues.
"Exactly. You've been tainted. I can't transfer it to you. Sam volunteered" Chuck tells Dean.

Dean then grabs both Sam and Calliope by the arms, and pulls them away from the group, "First, Cass making kamikaze side-plans, and now you two?" he asks them, "You two couldn't have talked to me?"
"We did talk" Sam tells him.
"And what happens when the Mark turns you psycho? Then what?" Dean asks him.

"You lock me up where I can't hurt anyone and you throw away the key" Sam tells him.
"Sam, no" Dean argues.
"Dean, you told me you couldn't beat Amara that it would have to be me. Well, this is it. Me" Sam tells him. "We've talked about this. It's time to do the smart thing" he adds.

"I agreed with Sam on this Dean, and I agreed to use my powers against Amara, I am strong enough, Chuck restored all of the lost grace that was not fully back. I can do this" Calliope then tells him.

"So, what am I supposed to do? Just sit by and watch?" he asks them.
"No, all three of us are in this fight. You're leading this army" Sam says to him.
"What, you mean, babysitting the bad guys?" Dean asks, as Sam scoffs at this, "Okay, Sam, Calliope. Okay. God's plan" he sighs.
"I'll be safe" Calliope says to Dean, "if you really care" she adds.

Rowena does her part of the plan, and sends the message to Clea, a few minutes later she heads outside to try and stop Amara. Inside the building they all hear thunder and the building begins to shake, as the demons start their attack on Amara. The lights inside start to shatter, inside, and the wind begins to howl, as they all stand their and wait. Dean takes Calliope's hand in his, holding it tighter, as Crowley then steps outside for his attack. A few minutes later, they all see a beaten Amara come inside the factory. Dean starts to move toward her, but Sam and Calliope keep him back.

Amara looks over at Chuck, "Hello, Brother. You cheated" she says stepping toward him, "Again, but—" just then Lucifer goes up behind Amara, stabbing her in the back. She groans out in pain, as Lucifer pulls the spear back out, and she falls.

Lucifer goes to stab her again, "Ah! Son" Chuck says making him stop.
Calliope then looks at Amara, her eyes starting to glow brightly, as she holds her hand out, making Amara start choking.
"Grand-daughter" Chuck then calls out, and Calliope looks at him, before dropping her hand.

Amara lets out a gasp for air, "I'm sorry. For this. For everything" Chuck then says to Amara.
"An apology at last. What's 'sorry' to me? I spent millions of years crammed into that cage. Alone and afraid. Wishing, begging for death because of you! What was my crime, brother?" Amara cries out to him.

"The world needed to be born! And you wouldn't let me! Amara, you gave me no choice!" Chuck shouts at her, as he bends down to her level.

"That's your story, not mine. The real reason you banished me, why I couldn't be allowed to exist. You couldn't stand it. Yeah, we were equals. We weren't great or powerful, because we stood only in relation to each other. You think you made the archangels to bring light? No, you made them to create lesser beings, to make you large" Amara says to him, as she slowly stands back up, "to make you Lord. It was ego! You wanted to be big!" she says looking down at him.

"That's true" he tells her as he stands up, "But it isn't the whole truth. There's a value, a glory in creation that's greater and truer than my pride or my ego. Call it grace, call it being. Whatever it is, it didn't come from my hands. It was there, waiting to be born! It just is, as you and I just were. Since you've been freed, I know that you've seen it" he then glances over at Dean, "Felt it"

Amara glances at Dean, who was trying to look anywhere but at her, "It didn't have to be like this" she says looking back at Chuck. "I loved you, brother" she says as he looks at her, sadness on his face. She let's out a weak laugh, "Well, you've won again" she says to him, "Finish it. Kill me" she tells him.
Chuck looks at her, his eyes swelling up with tears as his voice trembles, "I'm sorry" he says looking at her.

Amara then realizes what was happening, "No, no" she cries out as the Mark is burned off her body and starts to appear on Sam's. He groans out in pain, and both Calliope and Dean are at his side holding him.
"I'm so sorry" Chuck says to her, as he continues taking the Mark from her.

"No. Not again!" Amara cries out, as she looks at Chuck, rushing forward she grabs him by the throat, choking him, "Not ever again!" she shouts, as she continues to choke Chuck, causing him to start levitating in the air. Lucifer then goes to attack her, and she flings him back, sending him flying into a post, "Good-bye, nephew" she says as she expels Lucifer from Castiel's body.

"Cass!" Dean shouts, he then rushes at Amara, and she sends him flying back.

Calliope looks at Amara, using her powers, causing her whole body to glow with power, as she tries to attack her, Amara waves her hand at Calliope sending her flying back, landing hard on the ground.
"Calliope!" Dean screams out, seeing her laying there, helpless.

"I should kill her, but I won't because of you" Amara says looking at Dean.  She then looks back at Chuck,"I'd die a million times, murder you a million more before going back there!" she continues choking Chuck, and the Mark burns back onto her skin. "Tell me, if you won't change, why should I?" she says making her power come out of her body.

"Amara, no!" Dean shouts out and she looks at him, as she continues to attack Chuck, "Sorry, brother" she says as a bright light emits from where he was, and he then collapse to the ground.
"Amara, what have you done?" Dean asks her.
"He's dead" Sam says, "God's dead"
"No. He's dying" she tells them, "My brother will dim and fade away into nothing. But not until he sees what comes next. Not until he watches this world, everything he created, everything he loves turn to ash" she tells them as she goes over toward him, "Welcome to the end" she says to them before she disappears. Sam and Dean sit there looking at Chuck laying on the ground, as Dean then makes his way over to Calliope, pulling her onto his lap, "Callie, baby, please come back" he cries as he holds her close to him.

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