Her boys

By Weasley132

1.7K 39 3

"Sirius Orion Black!" "Honey numerous-middle-names Goldman!" Their glares were nothing but empty threats as... More

Part 1: The scarlet train
Part 2: The common room
Part 3: Potions class
Part 4: The decision
Part 5: Hallowe'en
Part 6: December
Part 7: Christmas
Part 8: The song
Part 9: Easter
Part 10: The last week
Part 11: The first last day
Second-year interlude
Part 12: Reunion
Part 13: Sirius and Regulus
Part 14: The first adventure
Part 15: A new year
Part 16: The plan
Part 17: The first last
Part 18: The birthday and the aftermath
Part 19: Valentine date
Part 20: Quidditch, cheats and liars
Part 21: The first lesson
Part 22: The arrangement
Part 23: Godric's Hollow
Part 24: Back again
Part 25: End of year
Part 26: Summer Break
Part 27: Cleaning
Part 28: Almost Christmas
Part 29: I'll Miss You
Part 30: Tides
Part 31: Home
Part 32: Family Reunion
Part 33: The Boys
Part 34: Alive
Part 35: The Howler
Part 36: Hogwarts
Part 37: The fight
Part 38: Good? Evil? Mischief?
Part 39: Roller Coaster
Part 40: Birthday
Part 41: Siblings
Part 43: Cole and Sebastian
Part 44: Hallowe'en
Part 45: The end of the week
Part 46: 7 o'clock sharp
The letters
Part 47: Quidditch
Part 48: Tricks up their sleeves
Part 49: Panda-monium
Part 50: Quidditch fair
Part 51: Easter break
Part 52: Adventure
Part 53: Good Morning
Part 54: Starry night
Part 55: Calm
Parylt 56: Crazy
Part 57: School
Part 58: Hospital Wing Adventures
Part 59: Lily's Birthday
Part 60: Ball
Part 61: Graduation Week
Part 62: The show must go on
Part 63: Fluff
Part 64: A Wonderful Wedding
Part 65: Baby Potter
Part 66: Proposal
Part 67: Games
Part 68: Four in one
Part 69: Babies, babies, babies
Part 70: Twins
Part 71: A dream come true
Part 72: Picture disaster
Part 73: Marlene
Part 74: Feeble
Part 75: Family
Part 76: Tattoo
Part 77: The First Last Day
Part 78: Good Things Happen
Part 79: Days of old
Part 80: Hogwarts again
Part 81: First class
Part 82: Drunk words are sober thoughts
Part 83: Enough
Part 84: New
Part 85: More
Part 86: Trials Of All Sorts
Part 87: A Day To Remember
Part 88: Hogwarts Is Home
Part 89: Christmas Time Again
Part 90: 16 Years Later
Alternate Ending

Part 42: Dumb

10 1 0
By Weasley132

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore," Sebastian smiled.

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore," Honey said.

"Hello, Miss and Mr. Goldman. Do either of you know why I called you into my office today?" The white-haired, long-bearded, bespectacled man.

"No, sir," Honey said.

"Well, you are both Gryffindor, and you are twins. I know that you don't know anything about each other," Dumbledore smiled. "So, I have given you both the day off from classes."

"WHAT?!" Honey cried.

"No classes today, Miss Goldman," Dumbledore said calmly.

"B-but NEWTS are next year, and I only just passed my OWL's, but they were difficult-" Honey yammered.

"Honey," Sebastian said. "Everyone knows you did great. You got all O's, except for Divination in which you got an E. It was great."

"I would rather have gotten all O's," Honey sighed.

"Miss Goldman, you got one of the highest scores in Hogwarts history," Dumbledore assured her.

The blonde girl blushed. "Thank you, sir."

"Now, children; run along," Dumbledore said, shooing them away with his hands.

Honey stood up with Sebastian, shock clear on her face. She stumbled out of the office, leading the way back to their common room.

"I thought I was in trouble. But that would hardly make sense. I haven't played any pranks this semester... yet... and I haven't done anything dumb," Honey said. "Yet."

"I thought I was in trouble, too. Although, I had no idea what for," Sebastian agreed.

"You've only been here for five days," Honey said.

"I don't think I could've gotten any trouble done," Sebastian nodded.

"I managed to do it," Honey grinned.

"Yeah, but you're insane," Sebastian grinned.

"Not clinically," Honey said.

"Great," Sebastian said. "My sister has a sense of humour!"

"Aww, so do you, Seb," Honey smiled. "However awful it is."

"Shut up!" He laughed as they arrived in front of The Fat Lady.

"Password?" The portrait asked.

"Erudition," Honey said.

"How are you, kids?" She asked, smiling down at the twins.

"We're fine, and you?" Sebastian smiled.

"Absolutely grand, darling," She said, letting them through.

"Thank you," Honey said as they walked into the mostly empty common room.

"See you later, darlings!" The Fat Lady called.

Honey walked to the fireplace where her friends were seated. She sat next to Sirius, nudging him away from the arm of the sofa. He let her sit down but shoved her onto the floor after a second.

"Sirius Black!" Honey scolded.

"Sirius, c'mon mate," Remus said, giving Honey his seat.

"Padfoot, that was great," James smiled.

"James Potter, don't make me kill you," Honey snapped.

"Honey Goldman, don't make me laugh," James smirked.

"Okay, well we should be going off to our classes. Honey? Are you coming?" Lily said.

"I'm not allowed," Honey huffed.

"Who's going to take notes in class?" James said, a look of actual horror on his face.

"You are," Honey said forcefully. 

"But, I don't know how to do that! I've never had to do that!" James protested.

"James, sweetie, learn," Honey smiled.

"C'mon, boys! Let's get to class! We're going to be late!" Lily cried, ushering the group towards the door.

"Bye, Bee!" Sirius said, kissing her on the cheek.

"See you later, Star!" She grinned after him.

"So, what are we going to do?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm going to show you the kitchens," Honey smiled, standing up.

"The kitchens?" He asked.


"Okay, I officially love the kitchens. The elves are so kind," Sebastian admired as they walked outside.

"They really are," Honey said.

"Where are we going now?" He asked.

"The Black Lake," The seventeen-year-old girl said.

"Cool!" He said.

She lead him down to the huge beach tree by the rock on the shore. She cast a charm around them to create a bubble of heat, melting the snow around where they sat. They began to chat regarding their lives, but soon they ran out of menial things to talk about.

"Are all of your friends Bisexual or Gay?" Sebastian asked.

"Uhm... Alice is straight. Marle- I mean, I'm bisexual, too," Honey said.

"Wait, you were going to say another name," Sebastian said curiously.

"I was gonna say, Marlene. But, she's not really my friend. More just a roommate. Or an enemy. She did this to me," Honey gestured at her scars. "I got mad at her on the first day of school for not even saying 'hullo' to me. She was too obsessed with her girlfriend. She got mad at me, and I left the dorms. So, now I sleep up with the boys."

"That's awful," Sebastian said, taking a deep look into her face.

"The scars make me look badass," Honey shrugged with a smirk.

"Did it hurt?" Sebastian asked, cautiously running his forefinger over the scar on her forehead.

"A little bit, but it's nothing compared to how she stabbed me in the back," Honey shrugged.

"Damn, she sounds a bit like a narcissist or a sociopath," He said.

"She kind of is," She laughed. "She's a nutty bitch who couldn't care less."

"She sounds awful," Sebastian said pitifully.

"Only when she's mad at you," Honey replied.

"So, a lot?" Sebastian asked.

Honey laughed and agreed. "I sincerely wish we could have gotten to know each other sooner, Sebbie. I'm kinda sad we didn't. Oh! Have you met Cole yet?"

"Not yet, but I'm hoping to this summer. Or during Easter break," Sebastian said.

"Well, I'll send him a letter to help him prepare to meet you. He gets way too excited about meeting new people. Just try and come back after nearly ten months. I'm sure he won't get too excited," Honey said.

"I see it's a family thing," Sebastian smirked.

"What?" Honey said.

"Rambling. It's a family gift," Sebastian clarified with a smile.

"Mother used to do it. Father used to do it. Our cousins do it. I do it. Cole does it. I haven't known you long enough to tell yet," Honey said, pulling out a water bottle for each of them. "Care for some water?"

"Thanks," Sebastian said, taking a swig from the bottle.

"Tell me about your life," Honey said, crossing her legs on the rock.

"Well, Mother sent me away when I was sixth months old. Our biological father took me down to the south of France, and we lived in Nice until I was nine. Then, we moved to Paris. When I was eleven, I went to Beauxbatons for schooling. And, every year up until now I have gone there. I had a few friends, but not enough to want to stay much longer," Sebastian said, his eyes turning green under the fir tree. "Father didn't tell me about you until Mother died. He says he hardly knew you, but he knew that you were practically perfect. He said that mother adored you and that she praised you whenever she had the chance."

"She kicked me out when I was, like, thirteen!" Honey protested as Sebastian took a breath.

"Father said that he wished he had both of us here in Scotland," Sebastian said. "He wished that he knew you better. But, um... he passed away. Honey, I didn't know how to tell you this. I'm really sorry," Sebastian said nervously. "He passed away about a month ago. He left me the house, but he left you loads of gold. He wanted- he wanted me to tell you that he loved you and that he wished to have known you better. He admired you greatly, Honey."

She took the news in silence with a stony face.

"I didn't think losing someone I never knew could hurt so much," Honey murmured. "I didn't know... I didn't know how hard it could be. Imagine growing up without a mother or a father to look up to. I-imagine not knowing how to play quidditch until your best friend taught you. I never knew our father, but I'm sure he was a good man."

"He- he was," Sebastian smiled, admiring her strength.

"Are you ready for lunch? Because it's lunchtime," Honey said, quickly changing the subject.

"Sure," He agreed, grabbing their water bottles.

Honey waved away her charms as she walked back to the castle.

"Goldman," A snide voice came from behind them as they entered the entry hall.

"Malfoy," Honey said, overly polite.

"Who's this?" Lucius Malfoy sneered, looking her twin brother up and down.

"My brother," Honey said, again way too kindly.

"Another bastard?" Malfoy said, a smirk growing on his face.

"No. Mum and Da were married," Honey grinned, tilting her head to the side.

"Don't be cocky, Goldman," Malfoy sneered.

"Don't be a dick, Mafloy," Honey smiled. "Seb, we should be going to lunch."

Honey flipped her cousin off as she walked away, followed by her grinning twin brother.

"Lucius, you should be nicer to her! She's going through a hard time, and you know it! Do not be an ass!" Narcissa scolded her boyfriend, walking down the grand stairs.

Honey shot the girl a smile as she walked swiftly past. The other girl smiled back as she marched towards the bleach blonde boy. Honey bounced into the great hall, staring up at the enchanted blue sky.

"Bee!" Sirius called, standing up to hug her.

"Star!" Honey called back, wrapping her arms around his middle.

"Hullo, Sebastian," Lily smiled.

"Hi, Lily," Sebastian said, sitting next to the ginger. "How were classes?" 

"They were fine, thank you. How has your day with Pup been?" Lily replied, with a smile.

"It's been great so far," Sebastian said, helping himself to some food. 

"That's nice. Have you guys learned much about each other?" Alice asked from Lily's other side.

"I learned about my mother, she learned about her father. I learned about her life, she learned about mine. I wish we could have gotten to know both of our parents together," Sebastian said.

"Didn't she already know her Dad?" Alice asked.

"Not her biological Da," Sebastian said.

"That sounds awful," Lily simpered.

"It's not as bad as it sounds," Honey said. "I mean, my step-father was kind of an arse, but he stopped my mother from using the cane... I mean, that was good of him. He once gave me a cookie!"

Everyone looked at her.

"Baby, that's awful," Sirius said. "That's not love. That's not even basic care. That's almost neglect. I'm glad we can help you see that now."

"That's not even the worst of it," Honey chuckled. "It's not the best either."

"Let's hear some of the good things," James asked.

"One time, I was chasing a butterfly and mother wasn't watching, so I tripped and skinned my knee. He took me up to the house and helped the elves take care of me," Honey reminisced.

"That's sweet," Alice smiled.

"Yeah, that's the time he gave me a cookie," Honey grinned.

"That's real nice," Lily agreed, pushing her plate away.

"What was Da like?" Honey asked Sebastian.

"He was kind and brave, he was courageous and witty. He cared a lot about plants and animals, and he really loved muggle football," Sebastian said. "I will never understand his obsession, though. It baffles me."

"How'd he die?" Honey asked outright.

"There was an attack on some muggles nearby, it was death eaters-" Sebastian said, but was cut off by Honey's cold laughter. "Is everything okay?" 

"That's just great!" She said sarcastically. "Every parental figure I've had, other than Euphemia and Fleamont, have died at the hands of death eaters!"

"Shit, that's awful. I'm so sorry," Sebastian said.

"Don't be, it's fine. Actually, it's not fine, but don't apologize. I mean, yeah, all of my family died at the hands of death eaters. Oh! And, by the way, our grandparents are dead," Honey said, beginning to laugh hysterically.

"Bee," Sirius said, putting a hand on the middle of her back. "Calm down."

"Star," Honey laughed. "I am calm."

"Sebastian, how would you like to try your very first visit to the Hospital Wing?" Remus said, standing up. "C'mon Honey."

"I'm fine!" She said but stood to follow anyways. 

"Where's the Hospital Wing?" Sebastian asked.

"I'm surprised our little Pup didn't show you. It seems to be her favourite place in the whole Castle!" James joked.

Honey slapped James's chest with the back of her hand as she ducked between him and Sirius.

"Hello, Madam Pomfrey!" Remus said to the black-haired woman who bustled up to the group.

"You're here for Miss Goldman, I presume?" The woman asked, helping the young woman to the front of the group.

"Yeah," Honey blushed.

"At this point, you know me better than some of the staff members." The older woman muttered, sitting Honey down on the bed.

"I'm in here quite a bit," Honey agreed.

"What is it this time?" Madam Pomfrey asked, but Honey froze and her face fell.

"Hysteria, trauma," Sirius said, holding Honey's hand.

"Right, I've got a potion here for you," Madam Pomfrey said, bustling around to a cupboard on the far side.

"Thanks," Honey said, taking the blue potion from the taller woman.

"You know what to do," Madam Pomfrey said, walking away.

Honey raised the potion to her lips, drinking it all in one go. She made a disgusted face and shuddered.

"That was horrid, but I'm feeling better," Honey said, her tongue blue.

"Alright, dear, it's time for you to be off. It's not that I don't like you, but you should be going," Madam Pomfrey said, shooing the group out.

"Bye, Madam Pomfrey!" The group chorused, grinning back at her.

Honey followed her best friends and brother up to the bottom of the grand staircase. 

"We have another two hours to get to know each other, so what do you want to do, Bastian?" The small blonde said.

"I heard you're a wonderful singer," Sebastian smiled.

"All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very, very
Mad world, mad world
Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy birthday, happy birthday
And I feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello, teacher! Tell me, what's my lesson?
Look right through me, look right through me
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles it's a very, very
Mad world, mad world
Enlarging your world
Mad world," She provided.

"I knew it," Sebastian said as they walked around the grounds.

"What did you know?" Honey replied after taking a sip of water.

"You were an amazing singer. Da was, too," Sebastian said quietly.

"Really? Mother was awful. Cole isn't half bad either. What about you, Sebbie? You any good at singing?" Honey asked.

"I'm okay," Sebastian said.

"Can I hear it?" Honey begged.

"Not today. I think one singing Goldman is enough for Hogwarts today. Plus, people are hanging out the windows at you," Sebastian said, pointing up along the castle walls.

Honey tilted her head up. She saw dozens of students and a few teachers hanging their heads out of the castle windows. In one of the windows, four heads were squeezed into one hole. One blonde, two brunettes and a raven-haired boy. They were all grinning widely.

Honey rolled her eyes as they waved at her. Her hair began to blow behind her as a storm rolled over. Small snowflakes fell at a rapid pace, coating both of the twins. 

"The castle has some really nice hot chocolate," Honey offered, looking into her brothers' eyes.

Their faces were almost identical, save for a few differences. However, their eyes were almost exactly the same. Both sets were gray but reflected the green of the mossy walls next to them.

"I'm in," Sebastian agreed.

"Race you to the entrance hall?" Honey asked.

Sebastian nodded as they both sprinted to the front of the castle. Honey took long strides but had nothing on Sebastian's long legs. However, he was out of shape. So, somehow she beat him up to the big doors of the entrance.

"Well... done... Honey..." Sebastian panted, laying down on the floor inside the warm castle.

"Thanks," Honey smiled, her breathing laboured. "We should go down to the kitchens. That's where we'll get the hot chocolate. Also, you need to come running with me on Saturdays."

"What? Me? Never," He said sarcastically, accepting her hand up.

"You should, it would be nice twin bonding time," Honey said, leading him back down to the painting of the pear.

"It would be a nice time for dying while running with my twin sister," Sebastian corrected.

"For you. I actually enjoy running," She grinned.

"You're crazy," Sebastian shook his head.

"I'm normal for a quidditch player," Honey disagreed. 

"I thought you were a Beater?" He replied.

"I am. I work on upper-body strength at night before I go to bed, though. I run in the mornings on Saturdays. Did you play quidditch at Beauxbatons?" She said.

"No, it's not exactly my talent. Considering I can hardly stay on a broom long enough to say hello," He shook his head with an embarrassed laugh.

"Interesting. I should probably teach you how to do that," Honey said. "It's a life skill. And a necessary one if you intend on being my brother. You see, I jump out of windows a lot, and I ride brooms nearly every day. So, I'm going to teach you whether you like it or not."

"Fine by me," Sebastian laughed as they entered the kitchen.

(Mad World by Micheal Andrews)

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