Benedict Cumberbatch Imagines

By batchofhiddles

444K 12.9K 2.6K

Series of fluffy, smutty, daddybatch fun with Benedict Cumberbatch staring YOU! Please request some stories (... More

Chapter 1
Daddybatch Part 1
Daddybatch Part 2
Daddybatch Part 3
What Are Best Friends For?
Stay With Me
What's Eating Benedict Cumberbatch?
It's the Little Things Part 1
It's the Little Things Part 2
Just A Little Peek?
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Happy New Year's Part 1
Happy New Year's Part 2
Doggy Style
To the Rescue
The Test
It's a...!
Earlier Than Expected
Traffic Ticket
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 1
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 2
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 3
Dr. Cumberbatch~Part 4
What Makes You Beautiful
Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Someday Your Prince Will Come
You Don't Realize What You Have Until It's Almost Gone
My Favorite Mornings
Game Night
Will You Love Me?~Part 1
Will You Love Me?~Part 2
Will You Love Me?~Part 3
Will You Love Me?~Part 4
Will You Love Me?~Part 5
Will You Love Me?~Part 6
Will You Love Me?~Part 7
Will You Love Me?~Part 8
Will You Love Me?~Part 9
Will You Love Me?~Part 10
Will You Love Me?~Part 11
Will You Love Me?~Part 12
Will You Love Me?~MOVED
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 1
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 2
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 3
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 4
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 5
Professor Cumberbatch~Part 6
Professor Cumberbatch~Epilogue
Crash This Train
Missed Opportunity
Missed Opportunity~Part 2
Missed Opportunity~Part 3
Missed Opportunity~Epilogue
The Cumbersickness
Room 468~Part 1
Room 468~Part 2
Room 468~Part 3
Too Much to Ask
Important A/N
You Are All I Need
"Too Bloody Blind"
Best Friend's Sister
Best Friend's Sister~Part 2
Best Friend's Sister~Part 3
Best Friend's Sister~Part 4
Star-Crossed Lovers
Just A Little Longer~Part 1
Just A Little Longer~Part 2
First Time for Everything~Part 1
First Time For Everything~Part 2
The Rebel
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Best Friend's Girlfriend
Be Mine~Part 1
Be Mine~Part 2
Happy Birthday, Benedict
Stalker~Part 1
Stalker~Part 2
Stalker ~ Part 3
Stalker ~ Part 4
Stalker ~ Part 5
Stalker ~ Epilogue
Regret~Part 1
Regret~Part 2
Regret~Part 3
Regret~Part 4
Regret~Part 5
Regret~Part 6
Regret~Part 7
Regret~Part 8
Regret~Part 9
Regret~Part 10
First Meetings~Part 1
First Meetings~Part 2
First Meetings ~ Part 3


4.1K 104 8
By batchofhiddles

What happens when Tom has it bad for you, Benedict's girlfriend...?


You honestly don't know what happened. It was all so quick that you haven't had time to wrap you head around it. All you know is that Ben is pissed way the hell off. Not at you, of course because you didn't realize what was happening until it happened.

Ben was driving way over the speed limit to your shared flat, with both hands gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. His eyes were blazing with fury and there was nothing you could do to make him see everything was fine, that things were going to be just fine. 

But no. Ben wouldn't admit it, but he's a possessive man. He loves you unconditionally; he wants to be with you until the end of his days caring and loving you.  

And Tom Hiddleston almost completely ruined that. Had Ben not seen what he saw, he'd be in this Jaguar alone, on the way to a pub to drink away the memory of another man's tongue inside your mouth. He then would have been too drunk to drive, so he'd call a cab, get to the flat, and have a huge fight that could have quite possibly ended your relationship.

Thank God he saw what he saw. But no matter what he thought of, whether it was him and you alone on some tropical island, or you writhing underneath him and letting out the most pleasureable moans like early this morning...he couldn't get the image out of his head. 

3 Hours Earlier...

"Mmm...I can't wait to get you home, dear," Ben purred in your ear as you slow danced at the charity gala. You giggled into his shoulder and said, "We've only gotten here, Mr. Cumberbatch. Do behave for a few more hours?"

He moved his head down to where your noses were touching, lips were only meters apart, and his eyes were staring lovingly into yours. "How do you expect me to behave when you are wearing this dress so beautifully? I bet every man in this places wishes he were me at the moment." 

You knew he was joking around, but he wasn't wrong. In the distance, there stood a tall, dashing Tom Hiddleston with a strong drink in his hand, looking envious at you both. Ever since Ben introduced you to Tom when you first started dating almost five years ago, he couldn't help but fall for you. It's been an endless torture to see you and Ben so happy together. He saw the way he looked at you and you him and knew he would never have a chance. The way you both kissed and laughed showed the purest love he has ever seen from any couple. 

But then, when you both arrived and Ben took him away from the crowd to talk to him in private just made things worse. Ben showed him a beautiful ring that he intended on giving you tonight after the gala.  Tom then made his way over to the bar, ignoring ever pass a woman gave him just so he could drink and admire your beauty. That's his current state. But there you go, laughing again with Ben whispering things in your ear, making you turn bright red. 

Tom wishes he could hear what Ben was saying, just so he knows what you like to hear. He was a complete fool for chasing after a woman he could never possibly have. 

After the song was over, Ben led you over to the bar where Tom was. Tom started shifting uncomfortably as you got closer, but neither you or Ben noticed, as you both were too busy giggling and staring adoringly at each other. 

"Hey, Tom," you smiled once you got to the bar. He gave you a soft smile and said, "Hi, [Y/N]. Having fun, then?" Ben wrapped his arms around you from behind, as you giggled, "Yes! Very! How about you? Surely there's a lucky woman waiting for a dance with you?" Tom simply shook his head. 

"Go find yourself a girl," Ben pressed. "Maybe you'll end up being as happy and soppy and we are. Right, my darling love?" You pretneded to think for a moment, but then Ben started lightly tickling your sides. "Yes! Yes! Okay!" You laughed. "Very happy and very soppy," you agreed. Unfortunately, Tom heard Ben say this next part. "And a very great shag." You playfully scoffed and hit his arm. 

Tom wanted to throw up. 

"I am going to go find Amanda," you told Ben. "We have some things to talk about." He quirked an eyebrow at you and said, "Oh? What would those things entail?" You simply tapped your nose and started to walk away, but not before Ben lightly smacked your butt. You gave him a glare, but he just blew you a kiss. 

He watched you go, and then sighed happily. He turned to Tom and asked, " lucky lady with you here tonight? Really?" Tom ordered another drink and said, "Really. I mean,, never mind." Ben sat next to him on a barstool and begged, "Tell me! There is a woman here, you're just afriad to make a move on her!" Tom looked questionably at his friend, as Ben explained, "Playing Sherlock Holmes really rubs off on you. But come on, spill it out!" 

Tom sighed and told him, "Well...yes, okay, but I have a reason for not saying anything to her." Ben encouraged him to go on with an impatient nod of his head. "She's in a relationship," Tom explained. "They've been dating for a while and...they're happy together. But I still can't help myself falling for her." 

Ben patted Tom's back and said something Tom would have never expected his friend to hear. "Go for it, anyways." Tom gave him a double take. "What? Why?" He asked. Ben ordered himself a drink, before leaning in and saying, "[Y/N] was in a relationship when I first met her. I knew she was with someone, yet I went for it anyways. There's nothing wrong with playing the field a bit, checking out the wrangled fish. It's only human, Tom. And God knows that if I didn't go for it, I'd probably be stuck here by myself or with some tedious model that wouldn't eat for days on end just to look good in front of people here." 

He took a sip from his drink and continued, "My point is, how do you know she won't want you more than this wanker she's going out with? This cold be the future mother of your children, your wife, you never know! And if it doesn't work out, then there are plenty more women out there. No harm, no foul. Unless the bloke she's going out with finds out that you tried to make a move on his girlfriend, then there might be a little harm." 

Or a lot, Tom thought, because she's your girlfriend and will be your fiance by tomorrow morning.  

A little while later, you and Ben had secured a booth and were completely wrapped up in each other. He'd lightly skim his finger up your thigh, while whispering how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, and what he wanted to do to you when he got you home. You fiddled with each other's fingers, shared sweet, affectionate kisses and caresses, and stared at each other adoringly. 

Tom, in the meantime was taking in every word that Ben had said to him. Sure, he hadn't told Ben who it was that he had fallen for, but what would be the harm in trying? After all, Ben did give him the advice. If he could just get you alone, he knows you won't babble to Ben because Ben would kill Tom and you wouldn't want that. The only real harm would be a blow to the ego. 

He saw you and Ben getting up to leave and knew all hope was lost. That was, until, Ben left you in the lobby to make a quick run to the restroom. Had Tom known that Ben actually went in there to calm his nerves and practice what to say to you in front of the mirror, before asking you to marry him...Tom probably wouldn't have done what he did. 

First, he went up to you and you said your usual peppy "hello", before making small talk. When it was his turn to change the subject on to matters that concerned him and you, he stumbled a bit. You were his best friend's girlfriend and he knew you were bound to say yes when Ben asks you to marry him tonight. Which is why he didn't say anything. Instead...

He kissed you. He didn't know how or why he did, but he didn't pull back. He didn't stop, didn't apologize. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed it. 

You, on the otherhand, were internally freaking out (in a bad way). Yes, Tom was attractive; yes, you've occassionally wondered what kissing him would be like because who hasn't? But you were with Ben! This was so wrong! Your eyes were wide open in shock and your lips were flat-lined, not willing to kiss back. 

Eventually, when the shock subsided only a few seconds later, you pushed him back and slapped his face. His head flew to the side, where his eyes caught a firey gaze. The gaze of a very furious, very enraged Benedict Cumberbatch. The sting on Tom's cheek didn't even compare to Ben's looks. He knew he hurt his friend and he knew he ruined the plans Ben had told him about earlier. 

"I'm going to take her back to our place, where I've asked some friends to set up some candles, champagne, and a nice dessert out on the terrace. I'm going to have to fight her to not order any dessert tonight, which will be a painful experience, but it'll be worth it. It sounds cheesy I know, but I've also asked that they throw some rose pedals around the flat, as well. She's always talking about how she loves those moments in romance movies, even though she won't admit it to anyone else. I just want everything to be perfect because once we step foot inside that flat, she's going to know something's happening. Something very, very good."

Even after all that, after knowing what he had just done, all Tom could say was, "Uh-oh..." Next thing he knew, he was on the ground with a sharp pain in his jaw and Ben standing over him with looks that could kill. 

You grabbed Ben's arm and gasped, "Ben! What the hell?!" He ignored you and continued to stare down Tom, while shouting, "Don't you dare come near or even look at her again, Tom! Do you understand me?!" Tom didn't answer, but slowly started to get up. When he did, he glanced around at the crowd that had formed around him, and then back to Ben.

"You told me to go for it," he boldly told him. Ben looked confused for a moment, but then realization crossed over his face a moment later. " love [Y/N]?" He asked through gritted teeth. Tom looked over at your shocked expression and said, "Yes. For five years, in case you were wondering."

Ben shook his head in disbelief. "You know that I would have never given you that advice for my own girlfriend, Tom! I understand what it's like to fall in love with a girl who's taken and who's as wonderful and loving as my darling, but...I would never do what you just did. Especially after what I had shared with you earlier this evening." Tom looked down to his feet in shame.  

"Come on, [Y/N]," Ben said with a rough voice, while grabbing your hand and practically pulling you outside. He got you inside the car and drove off, leaving Tom to sweep up his dignity and his ego all by himself. 


Ben pulled up in front in front of the flat and harshly put the car in park. It was a silent and tense car ride, one you wanted to get out of quickly, but you couldn't seem to find the strength to move. Neither could Ben.

"I'm not mad at you," he softly stated. "Hell, I'm not even mad at Tom. I mean, who can blame him?" Both of you curled up a small smile. You turned to him and asked, "Then what are you so upset about? I mean, if I'm honest, I'm pretty mad. I didn't ever want to kiss Tom. I'm yours, not his."

Ben looked up at the flat. He could see a light glow from where the candles were lit by the window and let out a heavy sigh. "I'm upset because...because I had a perfect night planned for us. Now, I'm afraid it's been ruined." You smiled and took his hand in yours. "What did you have planned?" 

"Something special. Something very, very special." You ran your fingers through his hair and told him, "Well, I'm still up for it if you are." Ben gave you a soft smile and nodded. He didn't need anything to ruin tonight. Not even Tom Hiddleston.

He helped you out of the car and walked you both up to the door. When he pushed it open, your jaw nearly fell to the ground. "Ben," you breathed. "What's all this for?" He shut the door and rested his hands on your hips. "It's all for you," he answered. He gestured to the trail of roses and said, "Follow them."

He let go of your hips as you followed the trail and watched you fondly. If anything, he has to thank Tom for kissing you. He didn't realize how much you met and how much he never wants you in another man's arms until tonight. He realized he's been taking you for granted and he never wanted to do that again. 

You both spent the remainder of the night eating the dessert, drinking champagne, and talking about the events of tonight. 

"I swear, I saw his dignity fly out when you slapped him!" Ben laughed. You covered your face and laughed, "I was so freaked out! What was I supposed to do? Besides, I belong you, not him." Lifting his glass, he told you, "Damn straight." You clinked your glasses. 

"I think I have to thank him," he told you. "I never realized how much I loved you until that moment. The thought of you in another man's arms makes me want to puke. Unfortunately, I can see it happening because I've been taking you for granted for all these years." You were about to object, but he put his hand up to stop you. 

"I will never take you for granted again, [Y/N]. You are my world, I love you with all my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my days proving that to you." He took out a box from his pocket and got down on one knee in front of you. "Be mine, forever. Marry me, [Y/F/N] and become my wife." He opened the box to reveal the ring. 

"Yes," you told him, in complete and utter shock. "Oh my God, yes!" It finally hit you that you were getting married! Ben slipped the ring on to your finger, then brought you to stand up with him. He kissed you softly and tenderly, while cupping your face and caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. 

Suddenly, he let out a disapproving hum and pulled back. "You taste like Tom," he grumbled. You giggled, "Only you would know." He took your bottom lip in between his teeth and nipped it. "Shut it, you." He continued to kiss you, despite his complaint, and delved his tongue into your mouth; determined to make you taste him and only him. 

Things escalted fairly quickly and, before you knew it, you were pinned up against the wall next to the front door, your legs wrapped around his hips with your dress pulled down to your waist and Ben's shirt wide open. How you got here will forever be a mystery. 

Ben left hot kisses all over your neck and chest, while grinding himself up to you to get some friction. It was all total bliss when you thought how you were about to make love to your fiance tonight and every day after that until you could make love as man and wife! Oh, you couldn't wait. 

You were both startled and brought out of your lusty haze when there was a knock on the door. You both quirked an eyebrow at each other. Without moving, Ben opened the door to see Tom standing there looking nervous as all hell. 

From his view, he couldn't see you, but could see a pair of legs wrapped around Ben's waist. That and the face that Ben's shirt was open told Tom he had just interuppted something. "Um...hi, Ben." Ben simply said, "Tom." Tom shuffled his feet a bit, before saying, "Look, I just want to quickly apologize for tonight. I really don't know what came over me and--."

"It's alright, Tom," Ben told him a bit urgently, as he currently had you half naked and engaged right in front of him. "As a matter of fact, I wanted to thank you." Tom looked at him curiously. He was about to ask why, but then your face peered around the wall. 

"Um, Tom," you kindly said. "He'll explain tomorrow when he takes you out to lunch, okay?" Tom nodded. Ben looked at you and asked, "I'm taking him to--?" But you shut the door before Tom could hear the rest of that conversation, which would eventually lead to some pretty amazing sex. 


Remember that the "Will You Love Me?" series is it's own imagine now, so go ahead and check it out if you're still interested!

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