Fix Us (Book 2) A Supernatura...

By allynmck1

25K 698 41

"You sure" "Callie, it's been three years since I last held you in my arms" Have you ever thought you would... More

Fix Us
Act One
1- Break The Ice
2-Work To Do
3- Like A Shrine
4- Grand Old Time
5-Possesed By An Angel
6- Clarence
7-Her... as in Her, Her
8- Don't Judge Me
9-Buffalo Milk
10- Might Be A Dog
11- Doodle
12- A Look
13- Shack Up
14- Born Again
15- Cass Is Back In Town
16- Beer Run
17- Not Your Fault
18- I'm Poison
19- Allergic To Bees
20- Let's Dance
23- Wackadoo
24- Weird Around Girls
26- Do The Honours
27- Say Hola
28- Batman
29- Stealing Candy
30-Demon Mitts
31-Case of The Crazies
32- Bro-ing Down
34- I'm Taylor Swift
35- She's On Your List
36- The Commander?
38- Timberlake, Spears, Aguilera
39- Batteries
40 -Bromancing
41- Proud Of Us
Act Two
1- Porn Guy
2- Prepare To Die
3- I hate Shots
4-Hang Out
5- Bitcoin
6- I Didn't Realize
7-No Singing in Supernatural
8-Rufus-Bobby Combo
9- Underdressed
10- Real Silver
11- Two Hookers
12- Fat Spa Donna
13- Stuff, You
14- Eat me, Hasselhoff
16- Slugger
17-Rocket and Groot
18- You're a Winchester
19- Smelled Flowers
20- Shake it Off
21- Crosookie
21- Kill the Internet
22- Freaky Stuff
23- Hurt Like Hell
24- Bought him Dinner
25- Deano
26- The Hot Nun
27- Ran Off To Vegas
28- BatGirl
29- Best Friends
30- Save Your Sack
31- Put You Down
32- Marry Me
33- Happy Birthday
39- Charlie
40 - I Kill Gods
41- Monster
42- Save Dean
43- Killed Death
Act Three
1-Magic Mike
2- Daphne
4- A Team
5- Night Moves
6- Home
7- Fetish
8- Mini Hot Dog
9- Binge-Watching
10-Sight For Sore Eyes
11-Killer Clown
12- Mork From Ork
13- Become One
14- A Peach
15- Poop Emoji
16- Trust Issues
17 -Elvis
18- Bumper Sticker
19- Hickey
20- Darkest Desire
21- Made The Leap
21- Yahtzee
22- Edward ScissorHands
23- Ice The Devil
24- Rudest People
25- Death Machine
25- Disco Ball
26- Zorro Mask
27-It's Karma
28- Chitters
29-Demon Disease
30 - You Left Us
33-Chick Flicks

21-Am I In Heaven

242 5 0
By allynmck1

Season 9 x 12

Calliope and Sam sit on their motel beds, trying to find anything about Metatron or Gadreel, but nothing was relevant. "Huh?" Sam suddenly says.
"What's up?" Calliope asks.
"A John Doe that was brought in to Grantsburg, Wisconsin, almost matches the description of a hunter Dean and I know. Garth, he kinda became a Bobby to us" he says.

"You want to go check it out" Calliope asks him.
"Yeah, I guess beats all the dead ends on Gadreel and Metatron we're getting" he says.
"All right, I'll go pack" Calliope says as she gest up.

"Callie, you don't.... you don't have to come along" he says to her.
"Sam, I am not staying here alone." She says to him.
"Okay, I will meet you outside at the car in a few" Sam says as he gets up too.

Calliope and Sam walk into the hospital, and head to the nurses station, "Good afternoon, we're looking for a John Doe that was admitted here a few days ago" Sam says as they take out their fake badges, "He's a skinny Ichabod Crane-looking kind of guy" Sam explains.
"Know just who you mean, Room 113, Agents" the nurse tells them.

"Thank You so much" Calliope tells her.
"Sure is a popular fella" she then says, as they head for the room. Sam and Calliope enter the room to see a man laying in the hospital bed, and standing beside him is Dean. All three of them stand there not saying a word to one another.

"Saw Garth's John Doe on the police wire. You?" Sam says breaking the silence.
"Yeah, where you two coming from?" Dean then asks.
"New Mexico" Sam tells him.
"Well, that's a haul. Especially considering that I got this pretty much covered, so if you two wanna" he then indicates leaving.

"You spoken to him yet?" Sam then asks.
"No. Ass-load of painkillers. He's been out, since I got here" Dean tells him.
Calliope notices the hand cuffs, "What has he been charged with?" she then asks.
"Killing a cow" Dean says barely looking at her.

"What? Why?" she asks.
"I was about to see if I could find out. Lock the door" Dean tells Sam.
Sam does so and they both then see a needle in Dean's hand, "Whoa, hey, what is that, adrenaline?" Sam asks him.

"Yes, sir" Dean replies.
"Are you trying to jump-start him or kill him?" Sam asks.
"I want some answers. He walked out on Kevin, he walked out on us. So, if you two got a better idea..." he says.

Sam then slaps Garth in the face, and Garth sits up and screams and breathes heavily. "Dean? Sam? Girl I don't know?" he then says to the three of them. "What is this, a hospital? Wait, am I in Heaven" he says confused.

"This ain't Heaven, trust me" Calliope then says.
"All right, take it easy, Garth. You're in Wisconsin." Dean tells him.
"You were hit by a car. Do you remember anything?" Sam asks.

"I, uh... vaguely" he groan, as he then raises his hand, and sees the handcuff, "What's with the hardware?"
"You tell us?" Dean asks, as Sam then picks the lock, "And while you're at it, why don't you give us a low-down on where you went AWOL for the past six months. The only way we tracked you down was that you offed a cow" Dean tells him.

"Offed a what? I.. I was on a hunt" Garth says.
"Hunt for what?" Sam asks.
Garth looks at them, "Oh, god, on no, get back" he says as he starts gagging, then rushes out of the bed and for the bathroom where they hear him getting sick.
"Good thing I didn't give him the adrenaline" Dean says.

The three of them sit there waiting for Garth who was still getting sick in the bathroom, "Anything on Gadreel?" Dean then asks Sam and Calliope.
"Actually, yeah. Turns out, he.. he left some grace in me before he bolted" Sam tells him.

"You know how wrong that sounds, right?" Dean says.
"I wouldn't worry about it, Cass took care of it" Sam tells him.
"Hmm" Dean then says.
"What?" Sam asks.

"Nothing, I'm gone for two weeks and you're like an episode of Teen Mom" he says.
They hear Garth continue to throw up, "Just breathe Garth, work it out" Dean calls out to him.

Calliope then notices something on Dean's arm, and she grabs his arm, and pulls his sleeve up, "What happened Dean?" she asks him.
"Oh, uh, that's a gift from Cain" he tells her.
"Like... the wrestler?" Sam asks.

Dean scoffs, "I wish, that would be awesome. Uh, no, the... the Old Testament dude. He got all biblical on me and gave me his mark" Dean tells them, and Calliope lets go of his arm.
"What do you mean gave you his mark? How did this even happen?" Calliope then asks.

"Crowley and I found him and he gave me this, so that I could 86 Abaddon, once and for all" Dean says to her.
"You worked a job with Crowley?" Sam asks.
"The devil you know" Dean says.

Just then they realize that it had gotten quiet in the bathroom, "Garth?" Sam calls out.
"What?" Dean asks and they look toward the bathroom door. Dean knocks it open and they see Garth gone, and the window wide open. "Son of a bitch" Dean remarks as they take off.

"Why would Garth run from us?" Dean asks Sam as they head outside the hospital.
"Why haven't we heard from him in the past six months?" Sam then asks, "Did you test him?" he then asks Dean.

"He was unconscious! No, I.. Did he steal a car?" Dean says as they look around.
"Uh, did he steal a car while being naked?" Calliope asks as they see Garths hospital gown in the middle of the parking lot. She then notices a security camera, "I can go see what I can find on the camera.  Why don't one of you canvas the parking lots, and one of you go talk to Farmer Brown, go see about that cow" Calliope says to them.

Dean smiles at her, "Missed when you bossed us around" he says to her.
"Yeah, well you chose to walk away" she says as she walks away from him.
"Callie... Callie..." he calls out to her as she heads back inside the hospital.

"No, Dean, I don't want to hear anything from you. You told me not to come with you. You turned me away, and then you go galivanting off with Crowley" she says to him.

"I know.... I know I did. Because I was an ass, and didn't let the woman I love come with me. I meant what I said though Calliope, everyone around me dies. You died, you died to save me, and that killed me inside" he says to her.
"And now here I am back in your life. We were just starting to get back into things Dean, and then everything with Sam and Gadreel happened, and you and Sam got into your usual Sam and Dean Winchester fight, and I usually butt out of those, but this time you and  I are something and I should have left with you" she says to him.

"I'm sorry" he says to her.
"I just want to know, once you figure out about your friend Garth, who should I be going with you or Sam?" she asks him.
"I'm hoping you will come with me" he then says to her.
"That's the answer I wanted" she says as she then kisses him.

Calliope and Dean manage to get into look at the security cameras where they see  Garth getting into to a car. They print of the still shots and start to leave the hospital, when Dean's cell rings, "yeah" he answers.
"So the cow wasn't killed, it was eviscerated" Sam tells him.
"Why was Garth there?" Dean then asks.

"He said he was on a hunt, right? Maybe he was hunting whatever killed it" Sam says.
"Why would he run?" Dean then asks. "This whole thing's starting to stink. You know that, right?" Dean says to him.

"Yeah, well, what about you and Callie? Any luck?"  Sam asks.
"Uh, Nada" Dean says and Calliope gives him a stern look. "Camera's were pointing in the wrong direction" he lies to Sam, and Calliope still gives him her look.

"You're kidding" Sam says.
"Wish I was" Dean lies once more.
"Hmm, so..." Sam starts to say.
"So, Garths a hunter. If he wants to stay gone, he's gone" Dean tells him.
"We got nothing" Sam says.

"Well, what can I say, Sammy? We lost this one. Send me a postcard" Dean says as they go to turn the corner, Sam is standing right there. He then takes the photo stills from Dean's hands and Dean hangs up his phone.

"Wow. Make, model... License plate. Really, Dean?" Sam says to him.
"I told you we can't hunt together. It's for  your own good" Dean tells him.
"I hear you. And after we find Garth and get to the bottom of this, I'm gone. But until then, no more games." Sam says.
"Ride belongs to a girl named Bess Meyers. She lives in the next town over" he tells Sam.

The three of them burst into the apartment, guns drawn, "Whoa, whoa, whoa guys" Garth says to them, "I can explain, everything's cool. Just a simple misunderstanding" he goes on to say.

"Who are you talking to?" Dean asks him.
"What?" Garth asks.
"The girl?" Dean says
"What? What girl?" Garth asks as Dean holds up a woman's bra.

"What the... What now?" Garth says trying to act confused.  Dean then motions for Sam to check the bedroom, while he goes to check the bathroom. "All right, all right, guys, everyone needs to take a chill pill and put their guns down" he says to them, as Calliope keeps her weapon drawn on Garth, as the boys don't find anything. "You see? Let's all be grown-ups here and have an adult conversation" he says to the three of them and they all look at Garth. Suddenly a woman jumps out of the closet behind Sam and she is baring fangs and claws, and she starts to attack him.

Dean and Calliope both raise their guns at her, "No!" Garth shouts as he pushes their guns down. Just then the knife on Sam cuts her and she backs away.
"Sam! Sam! Please don't hurt her!" Garth comes over placing himself between the woman and Sam.

"You do it! She's a werewolf!" Dean shouts at his brother.
"So am I" Garth then confesses to them.

Garth helps clean the wound on the woman, "It's okay, baby, hold it like that" he says to her.
"What are they doing here, Garth?" she then asks him.
"They're friends, I promise" he tells her, "Although I still don't know who she is" he says about Calliope.
"They're hunters" she says to Garth.

"All right, we've all gotten off on the wrong foot here. So let's do things right. Boys, this is Bess, my beloved. And Bess, that's Dean. He could start a fight in an empty house, but deep down inside, he's just a big old teddy bear." Garth says this about Dean and Calliope smiles at the remark. "And Sam, here, Sam can be a bit insecure, at times, but for good reason. Bless his heart. I still don't know who you are but you like mighty familiar" Garth says looking at Calliope.

"I would be Calliope" she smiles at him.
"Calliope, as in the half angel that Dean feel in love with Calliope?" Garth asks her.
"That would be me" she says.
"Well it's fine mighty honor to meet the woman who softened Deans heart" he says to her.
"That's sweet, Werewolf?" Dean then asks.

"All right, guys, look. About six months ago, I was outside Portland, Maine, hunting this big, bad wolf. I took him down, but he bit me in the process" Garth explained.
"And you didn't call one of us?" Dean asks.
"And tell you what? That I messed up? No, I knew the deal. There's no cure, so I accepted my fate. Ate my favorite dish of Egg Foo Young, watched the world's greatest movie, Rocky III, and then... was ready to eat a bullet when Bess, here, found me" Garth says looking at Bess smiling.

"And how'd she do that?" Sam asks.
"Smelled him. How else?" she smiles.
"Yeah, she talked the gun outta my mouth and as they say, the rest is history. We've been married for four months, now." Garth tells them.

"You're married?" Sam asks.
"To a werewolf?" Dean asks.
"Yes" Bess answers, "My pack has taken him in as one of our own" she tells them.

"Guys, it's not what you think. We don't hurt people" Garth explains.
"No, you just go all Wolverine on cattle" Dean says to him.
"Yeah" Garth quietly says.

"At least he's not eating human hearts. Do you have any idea how hard it is for a bitten to control his instincts like Garth does? How well he's doing?" Bess says to the three of them.
"Thank you, baby" Garth smiles at her.

"Well, it's the truth, honey-bunny" she smiles back at him.
"Wait, a 'bitten'? You're all bitten" Sam says to Bess.
"Not at all. You're either born to it, like I was, or you're bitten, like Garth" Bess explains to them.

"Wait, hold on. You said you were... You were born a werewolf?" Dean asks Bess.
"Second generation" Bess tells him.
"Garth, can we talk to you for a sec, alone?" Dean says to Garth.

Garth looks at him, then turns to Bess, "Honey, why don't you go find some ointment for that arm, okay?" he says to her and she gest up and heads out of the room.
"What the hell?" Dean asks Garth once she is gone.

"Look, I know you guys wanna shoot first and ask questions later but I checked everything out. This pack is clean. Everything's kosher" Garth tells them.
"Right, uh, minus the part where your wife attacked me" Sam says.

"Don't blame her, you guys, we busted in here all guns a blazing" Calliope then says and Dean gives her a surprised a look.
"She's got a point. Guns waving, the jawlines and the hair, it's very intimidating. What'd you expect" Garth then says. "Dean, no one wants any trouble. You got my word on that." He tells Dean.

"Oh, no, that ship has sailed. We're gonna need a hell of a lot more than your word" Dean says to him.
"Okay, okay tell you what, you want proof? Come pray with us" Garth says to him.

"We can do that" Calliope says to Garth, and Dean looks at her. "What? You want proof so we join Garth and Bess. Sam, can I talk to you a sec" Calliope then says.
"Yeah, sure" he says and they step away for a moment, "see what you can find on Bess and her family" she tells him.

"You okay being with Dean?" Sam asks her.
"Yes, I can handle Dean, umm listen, I think if things are still not good with the two of you I might, I might go with Dean" she then tells him.
"I figured as much, I don't blame you, you and Dean are well, you and Dean" he says to her.
"Let us know what you find" she tells him.

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