Light in the Darkness

By kslytherinz

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Adelaide Burke is the daughter of the cruel, pureblood Burke Family. She is expected to uphold the ideals and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 76

136 6 1
By kslytherinz

Adelaide woke up the next morning to find Draco was already ready to go. He laughed, "Are you seriously still tired?" 

She yawned, knowing that because of her mini mission she probably got three hours of sleep at the most. She hopped off the bed, following him out the door and towards Hogsmeade Station. 

She caught her eye on Harry and Ron who were talking together, seemingly unbothered, not suspicious. That was good.

They both boarded the train, taking a seat in their usual compartment. Thankfully Pansy didn't show her face, she was effectively shunned from most of Draco's friends after her embarrassing stunt. Viola sat across from Draco along with Crabbe and Goyle who sat across from each other. Adelaide sat quietly between Draco and Goyle as they talked about what their plans were for the break. 

Draco was silent, staring out the window mostly. Adelaide noticed Viola staring at Draco with a worried expression. Viola had noticed Draco had looked incredibly stressed and hardly spoke to anyone anymore. She knew it must've been hard on him what was going on with Adelaide, which she still refused to believe was true. 

The train ride went by fairly quickly and Draco scooped up Adelaide, briskly making his way off the platform and towards a quiet corner for them to disapparate. Adelaide was pleased to see Harry gathered with the Weasley family, she hoped neither of them would question the letter. Ron wouldn't bring it up to her knowing it was a request from the Order.

They twisted in front of the Malfoy Manor and was greeted warmly by Narcissa. They had their trunks taken up by the House Elves and had an early dinner which was interrupted when Adelaide felt herself being summoned. 

Her face grew pale and she quit eating. Narcissa paused, seeing Adelaide's face as she felt her Mark begin to squirm. "I'm sorry, I uh, I have to go. Excuse me." Draco instinctively grabbed her hand, but she gave him a brave smile, releasing her grip and continuing out the door. 

She found herself being summoned to the Riddle House where she was first Marked. It was a dreadfully dark place that seemed to be seeping in evil and death. She entered hesitantly and made her way to the room where the Dark Lord was standing.

"My Lord, you summoned me?" she bowed, nervously eyeing the anxious rodent-like man who cowered in the corner. She recognized him from the night in the graveyard when the Dark Lord rose. 

"Yes, I wanted to ask you about your knowledge on the Weasley's whereabouts." he calmly stated, his mood seeming to be fairly neutral. 

She quickly reached into her pocket, exposing the vial with a strand of his hair in it, "I will perform a quick tracking spell and will be able to find him in a matter of seconds. It will lead us straight to the Weasleys, My Lord."

The Dark Lord smiled sickeningly, "Perfect. Let's attack on Christmas, a perfect way to put everyone in the festive mood, wouldn't you say?" he laughed cruelly.

She returned a nervous laugh which was thankfully covered by the nervous rat-man's howling laughter which was quickly silenced by the Dark Lord's angry glare.

"Christmas Day it is then, will I be going alone for this?" Adelaide hesitated, it would be better if there were others to confirm that she had to retreat because of Harry.

The Dark Lord laughed, "I admire your ambition Adelaide, but surely you don't think you could kill an entire family on your own. You will be going with Bellatrix and Fenrir, meet in front of the Malfoy Manor that evening."

Her heart dropped. They were ruthless, they weren't afraid to step over a few rules to draw blood. This made her plan significantly more complicated. 

"Of course My Lord." she bowed and promptly left, returning to the Manor.

She had to think about what to do. Maybe give the Weasleys a warning? Maybe start by drawing everyone out of the House before the attack, so they could clearly see Harry and retreat? She could cause a diversion that would encourage everyone to escape the house, that was a good plan. 


Adelaide woke up on Christmas Day feeling as though there was a ten pound ball of lead in her chest. By the end of this day, she would have either assisted in the murder of a family or saved a family. The thought alone made her sick to her stomach. 

She got Perseus a miniature Hebridean Black Dragon that would protect the shop very well and remain loyal only to her and him. She got Draco a three-headed dog for Christmas. It was still a puppy and spent most of its time sleeping since she placed an enchanted violin that played music for it all day. Perseus got her a beautiful portrait of herself that would hang in the Burke Manor, her portrait was relatively quiet, but she smiled affectionately at people who walked by as she stood in a beautiful flower field. Draco gave her a pair of beautiful emerald earrings.

She tried her very best to enjoy the day, but the impending task distracted her. She was thinking of her plan over and over again. For some reason, she kept recalling the night in the Ministry, especially her complete failure, over and over again. 

Draco, noticing she was slightly quieter than usual, pulled her aside, "Are you alright?"

She felt her false smile fall into a frown, "I-I didn't want to ruin Christmas for everyone, but I have a task to complete tonight. I'm just nervous is all." 

He furrowed his brow, "What task?"

Her heart twisted severely, Oh nothing too major just killing an entire family, but don't worry I'll make sure I hold back the blood thirsty werewolf a day before the full moon and your insane lunatic of an aunt who's just as blood thirsty, so no one actually gets killed.

"The Dark Lord wants me to find the Weasleys, I'll be going with Bellatrix and Fenrir." she whispered, feeling even more guilty than usual. She fumbled into her pocket, feeling the calming potion that she got replenished as soon as she got back from Hogwarts, and taking a quick sip.

His expression slowly turned fearful and sad as he looked at her, "I'm sorry."

She grabbed his hand quickly, "Don't be. I'll be..I'll be fine." 

The day went by abnormally slow, her anxiousness biting viciously at her conscience. Once it grew dark outside, Adelaide and Draco heard two loud whooshes. The Manor doors opened and Fenrir walked in with Bellatrix trailing slowly behind him. "Long time no see Addie-Loo" Bellatrix cackled. Fenrir growled, "Enough of the small talk, find them and let's go."

Adelaide gulped, getting up hesitantly. She glanced one last time at Draco, hoping when she came back the Weasleys would still be alive. She took out Ron's hair and placed a quick locator charm on it that revealed his location to her. Once the charm began to work, Adelaide spun into a column of black smoke, flying into the night.


As Adelaide saw the Burrow in sight, she noticed there were two people lingering outside the door talking with people inside. Bellatrix quickly casted a spell that sent a bright circle of fire around the house. Bellatrix landed first and Adelaide stood beside her, recognizing the people who stood there as being Professor Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Arthur Weasley, and who she assumed was Mrs. Weasley next to him. 

They stared at the two Death Eaters and the fire in horror, quickly reaching for their wands.

Next, Harry came storming out. Bellatrix cackled, running out the opening of her ring of fire. Adelaide quickly followed her, casting a spell on the fire to take the form of serpents to prevent anyone else from chasing after them and hopefully prevent Bellatrix or Fenrir from being able to enter back in. Flying through the swamp, she landed silently by an open marsh, hidden behind the weeds.

She heard shouting of Molly and Arthur, "Ginny! Don't!" 

It was too late, she could already hear two people running out towards the marsh, following her and Bellatrix who was screaming over and over, "I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK I KILLED SIRIUS BLACK" while cackling manically. 

Adelaide felt a harsh hand grasp her shoulder and she turned around to find Fenrir standing behind her with a furious glare, "How the hell are we supposed to kill them with Harry Potter here? The Dark Lord has specific orders not to kill him."

Adelaide nodded in agreement, "We should give them a bit of a scare first. See if we can draw any of them out into the marsh, if not we'll leave."

They were interrupted when Ginny came sprinting out of the weeds, standing completely in the open. She looked around nervously, breathing heavily. 

Fenrir let out a beastly snarl, taking out his wand slowly and emerging from the weeds. Ginny's expression was pure fear as she gazed at the horrendously notorious werewolf Death Eater known for eating children like her or even smaller.

He laughed, but then Harry came running from the weeds out in front of her, yelling "Stupefy" which Fenrir quickly blocked and erupted into the plume of smoke, flying to another part of the weeds.

Adelaide stayed hidden, watching the two fearfully look around trying to find where the Death Eaters were hiding. 

Adelaide flew over to their right, the whispers of her unsupported flight causing enough noise for them to fearfully look in her direction and the whispers of Bellatrix's causing them to turn around in the other direction. 

The three continued to taunt them and confuse them until they heard a loud, "HARRY!" 

Adelaide could see Lupin making his way through the weeds towards them, followed by Tonks. 

That's when she quickly sent a slashing spell towards Ginny, which she deflected. 

Fenrir shot another spell at Ginny, which Harry also deflected. This turned into a full on dueling ground as spells were flown everywhere. The three Death Eaters stopped once three other Order Members sprinted out of the weeds into the open marsh, creating a defensive circle with their wands out.

Adelaide knew she had to do something, she had to bring back some type of news or evidence that she had done at least something useful for the Dark Lord. She knew lycanthropes were practically impossible to kill, she whispered out a quick spell that threw Lupin ten feet backwards, landing harshly and letting out a pained groan. Any normal person would most likely have died on impact, it was likely his ribcage was completely shattered and his spine snapped, but he would heal quickly. Nymphadora yelped, making her way quickly over to him, blocking several spells that Bellatrix sent over along the way.

Adelaide felt her Mark begin to squirm.

She looked over to Fenrir who also was clearly being summoned away as well. 

Bellatrix flew behind her whispering, "Destroy the house on the way out."

She let out a low hiss and flew into a column of black smoke. Adelaide followed, impossibly relieved that everyone had made their way out of the house. Fenrir flew to her right and all of them crashed through the house, casting powerful Incendios, causing it to explode in flames. Bellatrix quickly marked the sky, cackling through her black smoke.

The three all flew into the night, flying back to the Malfoy Manor.

Once they landed outside the Manor, Bellatrix growled, "I feel like we did those blood traitors a favor burning down that dump of a house."

Fenrir growled, "We didn't even manage to kill a single person did we Bellatrix? Who's going to explain that to the Dark Lord? Certainly not me."

Adelaide stared up at Fenrir in horror. He wrinkled his nose growling, "He wanted them all dead, but we couldn't exactly do that with Potter there, you should've known he'd be there Burke. You can be the one to explain to the Dark Lord." he grabbed her arm harshly, dragging her inside.

She yelped as his claws dug into her, "Let me go Fenrir! I didn't see you attacking anyone, at least I killed one of them."

As he dragged her into the drawing room where Narcissa, Perseus, and Draco were eating dinner, he threw her onto the floor kicking her harshly in the stomach and baring his teeth, "You sent a hex to a werewolf you idiot. He didn't die." Draco stood up in horror and rage as she coughed violently from the impact. Perseus whipped out his wand, sending Fenrir flying back into the wall.

"You're lucky I don't tear her heart out right now." he boomed, racing over to Perseus. Adelaide was gasping on the ground, blinded by a nauseating pain in her ribs.

She scrambled to her feet, wincing at the pain, her rib was probably broken. He sent over a spell which she quickly blocked and returned until a full blown dueling was occurring between him, Perseus and her.

Narcissa screamed, "Stop it. NOW!" 

Both Perseus and Fenrir ceased the spells. Adelaide took the opportunity of the stunned silence to disarm Fenrir aggressively, his wand flying across the room.

He stormed his way over until the Dark Lord appeared in front of both of them. Fenrir pressed his hand on Adelaide's neck shoving her into the wall.

The Dark Lord calmly stated, "Let her go Fenrir, I don't want another werewolf on my hands."

Fenrir smiled dangerously at Adelaide, his sharp teeth glinting with the promise of slaughter as she gasped harshly for air before releasing her throat. 

Adelaide gasped, grabbing her throat and collapsing to the floor. Her vision grew blurry with the pain searing in her side and the lack of oxygen. Perseus glared at Fenrir with such a murderous expression, she was surprised Fenrir didn't drop dead right there.

"Fighting like idiotic children." The Dark Lord spat, "How do you expect to win this war if we have fighting within our own ranks?" 

He calmly walked across the room, Draco and Narcissa standing there petrified.

"If you will fight, you will do it with class and order. You will duel properly. However, at this time, I forbid you three to duel, do you understand?"

Adelaide quickly glared at Fenrir and nodded, "Yes My Lord" staring down at the floor. 

She heard a small laugh come from Fenrir.

"Find something funny Fenrir?" The Dark Lord squinted, taking a step towards the werewolf.

His smug grin was immediately wiped from his face as he snarled, "Of course not My Lord. I won't lay a hand on precious prince and princess Burke." 

Perseus clenched his fists tightly, digging his heels into the ground to make sure he didn't lash out in front of the Dark Lord.

The Dark Lord ripped out his wand and yelled, "Crucio!

Fenrir tensed up, falling to his knees as the spell coursed through his body. As a lycanthrope, the torture was most likely a lot more tolerable. 

As the Dark Lord released the curse, Fenrir let out a breath of relief, slowly stumbling back to his feet and staring back towards the ground.

The Dark Lord swooped up to Adelaide, "And you, you stupid girl. Why didn't you know that Potter would be staying with them? Certainly you kept a close watch on their interactions while at the school?"

Draco intervened, "I should've known. It's not her fault, she's very limited in where she can move around in the castle without being detected."

The Dark Lord hissed angrily towards Draco, "Now, the Weasleys will go into hiding and be impossible to find now thanks to you!"  He looked to the corner of his eye to Draco, motioning his hand out, "Come here Draco." Draco paled as he made his way over to him. The Dark Lord motioned towards Adelaide and growled, "Crucio." 

The red light quickly darted out of his wand, striking Adelaide. She tried not to, but a pained scream escaped her lips as the curse coursed through her body, every nerve in her body being burned and ever bone being compressed harshly. He released the spell after a few moments, leaving her gasping on the floor and crying, her rib in complete agony.

The Dark Lord smiled, pleased with the punishment, "If you hesitate on my orders again or fail me in any way Draco, I will go straight to Adelaide and punish her. Do you understand me?"

 He waved off Bellatrix and Fenrir, who quickly disapparated and he followed quickly leaving Draco, Narcissa, Perseus, and Adelaide in the Manor.

Draco ran up to Adelaide who was still on the floor, clutching her side painfully. His eyes were filled with worry. 

Perseus pushed Draco out of the way, "Don't you dare take another step closer towards my sister. Stay away from her."

Adelaide tried to calm Perseus, but the pain in her abdomen with the pinches of the Cruciatus Curse still traveling through her nerves kept her desperately gasping for air on the floor in incredible pain.

Narcissa quietly walked up to Perseus, resting her arm on his shoulder, "I'll heal her quickly. She'll be ok." Perseus glared one last time at Draco before kneeling next to Adelaide.

Narcissa hesitantly looked up at Adelaide, "You definitely have a broken rib, it's going to hurt to fix it, ok?" 

Adelaide nodded quickly. Narcissa took a deep breath as she casted a spell to snap her rib back in place. Adelaide cried as she felt the rib move back. Draco stared down in horror, feeling utterly responsible for her pain.

Narcissa paused for a moment, "I have to heal the muscles too, once that's over you'll feel a lot better ok?" Adelaide nodded again.

She casted the spell and Adelaide managed to stay silent, but once it was over she could feel the color restoring to her face and the pain disappearing.

She gasped in relief, Perseus hesitantly helping her up from the floor.

Narcissa quickly made her way out of the room. Once she was gone, Adelaide looked up at Draco and at Perseus who looked like he was about to launch himself at Draco, "Please, I'm fine. I'm ok." 

Draco furrowed his brow and scolded, "What do you mean you're ok? You're not ok."

Perseus seethed, "Damn right you're not okay. I'm taking you home now." He took a step towards Draco and hissed, "And did you not hear me? I said stay away from her, that includes not talking to her unless I say so."

Adelaide pulled at Perseus's sleeve, "Perseus, stop it. It isn't his fault."

Perseus glared at her, "If he screws this up it's your neck on the line now. The only reason that is the case is because the Dark Lord knows his weakness for you. This is entirely his fault and it would do well for Draco to focus solely on his task for the Dark Lord. Am I wrong?" he ripped his glare from her and leered at Draco.

Draco clenched his jaw, feeling the cold barrier beginning to rise, "He's right. I'll be returning to Hogwarts tomorrow alone to work on the cabinet." The Dark Lord knew exactly how to make him an obedient follower. He would do anything if it meant keeping Adelaide safe, even if it meant separating himself from her.

Perseus felt Philip's overwhelming memory glaring at him angrily for allowing Adelaide to suffer that sort of pain right in front of him. He would find Fenrir and tear him to pieces. He couldn't even look at Draco, he hated him more than anything. He couldn't keep his emotions in check and the Dark Lord could sense it, so now his little sister was in danger because of him

Adelaide knew there was no changing Perseus's mind, she glanced at Draco one last time before heading back to their Manor.

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