Light in the Darkness

De kslytherinz

26.4K 804 252

Adelaide Burke is the daughter of the cruel, pureblood Burke Family. She is expected to uphold the ideals and... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101

Chapter 70

171 6 2
De kslytherinz

Today was they day they were to go back to Hogwarts. Adelaide was nervous, Draco was nervous, and while Perseus didn't show it, he was nervous too.

"You can only transform back when you're in the Room of Requirement and when you come back home do you understand me Addie? Please don't get caught." Perseus grasped her shoulders tightly. He wondered if Philip would be doing more to protect her. Would he just send her off like this? He constantly compared himself to Philip, even more so after his death. He didn't want to disappoint him or Adelaide.

Adelaide nodded, "Yes, I know. I'll be fine Perseus, I won't get caught. I promise." she assured him. She could tell he was incredibly stressed about the task at hand. Fixing a Vanishing cabinet was tricky business. There was no sure timeline, but they knew it had to be before the year ended.

She especially felt pained that Philip wasn't there to look after him. He claimed he didn't need help, but Philip protected him too in a way, it was just more subtle.

She hugged Perseus one last time and headed out the door. Draco looked even more pale than he usually was which was a stark contrast to his black suit. He was incredibly tense and on edge, especially as the day to go to Hogwarts approached. In front of people he did his usual I-was-chosen-for-this-I'm-fine attitude, but when it was just him and Adelaide, he let his sadness slip through.

They talked about it often, everyone else wanted him to just use the Killing Curse and get it over with. Dumbledore obviously wouldn't be killed so easily, that's why it was the plan to get the Death Eaters in the castle. She didn't want Draco to see it happen, he wasn't a killer.

She remembered a cursed necklace they had in the shop, it was gorgeous, but one touch would drop a person stone cold dead, it was clean, it wasn't messy they could deliver it to Dumbledore with no trace. There was also a poison they had in the shop, it wasn't as clean, but again, Draco wouldn't have to witness Dumbledore dying, which was ultimately what she wanted for him. As morbid as it sounded, she would help enough in a way that it seemed like they were both killing Dumbledore together and it wasn't just him. He could keep his soul intact.

Draco insisted he could use the Killing Curse, that he was strong enough. He told her he didn't like Dumbledore anyway, he would tell her the many things he hated about him. She knew it was his way of trying to build up the courage to do it. Eventually he would stop talking and just sit there in silence with such sad eyes.

There was a sharp snap and Adelaide felt a coldness surround her, she turned back towards the Manor and there stood the Dark Lord in front of her and Draco. It was the first time she had seen him since the night Philip had died. She was terrified he was going to kill her, she still was despite him giving her a task.

"Hello Draco, Adelaide." his snake-like voice sounded through the air.

They both bowed, keeping their gaze towards the ground.

"You both know the plan, I don't care how, I want Dumbledore dead. Adelaide is lucky I'm giving her another chance after her horrendous failure previously which resulted in the death of her brother and my only son." she felt her soul begin to crack into shards, she couldn't show how scared she was, she couldn't cry, she couldn't allow her hands to shake, she had to just stay still. She hadn't thought much of the fact that Philip was the Dark Lord's son. She never spoke to her parents, so she didn't know anymore details about the matter. She didn't want to know, she shoved it into a box and ignored it.

"I never give second chances. I hope you understand one more slip up will not bode well for either of you, especially you Adelaide." He lifted his wand towards Adelaide and she braced herself for the Cruciatus Curse, but after a tense silence, he lowered his wand and laughed, disapparating from the grounds.

Draco visibly shuttered, grasping desperately for her hand, if there was any color in his face before that it was gone now. Adelaide held tightly onto his hand as well, swallowing the cry that was sitting deeply in her throat.

Narcissa took a short breath, motioning for Addie to transfigure and Draco to prepare to apparate to King's Cross. As they arrived to the busy station Adelaide lightly followed Draco, avoiding being stepped on by anyone on the busy platform.

His mother kissed him goodbye, hugging him for a bit longer than necessary. She bent down and pet Adelaide's head, she could see the tears beginning to well up in her eyes before she looked up to Draco again, "Take care of her ok?" he nodded and she disapparated.

Draco looked down at Adelaide and awkwardly scooped her up, boarding the train. He set her down next to him on the seat and began putting his bags on the compartment shelves.

Pansy Parkinson was the first one to enter the compartment where Draco was, "Mind if I sit next to you?" she smiled.

Adelaide sat defensively in the seat, piercing her cat eyes into Pansy's soul. Draco scoffed, "Can't you see Lucia's sitting there? You can sit somewhere else."

Adelaide realized over the past weeks that when she transfigured, anytime she was remotely content she would automatically start purring. She affectionately rubbed her head on Draco's arm as Pansy wrinkled her nose, "You're seriously letting a cat take up an entire seat?"

Draco, growing defensive, "The cat is far better company."

Pansy huffed, of course, sitting directly across from him. Blaise shuffled in, sitting next to Pansy, eyeing Lucia curiously.

"Is that..Lucia?" he asked suspiciously.

Draco grew tense, "Yes. I took her after.." his voice trailed off as he stared out the window.

Adelaide felt so guilty, she forgot everyone knew about her and Draco's relationship from last year. They probably thought he knew about her being a Death Eater or was bewitched by her, either way it was probably humiliating.

Suddenly, the compartment filled with black smoke, Draco shot up from his seat staring around and everyone began to panic. Adelaide could see a cloaked outline wading through the black smoke, standing on the table and climbing up towards the bag rack over the table.

"It's okay boys, it's just a stupid prank. Come sit down Draco, we'll be at Hogwarts soon." Pansy cooed as Draco stared frantically around.

He glanced down at Adelaide suspiciously and made his way back to the seat.

"Hogwarts..what a pathetic excuse of a school. Think I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy Tower if I thought I'd have to continue for another two years."

Pansy leaned in, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Draco smirked, "Let's just say I don't think I'll be wasting my time in Charms Class next year."

Adelaide, beginning to panic because someone was listening in, bit Draco's hand causing him to swear, "What the hell was that for?"

Blaise sniggered, causing Draco to snap his head up, "Amused Blaise? We'll see who's laughing in the end."

Adelaide bit him again, "What is your problem?" Draco growled.

Adelaide looked up towards the bag compartment and as Draco looked up, he saw one of the bags shift slightly.

Draco finally understood what was happening, he shut his mouth, staring out the window. Blaise fell asleep and Pansy sat silently with a longing expression towards Draco that made Adelaide infuriated.

Pansy cut through the silence, "Why'd you take your crazy ex-girlfriend's cat anyways Draco?"

Adelaide dug her claws into the train seat, staring aggressively at Pansy.

"Pansy, for once in your life how about you mind your own damn business?" Draco snarled clenching his fist, causing her to sink back into her seat and drop the subject.

Adelaide saw Viola walk into the compartment. She saw Draco and her eyes turned sad, she looked down and teared up, "You brought Lucia?"

The corner of Draco's mouth turned up slightly as he nodded. Viola scooped Adelaide up and sat down next to Draco, petting her softly.

Pansy rolled her eyes, "Not you too with that bloody cat." Viola ignored Pansy and whispered to Draco, "How are you doing?"

He snapped at her, "How do you think I'm doing?"

Adelaide glared up at Draco.

She tensed up, "Right..I'm sorry. That was a stupid question. I just, I miss her."

She could see Draco's shoulders relax, "I know, I'm sorry I do too." Adelaide felt elated seeing Pansy's expression turn sour, "That's why I brought Lucia. If you want, I'm sure she wouldn't mind staying in your dormitories."

Viola smiled, resting her hand gratefully on Draco's arm, "Thank you." she picked the cat off her lap and placed it in the seat before leaving the compartment.

As they pulled up to the station, Draco stayed in his seat. He looked down at Adelaide and said, "Go with Blaise, I'll be in, in a bit. I just have to check something."

Adelaide, feeling slightly uneasy, jumped off the seat and hesitantly followed Blaise, ensuring Pansy left as well. She jumped on his shoulder, causing him to curse, "Oh hell no, Draco did not bring you here for me to babysit you, get off Lucia." She irritably jumped off, continuing towards the castle. She made her way to Draco's belongings by the gate. She curled up on his luggage case by the torch up and waited for him to return.

Seeing how upset everyone was of her absence made her heart ache so badly. Especially Viola, she missed Viola so much over the summer. Pansy thinking Draco was readily available now that Adelaide was technically not there was annoying her severely.

Draco stormed up to his belongings as Filch began searching through it. "What's this cane doing here?" Filch grumpily asked. Draco snatched it out of his hands, "It's not a cane, you cretin. It's a walking stick."

Filch began to reach for the bag Adelaide knew had the cursed necklace and she hissed at him, swatting his hand. He jumped back, "Get your cat under control!"

Draco scoffed, "Control your hands and I'll control the cat. Why are you searching my belongings anyway?"

Professor Snape swooped in and dismissed Filch, motioning for the Elves to bring his stuff up to his room. He then turned around without saying a word and left.

Seeing as no one was around them anymore, Adelaide transfigured back into herself, "I hate this already." she smoothed out her clothes and her hair. Draco looked questionably at Adelaide, "Yeah, it's kind of freaking me out not going to lie." she punched his arm lightly, "Shut up."

"Also, bite me again and we'll have some problems." Draco grumbled, tenderly rubbing his hand.

"Sorry, someone snuck onto the compartment and was listening in. Did you figure out who it was?"

Draco tensed up and nervously looked over at Adelaide, "It was just some stupid first year snooping. I set him straight."

Adelaide breathed a sigh of relief, she was worried it was someone trying to spy on Draco. She rested her head on Draco's shoulder in the dark for a few minutes. He checked his watch, "I have to head over to the Great Hall. Did you want to come?" she groaned, but nodded, switching back to her Animagus.

They made their way down the hallway and into the Great Hall. Draco sat down and Adelaide stayed on the floor by his feet. He carefully placed his plate on the floor with Adelaide's favorite foods, giving her a sweet smile.

Suddenly, the hall quieted down and Dumbledore began his usual speech. She saw Draco immediately tense up, and a look of pure guilt crossing his face. Her heart broke as Dumbledore spoke about evil forces penetrating the castle and how Hogwarts' only defense was the students who chose to be on the good side.

He stared sadly as everyone got up around him and began to leave. Adelaide hopped up to the bench next to him and lovingly rubbed her head against his leg. He wasn't an "evil force" trying to penetrate the castle. He was terrified, just trying to survive and protect the people he loved, like any person would.

He looked down sadly at Adelaide's piercing eyes and gave her a weak smile, getting up and leaving the Great Hall. She trailed gently beside him, like a shadow.

As they entered the Common Room, Draco sat down on the couch. Adelaide jumped onto the arm of the chair, curling up by the fire. He was quieter than usual as their friends talked and laughed. He gazed into the fire, withdrawing himself from the conversation; it broke Adelaide's heart. She rested her head on his hand, causing him to snap out of his trance and smile at her.

Adelaide, growing tired, jumped down from the couch, entering the Girl's Dormitory. She jumped up on her old bed and curled up on the pillow, falling asleep.


The next day, Draco and Adelaide made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast. He sat down, placing a few sausages on a plate and putting it on the bench next to him. As they ate, Draco whispered, "I have NEWT Potions this morning, could you check the Vanishing Cabinet and get a baseline for how damaged it is?"

Adelaide nodded her head and nearly jumped when Blaise sat down across from Draco, "Not only are you bringing Lucia with you wherever you go, now you're talking to her? Draco, this is starting to get pathetic. If you keep it up you'll be like Filch with Mrs. Norris."

Draco scowled, "I wasn't talking to Lucia, Blaise. I was reading my schedule."

Blaise's amused expression turned serious as he looked around to make sure no one was listening in, "I know you miss her Draco. It's ok to miss her. We all do."

Draco swallowed, getting up from his seat, "I have Potions."

Adelaide gave Blaise a look before following Draco out of the Great Hall. He looked down at Adelaide, "You know where it is, I'll meet with you later."

Adelaide paused in the middle of the hallway as Draco continued on to his class, which didn't start for another twenty minutes. She knew he just wanted some time alone and wasn't going to push him. She made her way up to the seventh floor and once inside the Room of Requirement, changed back. She hated being an Animagus.

She walked through the room and after a while, came across a large object covered by a large cloth. She ripped it down and sure enough, the Vanishing Cabinet was there. It looked exactly like the one from Borgin and Burkes that she grew up using.

She surveyed the outside of it and inside. There didn't seem to be any physical damage, that was good at least. Apparently, last year, Graham Montague was shoved in and was stuck in it for quite a long time before he was able to apparate out of it. He's lucky he didn't die, but Adelaide could figure out from there that the Vanishing Cabinet was completely out of synch with the one in Borgin and Burkes, that was at least a month of constant spellwork to fix. Then, she had to assess the errors with the cabinet itself. Lastly, there was fine tuning to make sure it was acceptable to transport living things.

She rested her hand on the cabinet, it took her quite a while to reach the internal magic of it. It was definitely on the lower side of power, that wasn't a good thing. That would require at least three months of constant spellwork to replenish it. She was already up to four months at the very least and that didn't account for the other half of what she needed to do. She decided not to prolong any updates, she scribbled down her assessment, making sure to highball the estimates.

She performed many diagnostic spells on the cabinet and put it through a sequence of testing. After about two and a half hours, she heard a loud noise and she turned around to see Draco who'd just knocked down a set of teacups and shattered them across the floor.

She giggled, "Graceful, Draco."

He waved his wand and the teacups fixed themselves and went back to the counter. She noticed he looked like a wreck. His hair was messy, his robes were disheveled and his right arm sleeve was rolled up sloppily.

"My goodness Draco, you look like a wreck. What happened?"

He mumbled, "Thanks for that observation, Addie." plopping himself exhaustively onto the couch, "Potions, the Professor wanted us to make Draught of the Living Death."

Adelaide winced, she used to make the potion in huge patches for the shop. It was a nightmare to perfect, so she now understood Draco's appearance.

"The Professor made a bet that the student who could make a perfect draft would get a vial of Felix Felicis, I thought it could help our task, but it obviously didn't work out." she sat next to him, fixing his messy platinum blonde hair and resting her head on his shoulder, "I don't suppose you know how to make Felix Felicis, do you?" he asked whimsically.

"I tried multiple times, but couldn't get it right. One of the very few I can't actually brew." she frowned. She saw Draco's eyes, he looked tired. She didn't think he was getting much sleep, which wasn't good. They had a long year ahead of them, she had to do as much as she could to keep his spirits high if they were both going to make it through this.

"However, if you show me your textbook, I'll write some notes in it. Most of those textbooks are rubbish, Potion Masters don't want people to be able to make their potion exactly, so they alter it in the textbooks."

Draco furrowed his brow, "Seriously?"

Adelaide nodded, "Either that or give vague instructions." she held her hand out and he handed her, his book. She flipped through the pages and began writing some notes in the margins, adjusting certain quantities and techniques, giving recommendations she found made the brewing process easier. She did this for about an hour while he napped on her shoulder. Once she had adjusted all his potions, she wrote little love notes and placed them randomly in certain pages for him to find.

She checked the time, he had fifteen minutes until his Ancient Runes class. She softly grabbed his hand to wake him up and handed him the Potions textbook.

"I'll have to head back home and fill Perseus in on the condition of the Vanishing Cabinet. I'll be back in two weeks. Are you ok with everything? You know the spell to mend it?"

He nodded his head and sleepily kissed her. She cupped his face and stared into his eyes for a few moments.

Sad, scared, tired, cold

"I love you Draco."

Sad, scared, tired, warm

"I love you too."

She rested her forehead on his and prayed it would somehow transfer strength or comfort to him. After a few moments she got up and transfigured, following Draco out of the Room of Requirement. She walked beside him to his way to Ancient Runes and then turned around, making her way out of the castle.

She pranced into the Hogsmeade Village, right outside of the Hogwarts grounds. She found a quiet corner, transfiguring back to herself and apparating to Diagon Alley.

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