ONE - [How I met you]

Beginne am Anfang

After a few minutes we're arrived at Kim's Mansion. She going out from the car and goes to her bedroom.

[Next Day]

She going out from her Mansion around 6:30PM , without any person with her. I watched her from afar, she dressed up herself beautifully and charmingly but that was not my main goal. She also did not tell me where she's will going. What? Ofcourse Ill be worried. But I believe on her this time, she promised me to take care of herself well, so yah for this time.

I went back to the office for some things to do.

This is my first date ever , I never went out without Lisa. She is always with me. But this time it was different, I was going to try something new, I'm going to the date!

Kai waiting for me in front of my Mansion, he gave me a bouquet of flowers when I approached him with a smile and handed me to go inside his car.

We arrived at a fancy restaurant in the middle of the City. He gently hold my hand going out from the car and walked to inside of the restaurant and sit on his booking single table.

The atmosphere is very beautiful and romantic, the beautiful view of the city that started to shine from the night light, brightened up our dinner.

"What do you want to eat?", He asked while look at me.

"Anything", I replied while smile at him. He nodded and order steak dishes with wine. I'm not used with alcohol, because Lisa always doesn't allow it, maybe i could try this time.

After we're finished with dinner, I felt a little dizzy and tipsy. Maybe because of that alcohol, I drank too much , only this time, that's taste good tho, why not.

"Are you okay?", He giggled while hold my hand. I just let him to touch me, I have no energy to fight back. I nodded like stupid while smile widely and stand up when he said we're gonna leave to home now.

Someone accidentally shrugged Kai's shoulder cause he groaned and complaint.

"Who the fuck just hit my shoulder?", He annoyed while look at the person who just walked away.

"Dont mind, please send me home now", I spoke with my tipsy tone. He nodded drive away the car untill arrived at unknown place. I frowned my eyebrows and asked him.

"This is not my house, Kai", He laughed a bit and lead me to go out and go inside the hotel.

"Lets take a rest here tonight",He spoke again. I just nodded as yes when my head totally hurt and everything going black.

I smirked and carry her in bridal style going straight to the hotel room. I put her on the bed and take off her clothes. She has a super sexy and admire body. I am the stupid person if I squander this opportunity to taste her body as well. I lick my lips and was about to unclasp her bra, someone tapped my back cause me to turn my back and got a hard punch and triple kick on my tummy untill blood came out of my mouth.

"How dare you!", deep tone while look at my eyes with anger eyes.

"Pl...please.. , let.. me go!!", I spoke with breathless begging to be released from gripped.


She spoke with her deep tone while still choked my neck. I nodded quickly.

"Go away you bastard!", she shoot my eyes with her super anger eyes. I stood up quickly while shaking and run away.

I felt something not right when I saw that guy take Jennie away with him. So I decided to followed them everywhere, as well as when in a restaurant. I gripped my fist tightly when saw Jennie hold a cup of alcohol and drink it away. This is not her used.So my hunch stated not wrong, something bad will happened. I was rushing going out from the restaurant following them and shugged his shoulder before go to my car. As soon as I arrived at this hotel I saw Jennie was about to half naked infront of that bastard and unconscious. I gritted my teeth tightly and swing my punch on his face untill he begged to release.

"Go away you bastard", I spoke with my deep voice.

He ran away. I stood up and quickly cover Jennie's top with my jacket, release a deep sighed before carry her to my car and going back to her house.

Thankfully when we're arrived at her home, Kim's was not at there, I took her straightly into the room and lay down the tiny body on the bed slowly but suddenly she opened her eyes.

"Liii", spoke the kitten when I about to going out from her room.

"Take a rest... I will going home",

She hold my wrist to stop my steps and turn my body to her. She still looks a bit tipsy. Should I get mad at you or what? You just endanger yourself without me on your side. You almost get touched by a useless man who you really trust very much. That's really give me a tension. But I can't going harsh with you, I staring at her hand coldly.

"Stay with me Li", she spoke softly with a bit begged. I sat on the edge of the bed while still look at her. She pushed me softly on bed and sit on my top, kiss my lips without say anything. I widened my eyes and tried to against her. She lock my arms on side while sucking my upper and lower lips with closed her eyes.

Does she feels she is stronger than me?

I thought when she just hold my both hand with her tiny fingers. I pulled out the kissing.

"J what are you doing", I looked curious at her.

"Lisa I want you~", replied the kitten while grinding on me slowly.

Fuck! This is not her.

She pushed her slightly.

p/s; don't forget to vote and comments for the next chapter ❤️ i can't wait to publish the whole story to u guys soon 🙊🔞🤧

My Bodyguard [ JENLISA FF ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt