Chapter 31

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(Pic of Zack on the side)

Tomorrow we leave for London....and I still haven't told my boyfriend, Zack.

He came back from his family holiday late last night and is coming over to my house at 10am. It is now 9:55am and I am shitting bricks.

What is he going to say? What am I even going to say to him? I thought as I absentmindedly walked around the kitchen getting myself some breakfast.
I just finished buttering a slice of toast when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap gently around my waist. I turned my head slightly and gave him a small smile.

"Hey Zack" I said, trying to keep my nerves under control. "Hey Erin" he replied into my neck sounding muffled. "how was your trip?" I asked stepping out of his arms and making my way over to the table. "it was fine" he smiled, "it would have been better with you there though" he winked and sat across from me. "I have something to tell you" I blurted out not looking up at him. "what is it?" He asked worriedly grabbing my hand that lay on the table beside my plate of uneaten toast.

", I'm moving" I said still not looking up at him. "what!? Where?" He asked. "well..the girls and I are moving to London" I said, "when?" He replied, "um...tomorrow", once I said this I finally looked up at him. He had sadness and loss in his eyes. He slowly pulled him hand from mine, as he did this I saw the sadness and loss disappear and be replaced with anger and confusion. "How long have you known?" He asked, "about two months" I replied. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He said with a stern voice. "well you weren't here for the last two weeks". "Ya! Two weeks! That's only two weeks out of fuckin six! You had four other weeks to tell me!" He said standing up now and angrily looking down on me. "I'm sorry" I said in a small voice, " 'I'm sorry' " he said mocking me, "sorry my ass!". "I didn't know how to tell you!" I said scared nearly on the verge of tears. "You were well capable of telling me and you know it!... You know what? We 're done." he said making his way to the door. "No please!" I said running after him. "You know what? I feel bad for you. you know why?" He asked, I shook my head, "because you have no man to run to now, while I have a great babe that I meet on holidays and ya we hooked up and I'm glad we did because your a lying bitch" he said slowly stepping towards me as he spoke. My heart just felt like it had shattered into a billion pieces. How could he have done this to me!? Wait......"well it's a good thing I cheated on you too isn't it" I said with a slight smirk remembering, "what?" He said now only a few inches away from me, "ya, I cheated on you! With someone that is at least ten times better than you and while you run off to your skank I have all my friends and a boy to look after me." I said, before I knew it he had raised his hand and slapped me hard across the face but I didn't have any time to feel any pain before he punched me straight in the stomach. He then tightly grabbed my wrists and pushing me against the wall pinning my hands above my head. I was crying now, I tried to stay strong but could you blame me?

"Don't you ever! Talk to me like that bitch, you hear me?" He said angrily. This was a whole different side to him. Id never seen him so angry before. I quickly nodded in response. He let go of my wrists and stormed out the door slamming it behind him.

I slid down the wall onto the ground and pulled out my phone. With shaking hands I quickly dialled Davina's number. She picked up after the third ring. "hey gurl" she cheerily said into the phone. I didn't respond, instead I let out a loud sob. "I'll be there in 5 minutes with ice cream and sad movies don't go anywhere" she said before hanging up the phone.

As she said, five minutes later Davina showed up at my door with a few plastic bags in her hands. She dropped them at the door when she saw me, still sitting there on the floor.
"Oh no" she said walking over to me. "c'mon let's go to the couch" she said giving me a hand up. I walked over to the couch as she went back to grab all the bags of stuff she brought. She put them on the floor beside the couch. "you do realise you called the worst person to comfort you right?" She said with a slight laugh at the end," I am the worst person to have around in these situations." I let out a small laugh, "I know..... but I just needed my best friend right now"

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