Chapter 39

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They all leave for tour tomorrow. And I still haven't confronted Niall about the other night. I asked him if he remembered anything of that night and he said he just remembers going out to a bar after being in the studio and going home. Nothing else.

Michael keeps telling me that I need to talk to him but I think I'm just gonna forget about it. He was drunk... he didn't know what he was saying.

Right now I'm in Michael and Luke's room helping them pack. And by helping them I mean lying on Luke's bed singing along to 5sos songs that im blasting through my phone.

"Erin can you please turn that off?" Luke pleaded. "Why?" I chuckled, "do you not like to hear you own songs?". "No I hate it. I get to listen to how crap it is" he said trying to grab my phone off me and turn off the song.

"'COS I NEED TO FIND YOU, IS ANYBODY THERE WHO CAN RESCUE, SOMEBOD-" I shouted with the music before Michael grabbed the phone and turned off the music. "awww i was enjoying that" i complained. "Luke can you get off me now?" i asked looking down at him. He lay across my body from when he tried to reach the phone. "No its ok, you're actually quite comfortable" he said as he hugged my waist. "ok, fine then" i said mischievously.

I took a huge deep breath before , "HEELLPPPPP MEEEEE, HELP ME SOMEBODY". A few seconds later, Calum, Ashton, Liam, Harry, Louis and Niall all burst through the door. A chorus of "Whats wrong!?", "What happened?" and "I'll bate the bastered " came as they all started looking around the room. Niall and Ashton were the only ones who came prepared if someone was actually trying to kill me. Niall had a golf club and Ashton... had his drumsticks.

The three of us burst out laughing, Michael was on the floor and Luke and I both had tears in our eyes, "Ash-Ashton" i tried to talk but I was laughing too hard. "Seriously, your drumsticks" i managed to say before I burst out laughing again. "Well sorry, they were the first thing I saw!" He defended. "Why were you screaming?" Niall asked worriedly. "Oh Luke wont get off me" I said like it was obvious. They all groaned in response, "Really? you screamed out bloody murder because Luke wont get off you?" Liam asked. I nodded innocently. They all looked at each other before Liam turned back to face me with a smirk on his face, "I guess theres only one thing left to do" and within 2 seconds everyone had piled up on top of me.

"I CANT BREATH" I gasped trying to get air into what felt like crushed lungs. I didn't know how I was still alive! I had 7 fully grown men on top of me and Luke!

"Ok I think she has gotten her punishment" Liam chuckled and they al slowly fell off me and onto the floor. I sat up and looked at all of them, chuckling and smiling at each other. Then a huge wave of emotion hit me, "I'm gonna miss you guys so much" i said starting to tear up. "Aww Erin don't cry" Luke said sitting down on the bed beside me and wrapping his arms around me.

He's very affectionate today? ...... must be his man period.

"I don't know what I'm gonna do without you all here?" I mumbled embarrassed because I was basically breaking down in front of them. "It's ok we'll call you every single day" Michael said taking my hand. "Promise?" i sniffled I looked around at all the boys and my eyes landed on Niall's. "We promise" they all chorused except Niall but he mouthed an "I promise" .



I stayed at the boys house last night because I wanted to say goodbye before they left and since they're leaving for the airport at 7am i decided there was no point in going home and coming back so early.

"WE'RE GOING BACK ON TOUR TODAY" I heard Louis scream through the halls, "WAKE UP COME ON LETS GO!"

I heard Michael groan from beside me and I nearly jumped out of my skin.


"I guess we should all go to bed, we have to wake up early tomorrow" Ashton said with a yawn. I was pretty tired considering it was nearly 1 in the morning. "Erin you can sleep in my bed if you want and I'll take the couch?" Niall suggested. I was already lying on the couch because we just watched a movie so I was pretty comfortable and way to lazy to walk up stairs. "No I'm fine here, I'm comfy and you need a proper bed before you go go back to a tour bus tomorrow" I said snuggling deeper into the couch and closing my eyes. "you sure" he asked. i replied with a quiet "mmhmm" before falling into darkness.


"NO NO ST-" I woke up to a nightmare. I cant even remember what it was about but whatever it was scared me enough to make me shake and sweat. Before I knew it, Michael rushed into the room and was by my side before you could say banana. "hey hey hey its ok" he said soothingly while rubbing my back. "Thanks Mikey" I said after a few minutes with my breathing back to normal. "You ok now?" he asked worriedly "ya thanks" i smiled at him before he stood up to make his way upstairs "If you need anything just call ok?" he said. i nodded. he smiled before turning away.

As he reached the first step of the stairs i called "Hey mike?". he turned around like a dog to a whistle, "ya?" he questioned. "ca-can i sleep in your bed with you tonight?" I asked embarrassed. he smiled "ya sure c'mon"


''Good morning sunshine" Michael smiled looking at me. "C'mon time to get up" I clapped my hands and got out of the bed. I stepped into the hall to see Harry and Liam talking with smiles on their faces. "Hey boys, you excited?" I asked. This only made their smiles grow even more which I didn't think possible. "Im so excited!" Harry said and Liam nodded. "Well while all of you are getting ready to leave I'm gonna go make ye breakfast" I stated as I made my way down the stairs.

I made a good ole' Irish Sunday fry up........... mainly because thats all I know how to make. I made sausages, fried eggs, toast, grilled tomatoes, some rashers and baked beans.

"FOOD" I shouted up the stairs after I had plated them all up with equal shares. Next thing I know I'm hearing a thunder of feet run down the stairs. "ERIN IT SMELLS LIKE HOME" I heard Niall shout as he entered the dining room. I laughed and everyone tucked in. Nothing was exchanged during the meal other than a few "this is so good" 's and "thank you" 's.


7am came too quickly.

I was not emotionally or physically prepared for these boys to leave me for 5 more months.

All the suitcases were pre-packed into the cars last night so we had more time to say goodbye in the morning. "Goodbye Erin, we'll miss you but we'll call all the time" Ashton said as he hugged me followed by Luke, Liam, Calum, Harry and Louis. Michael was next to pull me into a big bear hug. "I'll see you soon ok? I'll call or text anytime I can" He said into my hair. "Bye Mikey" I mumbled into his chest. Over the time I have met Michael we have just been growing closer and closer and I basically consider him as one of my best friends that I can tell anything too.

We let go, he gave me a small wave and smile before going outside and joining everyone in the car.

Last was Niall. The one I was dreading. He did as the others did, he pulled me into a bear hug. "I'm gonna miss you" He said into my ear. "I'm gonna miss you too" i said. I could feel the tear rolling down my checks. He pulled back and gently rubbed the tears off my cheeks with his thumb not taking his eyes off my own. "I'm sorry we didn't get to spend much time together in the past few weeks" he apologised. 'It's fine, I totally understand. You know with the whole Zayn thing and all it was to be expected." I replied. "Can I kiss you?" he asked after a moments silence. In response I pressed my lips to his. The cliché feeling of butterflies and sparks returning after what felt like forever. We pulled apart, smiles on our faces, "I love you don't forget that" he mumbled pecking my lips again, "I love you too" I replied.

And they were gone.

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