Chapter 34

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A/N: ok guys so i have a question for you..and its related to Zayn leaving, I know very sad.. I cried for 2 days straight... but I was wondering wether or not i should delete him from this fanfic or leave him in it or even have him leave 1D in this and have eveyones reactions or something...

Also should i leave Louis and Eleanor together or should they break up like they did in real life? (I know very sad as well ):)

so tell me in the comments in what I should do because I am completely torn (..see what i did there? no? ok...carry on), please help.

love Er xx

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"Hello" Simon said with a small smile. "Niall, would you like to intoduce me to this young lady?" he said looking at Niall now. "Oh um ya Simon this is Erin, Erin this is Simon" he said as he placed his hand the small of my back. "Ah so this is the Erin you are always talking about" Simon said walking forward and extending his hand for me to shake. I looked Niall who was now looking at the floor and very noticable red cheeks. "Nice to meet you Mr. Cowell" i said looking back at him while i shake his hand. "Oh please call me Simon only people who work for me who I dislike have to call me Mr.Cowell" he chuckled while putting his hand back by his side. "Now if you will excuse me I need a glass of water from the kitchen" he winked at me before dissapearing behind a door to my left. I turned and looked at Niall, "'ve been talking about me?" I teased, he looked back down at the ground and started blushing again. "Uh ya, can I not tell people about the best person in my life that I have also known my whole life?" he says grabbing my waist and finally looking up from the ground down into my eyes.

"I hope you didnt tell them anything embarressing!" I said poking his chest. He just smirked at me, let out a soft chuckle and followed Simon through the door to what Im guessing is the kitchen. If I find out that boy told them any of my many embarressing stories from when we were young he has another thing comin'. I think he forgot that he has way more embarressing stories than me.

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"Niall I better go home" I said breaking the silance between us. It was 10pm and Michael, Harry, Luke, Calum and Ashton were all sitting on the floor playing a game on the X-BOX, Niall and I were on the couch behind them, Niall sitting up with my head rested on his lap. We watched the guys shouting at each other as Niall was playing aroung with my hair. Liam, Louis and Zayn were all gone to spend time with their girlfriends before they go back on tour. "Whyyy?" Niall whined, "because i still have some unpacking to do and this is your first night here in a while, you should spend time with the guys" i replied as i sat up and looked around the room for my bag and phone from where I was sitting. "Bu-but please dont go I see them all the time anywhy!" Niall said in a childish voice and pouting. "No!" i chuckled. "Fine, at least let me drive you home" he said standing up and offering me his hand. "Sure" I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I saw my bag and phone both laying on the Love seat from where I left them after i brought then back down from Nialls room earlier. I grabbed them and Niall grabbed his car keys before we walked out the door.

We drove back tp my apartment singing along to 'Im not the only one" by Sam Smith. It was hilarious seeing Niall try to hit the high notes, he would scruch up his face trying to keep his eyes open so he could see where he was going. We pulled into the parking lot and Niall turned off the car. I got out and noticed so did he,"what are you doing?" i asked as i shut the car door. "Im inviting myself in" he shut his own door and started walking towards the building. I followed him until he got to my apartment door. I unlocked the door and we both went inside. "Nice place" Niall said as he sat down on my brown leather couch. "thanks" i said sitting down beside him and looking at the big living room that connected onto the kitchen and dining area. "Would you not get lonely. being here all by yourself?" he asked turning to me know. "Ya it does. Ive only been here 2 days but I already feel lonely because im used to the girls being around all the time" i said fiddling with my fingers.

"You should move in with me" Niall said with a big grin. "What? No! you live in a house with 8 other boys!" i exclaimed, "9 boys and 1 girl ha! not gonna happen my friend" I laughed. Imagine living with 9 boys! it would be horrible. "Then....I'm moving in here" Niall said, excitment clear in his tone. "Niall seriously?" i asked, i didnt know if he was completely serious or joking. He nodded and smiled. Ya i wouldnt mind a roomate, theres 2 bedrooms and each as its own bathroom so theres loads of room....

"i dont know Niall" i said unsure, "why not? it would be fun! it will be like those sleepovers we had all the time before i left except every night!" he seemed so excited about this, it did sound like fun but, "what are you going to tell the boys? what will they say?" i asked what if they think im taking him away from them, the might get mad.. "dont worry your pretty little head about them they'll understand, so.... can I?" He pleaded. I can resist the pout and the baby voice but when he makes his sky blue eys big and wide i always fall for the trap and he knows it. "FINE OK! You can move in" i crumbled. "Yay we're gonna be the best roomates ever!"

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