Chapter 14

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Ok we have been here 45 minutes and we haven't even made it through the front door. Ashton had to come out didn't he!

Maeve didn't faint but she did start screaming and hyperventilating but Niall told Ashton to calm her down.

So here we are sitting on the steps up to the front door,

Calum and Ciara laughing about something inappropriate, Luke is just looking at Davina who is trying to calm down in her car, oh wait now he is getting into the car, we this can't end well. hehehe

Maeve and Ashton are just laughing and joking around, as you do. while me and Niall are sitting on the streps laughing our asses off at how they were fainting, screaming and crying one minute to totally calm.

"So do you wanna go inside to the rest of the boys or do you want to stay out here and laugh?"

He said chuckling.

"Well I want food and I don't see anything edible out here so I'm going into the kitchen so you can do whatever"

I said standing up and walking through the door.

I walking into the kitchen and went straight to the press that Niall pulled out the Pringles yesterday.

"Oh my god! This is my heaven! Can I just live in here!?"

I asked, talking to myself.

I didn't realise Niall was in the kitchen until he burst into laughter. I turned around with various boxes of Pringles, kinder Bueno bars, malteasers, you name it, it was in my arms.


I asked Niall with a packet of malteasers stuffed in my mouth.

"Nothing..its just you haven't changed one bit"

He said with a smile. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued devouring all the food that was now sprawled across the island.Niall just stood there staring at me, probably thinking I'm a doesn't bother me, he's going back on tour soon so her wont have to see me anymore..

I looked over at him and once he saw me he looked to the floor, trying to hide his cheeks heating up. Why? Ugh this boy confuses me, one minute he never wants to make any contact with me and now he is blushing because i saw him looking at me,...strange boy.

By now all the food was gone and i cleaned up all the wrappers. Where are all the girls? I wondered, it has been at least 10 minutes since Niall and i left them and they haven't, well i didn't hear them, come in. I walked past Niall who was now on his phone being strangely quiet. Once i was at the front door, i only saw maeve and ashton there, laughing and oh my god he put his arm around her, awwww thats so cute. But sorry i have to disturb,

"Hey guys"

I said with a smile now standing behind them.


Maeve and ashton said at the same time both blushing. Aww they are so cute i gonna die!!

"Sorry to disturb...umm..this but where is everyone else?"

I said pointing back and forth between them which only made them blush more.

"Amm well davina and Luke went for a drive somewhere.."

She said winking at me,

"And Ciara and Calum went for a walk in that direction"

She said pointing towards the side of the house.

"Ooh Cal took her to the forestry, this should be interesting"

Ashton said with a cheeky smile, this is the first time I've heard him talk today, actually this is the first time I've heard any of the 5SOS lads talk today, and may i say I'm loving the accent.

"Ok thanks just wondering"

I said turning around and heading back into the house. I might as well say hi to the other boys because i haven't seen them all day. I walked into the living room and i guessed right, all lying on the couches and beanbags playing FIFA.

"Hey guys"

I said moving Harry's legs that were stretched along the couch so i could sit down.

"Hey babe"

Zayn said winking at me and then turning back to look at the screen.

They were having a very competitive game, and louis was really getting into it, he would stand up whenever he got near the goal and either jump up and down screaming if her scored or sat back down with a pout if he was really very funny to watch, and since Zayn wasn't playing, the two of us would burst into hysterics each time.

"Hey wheres Nialler?"

Zayn asked no one in particular, no one answered,

"I dont know? He was in the kitchen earlier, ill go look for him"

I said standing up.

"Ok well if he not there he's probably in his room, its upstairs and the 3rd door on your left"

He said turning back to a now pouting louis, i guess he missed again,

"Ok thanks"

I walked into the kitchen but it was empty so i decided to try and find the stairs, i walked back to the front door and played the tour that niall gave me yesterday back in my head. Ok so its down the main hall...ah ha here it is. I climbed the tall mahogany staircase. Once in the 2nd floor i followed zayn's instuctions,

'3rd door on your left'

I went down the hall and stopped at the third door. It was really quiet so i guess he isn't in there, i started to walk away when i heard a small whimper coming from behind the closed door. What the..?

I slowly opened the door and peeked in but i heard the whimper again but louder, it was coming from, what I'm guessing is the bathroom. I walked quietly over and the door was halfway open so i looked in and......

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