Chapter 9

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'Knock knock knock'

"I'll get it"

I heard Davina shout.

"Erin, Niall fricking Horan is standing here in your actual house!"

Maeve shouted running into my room. I had just finished getting ready, a baby blue crop top with believe on it written in white, white sweatpants and my blue vans. my hair was in a messy ponytail and I had light makeup on.

I took my phone off the charger, Maeve just stood there, staring at me,

"You do realise who he is right?"

Maeve said as we were walking down the stairs.

"Maeve he isn't famous to me, he was my best friend since birth! I told you this!"

I said walking into the kitchen, I grabbed a pack of double stuffed oreos and took about 10 out and put the now half empty packet back into the press. I walked into the living room, Davina Ciara and Niall were chatting away while siting on the comfy couches. Niall's back was to me so he didn't see me yet. I just sighed and walked over to the other side of the couch still eating my delicious treat.

"Hi Er"

Niall said looking at my with his piercing blue eyes.

"Are you ready to go?"

I asked trying to hide the nervousness and the urge to run up the stairs and hide under my covers and never come out.

He just nodded and stood up. He waved to the girls while walking towards the front door.

"Use protection"

Ciara shouted. I just shook my head, trying to hide my red cheeks, Niall burst out laughing while walking out the door. I soon followed after giving Ciara a death glare.

We got into his sleek black range rover and he started the car.

"Umm...sorry for....her"

I said giggling to myself.

"It's fine"

He chuckled

"That's nothing compared to what the boys say"

He said chuckling again.

"So where are we going?"

I asked while looking out the window, i really dont want to know what..they would say.

"I was thinking if it's ok we can go back to mine and the boys' house, they all went out for the night"

He said looking at me. I still didn't look at him,

"That's fine I guess"

There was an awkward silence the whole way there, the only sound was the car on the road and a random radio presenter talking about all the new taxes in Ireland. borrring

When we pulled up to their house my jaw dropped. it was huge! It was a very modern and new looking house. I knew it would have to be a big house to fit 5 teenage boys, but not this big!

Niall's chuckle broke me out of my trance, he was standing beside me holding the door open, waiting for me to get out of the car.

I got out mumbling a small thank you.

We made our way up to the front door and Niall pulled out his keys and unlocked the front door. I walked though the door and all I could manage to say was, Woah, This place is bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside!

Once you walk through the door you step into a high ceiling hallway with a large crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. to your left there is a very well furnished living room with a huge tv that had a collection of game consoles and games on a shelf under it, a long cream couch and multiple colourful beanbags lay in front of it.

When you walk through the living room you find yourself in the biggest kitchen I've ever seen. the first thing Niall does is walk over to a press and pull out a box of sour cream and onion Pringles. he opens the lid and leans against the counter while he puts one in his mouth, watching my reaction to the house. But all I can think about is those Pringles. sour cream and onion are my favourite.

"Umm...niall can I have one?"

I quietly asked him looking at the floor. he walked over and put the box on the counter in front of me. I quickly grabbed a handful remembering how aggressive Niall gets over his food.

"Are you still hungry?"

Niall asked with a smirk. he already knew the answer. Nothing has changed about me since he last saw me, I'm still always hungry. I quickly nodded in response,

"Ok I'll make some popcorn and then we can"

He said walking over to another of the many presses and pulled out a bag of microwave popcorn. he put the bag in the microwave and pulled out a big bowl from yet another press.

"You can go sit in the living room if- if you want, I'll be there in a minute"

He said looking back at the microwave.


I nervously replied before walking into the living room and plonking down on a green beanbag. I really don't want to talk with him, let alone be here with him but something deep inside me is telling me that I have to be here and to work this out, I guess it's right because I don't want to have sleepless nights from crying about him anymore, if we talk it through maybe I could actually sleep properly for the first time in 2 years.


Niall said walking into the living room with a large bowl of popcorn and a pack of oreos, eyes lit up at the sight of food, he chuckled and sat down on a blue beanbag moving it where if was right across from me so he could face me.

I grabbed a handful of popcorn, shoved it in my mouth and shoved in an Oreo right after, I don't care if I look like a pig in front of him, it's just Niall.

"So am can I just say that-"

He got interrupted by the front door opening,


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