Chapter 8

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I can't believe that she agreed to meet me, after all I've done, she still wants to talk.

I didn't mean to ignore her, I wanted to keep in contact as much as I could. I know what your thinking, ugh he's going to have the same old lame excuse, "too busy" or "management told me to delete anyway of contacting you" , but yes I was to busy and management did tell me to not contact Erin because if the fans knew about her they would send her so much hate and she could breakdown or do something to herself and I love her too much to let her do that, yes shocking I know, I love her, not friendly, proper love. Why wouldn't I? She's beautiful, she's funny and has an amazing smile, that seems to never leave her face, but she didn't smile when she saw me today, not even a small one.

I'm going to try explain everything tonight, well except the part about me loving her like that. I'm not ready and I'm sure she doesn't love me back, and I know she never will, I betrayed her and lied to her, why would she.

I pulled up outside her house, nothing has changed over the past few years, the grass freshly cut and the big 2 storey modern house still has a welcoming feel like I've always remembered. As I looked around the big area of grass I remember all the fun times we had there just laying out in the rare sun on a warm day or chasing each other playing tag.


"What do you want to be when your older?"

Erin asked me. we were 14 years old, lying on our backs on a old dark blue blanket that we lay out earlier that day.

Her hands lay on her stomach while she looked up at the fluffy white clouds floating overhead, I was doing the same but had my hands resting behind my head.

"I want to be a singer, sell out arenas, just share the music that I love to make all around the world"

I nearly whispered, no one knew I wanted this to happen, but I trust her and we tell each other everything and I knew she won't judge.

She turned on her side looking at me, I turned my head to look back at her. her bright green eyes showed a rare emotion....sadness. Ugh why did I say that? Wait why would she be sad? It's not like it's going to happen.

"What's wrong?"

I asked, she didn't answer, she just turned around, her back facing me, her shoulders started to shake. I heard a small cry.

I scooted over closer and wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me.

She turned around after a minute of trying to calm down. My arm still around her waist while we lay on the blanket, our faces inches away from each other, I saw her tear stained cheeks and softly ran my free thumb across it. the whole time we were staring into each other's eyes, me holding her, this felt so right, I never want to let her go. that's when I realised I really loved her, more than a friend.

"What's wrong? Did I say something?"

I asked again trying to get an answer from her.

"D-don't ever f-forget about me?"

She stuttered, breaking eye contact.

"Why would I ever forget about you? I'm not going anywhere?"

I lightly tilted her chin up so she was looking at me again,

"Niall, you don't get it, one day you will become famous, you are a great singer and a great person, anyone would want to sign you. that means tours and traveling, you would soon forget about me, and- and I j-just don't want that to happen" she said tears slowly streaming down her face.

I rubbed my thumb softly collecting them. how could I ever forget about her, she is my best friend, I could never do that.

"I would never forget about you, ever, you are my best friend, and even if my dream did come true, which I doubt, I wouldn't forget you because you would be right there with me, traveling with me because I can't be away from you"

I said tears now streaming down my face. Before I could wipe them away, Erin's soft hand cupped my cheek and collected the tears with her thumb. once she touched me I felt the burning stronger than ever.

"Really?, you would really bring me with you?"

She said with a smile creeping up on her lips.

"Of course I would"

I chuckled

"I promise"...


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