Chapter 17

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12 hours have gone by... 12 long agonising hours of not knowing what condition Niall is in. But mostly all I can think about is what Liam said,


"Why are you so calm! He is lying here nearly dead!?"

I shouted ignoring his question. He looked at me with sad eyes,

"H-he has done t-this before, but not b-because of the hate..."

He trailed off looking at the floor.

"Why did he do this before? Did something happen? Did a fan do something!?"

I asked more calmly now. Where the hell is that ambulance...

Liam sighed still looking at the stained tiles. I looked at harry but he was doing the same,

"Please tell me... I need to know"

I said putting my free hand under Liam's chin and tilting it up so he was forced to look at me. He sighed again but nodded his head.

"Niall made me, well us..."

He paused signalling to harry and himself,

"...promise that we would never tell a soul, especially not you.."

Why especially not me? I wondered

"Please Liam, he'll never know"

I said with pleading eyes

He just sighed and began to explain,

"Ok so this was actually about this time last year when he first did this.. He was upset, like really upset, well amm because....because of you"

He said looking at the floor again. What why!? What did i do?


Seriously what did I do? I didn't hurt him....he hurt me. he is the one who left me!

My thoughts got interrupted by Liam shaking my shoulder gently. I looked up and saw the doctor coming towards us, once I looked at his once completely white coat I had to turn away, it was now covered in red stains which I'm assuming is blood.

We stood up as he begin to talk,

"Are you here for Niall Horan?"

He asked stopping in front of us. we all nodded our heads not daring to trust our broken voices.

"Ok well he is alive and well he just had some minor blood transplant but his fine now, he is awake and wants to see someone called Erin? if that's ok"

He said while taking off the used gloves, as he said my name I looked at him slightly putting up my hand,

"Umm I'm Erin"

I croaked, my voice broken from the crying I have been doing,

"Well if you will follow me please, you two can wait here until she comes back if you wish"

He said pointing to Liam and Harry while turning and walking in the direction he came from. I looked at the boys once more and followed the doctor trough long white dull hallways until we reached a light wooden door.

"Here he is, I will be back soon to check on him"

He said walking away. I just stood in front of the door, to confused to go in, why did he want me and not the other boys? before I could process what I was doing I turned the handle of the wooden door and opened it enough for me to see inside.

Once I looked in I regretted it immediately, Niall lay there, tubes coming from his hands and nose which were connected to machines beside him. he just lay there with a blank expression. not wanting to bother him I started to close the door before I heard a noise, I looked at Niall and our eyes locked, he slightly moved his hand gesturing me to enter. I stepped into the room fully and closed the door behind me. My heart was beating so fast I'm surprised Niall can't hear it.

I just stood there at the door looking at the white ground.


Niall barely whispered making me look at him, he yet again gestured for me to come over. I slowly walked over standing beside to bed not taking my eyes off the floor, I knew if I looked at him, laying here like this, I would burst into tears. even though I'm mad at him I still care about him. I felt something cold cup my cheek until I realised t was Niall hand, I looked up from the floor and immediately met those blue eyes that I fell in love with only a few years ago.


He whispered again not taking his hand away from my cheek which was now warming up from my warm skin.


I whispered back not wanting to break the silence.


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