Chapter 32

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It's 7am. I have all my bags in Davina's car ready to go to the airport. We're leaving at 7:10am, but our flight doesnt actually take off until around 10am. It takes approximatly 50 minutes to get from my house to Dublin airport and that will be around 8am. It will take us about an hour and a half to get everything checked in, go through security and have a bite to eat. Then we have a half our wait.

I like to be organised when travelling.

"Earth to Erin" Niall said waving a hand infront of my face. I must have zoned out while ticking off my mental checklist of everything I had to do before I leave home. "Oh sorry Ni" I smiled looking up at him as he chuckled. All the 1D and 5sos boys are outside on my porch saying goodbye even though they're flying over to England themselves in 2 days time. "What were you thinking about?" he asked after taking my hand and playing with my fingers. I looked down at his hand and mine, "just hoping im not forgetting anything before I finally move to London" I say as a smile started to creep onto my face. I was so excited to move and get away from past relationships, *cough* Zack *cough*, past enimies and just bad memories. "Promise me you will call me when you land so I know you landed safely ok?" he said as he tugged my hand and pulled me into one of his warm hugs. "I promise" I mumble into his chest.

He smells so gooood.

Once we pulled out of our hug I noticed that all the girls had already said goodbye and were in the car waiting for me. "I gotta go" I said walking away, "bye" I turned opening the car door. "Wait Erin!" Niall called running up to me, "yeah?" I replied as he got closer.

"I love you" he smiled, "I love you too you dork" I laughed getting into the car.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

*Monday* (A/N: i think? haha)

It has been 2 days since we landed in London. The girls are all gone to their first day of their colleges today. So Im here alone at 9am in my apartment. Niall texted me saying that they just landed and told me he would pick me up on the way back from the airport. I texted him my address and went to get ready. 

I took a shower, got dressed into a pair of ripped light wash jeans, a torquise cropped sweator that said "I Like You" in white bold letters and a white pair of vans. I dried my hair, and left it in its natural beach waves. I also put on some foundation, bronzer, mascara and lipbalm and I was ready to go. 10 minutes later i heard my doorbell ring. I jumped off the couch from where I was watching a rerun of friends, I threw open the door and jumped into Niall's outstretched arms, wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Hi Er" Niall mumbled into my hair, "I missed you" he said before pecking me on the cheek. "I missed you too" I smiled jumping down off Niall. Even though its only been two days I missed him a lot. "You ready to go?" he asked, "Uh ya, one second", I ran back inside unplugged my phone, grabbed my turquise handbag and my apartment keys and ran back out the door locking it behind me. "Ready" I said breathing heavily, I think I need to go back to the gym. "Lets go then" Niall said as we walked to his black Range Rover (what is is with these dudes and they're black range rovers?).

I went to the back door of the car because I saw Liam sitting in the front. I opened the door and saw Michael, Harry and Luke sitting in the back already. "Hey" they are greeted me. "Uh Ni?" I said looking at him in the front drivers seat, "ya?", "where am I supposed to sit?" i chuckled. "Oh um..Liam can squeeze in the back with them and you can sit in the front, right liam?" he said looking at him. "Mate there is no way i will be able to fit back there" he replied. "She can just sit on my lap" Michael suggested already pulling me onto his lap. I gave him a small smile before looking back at Niall. He looked mad? "I dont think that is neccassary, liam can squee-", "Ni dont worry its fine" I said cutting him off and placing my hand on his that was tightly gripping the back of his seat. He pulled his eyes away from Michael and looked at my hand on his before looking at me. "Ok fine" he said, "thank you" I replied , squeezing his hand and placed it back on my lap. Niall turned back around, turned on the ignition and stated to drive out of my apartment buildings parking lot.

*cough* "whipped" *cough* i heard Harry say before him, liam and luke started chuckling. "Shut up Harry" I heard Niall say under his breath before i looked out thre window at the busy city of London. 

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