Chapter 2

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"Ugh, finally the weekend!" I said to Maeve, Ciara and Davina while walking out of a long day of school.

"Ya finally, hey I have to go see you later" Maeve said walking to her car in the opposite direction.

"Same here, talk to ye later"

Davina said walking away aswell.

"Sorry babes me too I'll text you later bye" Ciara said walking away.

"ok bye"I said waving while getting into my car. I strapped myself in and started the car. I backed out onto the main road.

"And now we hear from One Direction with Little Things"

The radio announcer said. I changed the station as soon as the first bar was played. I can't handle listening or even thinking bout One direction because Niall's a part of it and I could never forgive him for ignoring me when he promised to at least text me everynight. We did text and call everynight for about two weeks after he left for the live shows of The X Factor, but that stopped suddenly and he never told me why. I was so mad at him and still am but I'm upset and also confused in why he did it. If I ever see him again, which I doubt, he better have a good god damn explanation on why he did it.

All these thoughts were going through my head while singing along to A-team by Ed Sheeren, one of my favourite artists of all time! But that soon got wrecked when a car came speeding at me coming from the crossroad on my left.


Was all I heard before I slammed on the brakes. I was too late the other car had already bashed into the side of mine. It wasn't a hard slam but it was hard enough to get me spinning out of control. The car finally stopped and I felt very dizzy but after moving all my limbs with no pain I decided that nothing was broken. I slowing edged my way out of my now beaten car. I was furious, there are fricking traffic lights for a reason. I made my way over to the car that hit me. I noticed that it's black sleek exterior had no damage to it at all. I slammed my fist on the blackout window, knocking on it until the person inside rolled down their window.

Once it was down enough for me to see inside,

"Oh my God, are you ok?, we are so sor-"

I cut him off right there recognising who he was straight away and started walking back to my car until I heard a car door close I glanced behind me, I shouldn't have done that because...


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