Chapter 38

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It has been about a week and a half since I confessed my feelings for Niall. I don't know what we are? Like are we going out? are we still friends?... I don't really know and its frustrating.

I haven't really seen Niall to talk about it because the 1D guys are busy in the studio writing, recording, putting a new setlist together and working out who's doing Zayn's parts in the songs. So while they've been doing that I've been hanging out with Michael, Luke, Ashton and Calum everyday and I've been having a lot of fun.

It's 9pm and we are currently talking about the tour and how excited they are to perform again with a music channel on the tv with a random song humming in the background in my living room.

"So Erin what are you gonna do while we're gone?" Michael said while playing with my hair. I was laying across the couch with my head on Michaels lap and my feet resting on Luke's. "I have no clue" I chuckled, "I might see if the girls are free at all, but they're really busy with school lately." i sighed. "You'll be fine, just make sure you Skype us or call us at least twice a day" Luke said pointing an accusing finger at me. "Of course, by the time tour ends you'll be sick of hearing my voice" I replied. They all chuckled.

A loud bang was heard from the front door. I jumped at the sound into a foetal position and buried my face in Michael's chest. I heard someone get up and go to the door. "What the fuck is going on here?", I recognised the voice straight away even though it was now slurred. Niall.

"Oh hey Niall" Michael said as I got up from his chest. "Don't you hey me Clifford, I asked what the fuck is going on here and don't let me ask again!" He shouted looking between Michael and I. "Niall what do you mean?" I stuttered slightly scared of this different Niall that walked through my front door. Ive seen him drunk before and when he is he's always the life of the party. But I've never seen him this drunk, or angry before and its scary.

"You know what I mean Erin and stop acting like a slow shit and explain what is going on between you and him" he spat with a disgusted look at Michael. "Niall theres nothing going on we're just hanging out" I explained, "its not like we're going out or anything, I can hang out with my guy friends if i want to".

"Niall I think you should go home" Ashton said softly. Niall shook his head disappointedly and walked out the door without another word but he looked pissed. He probably wont even remember any of this in the morning.

I didn't even realise I was crying until I felt salty tears roll down my cheeks. Michael sighed and pulled me into his chest. He rested his head on mine and gave me a quick peck on my forehead. "You ok?" he whispered. "Ya I think so" I quietly replied.

"Michael I think we should go home too its pretty late" Calum said. I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall and it said 12:30pm. "No, its too late just stay here the night...if you want?" I suggested hopefully. I didn't want to be alone here tonight. "You sure? We don't want you to go through any more hassle" Luke replied. I shook my head, "no its fine I have two rooms and a couch thats pretty comfy so one can sleep on the couch, two in the spare room and whoever doesn't mind can sleep in my room with me."

The four boys exchanged glances. "I'll take the couch" Ashton shrugged. "Luke and I will take the spare room" Calum said grabbing Luke's arm and pulling him to his side....... Cake ;)

"I guess that leaves me with you" I said looking up at Michael. "Wow dont look too happy about it" He chuckled. "Theres blankets and pillows in the closet by the bathroom if you want them" I said yawning at the end. "Thanks Erin, goodnight" Ashton said pulling me into a warm hug followed by Luke and Calum before they went to their designated sleeping areas for the night.

I walked sleeping to my own room with Michael right on my heels. I grabbed my pyjamas, "Im just gonna go change" I said awkwardly before leaving for the bathroom. I got changed into a huge t-shirt that went down to my thighs and a pair of comfy shorts underneath. I took off my make up and put my hair up in a messy bun. I hate when my hair is down when Im trying to sleep. I grabbed my clothes that I just took off on went back into my room to find Michael already in bed...shirtless...just in his boxers.

"I hope you don't mind, but I get really warm at night and then i can't sleep" Michael whispered as he sat up in the bed. " its fine" I stuttered. I slowly climbed into the bed making sure I was a respectable distance away from him. "Why are you so far away, you're gonna fall out of the bed" He chuckled as he grabbed my waist and pulled me to his side. I could feel my cheeks redden at how close we were. "Are you tired?" he asked. I answered with a loud yawn. "I'll take that as a yes" he chuckled again. I laid down and snuggled into the duvet.

I was just half asleep when I heard a quiet "I love you" and I was out like a light.


"Awwww look how cute they are" I heard someone coo. I opened my eyes "Shut up" i groaned. I tried to turn over but felt an arm hugged tightly around my waist. I looked over my shoulder to see the newly black hair dyed Michael snuggled up to my body. "Fuck" I groaned and lifted his arm off me. I looked up to see Ashton, Calum and Luke laughing. "Shut up or I wont make you breakfast" I said getting out of the bed. That shut them up.

If only the girls were here.. they'd probably die because the three of them are just in boxers.. yup.. and I'm not complaining.

I put fluffy socks on and walked to the kitchen with the 3 boys following me. "Everyone ok with scrambled eggs and toast?" I asked while looking in my nearly empty fridge. I heard a chorus and yes's from behind my before grabbing the eggs.

As I was cooking the eggs and the boys were talking amongst themselves, Michael waltzes in in the same attire as the other boys.....just boxers.

"I smelt food and I thought I would come investigate" He said as he sat down at the table beside Luke. "Well you're right on time" I said as I put the eggs and toast on 5 separate plates. I placed a plate in front of each boy and sat down to eat my own.

A few minutes later we were all finished our breakfast and were getting dressed and ready for the day. I was thinking of seeing Niall today. I wonder if he remembers last night?

I went into the bathroom to wash my face, get dressed and do my make up and hair. I put on a knitted grey sweater, a pair of black skinny jeans, my white converse and a knitted maroon beanie. I put my regular makeup on but added a bit of cat style eyeliner on and maroon lipstick. i left my long hair in its loose waves over my shoulders. I left the bathroom and saw the boys already dressed sitting on the couch flicking through all the channels which only seemed to be showing the morning news.

"Ready to go?" I asked making them jump with surprise. "Dammit Erin don't sneak up on us like that" Michael said running over to me. He grabbed me, and started tickling my sides. "Mi-Michael n-no st-stop!" I said between laughs. "Say you're sorry" he laughed, "I'M SORRY "I shouted which made him finally stop torturing me. I looked up to see Luke, Ash and Cal just laughing at us. "Wow thanks for the help guys." I said taking Michaels outstretched hand and getting up off the floor.

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