Chapter 23

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I am sooooo sorry! I had really bad writers block and didn't know what to write. and Im sorry because this is probably really bad but don't judge because I wrote this at 3 in the morning so..... ya

Sorry again

-Er x

~ ~~~~~~~~~


I opened my eyes to see my mam's face hovering over mine.

"Erin, you have to go to school, I'll see you later I'm off to work" she said before grabbing her purse and keys and walking out the door.

I sat up an looked around, trying to remember why I woke up on the couch. Then I remembered, Niall. Niall and I had a movie night, but where is he? I quickly stood up off the couch "oh, head rush" I said holding my head, when my vision regained its focus I noticed a note on the coffee table.


Sorry but I had to leave very early this morning because the boys and I have a press conference. I had a great time yesterday. Have fun in school, I'll text you later.

Ni x

Aw that was nice of him to leave a note. I looked at the clock and it read 8:30am, school starts at 9:00. I quickly ran into my bedroom and put on my black 5SOS crop top which had the logo on it, a pair of black skinny jeans and my white converse, I fixed my hair, put on a little make up, unplugged my phone from where I had it charging last night and grabbed my school bag before quickly making my way out of the door and locking it.

It took me 20 minutes to walk to school, which usually takes me 10 in a car but, you all know what happened to my lovely car.

I walked through the gates and saw the girls in our usual spot waiting for me. We all walked in together talking about what happened this weekend while making our way to our first class.



"Cal, Calum!?" Luke said as he shook my shoulder breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What were you thinking about? you had a huge grin on your face" he said chuckling. I smiled again, thinking about her...Ciara.

Her long soft brown hair and her big colourful eyes that you get lost in. Even her laugh gave me butterfly's, she's so..perfect.

I felt Luke Shake my shoulder again. "oh, sorry man, what did you ask me?" I said sitting back into the couch where we were all currently sitting playing FIFA. "I said, what were you thinking about?" he said again. "n-no one" I stuttered, I couldn't tell anyone I like Ciara, they will all just make fun of me like they always do.

"It's Ciara isn't it" Luke said with a confident smirk. he looked like someone who had solved a huge mystery.

"N-no" I stuttered again, trying to hide my blush.

"Follow me" Luke said while standing up and walking out of the room. I followed him all the way into the room the two of us share. he sat down on his bed and patted the space beside him. I slowly walked over after shutting the door and sat down.

"I know you like her, i know you better than anyone and when you like someone I can tell straight away." he said looking at me. "well.. ok fine, but please don't tell anyone, not the boys and especially not Ciara, I'll tell her eventually, maybe"

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" he said jumping on the bed while smiling cheekily.

"And I promise I won't tell anyone" he said sitting back down beside me.

Why me? | 1D & 5SOS |Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora