Chapter 29

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"Anything for you"


Those words, just 3 small words made my stomach flutter. I really liked him, and I'm seriously hoping he likes me too, and that this date isn't a joke.

We finished the warm meal that was left in a picnic basket beside the table. And I just have to say.. Best Lasagne E.V.E.R.

We walked around the park for a while, our conversations always filled with laughter at old embarrassing stories from our childhoods. We just kept talking and talking, except for a few minute silences between stories, but they were comfortable silences.

"Do you wanna head home?" Luke asked, still swinging our intertwined hands. "ya sure" I replied, I didn't want our date to end, but it was getting kinda chilly as it was now 9:30pm.

We headed straight to the car and hopped in. Luke smiled at me before grabbing my hand that was laying on my lap as he begun to drive. we arrived at my house within 10 minutes. Luke ran around to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and he closed the door behind me. He walked me up to my front door. Once at the door I turned to him, he smiled and grabbed my hand again making butterflies in my stomach at his touch.

"Did you have a good time?" He asked slightly stepping closer to me, now only a few inches away from me. so close that I could feel his body heat radiating off of him. I nodded looking down at our hands, "ya I did, thank you for tonight". He placed his thumb under my chin to get me to look up at him, but before I could process what was happening I felt his plump lips on mine, the coldness of his lip ring making me shiver. I finally responded after a few seconds kissing him back. He smiled into the kiss, making me smile back. He wrapped his arms around me, and gave me a quick squeeze making me gasp. He took a quick chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth.

Someone find a net because these butterflies are goin crazy.

After a few minutes of a heavy make out outside my front door, we stopped to catch a breath. We pulled away rest our foreheads on each other's, both breathing heavily with my hands wrapped around Luke's neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. Luke looked into my eyes his breathing starting to go back to normal, "I've been dying to do that since the first time I laid eyes on you".


Short chapter :l sorry but I have writers block an don't know what to write :/ any help with ideas?

Oh and I have also started a new fanfic it's called "it's you" and it's a Luke fanfic ;) check it out if you want :)
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Er xx

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