Chapter 30

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Last night after Luke came to pick up Davina I went straight home.

I can't believe me and the girls are moving to London in 5 Days! And as far as I know only us, our parents and Louis know that we are going. We better tell the rest of the boys.. and soon.

I woke up this morning looking around my room. It looked like I haven't even packed at all. I've been packing in small amounts for the past week but I have so much stuff! I reluctantly got out of bed and walked over to one of the many empty cardboard boxes that I still had to fill before friday. I grabbed one and went over to my book shelf and started taking books off and stacking them in the box.

1 box filled....about 50 more to go..

I was in the middle of folding some clothes from my closet that I won't be wearing until after Friday when someone knocked on my door.
"Come in" I said as I folded another hoodie and place into the box. I turned around to see who had come in, Niall.

"Where are you going!?" Niall asked with panic and worry in his voice. oh shit! I thought. I wasn't planning on him finding out I was moving until... well, until I moved.

"Um..well I'm moving" I started before he interrupted me, "moving!? Where!?" He nearly shouted while he walked towards me. "I-I'm moving to London" I stated. I wasn't sure why I was nervous about telling him, I think I was just afraid if he would get mad that I didn't tell him sooner...

"Really!?" He asked a smile spreading across his face, his mood completely changed like a flick of a switch. "Ya, me and the girls are going over there so they can go to college while I take an online course." I said. "This is amazing! We are gonna live in the same city, instead of being in a whole different country." he said grabbing my shoulders and pulling me into one of his warm hugs. I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around my waist. I forgot that he lived in London, now I have someone to hang out with when the girls are all busy in collage.

After a few minutes of squeezing each other tight we pulled out of the hug. "wait why aren't you going to an actual college?" He asked with a confused face. "I'm too dumb" I said with a laugh, "none of them would accept me, so I'm going to live in a flat and the girls are living on campus of each of their colleges." I explained. "Oh Ya, I see your point" Niall said trying to hide his smile. I slapped his arm for practically calling me stupid but couldn't stop a smile from appearing on my face. "ow!" Niall said laughing and holding his arm as he sat on my bed. "I didn't even hit you that hard" I laughed and went back to packing the box for my hoodies.

It was quiet for a few minutes I looked at Niall who sat on my bed, he had his thinking face on, I knew this because he had his eyebrows furrowed, his nose was scrunched up and he was biting his lip. Wow attractive.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I asked him while making my way over to my bed and sitting like an Indian beside him. He turned to me and mimicked the way I was sitting, "I've got an idea".
"Which is" I said gesturing him to go on. "move in with us" he said, a hopeful look crossed his face. "what?" I asked confused. "Move in with me and the guys, into our house.. so you won't be lonely." He said grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers, a habit he had since we were younger. "I don't know..." I said, moving in with 5 boys, just think of the mess, the noise.. "we have loads of room, there's one bedroom left and it's right beside mine and you have your own bathroom and just... please? Id be too worried about you if you were living on your own in a big place that you've never been before.." he said, mumbling the last part. "but what about when you go on tour? I'll still be alone in a big house." I said. "We'll figure something out, ok? Just please say you will?" He begged. I looked down at his hands wrapped around mine, it would be fun to live with them, but they're going on tour a week after I get there, I'll be so lonely... Niall tilted my chin up for my eyes to meet his, "please, for me?" He said with pleading eyes. Oh what the heck..
"Yes" I simply said, "yes I'll move in with you". He jumped up and pulled me into another huge hug, I pushed him back, "but, only as long as I don't have to do any of your guys' laundry or do the cooking all the time?" I said. "deal" Niall said with a huge smile and pulling me into the hug again.

This is gonna be fun.

So...she's moving in with the boys... This should be fun ;)

Just a filler chapter... no idea what to write :'(

Er xx

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