Chapter 1

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"Nialler give me back my oreos! NOW"

I shouted while chasing after him around the living room.


He shouted looking over his shoulder while smiling evilly. "Ow!" he said holding his forehead after running into the living room wall.

I couldn't contain my laughter, I was on the floor clutching my stomach with tears of laughter rolling down my cheeks. I immediately stopped when i saw the oreos lying unattended beside Niall from where he dropped them.

He was still holding his forehead with his eyes closed. I sneakily crawled over to the oreos grabbed them and...


"Erin honey wake up or you'll be late for school" my mam, Karen, shouted up the stairs.

"Ughhh" I said burying my face in my pillow. I have to stop thinking about him it has been two years!

I was starting to fall asleep again when my mother came barging in my bedroom door, "Erin! Get out of bed you only have 20 minutes to get to school hurry up and get ready!" she said ripping the duvet from over me, also stripping any warmth from my cosy bed.

"Ugh fine, I'll be down soon" I said while unwillingly swinging my now cold legs over the side of the bed.

Once my mother left I walked over to my closet and picked out a black crop top with a white moustache on it, along with some black slightly ripped skinny jeans and my white converse. I also pulled out a fresh bra, socks and underwear I laid my outfit on my bed, grabbed towel from the hanger on the back of my bedroom door and made my way across the hall to the bathroom.

I stripped and hopped in the shower after letting the water heat up for a bit. I had a quick 5 minute shower and hopped out after grabbing my towel. I wrapped the towel around me, threw my dirty clothes in the wash basket and walked across the hall again to my room. I quickly dried myself, put on my clean outfit and dried my hair with the hair dryer. I did light makeup which consisted of a light foundation, a little mascara and some apple flavoured lip balm.

I ran down the stairs and passed the kitchen ignoring the rumbling in my stomach. I grabbed my school bag and my car keys. I walked out the door to my Mam's old Volkswagen. It was a surprisingly warm, even though it's May but everyone who has ever been to Ireland knows it's never warm. I threw in my school bag and backed out of the driveway.

After a short 10 minute drive, I finally reached my secondary school, Coláiste Mhuire. I parked the car, grabbed my bag and made my way to the front of the school.

"Hey Erin!" Maeve shouted from our usual spot outside the door. She was there with my 2 other closest friends Ciara and Davina. Maeve was skinny and had long, straight black hair that reached her waist age had brown eyes and tanned skin and was about my height, Ciara was skinny and had long brown wavy hair that reached the center of her back, she had the coolest eyes I've ever seen, they were green with orange coming from her pupil, she was also taller than me. Davina was skinny and was the tallest of us all with her naturally blonde wavy hair that she straightens regularly and she had clear blue eyes.

"We should get to class, we are going to be late!" Davina said also being the most responsible of the group.

"Ok then let's go ruin another day of our lives" Ciara said chuckling at her own words. So with that said we made our way the through the door to yet another boring day of school. Fun :( ....

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