Chapter 15

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....i looked in and.....

No no no no no!! This cannot be happening!!

Niall was on the floor a razor lay next to him and all his wrists were cut, blood everywhere. It was sickening to look at. I rushed over to him, he looked like he was about to pass out and i wouldn't blame him, if i lost that amount of blood i would feel dizzy too.

I sat down beside him not caring that i was getting his blood all over my clothes.

"Niall speak to me, why would you do this? Niall!?"

I said calmly even though i was freaking out inside. His eyes were closing like he was about to fall asleep. I shook him lightly to wake him up again, im afraid if he falls asleep he may never wake up again...

He slowly lifted his bloody arm pointed to his phone. It was thrown across the floor with the screen all cracked. I crawled over to it and picked it up, surprisingly it was still working, i opened the phone and it went straight to twitter and i read though his timeline..

@hatersgonnahate 'why is Niall even in one direction? He should just go kill himself'

@HatersHate_Niall ' F you niall we hate you. You shouldn't even be in 1D, you cant even sing!'

What the hell! Niall can sing!! And he deserves to be in the band as much as the other guys! Oh no the top trend,


There is so much hate on his time line!! Granted there are some nice ones defending him and saying the love him and stuff but very few, this is horrible.

Once i stopped reading all the hate i looked at niall, shit! He was passed out on the floor. I turned back to his phone and called and ambulance. I told them where to go and that it was urgent before hanging up and crawling back over to Niall. I put my head to hear if he still had a heart beat, when i heard his now slow heartbeat i let out a sigh of releif, better to have a slow heartbeat than no heartbeat.


I shouted while putting Niall's head on my lap. About 30 seconds later Liam and Harry came rushing through the door and gasped at the sight of me and Niall both covered in blood, a razor, and Niall passed out.

They looked more hurt then shocked. Has this happened before!?

"Did you call and ambulance"

Liam asked calmly while he and harry knelt down beside me. Why the fuck is he so calm! Niall is passed out here on the floor loosing more blood by the second!

"Why are you so calm! He is lying here nearly dead!?"

I shouted ignoring his question. He looked at me with sad eyes,

"H-he has done t-this before, but not b-because of the hate..."

He trailed off looking at the floor.

"Why did he do this before? Did something happen? Did a fan do something!0?"

I asked more calmly now. Where the hell is that ambulance...

Liam sighed still looking at the stained tiles. I looked at harry but he was doing the same,

"Please tell me... I need to know"

I said putting my free hand under Liam's chin and tilting it up so he was forced to look at me. He sighed again but nodded his head.

"Niall made me, well us..."

He paused signalling to harry and himself,

"...promise that we would never tell a soul, especially not you.."

Why especially not me? I wondered

"Ok so this was actually about this time last year when he first did this.. He was upset, like really upset, well amm because....because of you"

He said looking at the floor again. What why!? What did i do? But just before i could ask i heard the ambulance siren. Harry quickly got up and sprinted out the door and within seconds 3 paramedics rushed through the door and put Niall on a stretcher and carry him out the door. I just sat there, my mind thinking over everything bad that i have ever done to niall, but i cant think of anything, not right now.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, i looked up and saw Liam standing there with his other hand stretched out waiting for me to grab it to help me up.

"Ill tell you the rest later but right now we need to meet Niall and harry at the hospital."

He said as we were walking down the stairs. I just nodded and followed him out to the car.

"Where is everyone? I thought they were all here in the house"

I asked as we pulled out of the driveway.

"They went for a walk in a park near here about an hour ago"

He said not taking his eyes off the road. It was a short car ride, the only noise was the sound of the car on the road and a soft hum of music coming from the radio. I was really nervous and scared. I dont want Niall to die, which could easily happen with the amount of blood that he lost.

But the thoughts that i made him do this the first time where running through my head as we pulled up in the hospital. Liam parked near the emergency entrance. We saw the paramedics roll Niall into the hospital on a bed and disappear. I quickly jumped out of the car and ran towards the hospital leaving Liam behind me. Nothing mattered right now, all i wanted was to see Niall and make sure he is ok.

I finally caught up with the doctor that was rolling his bed into a white tiled room.

"Im sorry but you cant go in there miss, this is the surgery room and only immediate family members only"

A nurse dressed in light blue and brown hair tied up in a long ponytail said as she closed the door before i could walk in.

"But he's my best friend, I've known him since we were born!"

I said with pleading eyes. To my dismay she shook her head no,

"Sorry hospital rules. Can you please wait in the waiting room until he is finished with surgery, hopefully it wont be too long"

She said with sorry eyes and gesturing to the almost empty waiting room. I slowly nodded my head and turned around and walked over. I sat down in one of the highly uncomfortable dark blue chairs and closed my eyes. I felt someone sit next to me. I opened one eye a d saw Liam and Harry sitting next to me with worried faces.....this is going to be a long night..

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