Chapter 13

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And there goes Ciara. yup you guessed it she just fainted, and you wanna know why? Because with Niall at the door was none other than Calum Hood. Ciara's favourite out of 5SOS.

"Oh my god"

Was all that Davina could say. she just stood there staring at Calum who was know trying to help a shocked Ciara up off the ground. Maeve was standing there with a smirk on her face,

"What are you smirking about?"

I asked her with a giggle.

"I know my ash's laugh anywhere"

She said with a huge smile.

Niall just stood beside me taking in what's happening.

I could see he was trying to hold in his laugh,

"Go on, laugh at our craziness, we won't be mad"

Just as I finished saying those words he burst into his adorable laughter...wait what! No Erin shut up!!!

"Ok ok I'm ok now"

He said as he was calming down from his episode.

By this time Ciara is being gently soothed in Calum's arms. she has tears running down her face which is rare because she never ever!

"Oooh no!"

I said as I saw Luke walk out the open door.

And....wait for it......'thump'

Yes Davina just fainted, now luke is holding her up while they are staring into each other's blue eyes.


Where did Calum and Niall go? They left to see who was at the door like 15 minutes ago.

"I'm going to go see what's keeping Niall and Cal"

I said to all the guys. we were all Latin on the couches and beanbags in the sitting room, me, Cal, Ash, Mikey, Niall, Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry. just having a break before we go back on tour, playing FIFA and Mario Kart.

No one answered they were to engrossed by all the different teams you can be on the new FIFA game.

I walked over to the door, nearly getting lost....again, it was open so I looked out, I saw Calum holding a random girl who was crying, another girl with black hair that had a smirk in her face but she had shock written all over it, Niall was standing beside a brunette, oh this must be Erin they look perfect together, now I know why the 1D boys are teasing him about her. I looked to the left of Erin and Niall and saw the most beautifulest girl I have ever seen, she had long blonde hair that shone in the sunlight, beautiful blue eyes that you could get lost in, before I could take one step towards her I heard someone, I'm presuming Erin said, "oooh no!"


Oh god she just fainted. what should I do!? I ran over to her and she looks even more beautiful up close. I held her head up off the ground, her eyes fluttered open,


I whispered, looking into her bright blue eyes,


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