Chapter 28

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I put a link to 'Everyday' from High School Musical because 1: I love this song and 2: I think it fits perfectly for this
Er xx
Calum just walked out of the room after Ciara and Erin left.
Now it was just me, Niall, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam, Luke, Ashton, Michael and Maeve in Louis' room. it's surprising that we all fit in here considering it's not a big room.
Everyone was having heir own conversations just chatting and laughing, I like this, sitting around with all my new, and old friends. I'm really gonna miss them when they're on tour.
"Davina?" Luke said breaking me from my thoughts. I looked down at him where he was lying on the floor beside where Calum recently was. "ya?" I answered. "what are you doing tonight at around 7pm?" He asked, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, is he asking me out?
"Um.. Nothing, why?" I answered with a pause. He smiled looking at me in the eyes, "good, because I'm taking you out" he said, his smile turning into a smirk. " sure" I stuttered. I noticed everyone was quietly watching us.
Erin then came through the door with a confused face, "why are you all so quiet?" she asked lying down on the bed beside me. I stood up dragging her with me and out of the room.
"I need your help!" I said once we were in the hallway. "what's wrong?" she asked worriedly. "nothing, nothing at all" I said, a smile growing on my face. "I'm confused?" she said with a puzzlers look. "Luke is takin me on a date tonight and I need your help with clothes, makeup etc!" I said with a huge smile on my face, I was nearly jumping with joy.
"Oh my god!!" Erin exclaimed grabbing my arm and pulling me downstairs and out the door to my car. we got in and drove off to my house.
We were there within 15 minutes. "what time is he picking you up?" She asked while running up the stairs. "7 o'clock" I replied as she sat me down at my vanity already messing with my hair. "okay, it's 6 o'clock now, so we only have an hour" , and with that said she got to work on my hair and makeup. she picked out a floral print skater dress and a pair of light blue pumps. My hair was straightened to perfection with my side fringe braided to the side, and I only had light, natural makeup on.
Ding dong
"Oh my god, he's here!" I said panicking, " is my hair ok? do I look ok? what if I'm dressed fancy enough for where he's taking me? oh god I'm so nervous" I rambled, "Davina, shut up, you look fine. Don't be nervous, everything is gonna be just fine." she said before dragging me down the stairs to the front door. She opened the door and there stood Luke, in his signature black skinny jeans and he was wearing a red plaid shirt, he looked hot.
"I'm... gonna go, have fun, but not too much fun" Erin said before walking past Luke giving me a wink. Luke chuckled. "you look beautiful" he said as I walked out the door and closing it behind me. "not too bad yourself" I replied with a smirk. We started to walk to his car, I noticed my car was missing, Erin must have taken my car instead of walking, I wouldn't blame her it's freezing outside and it's about a 15 minute walk from my house to hers.
"So where are we going?" I asked as we drove off down the road. I looked at Luke and he just smirked. "ugh, don't tell me it's a surprise, I hate surprises" I said still looking at him. He replied with a smirk plastered on his face not taking his eyes off the road.

When Luke turned off the car I realised that he had taken me to the local children's park. It had a small playground and a section of grass that was surrounded by tall trees. Luke jogged over to my side of the car and opened the door for me. I smiled, "thank you sir" I said in a posh English accent. "your welcome miss" he replied imitating me. I laughed at his failed attempt.

He grabbed my hand lacing our fingers together and we walked towards the circle of trees. Once we walked around one of the big trees I saw fairy lights strung from branch to branch. There was also a table set up nicely in the middle of the grass. I gasped at the sight, it just took my breath away.

"How did you manage all this?" I asked. Confused because I was with him all day so he couldn't have set this up earlier. "I got the guys to sneak out during the day" he said with a smile while guiding me over to the table. he sat down across from me. A small candle between us. "This is perfect, thank you" I said smiling. He grabbed my hand that was lying on the table and squeezed it gently. "Anything for you"

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