Why me? -Niall Horan Fanfic

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HI GUYS SO THIS IS MY FIRST FANFIC 😬.....SORRY IF ITS REALLY BAD.... I HOPE YOU ENJOY :) x _________________________________________________________

Hi, I'm Erin Johnson, I'm 18 years old and currently live in Mullingar County West Meath in Ireland. I have long wavy brown hair that reaches the centre of my back, I have light green eyes and I have olive skin.

My best friend is Niall Horan... Or should i say was..

Niall and i have been best friends since we were born, I'm not joking, my Mam and Niall's Mam are best friends and have been since they met in primary school.

Anyways, they gave birth to us in the same hospital ward! Which means me and Niall have the same birthday. But Niall was born 3 minutes before me and he took great advantage of that unfortunately.....

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