Chapter 4

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What or who is that!?

Someone is jumping on my bed screaming.


I reluctantly opened my eyes to see Ciara, Maeve and Davina jumping on my bed.

"Ugh, what?? I just wanna sleep!"I grumbled. I really don't want to leave my comfy bed.

"Get up loser we're going shopping" Ciara said while falling off the bed and onto my white carpet with a thud.

We all burst out laughing at her clumsiness.

"Ugh fine, get out so I can get ready, I'll meet you down stairs in a few" I said while pulling the covers off me and walking over to my closet. They all left the room talking, as usual about their favourite 'punk rock' band 5 seconds of summer or 5SOS for short (a/n: NOT! 5 S.O.S it's pronounced 5 sauce...kinda)

I looked at the clock on my wall, it's 8:00 am!!! What are they planning on doing today!? It has to be something other than shopping. I picked out a pair of light washed skinny jeans with a longsleeve white knitted jumper.

I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I locked the door, which I always do now whenever the girls are here, defiantly after what they did when I didn't lock it..


I was just after getting into the nice hot shower when, Maeve, Ciara, Davina and a really hot guy burst through the door. I screamed and grabbed the closest thing to me, which ended up being Davina... So here we were for a good 5 minutes standing here in awkward silance, Davina in now soaked clothes, me naked, Ciara trying to suppress her laughter, the guy with wide eyes ( I never knew his name) and Maeve stood there with a blank face. Maeve soon realised what was going on and grabbed Ciara and the guys wrists and pulling them out of the bathroom. I let go of Davina and she soon left after grabbing a towel while giggling.


I got in the shower after stripping down and washed my hair with my vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. I washed my body and shaved where needed to be shaved. I shut off the water getting into the freezing cold air, I wrapped a towel around me and dried my self off. I got dressed and put my dirty clothes in the laundry, I really need to do the laundry soon it's getting full, I thought to myself while applying my usual natural makeup which consisted of light foundation, a little mascara and lipbalm. Once finished I dried my hair with the hair dryer and put it in a side fishtail plait. I walked back into my room grabbed my handbag and unplugged my phone. I noticed I had a new message from an unknown number

Unknown: hey do you want to hang out today?

It said

Me: who's this?

I replied

Unknown: oh sorry, it's harry I was just wondering if you would want to hang out with me and Zayn today?

He replied almost immediately. I already knew the answer,

Me: I can't sorry, I'm going shopping with the girls today and it seems like we will be gone all day...

I replied. I didn't want to hang out with them at all thank god we are actually going shopping or I would have to lie to him. What if we hung out and Niall showed up, I would just brake into tears and run away, trying to find somewhere to hide.

My phone buzzed braking me out of my thoughts.

Harry: oh ok maybe some other time maybe?

Harry replied, before I could even think I had already sent,

Me: ya that would be great, talk to you later bye :)

Why did I do that. Ugh I mumbled to myself. I was now in the kitchen, all the girls staring at me with confused faces, "What's wrong?" Ciara said while helping herself to a bowl of bran flakes. "Nothing, why are we up so early and what are the plans for today?" I said changing the subject while pulling out and opening a packet of Oreos.

"We are up early because Hollister are opening at 9:30 and the first 10 people in the store get 3 things free of their choice" Maeve said with a smile. I nodded my head and took a bite of my 5th Oreo, don't judge I'm a hungry girl, always have been always will be. Davina took out her phone and looked at the time

"It's 9:15 we might want to get a move on if we want to get there to be in the first 10" Davina said picking up her handbag and grabbing her car keys. Yay she's driving, I'm too tired too, and at least Ciara isn't, she's a maniac on the road. We all got ready to leave and walked out the door. I locked the front door behind me and we got in the car.

The shopping center isn't far from my house so we got there by 9:20. We parked the car and made our way over to the front door, but as we got closer we saw about 5 girls screaming and crying in a circle around the door. Oh no! Guess who was at the door...

"Oh hey Erin, we thought we could hang out today" Zayn said with a smile, but I could barely hear him over the screaming all I heard was "hang out" and "today" but before I could answer Davina Maeve and Ciara all look at me with surprised faces before they shouted at me " YOU KNOW ZAYN! MALIK! AND HARRY! STYLES! WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL US!?" They shouted almost in unison. All I could do was shrug my shoulders before looking back at Zayn and Harry.

"Umm I guess we could, but you'll have to deal with their fashion dramas" I said pointing back at the girls chuckling. Who were still looking at me surprised. Davina looked the least surprised, I guess it's because she is the only one who knows that Niall and I were friends.

I didn't know any of the girls until after Niall had left me, he was my only friend back then, Davina found me crying about him one night and I spilled everything out to her. She is a huge fan of the 1D boys so she was shocked that I knew Niall, but she helped me through the past 2 years aswell as Maeve and Ciara but Ciara and Maeve don't know that I knew Niall, I know I'm gonna have to tell them later how I know harry and Zayn but Niall would have to come into it too.

"Well if we can handle Louis's fashion dramas then I guess we can handle your friends" Zayn said and the three of us chuckled. I gestured for the girls to the girls to join the conversation. They walked over, still surprise and confusion written all over their faces.

"So are we going shopping?" Maeve asked no one in particular.

"Ya, let's go" Harry said turning around and walking through the door. we all followed, thankfully the girls didn't ask any questions...for now anyway.

Why me? | 1D & 5SOS |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora