Falcon and the Winter Soldier and the kitten

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Bucky's POV

I shivered in the cool March breeze, it was cold but I had to get out of the Tower. Everyone was bombarding me about my birthday in a couple of days. So I'm turning 108, it's just annoying how people make such a big deal about birthdays once you're in your 100s. I mean like, 100th birthday, okay that's a big deal, but the others, just whatever. 

I spotted Sam flying near the park and walked in a different direction. I thought back to our mission a couple months ago...

"What's our plan?" I asked and got no response.

"So, no plan." I said and still got no response. 

"He- oh great." I said after I tried to ask him a question but then he jumped out of the helicopter. Just another Steve, you can deal with it, I told myself.

Yeah, I was still annoyed by that but also sad. He reminded me a Steve, almost too much. It made me realize how much I missed my punk. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a dirty, light gray kitten weaving it's way through my legs. I gently pushed him away with my foot. He meowed pitifully. 

"You know everyone at the tower will hate me for this?" I said to the cat. I picked him up and put him in my jacket. He nuzzled into me. I sneaked him into the tower without anyone noticing. I got to my floor and brought him to my bathroom. I ran a bath and placed him in 

"MEEEOWWW!!" He yelled. 

"Okay, I guess you don't like water." I said. I washed him and started to see that he was white and not light gray. Poor thing. I dried him off and wrapped him in a little burrito. He seemed very healthy for a seemingly feral cat.

The days passed and he was all set after his visit to the vets. I haven't told anyone about him yet, I just want him to be comfy before being thrown into the crazy world of the Avengers. I went out to get some more coffee and when I came back I couldn't find him. 

"Friday, where is my cat." I demanded.

"He is in the common room." Friday said and I went there and saw Sam holding my cat with the other Avengers crowding around him.

"Put. My cat. Down." I said menacingly. Sam looked terrified and put him down. He went over to me and I picked him up.

"Since when did you get a cat?" He asked.

"Since last week. Now, how did you get my cat and why isn't he on my floor?" I interrogated.

"I went to go see if you wanted to train and I saw your cat but he ran into the elevator and he started to try to escape but he pressed a bunch of buttons and then I ran into Nat who then told everyone so I brought him to meet them." Sam explained quickly.

"Well I guess the cat's out of the bag, any other questions?" I asked.

"What's his name?" Nat asked

"Uhhh... Alpine." I said, thinking on the spot.

"I can see that, he looks like an Alpine." Bruce said. Well, no going back now. Alpine meowed at me when I stopped petting him.

"Spoiled little cat." I said and resumed to petting him. 

A week later we held a press conference to announce a new member of the team. We kept it very secretive and specifically only said that it would be a new member of the team. We never said that there was a new Avenger, the press just assumed that. We walked on stage.

"Hello, yeah yeah, we're here. But we have to announce our newest team member... Alpine!" Sam said and I brought Alpine out from my jacket. A flurry of photos went off. 

"Okay, so to clarify, this is my pet cat Alpine, he is on the team as a part of our official pet squadron. So far he is the only one to hold this important position." I said.

"How did you get him?" A reporter asked.

"Well, I was on a walk avoiding birthday question and I found this adorable fella and at first I thought he was light grey but I took him home and washed him and saw that he was white. Anyways, for the next week I made sure that he was kept away from the craziness of the Avengers while he got used to his new home. He got a little to used to his home and caught a ride with Sam in the elevator and that was how everyone else found out about him." I said. 

The rest of the day went smoothly while we had his photo taken for his staff ID card.

The rest of the day went smoothly while we had his photo taken for his staff ID card

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