Stucky's Kid: Brooklyn Bi

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Brooklyn's POV

I was in my room at the orphanage listening to my rock songs. Reach for the Sky by Social Distortion started to play.

"Brook! People are here so get down here to wait." Kat called. I kept in my earbuds and went downstairs to wait in the line of kids.

When I was young I was invisible!

Still am.

Tomorrow may never come. Reach for the sky because tomorrow may never come!

No duh. Kat hates that I'm bi. She's the stereotypical homophobe. It was my turn and I put away my iPod. I walked in and I saw to guys there. One with long brown hair and a metal arm and another with short dirty blond hair. The men always come with their friends.

"Look, I'll make this easy for you. I'm Bi so that automatically means you don't like me. Please choose one of the younger kids so they can have a nice life." I said and got ready to leave.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. I'm Bi, he's gay and we're married. And I don't do well with small kids. My name is Bucky and his name is Steve." Bucky said.

"Oh." I said.

"You name is Brooklyn right? Where are you from?" Steve asked.

"I was found in a basket in Brooklyn, that how I got my name. Not very creative but hey, it shows my roots."

"What do you like?"

"I love music. I play the piano and my favorite bands are Paramore, Social Distortion, and AC/DC. Also, I think that both Scarlett Witch and Black Widow are amazing because they are the core of girl power. They are both very powerful women that won't let anyone stop them and that is what young girls need to look up to." I ranted. They both smirked.

"Do you like the Avengers?" Bucky's asked.

"Meh, you don't really see any around Washington Heights. They all pretty cool except Tony Stark, he's just a rich guy with technology." I said.

"Thank for talking with us." Steve said.

"It was nice to meet you." Bucky said.

"You too." I said. I left and I put on Back In Black by AC/DC. I went back up to my room. I started to read about ragnarok in my norse mythology book. I usually took books out from the library because we are allows to have more than 15 possessions but this book was one of those 15. Usually kids spent it on clothing but I had 5 outfits, 2 sock, one pair of shoes, this book, and a small Bi flag.

"Brooklyn, the couple wants you. Pack up." Kat said. I smiled. I grabbed a trash bag and put my possessions in it and walked back downstairs. I saw my new Dads with huge smiles on their faces.

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