The Hospital

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Steve's POV

"Bucky!!!" I screamed before my head it the ground. Blank.

Bucky's POV

Steve fell. MY Steve fell. He freaking fell off the roof!!! I broke apart the last robots and climbed down to him. He was out cold.

"Sam," I said over the coms, "Steve's hurt we have to get him out now!"

"Alright, get him back to the jet. Plan C in position guys!" Sam said. I carried Steve back to the jet and the others protected us. They continued to fight while Bruce and I helped Steve.

"Find the arm brace. It looks pretty bad and we can't have him moving his arm. While your over there can you grab some string too." Bruce instructed and I followed his orders.

"What next?" I asked.

"Do you know how to stitch up a wound?"

"Yes." I remember the time I found him bleeding in an alley after a fight and I had to stitch him up. We couldn't afford to go to the hospital back then.

"Okay, he has a severe laceration just above his knee. I need you to stitch that up." Bruce said as he put on the arm brace. I cleaned out the wound and then stitched up his leg. I just hoped he was okay.

"Missions complete, we're coming back to the jet." Stark said. The others came in and Clint flew us away.

"How is he?" Nat asked.

"Not good. I know eventually he will be better but... I'm just worried." I said. Nat rubbed my back.

"He will be okay, but just ask him out already!" Bruce said while preparing Steve to be moved to the medbay.

"Stop! He could have heard you!"

"He couldn't. He is out like a light." Stark said.

"Whatever. It's not like he would like me back." I said. Nat smirked. The jet landed and I followed along the stretcher as Steve was brought to the Medbay.

"Looks like you have a nasty cut on your head, lets go get that checked out." Sam said. I knew he was trying to get me away from Steve, I would probably be interfering with the surgery anyways.

I followed Sam to one of the nurses. He put ice on the wound and cleaned it out. I got the wound stitched up and went back to Steve. He was lying down with his arm in a cast. They were putting him through that Catscan thing, I think that's what it's called.

"He has a concussion. Not too bad but bad enough to hurt. When he wakes up just be quiet." Stark said form the corner.

"Thanks." I said.

"He'll be okay. You might as well be his boyfriend, you worry so much." He said and left. I thought about what he said but yeah right, like I would even have the courage. I stayed up next to him until I eventually fell asleep in the chair next him. I woke up with the sun shining in my eye. I looked next to me and I saw Steve awake.

"Hey Punk, why didn't you wake me up? I could have gotten stuff for you." I said.

"You looked so peaceful." Steve responded. Ugh, I love him.

"Do you want a glass of water?" I asked.

"I'm good. What happened after I fell?" He asked.

"I took you back to the jet. Bruce and I did a temporary fix for the stitches and broken bone. Then you were fixed up correctly here. You also have a concussion." I said.

"Geez. Well, you should have seen the other guy." After he said that I stared at him. A dead look fell upon my face.

"You... fell off... a roof?"


"Oh, hey, looks like sweetie pie is up." Stark said as he walked into the room.

"Hey Stark." Steve.

"Well. I'll get a nurse, you vitals seem okay enough to be in a wheel chair for now." Stark said and left.

"Also, quick question, how do you get glass in your foot if your wearing shoes and you landed on your side?" I asked.

"It was right before the mission and I dropped a glass I must've not gotten all of the piece out." He said

"Only you Steve, only you."

"Ha ha." He said. A nurse came in and check his vitals and stitches.

"Alright, I think you're good to go into a wheelchair." I helped Steve up while the nurse got his chair. I lowered him into the chair.

I rolled him to the common room. Clint and Peter were playing MarioCart while jamming out Disney tunes. Arabian Night was currently play (True for me rn).

"Hey! You're not dead!" Peter said.

"Thank... you?" Steve questioned Peter, honestly I've known Peter for less time and I've learned to not to question anything he does.

"OH COME ON!!!" Clint said and threw his remote at Peter who webbed it to the wall. We talked for a bit. Eventually Steve got tired so I brought him to his room. Art supplies The sun was setting and oranges, pinks, and yellows were painted across the sky.

"You have such a good view of the city." I said.

"I love it. I love painting it." Steve said. And I love you. I helped him into bed and turned off the lights in his room.

*two week time skip*

Steve and I are together!!! Yeah, no, you really think I would have the courage, or that the author would just do that? Wait, a fourth wall break within a fourth wall break, that's like sixteen walls.

I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen for breakfast. I stopped in my tracks. He was kissing Steve. MY Steve. Tony freaking motherf*cker Stark.

"Get away from him!!!" I pushed Stark to the ground.

"Why?" Stark said with a smirk.


"You love me?" Steve asked.

"I-I... uhuh, well y-you see, I..." Steve got up and kissed me. On lips. Full blown kiss. The man I love is kissing me. Ahhhhh!!!! We broke apart.

"Finally!!! I knew that would work!" Stark said. I threw him out the window.

"Buck... c'mon." Steve said.

"What, he has the suits." I said. A few seconds later Stark flew through the hole in the window.

"Okay, I deserved that." Stark said. I turned back to Steve and kissed him, again : )

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