Bucky is Bi

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Bucky's POV

I was trying my best at hiding my bi-ness. I don't know if the others are homophobic or not. Only Nat knows but she is good at keeping secrets.

"Yo, Bucko, what do you want for breakfast?" Steve asked.

"Uh, Queerios. I mean, uh, Cheerios." I said.

"Okay! Coming right up." Steve said and got me Cheerios. Close one. I ate breakfast and I went to the lab to see how my new arm was coming along.

"Hey, is my arm ready?" I asked.

"In a couple days. But I have to ask, are you Bi? I have a bet with Nat and she thinks you're Bi." Tony asked.

"Maybi. I mean no." I said.

"Okay... I'm taking that as a yes and I owe Nat 100 bucks." Tony said.

"Don't tell anyone, please." I said.

"Okay. Sooooooo, are you dating anyone?" Tony asked.

"No. I'm on stand bi." I said with a slight smirked.

"Good one. Do you want a new computer because Stark Industries just released a new one?" tony asked.

"No. I'll get one at Best Bi." I said.

"Okay Buck, but seriously, no jokes, do you want a new computer?"

"I can barely figure out the one I have and you want me to get a new one!" I said and left. I was walking out when Clint poked his head down from the vents.

"I heard everything but I won't tell anyone." Clint said and left as quickly as he came. I went to the pool and read. After two hours, Nat, Wanda, and Pepper came up to me.

"We know. We tortured it out of Clint. Don't worry, we won't tell anyone." Wanda said.

"Tell anyone what?" Sam asked from the pool.

"Not saying."

"C'mon!" Peter complained.

"I Bi." I said quickly.

"Cool! Same!" Peter said.

"I won't tell." Sam said. Half of the compound knew my secret.

"Did I at least take you bi surprise?" I asked.

"Nope!" Sam said and dove under water. I went to my room and saw a not from Bruce.

I know. I heard you talking to Tony. Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear and I didn't want to make a scene. I won't tell anyone. -Bruce

At least someone respects my privacy. Wait, my door was locked, how did he get in here? I pulled out my book and read some more.

"Come on Steve! Just ask him! I know he'd say yes!" I heard Tony nagging Steve about something.

"And how do you know that!" Steve said.

"He's Bi." Oh. Dear God Tony. I poked my head out my door.

"Hey..." Steve said when he saw me.

"Hi." I said

"So you're Bi?"


"Cool. I'm Pan."

"Cool. Wanna go out tonight."

"Sure. Great." He said. Nat helped me get ready for our date. Score!

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