Morgan Coming Out

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A/N: I won't be posting tomorrow because it's my birthday, sorry.

Morgan's POV

I was sitting at Dads tombstone. I come here often. Everyone tells me what he was like but I only remember bits and pieces. I remember him teaching me the different types of circuits and the periodic table of elements. Him telling me "I love you 3000" after I would say that to him. It's been a while since he passed, I'm 14 now.

"Hey Dad. I'm thinking of telling Mom that I'm Bi today. She's been a different since you've died. Distant. Mean almost. I'm nervous. I know that you would except me because you were fine with Peter being Pan. He says that I can stay at his house if it goes wrong. I might not be able to talk to you for a bit. Bye Dad" I said and placed a flower on his tombstone. I walked back to my house.

"Where were you!" Mom shouted and had an angry look on her face, as usual.

"Visiting Dad." I said and Moms Face softened a bit but then went back to her serious face.

"Mom I have something to tell you." I took a breath

"Get on with it! I don't have all day!"

"I'm Bi." I said.

"Get out of my house!" Mom screamed. I stood in shock. Mom slapped my face.

"Mom!" I shouted.

"You have no Mom!" She started to beat me. I pressed a button on my watch and I heard the familiar sound of blaster. My suit surrounded and I flew off.

"Dad, call Peter. Now."

"On it Miss Stark."

"Did it go well?" Peter asked and his face came in my screen.

"I'm coming to your house. I might have some bruises. Dad, do I have any major injuries?" I asked.

"No, but you have a black eye." Dad said.

"Just get an ice pack." I said.

"On it. I'll also get chocolate and ice cream." Peter said and I thanked him and then hung up.

I continued to fly and people pointed at me. I sped up and I finally got to Peters apartment. I landed on his balcony and he opened the doors for me. The suit folded up into a small box shape. Peter hugged me.

"May is going to be here soon with ice cream." He said. I nodded and sat down. Soon enough, Aunt May came with ice cream and we watched A Dogs Purpose and cried ugly tears.

16 years later

I am considered to be a genius. I've stopped global warming and I am cleaning up the oceans. My business could not use my last name, that belonged to Pepper Stark-Potts. So, I came up with Maguna Industries, in honor of my Dad. Everyone in the world knew I was Bi and I created a shelter for children of the LGBTQ+ community that got kicked out by their parents. Take that Pepper Stark- Potts. She's tried to reach out but just to try and get my money. Aunt Valkyrie comes by a lot to the shelter to cheer the kids up and so do some of the other Avengers sometimes. My shelter also pays for gender transformations for those who are transgender. The world is on a better path, thanks to the inspiration Dad gave me.

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